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What is forgiveness? How can we learn to forgive and what is the

process behind forgiveness? Many of you are afraid to begin the

process of forgiveness because your motives seem unclear, and then

you feel that you are not really forgiving. Forgiveness is choosing

to change a thought, belief and an emotion with respect to other

people and situations. As everything in the universe is energy,

forgiveness is also a process of transforming energy. When there is

someone in your life that you think you cannot forgive, then the

energy of that person and situation remains within your aura. This

means quite simply, that forgiveness is like any other process of

self-healing. For forgiveness in itself is a process of untangling

those parts of the mental and the emotional bodies that are tangled

up in the denser energies that the situation with the other person

carries. In addition to this, there are lines of energy that exists

between you and every other person you have ever had an exchange

with, no matter how trivial these exchanges may have seemed. In

essence, your aura carries with it energetic memory and this is what

triggers intuition, and sometimes warning bells.


So when you find it impossible to forgive another, you remain

energetically connected to that person. Therefore, you are allowing

the pain, the abuse and the trauma to remain with you. This is a

choice. Forgiveness is not something that you can or cannot do. It is

simply a matter of choosing to change your thoughts, beliefs and

ideas about a given situation or person in your life.


Forgiveness is the most important aspect of your spiritual growth,

and it is the forgiveness of the self that hands you the key to the

light of your soul. When you go to see a healer, or doctor you are in

essence taking part in the practice of self-forgiveness. This is so,

because the active healing releases energies that had been solidified

within your aura and the healing takes place based upon either a

conscious or subconscious decision to forgive yourself or another.


All is energy in the Universe, so free yourself from the question of

motivation when it comes to forgiveness. Many of you who have been on

a path of spiritual growth for some time, see the benefits of

bringing more light into your aura and don't question your motives

for working consciously on your aura as energy. So why question

working on yet another aspect of the Universe that is also energy? It

is your intention to live in more light that counts. The Guides and

Spiritual Masters do not look at all the misconceptions of the

personality, we experience the intent of the soul.


In essence, by not forgiving another, or by not allowing their energy

to leave you, you are allowing the pain and the abuse to continue. It

is as simple as that. So the only decision that you have to make

regarding forgiveness is this: Am I willing to let go of the pain and

abuse, or will I allow this person or situation to persecute me for

the rest of this life?


Additionally, the act of forgiveness also allows the other person to

move on, be they still in your environment, an other city or town, or

even in another dimension. When you change the energy pattern that

this person or event has stimulated you to create in your aura, then

you also let go of this person on an energetic level. Until the

moment you are able to forgive and release a person from guilt, or

from the responsibility for your pain, this person remains

energetically aligned with you at one or more levels. Forgiveness

creates harmony in the Universe because you are handing the other

person a passport to more freedom and joy. In doing so, you are

buying for yourself a first class ticket on a journey to paradise.


Many of you believe that you have to in some way greet the person or

meet them on a physical level in order to truly forgive them. This is

not so. Their higher self also allows them to be in the situation

where they become the abuser for the purpose of their own spiritual

growth. Although it may be difficult for you to accept, your abuser

truly does have a Higher Self and a Soul that loves you. This Higher

Self is aware of your non-forgiveness and of your forgiveness. It

will assist the personality to grow as a response to the energetic

changes you will make in the process of forgiveness. So, although you

may never see someone again, they will know on a deeper level that

you have released them to grow and to move on. It is also true of

those people in your life who you are yet to truly forgive, and who

are no longer focussed within physical reality. These souls who have

passed on to other worlds and dimensions can often become more

sensitive on a conscious level of your lack of forgiveness towards

them. One of the greatest gifts that you can give someone who abused

you whilst physically present on Earth, is to release them with joy

and with forgiveness. This allows them to move further in their



Realise that the world is a stage and that you all the actors. You,

together with the Souls of your abusers and tormentors wrote the

script together. It is up to you whether you allow the soap opera to

be repeated time and time and time again.


Finally thank yourself and the light for the transformation that has

taken place.

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