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Kali Yuga

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At the end of the Dwapar Yuga, when Lord Shri Krishna renounced the

world and went to Goloka, at that time Kali Yuga, the source of all

chaos took birth in the minds of the ignorant. When king Yudhishtir

realized the advent of the Kali Yuga that is chaos, greed, violence,

debauchery and lies, he expressed a desire to go to the forest and do

penance. Accordingly, he abdicated the throne and coronated his grandson

Parikshit as the king.


When Kali Yuga met king Parikshit, he was shivering with fear and said

humbly: " O king! Brahma created 4 eras that are Satya, Treta, Dwapar and

Kali Yuga. Satya Yuga enjoyed his reign for 17,28,000 years and went

away. Treta Yuga enjoyed his reign for 12,96,000 years and Dwapar Yuga

enjoyed his reign for 8,64,000 years and passed away. Now the time for

me has come to reign which is 4,32,000 years and you tell me to get out

from your empire. You rule over the entire world. Where should I go

after all? O king! What is once proposed by the Gods cannot be erased or

eliminated. "

Kali Yuga told Parikshit that: " You point your fingers on my flaws and

demerits but do not see my merits and positive aspects. I am embellished

with sublime merits. That is the reason I request you.


During the Satya Yuga if any one inadvertently committed a wrong deed

the entire kingdom had to bear the punishment. During Treta, if any one

committed a wrong deed, the people of that town had to bear the

punishment. During Dwapar Yuga, if anyone happened to commit a wrong

deed, the entire family had to bear the punishment, but in Kali Yuga, he

shall only bear the punishment who has committed the wrong deed. I am

not concerned about anyone else. "


Unlike the other eras where one had to inevitably bear the punishment

for a wrong and bad thoughts, In my era, this shall cease to happen but

one shall be bestowed with good fruits who thinks good. "


Even after listening to this, King Parikshit did not relent, Kali Yuga

said that he was endowed with yet another sublime merits. He said: " One

could fulfill all ones wishes and desires in the Satya Yuga only after

practicing penance for 10,000 years. Similarly in the Treta Yuga and the

Dwapar Yuga, one had to collect a lot of money and perform Yagyas and

had to engage in charity, penance, vows and worship for a 100 years

respectively to fulfil ones desires. Unlike the others, in this era, if

one even prays to God for sometime with total faith and devotions and

sings the praises of the Lord, he shall fulfill all his desires within

no time. He shall be liberated from all his sins and shall consequently

attain salvation. "


Listening to this King Parikshit was pleased. King Parikshit finally

allowed Kali Yuga to stay and allowed him four places where he could

stay, liquor and wine, where a prostitute stays, where there is animal

slaughter and where gambling would be allowed. Kali Yuga humbly pleaded

that his family was very big that is it comprises of members like lust,

anger, greed, ego, jealousy, lies etc.


How shall all of them fit in these allotted places? On this king

Parikshit said that they should all then dwell in gold. In this way,

Kali Yuga resides in the 5 places allotted by king Parikshit. Those

people who yearn for higher ideals should not even go near these five



In the Kali Yuga, by seeking the blessings of Lord Jagannath Puri, one

shall attain salvation. In the Kali Yuga, there is no average life

expectancy of humans. Even a child in the womb can die inspite of his

mother and father living..


Humans taking birth in this era will usually be radiant, bad tempered,

greedy and untruthful. The personality will be plagued by flaws such as

jealousy, ego, anger, pleasure, instinct, desires and greed.There shall

be only one pillar of religion in the Kali Yuga. Here the idol of

Bhagwan Vishnu has assumed a black colour because of the inherent chaos

and delusion. Vedic conduct, religion, Yagya and Karma all cease to



All types of problems such as ailments, lethargy, anger, mental diseases

and hunger, thirst tend to aggravate. Gradually even happiness and

comforts of humans become decadent and morbid. In this era Brahmins do

the work of a Shudra and the Shudras alike the Vaishyas amass wealth or

alike Kshatriyas engage in allied activities and earn their livelihood.


In Kali Yuga, Brahmins shall renounce self-study, contemplation and

shall eat every thing that is prohibited. They will no more be inclined

towards penance and on the contrary Shudras shall take interest in

recitation of Vedic chants.


In this way when hypocrisy reaches the zenith, it initiates the final

annihilation. Many a king of the inferior category shall reign the earth

who shall be sinners, unfaithful and wicked. Kings of places such as

Andhra, Shaka, Pulunda, Yavan, Kamboj, Bahrhik and other wealthy Aamir

shall become kings. No Brahmin in this age shall earn his daily bread

and butter honestly.


Kshatriyas and Vaishyas shall engage in all duties other than those,

which are coveted. All shall become less valiant, they shall be short

lived, will lack energy and strength. Humans shall be short in height

and shall seldom speak the truth. All the directions will have snakes

and animals. Some people shall meaninglessly talk of Brahma Jnana.

Shudras shall criticize the Brahmins while the Brahmins shall praise and

eulogize the Shudras.


Many a creatures, insects etc. shall take birth in Kali Yuga. All things

that ought to have fragrance shall not be that fragrant, and food shall

relatively become tasteless. Women shall be short and have many

children. Women in this era shall be immoral and licentious by nature.

Most people shall be traders of food while Brahmins shall sell the

Vedas. Most of the women shall engage in prostitution. In the Kali Yuga,

there will be very less milk in the udders of the cow. Seldom will there

be fruits and flowers on trees. There will be excessive number of crows

in comparison to other birds. Brahmins will engage in killing and shall

take donation from kings inspite of lying. Brahmins as a whole shall be

imposters and feign to be very pious and pure. They will harass the

common people for alms etc.


Householders shall indulge in robbery because they will be unable to pay

up their taxes. They shall disguise in the form of sages, ascetics and

earn their livelihood. Even people who are celibates shall give up their

purity and engage in intoxication and shall have illicit sex. People

will engage in all those material activities that ushers physical energy

only. All Ashrams shall be a haven of all imposters and they shall be

totally dependent on food from others. During this time, seldom shall it

rain and even the yield, production of grain will not be satisfactory.

People will be aggressive by nature and consequently unholy and impure.

The ones indulging in irreligious and blasphemous acts shall emerge

powerful and prosperous. Those who are righteous shall be in penury.


Just by amassing a little amount of wealth one shall become proud and

they despite having wealth shall have an eye on others wealth and

property. In Kali Yuga, girls, 8-10 years old shall become pregnant

while boys of the age of 10-12 years shall have children. On the

sixteenth year itself the hair will turn white. Youth shall become alike

old men and old men shall become energetic and youthful. Women will

engage in sex with inferior men, servants and animals inspite of having

a good husband.


Religion, truth, thoughts, pity, age, energy, memory all shall get

gradually emaciated and drained. People will love only their own

children and family and will not hesitate to deceive their own friends,

benefactors.Judges of events shall favor the wealthy and the

impoverished shall be denied justice. One who constantly blabbers shall

be called a saint and one who is in a miserable state will be called an



Any lake or reservoir situated far away will be referred as a holy

shrine. Growing hair will be an indication of beauty. People will take

interest in religious actions so as to become prosperous and successful.

He who subdues the others shall be self-proclaimed king. Subjects to

protect their families shall seek refuge in caves and caverns and will

lead a miserable life.


People will be plagued with all types of extreme climatic conditions.

Average life expectancy of a human being in Kali Yuga will be

approximately 20 to 30 years only.As the delusion will aggravate people

will become weak and devoid of radiance, medicines and food will plummet

and all the four stages (Varnashrams) will be represented by

Grihastashram (householder's duty). By the end of the Kali Yuga, The God

shall reincarnate to protect religion and to destroy all evil. Lord

Vishnu shall incarnate and shall give refuge to all that are good and



When Sun, Moon and Jupiter together enter the Pushya Nakshatra and

cancer zodiac at that time by the inspiration of time, a divine and

strong child named Vishuyasha Kalki shall take birth in a Brahmin family

in a village known as Sambhal.


He shall be the saviour of one and all and he will possess weapon on the

spur of the moment. He shall emancipate this world from all miseries and

create happiness. He will put an end to the Kali Yuga and shall create a

novel Satya Yuga embellished with truth and beauty. Bhagwan Kalki shall

recoronate all the Brahmins as the rulers and will massacre all the

outcastes and inferior (barbarians)




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