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Divine Manifestations

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Bhagavad Gita






1. Again, O mighty-armed, listen to My Supreme word, which I, from a

desire for thy well-being, shall speak to thee who art delighted.


2. Neither the hosts of the Gods nor the Great Rishis know my origin;

for I am the source of all the Gods and the Great Rishis.


3. He who knows Me as unborn and beginningless, as the great Lord of

the worlds, he among mortals is un-deluded, he is liberated from all



4-5. Intelligence, wisdom, non-illusion, patience, truth, self-

restraint, calmness, pleasure, pain, birth, death, fear and security;

innocence, equanimity, contentment, austerity, beneficence, fame,

shame, (these) different kinds dispositions of beings arise from Me



6. The seven Great Rishis as well as the four ancient Manus, with

their being in Me, were born of mind; and theirs are these creatures

in the world.


7. He who knows in truth this glory and power of Mine is endowed with

unshaken Yoga; there is no doubt of it.


8. I am the source of all; from Me everything evolves; thus thinking

the wise worship Me, endowed with contemplation.


9. With their thought on me, with their life absorbed in Me,

instructing each other and ever speaking of Me, they are content and



10. To these, ever devout, worshipping Me with love, I give that

devotion of knowledge by which they come to me.


11. Out of mere compassion for them, I abiding in their self, destroy

the darkness born of ignorance, by the luminous lamp of wisdom.




12-13. The Supreme Brahman, the Supreme Light, the Supreme Purifier

art Thou. All the Rishis declare Thee as Eternal, Divine Purusha, the

Primal God, Unborn, Omnipresent; so said the divine sage Narada, as

also Asita, Devala and Vyasa; and Thou Thyself also sayest (so) to me.


14. I believe to be true all this which Thou sayest to me; for

neither the Gods nor the Danavas, O Lord, know Thy manifestation.


15. Thou Thyself knowest Thyself as the Self, O Purusha Supreme, O

Source of beings, O Lord of beings, O God of Gods, O Ruler of the



16. Thou shouldst indeed tell, without reserve, of Thy divine

Glories, by which Glories Thou remainest pervading all these worlds.


17. How shall I, ever meditating, know Thee, O Yogin; in what several

things, O Lord, art Thou to be thought of by Me ?


18. Tell me again in detail, O Janardana, of Thy power and Glory, for

there is no satiety for me in hearing the immortal.




19. Now will I tell thee of My heavenly Glories, in their prominence,

O best of the Kurus; there is no limit to My extent.


20. I am the Self, O Gudakesa, seated in the heart of all beings; I

am the beginning and the middle, as also the end, of all beings.


21. Of the Adityas I am Vishnu; of the radiances, the resplendent

Sun; I am Marichi of the Maruts; of the asterisms, the Moon.


22. Of the Vedas I am the Sama-Veda, I am Vasava of the Gods and of

the senses I am the mind, I am the intelligence in living beings.


23. And of the Rudras I am Sankara, of the Yakshas and Rakshasas the

Lord of wealth and of the Vasus I am Agni, of the mountains I am the



24. And of the household priests of Kings, O son of Pritha, know Me

the chief one, Brihaspati; of generals I am Skanda, of lakes I am the



25. Of the Great Rishis I am Bhrigu; of words I am the one

syllable 'Om'; of offerings I am the offering of Japa (silent

repetition), of unmoving things the Himalaya.


26. Of all trees (I am) the Asvattha and Narada of divine Rishis,

Chitraratha of Gandharvas, the sage Kapila of the saints (Siddhas).


27. Know Me among horses as Uchchaisravas, born of Amrita, of lordly

elephants the Airavata and of men the king.


28. Of weapons I am the thunderbolt, of cows I am the Kamadhuk, I am

the progenitor Kandarpa, of serpents I am Vasuki.


29. And Ananta of snakes I am, I am Varuna of water-being and Aryaman

of Pitris I am, I am Yama of controllers.


30. And Prahlada am I of Diti's progeny, of reckoners I am Time and

of beasts I am the lord of beasts and Vainateya of birds.


31. Of purifiers I am the wind, Rama of warriors am I, of fishes I am

the shark, of streams I am the Ganges.


32. Of creations I am the beginning and the middle and also the end;

of all knowledges I am the knowledge of the Self and Vada of



33. Of letters the letter 'A' am I and dvandva of all compounds; I

am, verily, the inexhaustible Time; I am the All-faced Dispenser.


34. And I am all-seizing Death and the prosperity of those who are to

be prosperous; of the feminine (I am) Fame, Fortune and Speech,

Memory, Intelligence, Constancy, Endurance.


35. Of Samans also I am the Brihat-Saman of metres Gayatri am I, of

months I am Margasirsha, of seasons the flowery season.


36. I am the gambling of the fraudulent, I am the splendour of the

splendid, I am victory, I am effort, I am the goodness of the good.


37. Of the Vrishnis I am Vasudeva, of the Pandavas I am Dhananjaya

and of the saints I am Vyasa, of the sages I am Usanas the sage.


38. Of punishers I am the scepter, of those who seek to conquer I am

the polity and of things secret I am also silence, the knowledge of

knowers am I.


39. And what is the seed of all being, that also am I, O Arjuna.

There is no being, whether moving or unmoving, that can exist without



40. There is no end of My heavenly Glories, O harasser of thy foes;

but the details of My Glory have been declared only by way of



41. Whatever being is glorious, prosperous, or strong, that know thou

to be a manifestation of a part of My Splendour.


42. But, of what avail to thee is this vast things being known, O

Arjuna ? I stand sustaining this whole world by one part (of Myself).

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