Guest guest Posted December 8, 2006 Report Share Posted December 8, 2006 12/7/06 Channel MotherGod Rasa: I had to move out of the kitchen due to not being able to concentrate because my rooster, Thunderbird, is there. It was too cold outside (10 degrees overnight) and I have my 5 hens in the cellar, (the root section has dirt and I put two lamps, water and food and they also have perches and a box for laying eggs) but he cannot be with them because of his aggression, so I have him in a large cage, but he needs to walk around now that it is day and there is no place to put him but in my kitchen where I usually meditate in the mornings, gazing at the tilma of Our Lady of Guadalupe on the wall. 'Thunderbird' distracted me for a full 20 minutes, could not concentrate at all, so I took a small statue of Our Lady, put it by the computer, and now offer her my heart and mind in worship and prayer. I must have faith that under all circumstances (except Thunderbird? Hahaha.) I can see, sense, feel and hear Her. Rasa: As I thought about You this morning I got glimpses about karma, the end of it, I saw Jesus on the Cross and heard the words, 'That is the end of karma,' And thinking of the mind again. Perhaps you will speak to me on this after I say a few prayers of surrender and love. MOTHERGOD: ABOUT THE MIND, THE EXAMPLE OF THUNDERBIRD IS A GOOD ONE. IF ONE SMALL ROOSTER CAN DISTRACT YOU SO THAT YOU CANNOT CHANNEL ME, HOW MUCH DAMAGE TO THE MIND CAN TELEVISION OR A LOVING FRIEND DO? YOU SEE THE IMPOSSIBILITY OF IT, WHAT A GOOD EXAMPLE. THE MOST INNOCENT, SINLESS OCCASIONS CAN DISTRACT YOUR MIND AND MAKE YOU MYSTICALLY IMPOTENT, WHICH WOUOD BE LOVED ONES INCLUDING ANIMALS. TELEVISION IS FAR WORSE THAN THAT, GIVING YOU THOUSANDS OF IMPRESSIONS WITH MINUTES OF WATCHING, ALL KINDS OF THINGS INCLUDING DEMONIC AND EMOTIONALLY TRAUMATIC ISSUES. IT IS PROBABLY ONE OF THE MOST DAMAGING MYSTIC-DESTROYING TOOLS EVER CREATED. Rasa: I guess by instinct, without really figuring it out, I refrained from television so many years, at different times. I now repent. The only thing I miss, that I intend to see now, is Cesar Millan. Do you mind? MOTHERGOD: IF YOU REFRAIN FROM ALL BUT HIM, IT WILL BE ALRIGHT. Rasa: A good question arises, MotherGod, in relation once again to how people think that all they do for God is a sacrifice and a LOSS. I have been thinking about karma, and doing good, and making so-called sacrifices. In the end, and by all logic, we humans do all things for ourselves. We never lose anything except by sin. Every good deed, every sacrifice is like money in the bank. The good karma, the fulfillment that is owed us by the natural law of God, is is rounded act with each act of forgiving, kindness and generosity, is that not so? And so, all good we do is for ourselves, and it sounds selfish, but that is how it is. MOTHERGOD: HOW RIGHT YOU ARE MY DAUGHTER. BE MINDFUL OF THE HIGHER NATURE AT ALL TIMES, INCREASING THE POWER THEREOF. ALL THE GOOD HUMANS DO, IF IT IS FROM THE HEART AND NOT A SCHEME OR A MATERIALISTICALLY SELFISH PLAN, COMES BACK TO THEMSELVES AND NOT EQUAL, BUT MANY TIMES OVER. EACH ACT OF SO CALLED SACRIFICE IS REWARDED FULLY AT SOME OPPORTUNE TIME. NEVER GRIEVE OVER SACRIFICE, EVEN THE SACRIFICE OF YOUR OWN LIFE. Rasa: I had an image of the Lord as stated earlier. Can you comment upon this? MOTHERGOD: OUR LORD IS A TEMPLATE, AN EXAMPLE, OF WHAT MUST HAPPEN ON THE ROAD TO PERFECTION. HERE HE GAVE UP ALL, AND THAT LED TO THE RESSURECTION, WHERE HE ROSE IN GLORY. NOW YOU ALL MUST ALSO GIVE UP OR RENOUNCE EVERYTHING AND THERE, YOU RISE UP IN GLORY EVEN IF YOUR BODY IS STILL LIVING. Rasa: Of course, let us be careful here. Fanatics want to go out and physically commit suicide of some sort, saying they are sacrificing their bodies. I do not approve of this and I sincerely feel it is a Patriarchal mistake, as Patriarchs seem Hell-bent on human sacrifice, the culture of death instead of life. There are things to be considered here. I read in Yoga literature about the King who tried to find Nirvana by sacrificing his Kingdom, then food, then everything, and could not find Enlightenment, and in the end decided to sacrifice his body. Then his wife appeared to him as a great yogi and forbid him, explaining that he could not renounce what he did not own, etc., and logically convinced him not to commit suicide. That is the Feminine Divine outweighing the illogical masculine need for death. Today we have plentiful terrorists sacrificing their lives for God, which I again say is wrong, and a while back I recall even a Buddhist monk setting himself afire, to his death, to gain publicity for world peace! MOTHERGOD: POINTS WELL TAKEN, YOU ARE RIGHT. NO ONE HAS TO RUSH TOWARD DEATH AND KILL THEMSELVES FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER, BE IT TERRORISM AGAINST WHAT THEY PERCEIVE AS AN EVIL FOE OR BE IT EXTREME RENUNCIATION. IS NOT LIVING HARDER THAN DYING? THAT IS TO SAY, A DECISION FOR SUICIDE IS BASED ON A KIND OF DELUSION OR MENTAL ILLNESS, IT IS NEVER RIGHT - NEVER. NO ONE IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WOULD EVER DO IT, BUT YOU HAVE TO BE UNDER SOME KIND OF A SPELL, MASS HYPNOSIS OR MENTAL STRIFE TO DO SUCH A THING. THERE IS A BIG DIFFERENCE BETWEEN BEING WILLING TO DIE FOR THE SAKE OF GOD, FOR GOD'S WORK AND TRUTH, THAN ACTUALLY TAKING YOUR OWN LIFE INTO YOUR HANDS AND ENDING IT. NEITHER MAHATMA GHANDI NOR MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. WANTED TO END THEIR LIVES, BUT THESE LIVES WERE ENDED BY MALEFACTORS WHO WERE TWISTED, BUT IN LIVING SUCH EXEMPLARY AND DANGEROUS LIVES, THESE PROPHET/SAINTS INCURRED SUCH DANGER. TO PUT YOUR LIFE ON THE LINE LIKE THAT, IS A MERITORIOUS ACT, BUT YOU DO NOT END IT YOURSELF. WHEN SOMEONE ENDS IT, AGAINST YOUR WILL, YOU ARE A MARTYR. MANY SAINTS AND DO GOODERS DIED THAT WAY, MILLIONS OF THEM, AND THEY RECEIVED THEIR REWARD. TO GO OUT INTO THIS EVIL WORLD AND STAND FOR TRUTH, THAT IS A GREAT ACT OF MERIT AND IT INCURS DANGER. IN THIS SENSE, GOD ALREADY ACCEPTS YOUR DECISION TO STAND UP IN THE FACE OF DANGER, AND YOU ARE A MARTYR IF YOU MAKE A DECISION FOR GOD IN THE FACE OF GREAT DANGER. IN OTHER WORDS, IF YOU GET DEATH THREATS AND STILL GO ON, YOU ARE ALREADY A MARTYR. WHY WOULD YOU END YOUR OWN LIFE? Rasa: Yes, we do not ever end our own lives, daily living within the hardships of this body and world, with all the temptations, the outrages, the poverty, misery, losses, rejections, misunderstandings and insults, is it not a penance to live this life? T face it each day with a good attitude, not only accepting but being grateful, would that not lead to perfection? And so in order to please God one would live out the hardships, attempting to do good in the midst of evil, and that should do it. Now here we must clarify one thing in that Jesus knew about the Cross and He welcomed it, and yet, there is a big difference between that and wanting to die, wanting to kill oneself. MOTHERGOD: when you have a great mission, such as jesus did, and you know that 99% out of ahundred, you will probably die because of it, then it is the same as dying. Jesus knew ahead of time, but not all saints know ahead of time how they will die. All his disciples died through persecution, even St. John who was exiled to Patmos, but they did not all know how they would die, and certainly did not seek it. They wanted to live to preach the Gospel, and that was their Cause. So live and preach the Gospel of God, and that is martyrdom of itself. Each life lived to the fullest and lived well for God is like dying to self, to all things but God, and that is called death to the self or lower self. This is what God would require if you want Holiness and Perfection. Rasa: You said to my mind that those who envy my ability to channel should give up two things, and if they can do these two things, they could also channel. I found it humorous. Could you repeat that now? MOTHERGOD: YES, IT IS HUMOROUS. TELL THEM TO GIVE UP SEX, INCLUDING MASTURBATION, AND TELEVISION. YOU WILL HAVE FEW TAKERS WHO WILL THEN WANT TO CHANNEL, HAHAHA. Rasa: Yes, I find it HILARIOUS when all these people react to my channeling, some good, but an equal number bad. Many have ridiculed me for my mystical life and its revelations, they seem to doubt, and have a sort of jealous feeling toward my claims. They covet the channeling, the Gifts of God like Ecstatic dreams, but they do not want to pay the price. When I write articles on celibacy they go crazy, I mean ape-shit mad. They say 'sex is normal and natural, and God created it, why would I have to be celibate to gain Enlightenment?' MOTHERGOD: AS YOU EXPLAINED TO THEM BEFORE UNDER MY GUIDANCE, THAT A HUMAN DOES NOT HAV SUCH GIFTS UNDER A NORMAL DAY TO DAY LIFESTYLE. SURELY, ALL PEOPLE ARE NOT HAVING ECSTATIC VISIONS AND DREAMS, THEY ARE NOT EVEN ABLE TO UNDERSTAND OR RECALL THE EARTHLY DREAMS THEY HAVE, WHICH WHEN THEY DO PRESENT THEM TO YOU, YOU CRINGE BECAUSE THEY ARE SO AWFUL, SO LOW MINDED. THESE SAME PEOPLE CLING TO EVERY HUMAN AND PHYSICAL SECURITY. THEY HOLD ON TO FAMILY, SEXUAL INTIMACY, EGOTISTICAL DELUSIONS OF GRANDEUR, ALL THE COMFORTS OF RESPECTABILITY AND ACCEPTANCE, AND THEN THEY COME TO YOU AND RIDICULE YOU FOR HAVING MYSTICAL VISIONS. PLEASE IGNORE THESE PEOPLE, MY DAUGHTER, AND DO NOT WASTE TIME EVEN ANSWERING THEIR SMELLY LETTERS, AS THEY STINK WITH SIN, AND THEY PROJECT THESE SINS ONTO YOU. Rasa: The truth is, they would take such Gifts of Vision and Perception, Knowledge and Wisdom, they would use them for the world, for earthly gain, such as writing a book for fame and fortune, gaining a following, and then they would abuse their followers through demands of money and sex. This happens all the time. Most of these do not have the deepest Visions and Gifts, they have partial Anointings, but they want to gain the whole world through them. Too bad, they will suffer for their sins, and all this ill gotten gain and sex will avail them nothing in the end. MOTHERGOD: YOU HAVE NOTICED THAT WHEN YOU SPEAK OF THE PENANCES, THE GIVING UP, THE SACRIFICE, THEY SHAKE IN TERROR. EACH ONE THINKS HE WILL REINVENT THE WHEEL, AND RECEIVE THE GRACE OF GOD FOR LITTLE PAY.THEY WANT TO GIVE A LITTLE AND GET A LOT, BUT IT DOES NOT WORK THAT WAY. TIME AND TIME AGAIN, YOU COME TO ME AND OFFER YOURSELF, WHATEVER IT TAKES, TO CONTINUE IN THE RAPTUROUS COMMUNION WITH ME. LOOK AT MARY OF AGREDA, HOW SHE TORTURED HERSELF OVER HER VISIONS. SHE SAT WITH A HEAVY CROSS ON HER BACK, ON THE TILE FLOOR, HOURS EACH DAY, AND SAID IT FELT LIKE MINUTES. THEY WENT THROUGH MENTAL TORTURES THAT THE ORDINARY PERSON WOULD TAKE MEDICATION FOR, YET IN THE END, SHE HAD MIRACULOUS BILOCATIONS AND ALL TYPES OF THE HIGHEST VISIONS. THEY WANT THE VISIONS; THEY DO NOT WANT TO KNEEL ON THE TILE WITH THE IRON CROSS UPON THEIR BACKS. Rasa: Now back to karma. Once a person has truly died to self, is this the end of karma? That is to say, the slate is clean and one is free? MOTHERGOD: WHEN YOU ARE TRULY DEAD TO SELF, IT IS CLEAR AND CLEAN, BUT LIVING MANY YEARS HENCEFORTH, LIFE IS STILL A CHALLENGE AND YOU HAVE TO REINFORCE THIS DAY BY DAY. Rasa: How so? MOTHERGOD: SAY YOU HAVE BECOME THE WORLD'S GREATEST PIANIST AND WON THE HIGHEST HONORS AND THE WHOLE WORLD KNOWS YOU ARE VAN CLIBURN. BUT VAN CLIBURN STILL HAS TO PRACTICE PLAYING FOR THE REST OF HIS LIFE, DAY BY DAY, TO HOLD ONTO HIS GIFT, EVEN THOUGH IT IS THERE AND HE HAS PROVEN IT, HE WILL NOT QUIT PLAYING THE PIANO. THEN YOU HAVE ANNA PAVLOVA WHO WAS KNOWN AS A GREAT BALLERINA, BUT SHE STILL HAD TO PRACTICE DAILY, SHE DID NOT TAKE OFF HER BALLET SLIPPERS BECAUSE SHE HAD WON THE HIGHEST HONORS. THE SAINT WHO HAS SACRIFICED, SAY, PADRE PIO, CARRIES HIS DIVINE STIGMATA FOR THE REST OF HIS LIFE, AND IT MAY NOT HURT THAT MUCH ALWAYS, BUT IT STILL IS THERE, AND AT CERTAIN TIMES, HE FELT MUCH AGONY AND PAIN. Rasa: That begs another question, in that you told me to stop suffering. I have been hearing this now for a few years from Muktananda and others. If Padre Pio continued suffering with the Stigmata for 50 years and he did not quit suffering, why should I? MOTHERGOD: EACH LIFE IS DIFFERENT, AND SO IS EACH SAINT. HE HAD SUFFERINGS YOU DON'T HAVE, AND YOU HAVE SUFFERINGS HE DID NOT. YOUR LIFE IS A MARTYRDOM FOR ALL THE ATTACKS THAT NEVER END, HIS ATTACKS ENDED AFTER TEN YEARS, THEN HE WAS GIVEN RESPECT AND HONOR. SOME PEOPLE DID NOT BELIEVE IN HIM, BUT HE WAS NOT CONTINUALLY PUBLICLY LAMBASTED. AS LONG AS YOU CAN PUT UP WITH THAT, YOU WILL BE FINE, JUST TAKE IT AS IT COMES AND LAUGH. I CANNOT HAVE YOU CONSTANTLY SUFFERING BECAUSE AS I SAID, I AM SENDING YOU OUT INTO THE WORLD AND YOU CANNOT BE A CRIPPLE, YOU HAVE TO BE STRONG, RADIANT, HEALTHY AND ALIVE TO A STATE OF BLISS. THE EIGHTEEN YEARS OF DARK NIGHT WERE SUFFICIENT, AND THEY FILLED THE CUP OF TORTURE, AND LET US END IT AND ACCEPT THAT. DO NOT FIGHT THE WILL OF GOD NOR CLING TO OLD ASSUMPTIONS, BE READY TO SEE A NEW DOCTRINE, THAT FOR YOU, EXTRAORDINARY SUFFERINGS HAVE ENDED, AND SIMPLY BY MAINTAINING YOUR USUAL DISCIPLINES (WHICH ARE NOT HARD FOR YOU ANY MORE) YOU WILL HAVE THE HIGHEST MYSTICAL VISIONS BOTH IN YOUR PERSONAL LIFE, AND THE GREATEST ANOINTINGS FOR YOUR PUBLIC ONE, SUCH AS HEALINGS AND MIRACLES AND TRANSFORMATIONS. JUST ACCEPT IT. Rasa: I can feel them coming for me now, the women with long claws, even the holy women who covet these gifts, and the men with clubs and knives, more violent than females, less stealthy but brutal. They will claw me, chop me up and denounce me, I feel it in their minds and even if not all of them write to me, I know what they are saying. MOTHERGOD: SO WHAT? CAN THEY TAKE AWAY YOUR GIFTS? LAUGH, AND KNOW THEY ARE JEALOUS. IF NO ONE ATTACKS YOU JIT IS BEFAUSE YOU HAE NOTHING THEY WANT, THE MORE ATTACK YOU, THE GREATER THE PROOF OF YOUR GIFTS. WHOM PEOPLE ATTACK IT IS BECAUSE OF THE BLESSINGS AND GIFTS THEY HAVE, THE TALENTED, THE WEALTHY, THE BEAUTIFUL, THE HONORED, THESE ARE ALL ATTACKED DAY BY DAY. THE LOSER SITTING IN HER ROCKING CHAIR WATCHING THE WORLD GO BY DOES NTO GET ATTACKED, NO ONE PAYS ATTENTION. THE ONE IN THE OPEN MANIFESTING GIFTS AND GRACES WILL ALWAYS BE ATTACKED. THE FAITH HEALERS WERE TERRIBLY ATTACKED, FOR ONE THING, BECAUSE THEY GOT SO MUCH MONEY. THE PREACHERS WHO HAD NO HEALING POWER WENT AFTER THEM, FRAMING THEM, CURSING THEM, BECAUSE THEY COVETED THE GIFTS NOT BECAUSE OF WANTING TO HEAL, BUT FOR WANTING THE MONEY. HOWEVER, THOSE WHO WANT MONEY AND WANT HEALING IN ORDER TO GET MONEY, CANNOT GET HEALING POWER. IN THE CASE OF A.A. ALLEN, WHO WAS A DRINKER, THE ASSEMBLY OF GOD PREACHERS WOULD CALL THE POLICE SO HE WOULD BE STOPPED AND GET LEGAL TROUBLES. PEOPLE HARRASSED OTHER CHARISTMATICS FOR HOMOSEXUAL BEHAVIOR WHICH MIGHT OR NOT HAVE BEEN TRUE, THE JUST WANTED TO GET THEM OUT OF JEALOUSY. WILLIAM J. SEYMOUR, OF THE AZUZA ST. REVIVAL, WAS ACCUSED OF HAVING WITCHCRAFT IN HIS CHURCH, THEN HE HAD HIS MAILING LIST STOLEN BY A JEALOUS WOMAN, WHEN HE MARRIED SOMEONE ELSE, AND THAT CRASHED HIS CHURCH AND THE REVIVAL. AIMEE SEMPLE MCPHERSON, WHEN SHE DIED, HAD 52 LAWSUITS ON HER BACK, ALL BECAUSE THEY WANTED HER MONEY. THEY KIDNAPPED HER AND SAID, 'WE WANT YOUR CHURCH' AND SHE WAS TIED UP AND KEPT IN A SHED IN MEXICO, FROM WHICH SHE EVENTUALLY ESCAPED, AND WAS MOCKED AND RIDICULED AS A LIAR. TO THIS VERY DAY HER NAME IS NOT CLEARED ON THIS MATTER. SEEING ALL THIS, BE WISE AND WARY WHEN THEY ATTACK YOU, AND DO NOT GET NERVOUS OR UPSET ABOUT IT, KEEPING GREAT FAITH AND CONFIDENCE IN ME. IF YOU WILL GIVE ME THAT HOUR A DAY, I WILL NOT LET THE WORLD GET YOU DOWN, I WILL NOT ALLOW THEM TO BRING YOU DOWN. I WILL DEFEAT THEM FOR YOU. MOTHERGOD CONTINUED AS I HAD HARD JOBS TO FACE DURING THE DAY, SHE SPOKE TO ME THUS: WHEN YOU KNOW A PERSON HAS A (COMMUNICABLE) DISEASE ARE YOU NOT CAREFUL IN GETTING CLOSE TO THEM? DO YOU NOT WANT TO STAY AWAY - (UNLESS YOU ARE NURSING THEM?) AND IF SOMEONE HAS THE FLU, DO YOU NOT SHUN THEM? BECAUSE YOU KNOW YOU MIGHT GET IT AND END UP BEDRIDDEN.AND IF SOME HAS AIDS, WOULD YOU NOT BE CAREFUL ABOUT BEING INTIMATE WITH THEM AND THEIR BLOOD? THEN BEAR IN MIND, THAT PEOPLE WHO ATTACK YOU AND OTHER INNOCENT SOULS ARE DISEASED AND SICK, AND BY TALKING WITH THEM, YU CAN CATCH THEIR DISEASE. SIMPLY STAY AWAY FROM THEM. AS SOON AS YOU SEE A NEGATIVE IN A POST, SOMETHING UNTOWARD, DO NOT EVEN READ IT, JUST SIMPLY DELETE AND DO NOT DISCUSS WHAT THESE SICK PEOPLE SAY ANY MORE. YOU DID IT ENOUGH NOW, AND MADE YOUR POINT, NOW YOU HAVE OTHER THINGS TO DO. Rasa: This day has been so long and hard, MotherGod, I must now take this and send it out before I get too tired. I love you with all my heart and thank you so much. Our new book:\ k_22532525_3?tag2=amd-google-20 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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