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Right Conduct

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by Swami Sivananda


1. Ethics or ethical science treats about Sadachara or right conduct,

morality or duty. Ethics is the science of morals, that branch of

philosophy which is concerned with human character and conduct.


2. Conduct is behaviour. Deportment, carriage, demeanour, conduct,

behaviour are synonymous terms. The way in which rational beings

should behave towards each other as well as towards other creatures

is dealt with in the science of morals or ethics.


3. To speak the truth; to practice Ahimsa; not to hurt the feelings

of others in thought, word and deed; not to speak harsh words to

anyone; not to show anger towards anybody; not to abuse others or

speak ill of others and to see God in all beings is Sadachara. If you

abuse anyone, if you hurt the feelings of others, really you are

abusing yourself and hurting the feelings of God only. Himsa

(injuring) is a deadly enemy of Bhakti and Jnana. It separates and

divides. It stands in the way of realising unity or oneness of Self.


4. That act or exertion which does not do good to others, or that act

for which one has to feel shame should never be done. That act on the

other hand, should be done for which one may be lauded in Society.

This is a brief description of what right conduct is.


5. Lord Manu says in the Smriti: " Achara (good conduct) is the

highest Dharma, declared by the Sruti and by the Smriti. Thus

beholding the path of Dharma issue from Achara, the sages embrace

Achara as the root of all Tapas. "


6. Righteousness, Truth, good works, power and prosperity all

originate from conduct. You will find in the Mahabharata: " The mark

of Dharma is Achara (good conduct). Achara is the mark of good.

Higher than all teaching is Achara. From Achara, Dharma is born, and

Dharma enhances the life. By Achara man attains life; by Achara he

attains prosperity; by Achara he attains fair fame, here and

hereafter. He who is the friend of all beings, he who is intent on

the welfare of all with act, thought and speech-he only knoweth

Dharma. "


7. Dharma is extremely subtle (Ati Sukshma) intricate and complex.

Even sages are perplexed. Dharma gives wealth, satisfaction of

desires and liberation in the end. Dharma tops the list of the four

Purusharthas, viz., Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha. Dharma is

generally termed as duty, righteousness, etc. Any action that is best

calculated to bring Sreyas (Moksha) is Dharma. That which brings well-

being to human beings is Dharma.


8. All that is free from any motive of injury to any being is surely

morality. For, indeed the moral precepts have been made to free the

creatures from all injuries. Dharma is so called because it protects

all. Indeed morality saves all creatures.


9. The conduct is the root of prosperity. Conduct increases fame. It

is conduct which prolongs life. It is conduct which destroys all

calamities and evils. Conduct has been said to be superior to all the

branches of knowledge.


10. It is by conduct that one acquires a long life, and is by conduct

that one acquires riches and prosperity. It is a means to attain the

goal of life. Without good conduct no one can achieve the goal. Good

conduct brings in fame, longevity, wealth and happiness. It

eventually leads to Moksha. It is conduct that begets virtue, and it

is virtue which prolongs life. Conduct gives fame, long life and

heaven. Conduct is the most efficacious rite of propitiating the



11. The good and virtuous are so on account of the conduct they

follow. The marks, again of good conduct are afforded by the deeds of

those that are good or righteous. Indeed, it is by conduct that one

acquires the fame that depends upon great deeds both in this world

and in the next. For sooth, one may, by his conduct alone, conquer

the three worlds. There is nothing which virtuous persons cannot

obtain. A person of good deeds and good, pleasant and sweet speech

has no peer. People regard that man who acts righteously and who does

good acts even if they only hear of him without actually seeing him.


12. The man whose conduct is improper or wicked never acquires a long

life. All creatures fear such a man and are oppressed by him. If

therefore one wishes his own advancement and prosperity, one should

in this world, follow the path of righteousness and conduct himself

properly. Good conduct succeeds in removing the inauspiciousness and

misery of even one who is sinful.


13. The man of right conduct has ideals, principles and mottoes. He

strictly follows them, removes his weaknesses and defects and

develops good conduct and becomes a Sattvic man. He is very careful

in behaving with his elders, parents, teachers, Acharyas, sisters,

brothers, friends, relatives, strangers and others. He attempts to

know what is right and wrong, by approaching Sadhus and Mahatmas and

by studying scriptures very carefully and then treads the path of

righteousness or Dharma.


14. The man of right conduct always cares for the welfare of all

beings. He lives in harmony with the neighbours and all people. He

never hurts the feelings of others, never speaks lies. He practices

Brahmacharya. He checks the evil tendencies of the mind and prepares

himself through the practice of right conduct to attain the Bliss of

union with Paramatman.


15. An aspirant went to Veda Vyasa and said: " O Maharshi, Avatara of

Vishnu, I am in a dilemma. I cannot properly comprehend the right

significance of the term 'Dharma.' Some say it is right conduct.

Others say that which leads to Moksha and happiness is Dharma.

Anything, any action that brings you down is Adharma. Lord Krishna

says: 'Even sages are puzzled to understand perfectly what is Dharma,

what is Adharma. Gahana karmano gatih-Mysterious is the path of

action.' I am bewildered. O Maharshi, kindly give me a very, very

easy definition of Dharma to enable me to follow Dharma in all my

actions. " Maharshi Vyasa replied: " O aspirant! Hear me. I shall

suggest an easy method. Remember the following sayings always with

great care when you do any action. 'Do as you would be done by. Do

unto others as you wish others do unto you.' This is the whole of

Dharma. Attend to this carefully. You will be saved from all

troubles. If you follow these wise maxims, you can never give any

pain unto others. Practice this in your daily life. Even if you fail

one hundred times, it does not matter. Your old Samskaras Asubha

Vasanas are your real enemies. They will come in the way as stumbling

blocks. But persevere. You will succeed in the attainment of the

goal. " The aspirant strictly adhered to Vyasa's instructions and

attained liberation.


16. This is a very good maxim. The whole gist of Sadachara or right

conduct is here. If one practices this very carefully he will not

commit any wrong act. 'To work in accordance with the Divine Will is

right; to work in opposition to the Divine Will is wrong.'


17. God, Religion and Dharma are inseparable. All human beings are

characterized by righteousness, and they in course of natural

progress and improvement attain to the dignity of God. Man evolves

through practice of Dharma according to his caste and order of life

and eventually attains Self-realisation, the ultimate goal of life,

which brings infinite Bliss, supreme peace, unbroken joy, highest

knowledge, eternal satisfaction and Immortality. Ethical perfection

is a prerequisite to Self-realisation.


18. Metaphysics rests on morality. Morality rests on metaphysics.

Morality has Vedanta as its basis. The Upanishad says: " Thy

neighbour, in truth, is thy very Self, and what separates you from

him is mere illusion. " Sadachara is the basis for the realization of

Atmic unity or oneness of life or Advaitic feeling of oneness

everywhere. Ethical culture prepares you for the Vedantic realization

of: " Sarvam khalvidam Brahma-All indeed is Brahman. "


(Source: http://sivanandaonline.org/html/)

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