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Kailasa tattva - from Chidgagana Chandrika

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Dear all,



Mahakavi Kalidasa in his famous magnum opus " Chidgagana Chandrika " ,

a wonderful work of 312 couplets, is a mantra sastra rupa kavya

that extols Goddess Kali of Kali Krama.


When i saw the post on Kailasa, the ticked me to remember this

wonderful gloss of Kali Krama Siddhanta extolling Kali tattva,

by none other than Her child Mahakavi Kalidasa.


Kalidasa is a vyavaharika nama because he was the devotee of Mother



The 12 th sloka of Chidgagana Chandrika expounds the Kailasa Tattva





yah kilAsa sa kilAsa IShwarah khyAtasatvalulitordhvamurdhani

pratyaham janani yatra tiShTati tvam sa satvavapuradrirasya yah //




The principle that ever exists without begin & end is " kilAsa " .

When the principle becomes Ishwara alongwith His Sakti,

the Sakti shines with Shuddha Sattva. Such a Sakti that has

Shuddha Sattva Guna is also called " kilAsa " . The Sakti which is " kilAsa-rupini "

is " Kailasa " . Ishwara sports on the " Urdhwa-shikhara " of " Kailasa " .


O Mother! Thou art that " Kailasa-rupini " .


Thou the explanation is self-explanatory, there is an esoteric mantra sastra

encoded by Shri Kalidasa with the term " kailasa " .


The Shuddha Satva Guna is represented by White Colour and hence Kailasa is white

& silvery.


The word " urdhwa-murdhani " indicates that IShwara sports at

Sahasrara Chakra which is beyong shad-adhvas (varna, pada, kala, tattva,

bhuvana, tattva, mantra that represent muladhara, svadhistava, manipura,

anahata, vishuddhi, ajna respectively).


The " satva-vapu " is also taken as " tattva-vapu " which implies that of

the form having tattva (ie., 36 tattva starting from Siva to Prithivi).


So, Kailasa Tattva represents the entire Cosmos starting from

Siva to Prithivi on which shines the Transcedental State which is Eternal



The Esoteric Principle of Kailasa:


The word " kilAsa " encodes three principles (as per krama siddhanta):

1) sAmbhavAnuttara tattva 3) Bindu 3) Sakta Anuttara Nada


These three constitute " Kamakala " .


The Kailasa is Kamakala-rupa and the Divine Pair Siva-Sakti is

Kamakala-pratipAdya tattva.


This is the esoteric sense behind the pictures of Siva & Sakti on the

abode of Kailasa.


with regs,



, Gopi <antarurjas wrote:


> Dear Moderator


> Would it be possible for the photo to be uploaded please.


> Sri Hari

> Gopi







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