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Are Women in the Adult Trade Outside the Grace of God?

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Are Women in the Adult Trade Outside the Grace of God?


Raleigh my dear Son,




This is excellent because you are giving testimony to who I am and what

MotherGod has sent me to earth for, and it is all true. You have seen it in

your dream visions and your channeling of Kali and Kala, and you know in

your heart this Truth. My sheep hear my voice, but those who are not my

sheep do not respond to my voice. My voice in this case is the voice of the

Holy Spirit which has a certain Mission to do, through my life. Those who

are out of step with this Mission cannot understand, and they become



It is vitally important to air out the Mission that God specifically chose

me for, that which I will render God and humankind the most service, and it

is as you stated; to teach and show that women in the adult trade, and all

women, are both sexual and spiritual, that they are not to be degraded or

persecuted by sexuality or nudity, that sex is not dirty nor to be used

against women and that the archetypical woman is both spiritually and

sexually powerful. - She is 'all things to all people'; both men and women

should worship this archetype of Woman as Symbol and messenger of God, in

fact, the very embodiment of God. Patriarchy has taken great pains to take

this image and smite it by the double standard, by denigration of sex and

woman's body, and by encouraging the 'respectable' half of women to

persecute the 'disrespectable' other half. Males in general are taught to

disrespect women and to give credit only to those called 'Madonnas,' which

are the carriers of his seed, thereby making them 'sexless' breeding

vehicles, as if they are designed for celibacy in all things but carrying

their sperm toward Fatherhood. This crazy logic is perhaps at the heart of

all attacks upon Womankind, so that women are wholly under the control of

men by being susceptible to degradation and destruction, rendering them

'outside the grace of God' and unfit for human fellowship when they do not

personify the 'Madonna' image. This sort of thinking gives men thorough

control over women because it breaks all women into two camps, renders those

that are on the lower scale lacking in self esteem and IN THE SERVICES OF

MANKIND. There are physical repercussions to being a Pariah. These people


IT IS KNOWN WHO THEY ARE and they are encouraged to hate themselves and be

available for use as objects and slaves. Once you get a person to HATE

THEMSELVES you have all but destroyed them.


What is so convenient as that males have the female allies in the women who

count themselves and pride themselves on being RESPECTABLE and these

so-called 'honest, moral' women then help men persecute the other half, so

it is much easier for men to destroy women this way, in fact, men would not

be able to control women at all did not women cooperate in their own self

destruction as a gender. If all women held hands together and stood up

against men, men would not have a snowball's chance in Hell of defeating



Women like Angelica and so many others who claim respectability are playing

right into the hands of Satan and Patriarchy. Wanting to SAVE THEIR OWN

NECKS for the benefits they receive from Patriarchy - housing, friendship,

networking, nice jobs, affirmation, more food and luxuries, more support in

all ways, they sell out their sisters who do not have such things. Although

I am not in the boat that the poorest of the poor are in and I have many

advantages, nevertheless, as a Pariah due to the trade I was in and still

defend, I am treated with UTTER DISRESPECT AND CONTEMPT by the general

populace, when they know my former professions. Horrible things are said

about me wherever I go in town or on the internet, I have stalkers

everywhere who do what Angelica has done. There are PHYSICAL as well as

EMOTIONAL, MENTAL results of treating people as a Pariah. You are like GAME

or THE HUNTED, and people MAKE SPORT of you and they feel they can hurt,

harm, injure you IN MANY WAYS EVEN PHYSICAL and get away with it because

society, both male and female, have declared you, the Pariah, to be

worthless and of no consequence. I live with this Cross not once in a

while, but every day that I have intercourse with fellow humans.


That being said, I declare the following: Jesus said about His Cross,


'For this I came into the world.'


And when Peter said,


'The Cross is not for you, Lord!' Jesus declared,


'Get behind me, Satan!'


And so, for anyone who thinks I should take the path of 'respectability' I

also say,


'Get behind me, Satan.'


(Get behind means one says to the devil I am the leader, you get away from

me with your evil talk.)


Now when Jesus came into the world to teach LOVE which includes HEALING AND

TRANSFORMATION He entered a dark and dreary Judaism who hated people that

were different and had the idea, even for their own,


'an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.'






Jesus taught UNCONDITIONAL LOVE AND FORGIVENESS, new ideas in the world He



RULES AND CONVENTIONS OF HIS DAY. Today, of course, everyone knows His

gospel, and many follow it in truth or in fakery, but everyone knows it, it

has caught up to society.


Now in our day, something has also been needed and a great wrong of this

society has the need to be addressed. That is the issue of sexuality and

women, as already stated. Who better to represent such issues except a

woman who has been there, done that, and been persecuted for it? How could


Most of the women called 'respectable' do NOT want to defend and help out

those who are not. Look at the NOW women who have condemned the victims,

the women in the sex trade, as being in the wrong profession. Such women



disrespected victims of Patriarchal limits of opportunity and perception.

What I am saying is that God did not choose a woman of respect, a Madonna,

to represent the Whore, to pick up her Cross, but God chose a woman

victimized as Whore to carry it. This is MY CROSS, which I am BEING

CRUCIFIED ON but in seeing the bigger picture, I REJOICE AT MY CROSS THE WAY



When Jesus came to earth He was FULLY RECOGNIZANT OF HIS MISSION, He knew He

CAME INTO THE WORLD FOR a REASON, and He rejoiced in His Mission, and in

COOPERATING WITH GOD; it was what He wanted and He de facto ASKED GOD TO



The persecution I am getting is EXACTLY WHAT HAS TO HAPPEN IN ORDER TO RAISE

THE ISSUES NEEDING REDRESS. As I am personally attacked and called names,

it is brought into question WHETHER OR NOT ANY FEMALE IN MY POSITION

DESERVES SUCH PUNISHMENT and the spiritual answer is NO, but one must be

attacked in order for that issue to be aired.


Now Jesus WAS NO ORDINARY MAN and certainly God did not send Him to earth

without weapons. These weapons are called THE ANOINTING. If Jesus did not

HAVE His anointing, (the Power of God) no good would have come out of His

Death and Resurrection, because millions of people get persecuted and

killed, but you do not have a legacy of Transformation out of these cases.




Now you all know that I have said I have an Anointing, and they who believe

in it have received its power. (I have all the Gifts of the Holy Spirit,

special infused Gifts from Jesus and Mary, other powers from Saints both

Christian and Eastern) All the True Disciples of Jesus received various

degrees of this Anointing according to their capacity and how the situation

evolved. First, they received the part to follow Him and serve Him in His

earthly ministry. This was not the ultimate nor strongest Anointing - they

could not yet stand on their own spiritual feet and when Jesus went down, in

the flesh, they went down. But persevering, and awaiting the FULL

ANOINTING, THE DESCENT OF THE HOLY GHOST, they all received His power and

His courage, and you could scarcely recognize them apart from Jesus; they

became LIVING CHRISTS. With the FULL ANOINTING they were able to carry on


OF HOLY SPIRIT GIFTS, and Jesus even told them,




God was living fully in them after this time, and they were SUPERMEN AND



Now we are just getting started here on the internet and our official Church

and devotee list has just started and many of our greatest experiences are

ahead of us. But I can guarantee you it will come down just like for Jesus,

with disciples and friends coming forward, attack and betrayal, people

getting confused and tempted, denial of Jesus by friends and then remorse,

reconciliation with Jesus, the worst punishment for the Guru and fear from

the disciples except for the valiant like the Mary's and John, and in the

end, Victory for the Mission and Cause. Those who persevere in their faith

and commitment will be rewarded with SPIRITUAL GIFTS and those who punished

and attacked the innocent will be dealt with by God.


The attacks are so severe, so unreasonable and illogical, so demonic, that

even the most intelligent of disciples waver in their thoughts and feelings,

but it gets sorted out with introspection and prayer.


Now just like Jesus and all the Ones sent by God, I am ready, willing, able

and capable to handle my Cross. Like Jesus came to save OTHERS - HE DID NOT

NEED TO BE SAVED, I also am here FOR OTHERS. What do I mean by that? I




BECAUSE OF BEING 'PARIAHS.' There are a number of things I do, but that is

the specific thing that no one else is doing (think about this) in her own

flesh and blood, that of defending the sexuality of women openly, opening up

her own self to punishment by doing this particular thing. (It is how it

has to happen, Gandhi helped Hindus, Martin Luther King Jr. helped blacks,

Emmeline Pankhurt helped women, and Rasa is to help those called 'whores,

sluts, prostitutes, porn stars' and thereby pushed into being pariahs and

untouchables. I am not 'saving them from sin' but I am saving them from

Satan! I am not trying to reform them or make them repent, but I am bringing

understanding to society to STOP PUNISHING THEM.


(Rasa has to STAND TALL in spite of all the persecution and not FALL DOWN in

grief, despair, depression, anxiety, but she must stay powerful and exert

the power of the Holy Spirit in her life, and this template will give Light

and Strength to all those who avail themselves of it.)


You must believe that I HAVE THE GIFTS TO DO WHAT I AM DOING and I will not

fall, as long as I STAY CLOSE TO GOD and you will not fall in my service AS

LONG AS YOU STAY CLOSE TO GOD. I have watched my enemies take away the weak

and the lukewarm in the two years I have been internet ministering - that

has to happen. Some of them will come back. Be at your watch, for your and

my enemies are coming at us all the time, be strong in your faith and

commitment to all that we represent, and do not deny the leader. Do not be

lukewarm or wishy washy in the defense of Jesus, but be strong in your

defense, and do not say that Caiaphas, the High Priest has a good point or

much to teach us, his teachings are evil. Do not say the Pharisees have

much to teach us either, because Jesus said,


'The prostitutes will go into Heaven before you.'


There are those who SLAP JESUS when He is before the council of the

unrighteous, do not be one of them who seeks favor from those who are

persecuting Jesus.


We are in perilous times and we are fighting for our salvation personally

and for the Planet communally, and we have much work to be done. We have to

gird our loins, and be ready for flight, so to speak, and put the Blood of

Jesus over or lintels. Toward the end I declare to my friends and devotees

again, that I have the Anointing and I invite you to receive of it. Humble

yourselves, it is a gift of God and humbling yourself in way will not

diminish you. You will not become small and weak; you will get bigger and

taller if you avail yourself of this Anointing. For those who are not sure,

please read the dreams and visions which the devotees have had, on my site,

and many more have come in that will be in books:




I would also like to add with all my heart that big women should not be

persecuted, and that is another plot of Patriarchy. First, they make us fat

by processed foods, by forcing it on us through advertising (you have to be

a great saint to resist) and they fill these foods with secret additives

that make us addicted to fattening foods.Women of weight should not be

shunned, disrespected or laughed at; why are we always following the ideal

of male standards and not our own? I am happy in my own skin, and if he

doesn't like it, that is his problem.


The other issue that Raleigh brings up is the poor women on the streets. Why

not invite these women to lunch or dinner? Drive by, men and women,

couples, stop and offer them not need of quick and cheap sex, but a meal at

a good restaurant and some pleasant and affirming conversation. Tell them

you love them. Give them a donation also because you have taken away some

of their time at work, a great gift for Christmas.


Happy Thanksgiving


Guru Rasa Von Werder


Our New Book:





Dear Amazon Storm,


You know I love you dearly, Amazon Storm., but


you have twisted and misinterpreted my


words on Angelica's public forum. There is so much


unnecessary bickering between Angelica and Guru Rasa, that I think


it is unwise to post this on Angelica's group, as it will add more flames to



fire. Instead, I wish to post this on Guru Rasa's group to lend Guru Rasa


The support she needs and to validate the justness of her cause.




" Raleigh, it clearly appears that

Mother Rasa does not repent of her

past actions???? Two wrongs do not

make a right! We shall continue to

follow Angelica's path. Good bye to

Mother Rasa. Hello Angelica! "


As I stated last night, for me to deny that


Guru Rasa is an Avatar is like Peter denying


Christ for fear of the Romans.


I must give up fear; fear of losing your heart,


fear of losing Angelica's respect, but I am not


saying Good Bye to Guru Rasa. Maybe you are,


but I hope you stay with Guru Rasa and myself,


fighting for Matriarchy on WTAG. I feel there is much


to learn from Angelica, but Angelica distracts


the mission with the bickering with Guru Rasa.


I will post this on WTAG, because


it is what Kali has instructed me to do.


There is no need to drag Angelica into more


conflict with Guru Rasa, as Kali's mission


is love. There are some things Angelica will


never understand. Angelica also knows things,


I may never understand, but I will open my mind and try.


Angelica has brought me so much great knowledge,


but Angelica's mind is closed to the plight of the


poor street Womyn. In my opinion. Angelica has not


seen the starving homeless young Womyn who feel


they must sell their bodies to survive. This jumping on Guru Rasa, because



her past as a " porno star " (BTW: I disagree with that label) gets everyone


off the track of what really matters; the lives of our future children, and


for Guru Rasa , she focuses on the Grrls. I see Boys in need, too, in need


of guidance and role models. I think Matriarchy will help boys/men also.


I know Angelica will see this post and I hope she is not upset with me,


but I must support those who fight for the poor!


Back to Guru Rasa's past as Kellie Everts? It is easy to say we will be

upright and moral and refuse to sell our souls for the dollar bill! But who



it! We have discussed this topic endlessly on WTAG. Remember Numa, the

Womyn who brought up the discussion months ago, on how we all sell our


souls for the dollar in today's USA. We can sit smugly at our internet

stations, and judge, but somewhere on the street right now, there are Womyn

who suffer from lack of food, lack of shelter, lack of hygiene, lack of

stability, and


EVERYBODY is too busy to help. Everybody has to go home


and watch the next episode of CSI, work overtime to pay for


their cable TV bill, their heat bill, and they have no idea of


the ordeals of those stuck on the streets. They assume the


street people are lazy, shiftless, and stupid. Ask the people who


work in the shelters and missions, and you will get a different story.


Guru Rasa is an Avatar, who has come like Christ, to free the poor Womyn,


the persecuted Womyn, and she has sympathy and empathy for all.


Like previous Avatars, such as Gandhi, Christ, Dr. King,


Mary, Shakamuni Buddha, the Dalai Lama, Mother Theresa, etc..


she has come to free the poor, the downtrodden, the persecuted, while you

sit all smug and judge her! In essence, freeing the meek, the poor, the


persecuted, will free everyone. Perhaps , this is why I can appreciate

Guru Rasa's work, while patriarchal people try to ridicule and criticize



I have dedicated my life to be a promoter of justice. Guru Rasa has inspired

me. Rasa annoints, advocates, represents, and validates, She reminds us

of Truth, Beauty, and the Path of the Goddess and does not degrade sex as

something dirty. Men will not be free, until Womyn are free, it is in men's

interest to support and submit to Guru Rasa and/or any strong Matriarch

(Beata, Angelica, etc) who can bring about change.


You stood over me while I posted on T.V. and edited my text to death,


so you could " kiss up " to Angelica. Why?! Angelica lives in a country


that does not know poverty. I figured that is why she does not understand.


I respect and honor Angelica as much as everyone else does, but


she is not ALWAYS right! I work side be side with the homeless, 6 days a



every week of the year!


Now let me write what I really need to say. Guru Rasa is a Goddess.


It seems as if she understands the plight of the poor Womyn who have few

resources. There are more of them than you think.


I did not want to say this, but I feel I must. I must speak out that this

society turns


it's back on the poor, the ones who they feel are not Hollywood Star

beautiful, the heavy set ones, the Big Beautiful Women whom they choose to


stigmatize with the negative term " obese " , the ones who do not fit into

their nice little boxes, etc,, ad nauseum.


Submission to Guru Rasa's path is a gift to me from Kali.


Guru Rasa is a pariah, but a profound expression of the REAL TRUTH!


She is an Avatar. I REITERATE I will not deny my Guru.


Kali has insisted that I post this. Now I hope you and


Angelica are not ticked off at me, but someone must speak


up for the Womyn out there that have no internet access and are


on a street corner huddling in the cold right now, wondering where there


next meal will come or will tonight be the last night of their lives.


This is the REALITY I know and where I work!


With Love and respectful difference of opinion






Our New Book:




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Outside the Grace of God at this point would be Judging. For it takes a Man to

have made a woman such. Exploitation of her Sacred gift. And even if she is

allowed to have gained the state of Unity, through her conscious recoginition of

her connection with all Life.


I think it would be a perfect one to explain the higher elementals, that come

through with channelling, from Root chakra through to the Crown.


Then the fabric of Patriaracy would tourture and terrorise you yes, for they

know that, if they don't make you crazy or appear crazy, then you would share

too many secrets, women are the vessel, the embodyment of Truth, and can come to

the Truth sooner. So it would empower women Greatly.


Yet, being Native and knowing my matriarcial ways, and being fully comfortable

with the powers of Woman. The four directions. North South East West, is part

of the 4 basic elements, one of these elements, is wild, power, chaos so to say,

we call her Crazy woman, her opposite is Rainbow Woman. So an artistic person,

can slip over to this power. When we know this energy, for what it is. For it

is an energy. When we are off balance she can hit us. Soooo, when we give

honour and respect to her, and burn candles for her, she has no power over us.

Yet at times also she is convienint for a woman, to use, at her disposal. Yet I

would not give her reign.


This energy, exists in both male and female. And is part of the Ancient Wisdom

passed down through Women, you see some women never lost it, and not only did

they not loose it, they know they are Both, male and female, as all are made up

of the same cellular, positive negative aspect. the cell is revealing that the

female part of the Cell, is actually the Spirit. Even to degrade any woman, in

any way shape or form, will deny the person the working knowledge of True

Creation. So it is their Loss Sister.


Love and Light Sister








" rasa " <rasa


Tuesday, November 21, 2006 10:50:38 PM

Are Women in the Adult Trade Outside the Grace of God?


Are Women in the Adult Trade Outside the Grace of God?


Raleigh my dear Son,


http://www.womantho uartgod.com/ rasaguru. php


This is excellent because you are giving testimony to who I am and what

MotherGod has sent me to earth for, and it is all true. You have seen it in

your dream visions and your channeling of Kali and Kala, and you know in

your heart this Truth. My sheep hear my voice, but those who are not my

sheep do not respond to my voice. My voice in this case is the voice of the

Holy Spirit which has a certain Mission to do, through my life. Those who

are out of step with this Mission cannot understand, and they become



It is vitally important to air out the Mission that God specifically chose

me for, that which I will render God and humankind the most service, and it

is as you stated; to teach and show that women in the adult trade, and all

women, are both sexual and spiritual, that they are not to be degraded or

persecuted by sexuality or nudity, that sex is not dirty nor to be used

against women and that the archetypical woman is both spiritually and

sexually powerful. - She is 'all things to all people'; both men and women

should worship this archetype of Woman as Symbol and messenger of God, in

fact, the very embodiment of God. Patriarchy has taken great pains to take

this image and smite it by the double standard, by denigration of sex and

woman's body, and by encouraging the 'respectable' half of women to

persecute the 'disrespectable' other half. Males in general are taught to

disrespect women and to give credit only to those called 'Madonnas,' which

are the carriers of his seed, thereby making them 'sexless' breeding

vehicles, as if they are designed for celibacy in all things but carrying

their sperm toward Fatherhood. This crazy logic is perhaps at the heart of

all attacks upon Womankind, so that women are wholly under the control of

men by being susceptible to degradation and destruction, rendering them

'outside the grace of God' and unfit for human fellowship when they do not

personify the 'Madonna' image. This sort of thinking gives men thorough

control over women because it breaks all women into two camps, renders those

that are on the lower scale lacking in self esteem and IN THE SERVICES OF

MANKIND. There are physical repercussions to being a Pariah. These people


IT IS KNOWN WHO THEY ARE and they are encouraged to hate themselves and be

available for use as objects and slaves. Once you get a person to HATE

THEMSELVES you have all but destroyed them.


What is so convenient as that males have the female allies in the women who

count themselves and pride themselves on being RESPECTABLE and these

so-called 'honest, moral' women then help men persecute the other half, so

it is much easier for men to destroy women this way, in fact, men would not

be able to control women at all did not women cooperate in their own self

destruction as a gender. If all women held hands together and stood up

against men, men would not have a snowball's chance in Hell of defeating



Women like Angelica and so many others who claim respectability are playing

right into the hands of Satan and Patriarchy. Wanting to SAVE THEIR OWN

NECKS for the benefits they receive from Patriarchy - housing, friendship,

networking, nice jobs, affirmation, more food and luxuries, more support in

all ways, they sell out their sisters who do not have such things. Although

I am not in the boat that the poorest of the poor are in and I have many

advantages, nevertheless, as a Pariah due to the trade I was in and still

defend, I am treated with UTTER DISRESPECT AND CONTEMPT by the general

populace, when they know my former professions. Horrible things are said

about me wherever I go in town or on the internet, I have stalkers

everywhere who do what Angelica has done. There are PHYSICAL as well as

EMOTIONAL, MENTAL results of treating people as a Pariah. You are like GAME

or THE HUNTED, and people MAKE SPORT of you and they feel they can hurt,

harm, injure you IN MANY WAYS EVEN PHYSICAL and get away with it because

society, both male and female, have declared you, the Pariah, to be

worthless and of no consequence. I live with this Cross not once in a

while, but every day that I have intercourse with fellow humans.


That being said, I declare the following: Jesus said about His Cross,


'For this I came into the world.'


And when Peter said,


'The Cross is not for you, Lord!' Jesus declared,


'Get behind me, Satan!'


And so, for anyone who thinks I should take the path of 'respectability' I

also say,


'Get behind me, Satan.'


(Get behind means one says to the devil I am the leader, you get away from

me with your evil talk.)


Now when Jesus came into the world to teach LOVE which includes HEALING AND

TRANSFORMATION He entered a dark and dreary Judaism who hated people that

were different and had the idea, even for their own,


'an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.'






Jesus taught UNCONDITIONAL LOVE AND FORGIVENESS, new ideas in the world He



RULES AND CONVENTIONS OF HIS DAY. Today, of course, everyone knows His

gospel, and many follow it in truth or in fakery, but everyone knows it, it

has caught up to society.


Now in our day, something has also been needed and a great wrong of this

society has the need to be addressed. That is the issue of sexuality and

women, as already stated. Who better to represent such issues except a

woman who has been there, done that, and been persecuted for it? How could


Most of the women called 'respectable' do NOT want to defend and help out

those who are not. Look at the NOW women who have condemned the victims,

the women in the sex trade, as being in the wrong profession. Such women



disrespected victims of Patriarchal limits of opportunity and perception.

What I am saying is that God did not choose a woman of respect, a Madonna,

to represent the Whore, to pick up her Cross, but God chose a woman

victimized as Whore to carry it. This is MY CROSS, which I am BEING

CRUCIFIED ON but in seeing the bigger picture, I REJOICE AT MY CROSS THE WAY



When Jesus came to earth He was FULLY RECOGNIZANT OF HIS MISSION, He knew He

CAME INTO THE WORLD FOR a REASON, and He rejoiced in His Mission, and in

COOPERATING WITH GOD; it was what He wanted and He de facto ASKED GOD TO



The persecution I am getting is EXACTLY WHAT HAS TO HAPPEN IN ORDER TO RAISE

THE ISSUES NEEDING REDRESS. As I am personally attacked and called names,

it is brought into question WHETHER OR NOT ANY FEMALE IN MY POSITION

DESERVES SUCH PUNISHMENT and the spiritual answer is NO, but one must be

attacked in order for that issue to be aired.


Now Jesus WAS NO ORDINARY MAN and certainly God did not send Him to earth

without weapons. These weapons are called THE ANOINTING. If Jesus did not

HAVE His anointing, (the Power of God) no good would have come out of His

Death and Resurrection, because millions of people get persecuted and

killed, but you do not have a legacy of Transformation out of these cases.




Now you all know that I have said I have an Anointing, and they who believe

in it have received its power. (I have all the Gifts of the Holy Spirit,

special infused Gifts from Jesus and Mary, other powers from Saints both

Christian and Eastern) All the True Disciples of Jesus received various

degrees of this Anointing according to their capacity and how the situation

evolved. First, they received the part to follow Him and serve Him in His

earthly ministry. This was not the ultimate nor strongest Anointing - they

could not yet stand on their own spiritual feet and when Jesus went down, in

the flesh, they went down. But persevering, and awaiting the FULL

ANOINTING, THE DESCENT OF THE HOLY GHOST, they all received His power and

His courage, and you could scarcely recognize them apart from Jesus; they

became LIVING CHRISTS. With the FULL ANOINTING they were able to carry on


OF HOLY SPIRIT GIFTS, and Jesus even told them,




God was living fully in them after this time, and they were SUPERMEN AND



Now we are just getting started here on the internet and our official Church

and devotee list has just started and many of our greatest experiences are

ahead of us. But I can guarantee you it will come down just like for Jesus,

with disciples and friends coming forward, attack and betrayal, people

getting confused and tempted, denial of Jesus by friends and then remorse,

reconciliation with Jesus, the worst punishment for the Guru and fear from

the disciples except for the valiant like the Mary's and John, and in the

end, Victory for the Mission and Cause. Those who persevere in their faith

and commitment will be rewarded with SPIRITUAL GIFTS and those who punished

and attacked the innocent will be dealt with by God.


The attacks are so severe, so unreasonable and illogical, so demonic, that

even the most intelligent of disciples waver in their thoughts and feelings,

but it gets sorted out with introspection and prayer.


Now just like Jesus and all the Ones sent by God, I am ready, willing, able

and capable to handle my Cross. Like Jesus came to save OTHERS - HE DID NOT

NEED TO BE SAVED, I also am here FOR OTHERS. What do I mean by that? I




BECAUSE OF BEING 'PARIAHS.' There are a number of things I do, but that is

the specific thing that no one else is doing (think about this) in her own

flesh and blood, that of defending the sexuality of women openly, opening up

her own self to punishment by doing this particular thing. (It is how it

has to happen, Gandhi helped Hindus, Martin Luther King Jr. helped blacks,

Emmeline Pankhurt helped women, and Rasa is to help those called 'whores,

sluts, prostitutes, porn stars' and thereby pushed into being pariahs and

untouchables. I am not 'saving them from sin' but I am saving them from

Satan! I am not trying to reform them or make them repent, but I am bringing

understanding to society to STOP PUNISHING THEM.


(Rasa has to STAND TALL in spite of all the persecution and not FALL DOWN in

grief, despair, depression, anxiety, but she must stay powerful and exert

the power of the Holy Spirit in her life, and this template will give Light

and Strength to all those who avail themselves of it.)


You must believe that I HAVE THE GIFTS TO DO WHAT I AM DOING and I will not

fall, as long as I STAY CLOSE TO GOD and you will not fall in my service AS

LONG AS YOU STAY CLOSE TO GOD. I have watched my enemies take away the weak

and the lukewarm in the two years I have been internet ministering - that

has to happen. Some of them will come back. Be at your watch, for your and

my enemies are coming at us all the time, be strong in your faith and

commitment to all that we represent, and do not deny the leader. Do not be

lukewarm or wishy washy in the defense of Jesus, but be strong in your

defense, and do not say that Caiaphas, the High Priest has a good point or

much to teach us, his teachings are evil. Do not say the Pharisees have

much to teach us either, because Jesus said,


'The prostitutes will go into Heaven before you.'


There are those who SLAP JESUS when He is before the council of the

unrighteous, do not be one of them who seeks favor from those who are

persecuting Jesus.


We are in perilous times and we are fighting for our salvation personally

and for the Planet communally, and we have much work to be done. We have to

gird our loins, and be ready for flight, so to speak, and put the Blood of

Jesus over or lintels. Toward the end I declare to my friends and devotees

again, that I have the Anointing and I invite you to receive of it. Humble

yourselves, it is a gift of God and humbling yourself in way will not

diminish you. You will not become small and weak; you will get bigger and

taller if you avail yourself of this Anointing. For those who are not sure,

please read the dreams and visions which the devotees have had, on my site,

and many more have come in that will be in books:


http://www.womantho uartgod.com/ rasaguru. php


I would also like to add with all my heart that big women should not be

persecuted, and that is another plot of Patriarchy. First, they make us fat

by processed foods, by forcing it on us through advertising (you have to be

a great saint to resist) and they fill these foods with secret additives

that make us addicted to fattening foods.Women of weight should not be

shunned, disrespected or laughed at; why are we always following the ideal

of male standards and not our own? I am happy in my own skin, and if he

doesn't like it, that is his problem.


The other issue that Raleigh brings up is the poor women on the streets. Why

not invite these women to lunch or dinner? Drive by, men and women,

couples, stop and offer them not need of quick and cheap sex, but a meal at

a good restaurant and some pleasant and affirming conversation. Tell them

you love them. Give them a donation also because you have taken away some

of their time at work, a great gift for Christmas.


Happy Thanksgiving


Guru Rasa Von Werder


Our New Book:


http://www.amazon. com/exec/ obidos/tg/ detail/-/ 0595408567/ ref=pd_sl_

aw_open-1_ book_22532525_ 3?tag2=amd- google-20


Dear Amazon Storm,


You know I love you dearly, Amazon Storm., but


you have twisted and misinterpreted my


words on Angelica's public forum. There is so much


unnecessary bickering between Angelica and Guru Rasa, that I think


it is unwise to post this on Angelica's group, as it will add more flames to



fire. Instead, I wish to post this on Guru Rasa's group to lend Guru Rasa


The support she needs and to validate the justness of her cause.




" Raleigh, it clearly appears that

Mother Rasa does not repent of her

past actions???? Two wrongs do not

make a right! We shall continue to

follow Angelica's path. Good bye to

Mother Rasa. Hello Angelica! "


As I stated last night, for me to deny that


Guru Rasa is an Avatar is like Peter denying


Christ for fear of the Romans.


I must give up fear; fear of losing your heart,


fear of losing Angelica's respect, but I am not


saying Good Bye to Guru Rasa. Maybe you are,


but I hope you stay with Guru Rasa and myself,


fighting for Matriarchy on WTAG. I feel there is much


to learn from Angelica, but Angelica distracts


the mission with the bickering with Guru Rasa.


I will post this on WTAG, because


it is what Kali has instructed me to do.


There is no need to drag Angelica into more


conflict with Guru Rasa, as Kali's mission


is love. There are some things Angelica will


never understand. Angelica also knows things,


I may never understand, but I will open my mind and try.


Angelica has brought me so much great knowledge,


but Angelica's mind is closed to the plight of the


poor street Womyn. In my opinion. Angelica has not


seen the starving homeless young Womyn who feel


they must sell their bodies to survive. This jumping on Guru Rasa, because



her past as a " porno star " (BTW: I disagree with that label) gets everyone


off the track of what really matters; the lives of our future children, and


for Guru Rasa , she focuses on the Grrls. I see Boys in need, too, in need


of guidance and role models. I think Matriarchy will help boys/men also.


I know Angelica will see this post and I hope she is not upset with me,


but I must support those who fight for the poor!


Back to Guru Rasa's past as Kellie Everts? It is easy to say we will be

upright and moral and refuse to sell our souls for the dollar bill! But who



it! We have discussed this topic endlessly on WTAG. Remember Numa, the

Womyn who brought up the discussion months ago, on how we all sell our


souls for the dollar in today's USA. We can sit smugly at our internet

stations, and judge, but somewhere on the street right now, there are Womyn

who suffer from lack of food, lack of shelter, lack of hygiene, lack of

stability, and


EVERYBODY is too busy to help. Everybody has to go home


and watch the next episode of CSI, work overtime to pay for


their cable TV bill, their heat bill, and they have no idea of


the ordeals of those stuck on the streets. They assume the


street people are lazy, shiftless, and stupid. Ask the people who


work in the shelters and missions, and you will get a different story.


Guru Rasa is an Avatar, who has come like Christ, to free the poor Womyn,


the persecuted Womyn, and she has sympathy and empathy for all.


Like previous Avatars, such as Gandhi, Christ, Dr. King,


Mary, Shakamuni Buddha, the Dalai Lama, Mother Theresa, etc..


she has come to free the poor, the downtrodden, the persecuted, while you

sit all smug and judge her! In essence, freeing the meek, the poor, the


persecuted, will free everyone. Perhaps , this is why I can appreciate

Guru Rasa's work, while patriarchal people try to ridicule and criticize



I have dedicated my life to be a promoter of justice. Guru Rasa has inspired

me. Rasa annoints, advocates, represents, and validates, She reminds us

of Truth, Beauty, and the Path of the Goddess and does not degrade sex as

something dirty. Men will not be free, until Womyn are free, it is in men's

interest to support and submit to Guru Rasa and/or any strong Matriarch

(Beata, Angelica, etc) who can bring about change.


You stood over me while I posted on T.V. and edited my text to death,


so you could " kiss up " to Angelica. Why?! Angelica lives in a country


that does not know poverty. I figured that is why she does not understand.


I respect and honor Angelica as much as everyone else does, but


she is not ALWAYS right! I work side be side with the homeless, 6 days a



every week of the year!


Now let me write what I really need to say. Guru Rasa is a Goddess.


It seems as if she understands the plight of the poor Womyn who have few

resources. There are more of them than you think.


I did not want to say this, but I feel I must. I must speak out that this

society turns


it's back on the poor, the ones who they feel are not Hollywood Star

beautiful, the heavy set ones, the Big Beautiful Women whom they choose to


stigmatize with the negative term " obese " , the ones who do not fit into

their nice little boxes, etc,, ad nauseum.


Submission to Guru Rasa's path is a gift to me from Kali.


Guru Rasa is a pariah, but a profound expression of the REAL TRUTH!


She is an Avatar. I REITERATE I will not deny my Guru.


Kali has insisted that I post this. Now I hope you and


Angelica are not ticked off at me, but someone must speak


up for the Womyn out there that have no internet access and are


on a street corner huddling in the cold right now, wondering where there


next meal will come or will tonight be the last night of their lives.


This is the REALITY I know and where I work!


With Love and respectful difference of opinion




http://www.womantho uartgod.com/ rasaguru. php


Our New Book:


http://www.amazon. com/exec/ obidos/tg/ detail/-/ 0595408567/ ref=pd_sl_

aw_open-1_ book_22532525_ 3?tag2=amd- google-20

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NO, Not even a blade of grass moves without the God's will. The

women in the adult trade is actually life's longingness for

different type of experiences in the journey of soul.



Shambhavi , Carol <wasaweg2001 wrote:


> Outside the Grace of God at this point would be Judging. For it

takes a Man to have made a woman such. Exploitation of her Sacred

gift. And even if she is allowed to have gained the state of Unity,

through her conscious recoginition of her connection with all Life.


> I think it would be a perfect one to explain the higher

elementals, that come through with channelling, from Root chakra

through to the Crown.


> Then the fabric of Patriaracy would tourture and terrorise you

yes, for they know that, if they don't make you crazy or appear

crazy, then you would share too many secrets, women are the vessel,

the embodyment of Truth, and can come to the Truth sooner. So it

would empower women Greatly.


> Yet, being Native and knowing my matriarcial ways, and being fully

comfortable with the powers of Woman. The four directions. North

South East West, is part of the 4 basic elements, one of these

elements, is wild, power, chaos so to say, we call her Crazy woman,

her opposite is Rainbow Woman. So an artistic person, can slip over

to this power. When we know this energy, for what it is. For it is

an energy. When we are off balance she can hit us. Soooo, when we

give honour and respect to her, and burn candles for her, she has no

power over us. Yet at times also she is convienint for a woman, to

use, at her disposal. Yet I would not give her reign.


> This energy, exists in both male and female. And is part of the

Ancient Wisdom passed down through Women, you see some women never

lost it, and not only did they not loose it, they know they are

Both, male and female, as all are made up of the same cellular,

positive negative aspect. the cell is revealing that the female part

of the Cell, is actually the Spirit. Even to degrade any woman, in

any way shape or form, will deny the person the working knowledge of

True Creation. So it is their Loss Sister.


> Love and Light Sister


> Carol/Wasaweg


> TheFemaleWithin/

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