Guest guest Posted September 16, 2006 Report Share Posted September 16, 2006 Our personal relationship with our own energy is a vitally important aspect of our sensory system. In fact, the cultivation of our sensitivity to energy, in the many ways that this manifests, is the basis of our path to conscious awareness. You will notice this theme played out in many different ways in these lessons and in the New Millennium Being. As you identify the themes that resonate with you, use them to establish an energetic relationship with yourself. As you do so, you will actively embody the new energies and participate in the shift to the Aquarian Age. These are revolutionary times. It is my prayer that you enjoy the power, potential and the positive heart-centered energy that are available to all of those who choose to tune in and turn on with gratitude and grace. THE HUMAN SENSORY SYSTEM The human sensory system is going to be our greatest asset in the Aquarian Age. We can cultivate our sensory system by consciously connecting to our breath, strengthening our nervous system, activating our glandular system, balancing our emotional energies and channeling our mental energy to intuitive awareness. As we cultivate a subtle sensitivity to our being, we will experience a sense of completeness within ourselves that will give us great satisfaction. We will sense our own divinity. We will sense, " This is me. " We will have the capacity to feel calm, contained, content and straight. We will no longer feel the need to be validated from outside because energetically we will validate ourselves by going deep inside our own being. DESTINY AND ATTRACTION MODE As we establish a sense of our own identity, our destiny will be revealed to us. Everyone has a special destiny. What we came here to do will become clear. It is our job to deliver it in a meditative way. As we achieve a sense of completeness and balance within ourselves, the energy that we once used to try to compensate from our perceived limitations and to get validation from outside will be available to attract what we need to make our unique contribution to the world. The era of go-get-it is over. The age of attraction is fast approaching. The attraction mode will happen through, and produce, a new relationship with the Divine. God will no longer be perceived as a force outside ourselves. As we experience our unity with universal energies, we will understand that we are the co-creators and that we co-create through our consciousness and our vibration. The Divine will no longer be a worshiping God. The Divine will be a working God. We will experience God as working for us. We will experience this new relationship through our sensory system. Through our sensitivity, we will connect with universal energies. We will experience that God works though his creations (us!). We will learn to vibrate what we need so that it can manifest. If we are calm, what we need will come to us. If we have clear intentions, the God in us will answer our prayers. THE SHIFT IS HAPPENING NOW Yogi Bhajan has said that the sensory system of all human beings on the planet is developing automatically between February and April 2001. By April 2001 our intuitive knowing will open up without any effort, whether we want it to or not. The problem is that many people are not culturally or emotionally prepared for this shift in awareness. We will simply know if someone is manipulating us. We will know when someone is lying and what they are thinking. This shift in awareness will cause a great deal of insecurities and mental and emotional disturbances. It will no longer be possible to survive though manipulation and control. Imagine the impact of intuitively knowing the truth on personal relationships and on the economic and political system. On an individual level, if people are not disciplined they will be unable to handle the intense energy and its implications. In the next eleven year, " We will find people getting empty, more perturbed, not able to bear enough, not having much tolerance, and very argumentative. " (Yogi Bhajan) Instead of channeling the energy to manifest, people will use the pressure as an excuse to get drunk, to take drugs or to compensate through other outside stimulation. Those who cannot hold the energy in their own bodies will experience hopelessness and despair. Those who can incorporate the higher frequencies will get high off of the energy and experience bliss. They will know that this is one of the best times to be alive. They will enjoy themselves in the moment and have a genuine experience of love and joy. They will make the transition from the Piscean Age of " I believe therefore I know " to the Aquarian Age of " I experience, therefore I know. " HOW CAN WE DEVELOP OUR SENSORY SYSTEM? Yogi Bhajan has offered us the following touchstones: * Be the prayer * Allow and commit to deep cleansing * Find your identity inside yourself * Be very honest, open and straight with yourself * Learn self-control * Learn to contain your own energy * Cultivate inner contentment * If there is a choice, choose the positive * Identify your destiny and serve * Cultivate character, commitment, and grace * Balance yourself, so you don't need to be compensated from outside * Give up manipulation and control * When you want something, get clear, ask, be calm and let it come * Develop a meditative mind to wait and see what comes to you. * Develop a relationship with a working God that dwells and breathes within you MEDITATION TAUGHT BY YOGI BHAJAN FEBRUARY 20, 2001 Sit in easy pose, Bring the chin toward the chest, holding neck lock throughout the meditation. Cross arms over the chest, left under right, hand under armpits, " like you used to pout when you were a child. " Make an 0 with the mouth. Inhale through the mouth. Exhale through the nose. Long, deep, complete breathing. Continue for 11 or 31 minutes. During the last two minutes, sing in a beautiful voice " RA MA DA SA SA SAY SO HUNG. " (A beautiful CD chanted by Gurunam is available on To end, inhale deeply, suspend the breath (hold the breath while relaxing the body), squeeze the entire body and stretch the spine. Exhale. Repeat 2 more times. Comments by Yogi Bhajan " There are two ways to go: either you plan or God plans for you. Either you do it or God does it for you. If you have no patience of your own Self, you have nothing. Your trouble lies when you find your anchor outside of you. There are three things in life, which are very important - your consciousness, your caliber and your character. Trouble is like waves - they hit you. But there's nothing wrong. Trouble comes to everyone. At that time, what should you do? You should go within your Self. Because minus you out of you, you are ugly. Real freedom is, 'Nothing belongs to me. It all belongs to you, Oh Lord.' " (Obviously relate to this last statement as the Divine within.) EDITED VERSION OF YOGI BHAJAN LECTURE My edited version of Yogi Bhajan's lecture on the Human Sensory System August 1, 2001, is available as number 24 New Millenium Being. Downloadable from our autoresponder - nmb24 or from our website - nmb/ TRANSCRIPT OF LECTURE BY YOGI BHAJAN The Self-Sensory System and the Transition of the Piscean Age to the Aquarian Age Yogi Bhajan, Ph.D. August 1, 2000 In the next twelve to fourteen years you will be needed by the world. It does not matter who one is today, or to whom one belongs; people's minds are going to go empty. In the Piscean Age, which is going to end, the main need was for knowledge, for creative legacy. That's why in the Piscean Age sex was taboo; it was monitored, matured, glorified. Sex and sensuality were considered the primary attractions. Beauty was physical and people pursued each other. Sexual intercourse was the orientation of relationship and it reached the point of obnoxious duality; perversion became very prominent. But the time is changing, people are looking towards fulfillment of the self through purity and piety, individuality, and reality. They don't want to practice duality anymore; that's why you will find few marriages. Sex will not be the attraction. A Sensory System will develop, a new system where the individual will find him or herself complete. Communication will be humongous. Everybody will have access to all knowledge. With a push of the button you can get any information you want. The whole world will be at your disposal. The obsession with sex will have no place. One will not look for satisfaction through physical intercourse. It will be automatic that one will find satisfaction through the self-sensory system, which people will develop in the coming fifty years. The foundation is being laid now because the cusp period is 1991 to 2012 for the Age of Pisces to go, and the Age of Aquarius to come. We have already gone through nine years of these 21 years. What is that personal sensory system? There will be no need for cosmetic make-up. People will be open, straight, simple, and their beauty will be internal, not external. Man and woman are going to reach out with such dignity, such devotion, such an elevated, loftiness of self, and the beauty of the human character will be so bewitching that not only the one who is willing will be enjoying and realizing, but their realization will be so profound that no destructive temptation by another person will work. The Piscean Age was the ugliest age. It was an era in which the female was rooted out from her roots, and exploited to the brink and to the brim by men. Male female relationship didn't have any strength. It didn't have any character. It didn't have any taste. So females in the past century gave birth to the most fearful, insecure, impotent, or oversexed men, and sexual disorder was worse than ever before in the past three thousand years. In mankind, sexually, men were inferior; they did not have the power of endurance. And they could not carry the love and polarity of the female. In other words, they could not become a unit. Their sexual habits were so shallow that the Akashic record did not even record them. Men were the product of being worthless and useless; their sexual intimacy had no depth The men produced in the last century, whom you call " great, " wanted to indulge in the power of destruction. That's why we created the atom bomb, the hydrogen bomb, smart bombs, we had two wars, and we killed more people in the name of religion than anything else. And religion became, not reality, but an ugly fanaticism. The ugliest thing that happened in this last century is that man started finding God outside himself. Man forgot that God is the working God, Karta Purkh, which, Nanak said, works and breathes in us. It's part of us; It's not separate. We were blind to God's presence everywhere. The only way to survive today is through the insanity of the ego. Not ego - ego has a rational reference - but the insanity of the ego. And man's ego is like a snake which spews poison like a fountain at you. It doesn't mean anything. It just scares you, that's all. People have become limited, small, squeezed to a point of just physical existence, just physical existence. Today we are six billion ugly ducklings of the human race living on the planet and we have no quality, no quantity, no character, and no commitment. Look at our character; it's wrapped in lies and inconsistency. We say things which are not true. We truthfully say things which are not true. We dramatically say things which are not true. And we do the ugliest thing in this planet, we build a power which surrounds the individual; how many houses, how many boyfriends, how much money we have. We end up adding on dirt - a termite heap of dirt. In character we have become very shallow. How many TV sets we have, how much bigger our TV set is, how many cars we have . . . You'll never hear a person talking about how much satisfaction, how much containment, how much contentment, how much character, how much realization he has. You won't hear it these days. " Who had sex with who? Who wants who? Who chased who? Who is nude? Who is more nude? " You understand? There's a competition going on. You see all our magazines; it's a human joke. And when a race of humans starts making mockery of themselves openly and obnoxiously, nothing is sacred. So this is the state of affairs and it has to go on for twelve more years of this cusp period. And it will be bad to us. My idea to present this to you is that many of you will try to reach out to help people or help yourself, and you will have something to understand. It's called " Building the Foundation of the New Age. " The Age of Aquarius will be the Age of Experience where only people of experience will be liked, respected, worshipped, talked to and understood. It's not a matter of how old you are or how young you are or how white you are or how black you are. Religion as it has been known has become absolutely obsolete. Because in the past 5000 years religion has been teaching you to redeem your soul. Soul is already redeemed. What you should redeem is your being cheap, shallow, worthless, useless, not true to your words, not true to your commitment, not true to your character. That's what you should redeem. The majority of the world is nothing but show business. You put on a show. And spirituality is nothing but a show. No human believes that they are a fact of life, a fact of existence, that they are real; that they are born in the image of God. The most magnificent Allah, most infinite God Jehovah, most pure, wise Lord Buddha, whatever you want to call your God, has created you in His own image and this is it. So God in the New Age is called He-She-It; He, She, and It. And if you don't understand the totality of God as He, She, and It, then you are s###. You can put silver leaf or gold leaf on it, that is still what you are. So you are wrapped in gold, your wealth and you think you are covered; you are wrong. You are wrapped in silver and you think you are shining and bright and you can make a fool of others? You are deadly wrong The fact is there is nothing more beautiful, more worthy, or more conscious than you. The time has come of self-value. And the question is not: " To be or not to be; " the statement is: " To be, to be. " " I am, I Am. " The time has come not to search for God, but to be God. Time is not to worship God; but to trust and dwell in the working God. As this is coming through me, it is cleansing me. If you are not listening and only hearing, you are not getting it. But if you are listening, it will go into you. You have to come to the awareness of how bad and unfortunate we have made this world as ugly as possible, and how beautiful actually God created it. We are purely enemies of God, because God within us is in pain and there is no God outside us. Each one is the manifestation of God so it won't work to create God by making a stone God. Every grain of sand is God. And we have to have our subtle body, our sophisticated self to see it. In reality, you are a bunch of molecules living by the pranic body. You are nothing more, nothing less. As long as the psyche will not merge in you -- equally in balance, you will have no awareness. Human existence is a combination of the pranic body and psyche energy, which is the universe, Prakritee, the creation in proportion. When you have that state of mind you are clean and clear. You stop searching; you start practicing. The oddness in you becomes even, and your flow becomes as vast as the universe - and sometimes beyond the universe. You have the authentic reach to yourself. I don't want anybody because I want everybody. This concept is very difficult. I don't want to be " I; " I don't want to be " we. " I want to be " just as it is. " And my run is with the flow of the psyche of the universe as it takes me, as it moves me, as it desires me. Man will stop cutting corners and come to a real existence. And it's not long from now. Any person who thinks he is great may be nothing, because the Information Age is so powerful, and so knowable, and so acknowledgeable, and so understandable, that nothing can work. We will not be competent to cheat each other, but we can help and deal with each other as equal. There's no beautiful, no ugly. The love of existence of our life and of our breathing will be in need of the flow of the psyche in us, therefore, we can be a real combination of self within the self. And the sensory system which will develop automatically out of us will be our archangel protecting us and glorifying us. Those who hustle and hassle and move and want, will just die suffering. They'll not get anything. Now the time has come that you will have a meditative mind to wait and see what comes to you. Your mind will direct you to work towards the right channels. You will meet the right people. Our future is now and our presence is our purity. We don't have to purify ourselves; we are pure. We simply have to not make it ugly by diversion, by concoctions, stories, and by creating meaningless romance and fantasy, and imagining things which are zero. We'll master ourselves through our service, through our character, through our commitment, and the most powerful thing which people have - our grace. Our individual grace is the most wanted today. And our projection, which will give us satisfaction, fulfillment, and exaltation, is our nobility. We will act noble, gracious, kind, and compassionate. These are our essential features. Our creativity will be our sensory system. And through this sensory system we will be overflowing with energy, touching the hearts of people, and feeling their feeling, and filling their emptiness. We will act great and our flow will fulfill the gratefulness in the hearts of others. It will be a new relationship. We will create a new humanity which will have the new sensory system and thus we will establish the Age of Aquarius. This is the fundamental character you have to learn by heart. MEDITATION TO DEVELOP THE SELF-SENSORY SYSTEM [Point the Jupiter finger (forefinger) of the right hand straight up toward the sky with the thumb and other fingers closed in a fist with the right elbow bent and relaxed at the side. The left hand is placed flat over the heart center (center of the chest). (Source: kundalini yogaclasses.html ) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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