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Inner Beauty

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SPIRITUAL EMPOWERMENT is the need of the hour.... It is important to

understand the term spirituality. It is the art of balancing your

responsibilities to yourself, your family, and to the whole world.

The basis for this is a deep understanding of :


1. The SELF, enables you to be detached from physical factors and

their limitations.


2. Knowing GOD, enables you to create a deep link of love and draws

into yourself all attributes, virtues and powers from the Supreme



3. Understanding the deep law of cause and effect " KARMA " , motivates

you to settle debts of past actions, and perform elevated actions

now, for the future.


Anyone can fall a victim to the suffering of a poor state mind, ill-

health, loss of wealth, or unhappy relationships. Human life depends

on these four factors, and yet each of them has become so fragile and

unreliable. To resolve all difficulties for the self and the world it

is necessary to look for peace and bliss - within.


* Learn the art of being in charge of your 'Self' - the Soul, and

maintain your inborn, natural, and origin qualities of peace, love,

purity, humility, mercy......


* Centre your awareness on yourself - a spiritual being: a tiny star-

like point of divine light energy, seated in the centre of your



* Experience the difference between You the Sparkling Star, and your

body. Your body - this wonderful arrangement of chemicals and

particles is not You, but your physical vehicle. Learn to

concentrate and detach yourself from the vehicle.

This practice, if done regularly for a few minutes will return you to

your original, natural state of peace, and your actions will be

filled with peace, happiness and love - for the self and others.


What is the difference between the terms peace, and peace of mind.

Peace is simply an experience, whereas peace of mind is a way of

life - i.e. to constantly experience peace.


Through understanding (spiritual knowledge), one can begin to change

the root causes, using the power gained in meditation. One learns to

translate peaceful feelings into peaceful actions, so that peace

becomes - peace of mind. These peaceful and pure thoughts and actions

create vibrations which automatically transforms not only the

negative thoughts of others minds,

but also the elements get charged.


Spiritual laws or the philosophy of 'karma', explains that for every

action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Our thoughts, words,

and deeds, are all generalized as 'actions'. As you sow, so shall you

reap. The most important seed that you sow is the seed of thought,

and your words and deeds are the fruits thereof. You are what you



What you think, say, and feel - all have their origins in the mind.

The energy of the human mind is THOUGHT – the greatest, but the

least understood, the most underestimated energy resource in the

universe! When you fully understand and harness this energy of the

mind, then you are able to master your life and produce those

thoughts which give you the most happiness.

Just as positive and pure thoughts result in positive speech and

actions, the outcome of negative thoughts are negative words and

deeds. It is interesting to know that the reaction or effect of

action can occur much later than the cause, and can even be carried

on to following births!


There is an automatic balancing process of negative and positive

actions which adds, or cancels out previous reactions or results e.g.


- positive action is stored in the mind as sanskaars or personality

traits, of the benefactor and the beneficiary. Attitudes, outlook,

and future interactions are based on this memory. Negative actions

continuously performed neutralises all positive " accounts " . Everyone

has to face the consequences of negative actions, but it is possible

to avoid such forms of suffering by dealing with the cause at the

source, that is, the contents of the mind -- thoughts.


A beautiful state of being is Soul-consciousness, where your sense

of 'Self' is shifted from a physical identity to a Spiritual one.

You then no longer feel yourself to be male or female, black or

white, rich or poor...... No worldly achievements - name, fame,

possessions, positions ...... forms your self-esteem. Instead, self-

esteem is shaped by a deep abiding experience of your intrinsic worth

as a child of God.


Learn the art of balancing spiritual life and worldly life. It is

important, even whilst on a spiritual path, to honour all the goals


commitments that exist in your worldly life. However, the secret is

to be able to cultivate your inner strength and be responsible to the

world at the same time. Start with the inner focus, the very positive

and pure state of mind comes from self-fulfillment, or you could say,

self-realization. The idea then is to use that energy to fulfil all

your other obligations. Everything depends on the quality of energy

that you bring to your aims.


Begin with the understanding that your first purpose in this life is

to realise and emerge the dignity of your Divinity. Then let that

experience be the driving force behind whatever else you do. For

example: Peace is one of the main qualities of our divine truth. For

this reason, whatever time you have, always try to reach for that

truth and fill yourself with that peace.


Energy of peace stored or accumulated within in this way, becomes

very empowering, and it is this power that you can use with success,

to fulfil all other worldly obligations. Other innate qualities like

Truth, Love, Compassion, Joy...... also can resolve many kinds of

difficult situations, and conflicts can be cleared. These qualities

sharpen the ability to know right from wrong - for the self, and for

others. So keep accumulating these qualities within the self and they

can actually serve as the key to accomplish much more in the world

through much less effort.


A lack of soul-awareness puts your well-being at the mercy of your

environment - you become a slave to the influences of the people and

situations around you - feeling happy and good only when outside

events warrant it. This kind of dependency leaves the soul weak and



Soul-consciousness on the other hand frees you from external

influences, allowing you to create an inner well-being which is

totally independent. This can only be cultivated through deliberate

practice. Difficulties will arise along the way to test your resolve

for self-upliftment, physical illness, relationships, memories of the

past etc. Yet with patience and introspection -

(meditation ), you will come to see how these very difficult tests

are the means to strengthen your spiritual identity.


Wisdom says : See your life as an Actor does his play - you would see

one scene unfolding after another. Each passing scene having passed,

is now over. Letting bygones be bygones is easier if you remember,

that you cannot change the past, but you definitely can change the

future --- the key to accomplish much more in the world through much

less effort.


In todays world our ability to cope with frustration, depression,

stress and tension is hampered by thinking too much about other

people, about the past, and worrying about the future....! This

causes problems in the mental digestive system. The best

mental 'antacid' is in-depth spiritual study. Plus a regular practice

of self-awareness, penetrates the mind very deeply, dislodging

emotional pain at its toots. Only then can emotions be purified,

refined, and ultimately transformed.


OM SHANTI = Om means I am a soul, Shanti means peace.

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