Guest guest Posted December 12, 2006 Report Share Posted December 12, 2006 12/12/06 MotherGod Speaks So many things I want to ask HER. How do I know when I am in a good state to SEE and hear HER voice, Her mind and Presence? As I sit and completely relax, letting go all earthly thoughts, considerations, worries and fears, a deep relaxation comes over me, and as I gaze at the tilma of Our Lady of Guadalupe (my chosen form of God, it can be any image of the Feminine Divine, Saint or Avatar) my physical sight also relaxes and the room turns to soft, sort of foggy light, and all things seem to tingle with auras of light, like I see light instead of the things themselves, and then, I notice that my breathing has involuntarily become quite deep just as when one sleeps. My conscious mind is partially asleep and now I can hear the 'still small voice', the Atman, my MotherGod. This does not take long IF I HAVE REFRAINED FROM TELEVISON, CHATTING AND MORTAL CONCERNS, it is only 2-3 minutes when in proper preparation. Rasa: MotherGod, whenever I put out my messages from you, I get assaulted by letters of disagreement. Yesterday it was people saying that it is not normal to be without friends, that Jesus had friends. Of course, on a certain level, I agree. What do you say to this? MOTHERGOD: EVERYONE, ALL SAINTS AND AVATARS, AND YOU ALSO, WILL CONTINUE HAVING FRIENDS ON CERTAIN LEVELS, BUT THE LEVEL OF WHICH I SPEAK IS AN ABSOLUTE LEVEL, THE LEVEL OF PRIORITIES AND DETACHMENT, WHICH ALSO JESUS, ALL SAINTS AND AVATARS MAINTAINED. THEY HAD 'FRIENDS' WHO THOUGHT THEY WERE 'FRIENDS' AND CALLED THEMSELVES 'FRIENDS,' BUT AT THE TIME THAT JESUS LIVED, NONE OF THEM WERE ABSOLUTE FRIENDS EXCEPT HOLY MARY, SOME OF THE WOMEN, AND MAYBE JOHN. CONSIDER WHEN JESUS WAS IN TROUBLE AND SWEATING BLOOD AND ASKED HIS 'FRIENDS' TO STAY AWAKE WITH HIM AND THEY ALL WENT TO SLEEP, COULD NOT MAINTAIN THE HORROR OF WHAT THEY ALL SENSED WAS COMING, A TERRIBLE DREAD CAME OVER JESUS AND IT EXHAUSTED THE WEAK DISCIPLES. THEY COULD NOT SUSTAIN OR SUPPORT JESUS. WITHOUT A DOUBT, HOLY MARY IN HER ORATORY WAS SUSTAINING AND SUPPORTING JESUS, AND SHE WAS HIS CLOSEST FRIEND, AND MARY MAGDALENE AND OTHER WOMEN SUPPORTED HIM IN THEIR PRIVACY, AND DID NOT LET HIM DOWN AT ALL. NOW YOU, RASA, YOU CANNOT GET YOUR 'FRIENDS' TO DO MUCH FOR YOU RIGHT NOW, WHEN EVERYTHING IS EASY, EFFORTLESS AND THERE ARE NO ARRESTS, NO GREAT SCANDAL, NO TERROR OR DREAD. IMAGINE IF SOMETHING AWFUL HAPPENED, LIKE YOU GOT ARRESTED AND YOUR DISCIPLES WERE IN DANGER. PROBABLY OTHERS WOULD COME OUT OF THE WOODWORK TO HELP, JUST AS THEY DID DURING THE S WAR, AND THEN THEY WOULD RETREAT AGAIN. YOU HAVE NO FRIENDS THAT WILL SUSTAIN YOU, JUST AS JESUS HAD NO PHYSICAL FRIENDS AMONG THE MALES. NOW AFTER JESUS DIED, AND THE HOLY SPIRIT CAME UPON THE ASSEMBLY, THEN THEY DID BECOME TRUE FRIENDS, AND CONFORMED TO THE SPIRIT OF JESUS, AND BECAME OTHER CHRISTS, AND THEY DID TAKE UP THE CROSS AND CARRY IT, AND DIE ON IT. BUT UNTIL THE HOLY SPIRIT CAME, THEY WERE NOT FULL-CLASS, BONA FIDE FRIENDS. Rasa: What you call a 'friend' is an intimate person who loves you unconditionally and will not run away in trouble, and will hold you up and sustain you in your deepest need. How do I know if I have such friends when nothing terrible has happened? Perhaps they would surprise me. MOTHERGOD: TO SOME DEGREE, ONE OR TWO MIGHT COME FORWARD, BUT BELIEVE YOU ME, THE CROSS WOULD FALL ON YOU AND THEIR HELP WOULD BE PIECEMEAL. Rasa: What about husbands and wives? When they marry, some of these people do support one another in the roughest of times, like illness, mental illness, arrests and horrible disasters, and they hold on to each other through these things, and without such help, people might collapse and have nervous breakdowns. MOTHERGOD: MY POINT TO YOU IS DO NOT SEEK INTIMATE FRIENDS RIGHT NOW, ONLY ME. IF DISASTER BEFALLS YOU, PEOPLE, ONE OR TWO, MIGHT COME THROUGH AND HELP, BUT HAVING AN INTIMATE FRIEND DAY BY DAY WOULD INTERFERE WITH YOUR CLOSE MYSTICAL CONTACT WITH ME, THAT IS THE GIST OF WHAT I AM SAYING, THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH I AM CONVEYING TO YOU. PEOPLE DO CLING TO EACH OTHER FOR SUPPORT, I WANT YOU TO CLING TO ME ONLY, AND DO NOT WANT YOU TO HOLD ON TO PEOPLE AS INSURANCE OR GUARANTEE AGAINST DISASTER OR GREAT WANT. Rasa: I do see now. Cool it with people, heat it up only for God, my Mother, my Source, Solace, Inspiration, Motivation and You alone are my insurance, guarantee and Power, and leave people be, just let them go their own way, and be abstracted as much as I can. I do notice as the days go by as people are fading away in the background and I do see, when I speak to them, how some are so totally miserable. And why are they miserable - because of the common state of mortals, living in the thoughts and feelings of the flesh, the world and even the devil. As people sink into this state, much devilish content gets mixed in, and there you have the Purgatory and Hell on earth, in various degrees. And leaving all of this is the state of Bliss and Nirvana, where one is free, and then, there we have Happiness. This is what you want for me and everyone, but everyone will not pay the price. They insist on holding on to people, things, and the things of the world, and their addictions, delusions, sex, entertainment, and all the normal things of life. How sad the human race is, how unhappy. And how they cling to all which makes them unhappy, and then upon appearing in Purgatory, hahaha, they ask God to give them me as the minister of their help, and there, I start helping them, the ones who refused to abstract themselves on earth, who refused to pay the price. MotherGod, they are also loathe to give up sex. I am almost afraid to bring it up, because of the hysteria that comes through. Whenever I have had articles on celibacy and the need to give up sex, I have had the strongest backlash, and that, even from religious people professing tolive in monasteries, practicing meditation and claiming various forms of enlightenment. They go berserk, again, claiming sex is normal and natural, and even though I disclaim that I am speaking of reaching the higher mystical levels, the levels of highest vision and even seeing God face to face, they cling to the notion they can reach the highest levels of Vision while yet holding onto sex. Is this not laughable? MOTHERGOD: IT WOULD BE FUNNY WERE IT NOT SO PATHETIC. TO UNDERSTAND WHERE THEY ARE AT, THESE PEOPLE WHO CLAIM ENLIGHTENMENT, JUST LOOK AT THEIR GROUPS, WHERE THEY CHAT. HOW MANY OF THEM HAVE THE EXPERIENCES OF GOD? THIS IS THE PROOF OF THE PUDDING. IF ONE IS IN THE ABSTRACTED, HOLY AND SPIRITUAL PLACE, ONE HAS VISIONS AND EXPERIENCES OF A HOLY NATURE AND ONE DWELLS UPON ORIGINAL THOUGHTS, FEELINGS, AND INTIMATIONS OF GOD. WHAT THESE PEOPLE ARE DOING IS READING BOOKS AND MOSTLY TALKING ABOUT THEM. THEY WANT EVERYONE TO KNOW HOW SMART THEY ARE. (THIS DOES NOT APPLY TO THE TRUE, HOLY SCHOLARS WHO STUDY SCRIPTURE FOR TEACHING, THESE ARE SINCERE AND BEAUTIFUL SOULS, NOT JUST TRYING TO IMPRESS OTHERS.) WHAT THE NOT SO SINCERE BOOKWORMS ARE DOING IS READING A LOT, REGURGITATING IT BACK ONTO THESE GROUPS, AND THEN, WANTING EVERYONE TO KNOW HOW SMART THEY ARE. BUT THEY DO NOT HAVE THE VISIONS, THE EXPERIENCES, AND WHY? BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT DOING THE WORK. IF YOU WANT TO BE A KARATE EXPERT, THEN YOU HAVE TO GET IN THERE AND DO THE KICKS, YOU HAVE TO STRETCH, AND MOVE, AND WORK DAILY, SO THAT ON THAT OCCASION OF A FIGHT WITH ANOTHER STUDENT, YOU WILL DEMONSTRATE YOUR ABILITY. YOU CANANOT READ ABOUT MARTIAL ARTS IN A BOOK TO BECOME AN EXPERT MARTIAL ARTIST, IT TAKES WORK, OTHERWISE YOU ARE A FORENSIC, NOT AN AUTHENTIC FIGHTER. PEOPLE WHO HAVE NO EXPERIENCES OF THE SAINTS ARE NOT SAINTS. SOONER OR LATER, NO MATTER HOW BUSY A PERSON IS, HOW DISTRACTED, THE SAINTLY EXPERIENCES WILL COME THROUGH. Rasa: That is such a good point. Many people on groups which purport enlightenment or spirituality are in theory, ascended souls. They want people to believe they are, and when I present my experiences of God, these very same people, like rabid wolves, pounce upon me, tearing me apart, saying I am a phony and a charlatan. Is this jealousy? They judge that I am incapable of having visitations and visions of God, that God would not deign to honor me with such, and that they, on the contrary, are in possession of Truth. MOTHERGOD: THE WORLD IS FULL OF THEM AND THEY ATTACK EVERY MYSTIC AND PROPHET WHO EVER LIVED, THEY HATE EVERYONE WHO HAS AUTHENTIC AND TRUE EXPERIENCES OF GOD, BECAUSE THEY HAVE NOT THESE EXPERIENCES, AND THEY WANT TO STAND TALL AND ABOVE OTHERS, AND CANNOT HUMBLE THEMSELVES. HOW CAN GOD GIVE EXPERIENCES TO SUCH RABID WOLVES? DID SHE GIVE EXPERIENCES TO THE PHARISEES AND SADDUCEES WHO PERSECUTED JESUS AND TRIED TO TRAP HIM? THEY WANT TO JUDGE YOUTHE WAY THEY JUDGED JESUS, AND THEY WANT TO DESTROY YOUR MINISTRY, IF THEY COULD, BUT THEY CAN'T. Rasa: Speak more about sex, MotherGod, and how it deters mystical vision. MOTHERGOD: YOU DO WANT TO START THAT RIOT, DON'T YOU, HAHAHA. YES, ATTACHMENT TO SEX PREVENTS SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCES, AND WHY? IT IS THE MIND AND HEART. THE MIND MUST BE FREE AND THE HEART MUST BE ALSO, TO RISE ABOVE THE EARTH AND THE FLESH, AND TO FLY IN MYSTICAL VISION. PEOPLE CANNOT GIVE UP SEX BECAUSE IT IS A BASIC INSTINCT AND IT GIVES THEM PLEASURE, AND AT THE VERY LEAST, THEY WANT TO HOLD ONTO MASTURBATION. BUT WHILE ONE HAS A SEX DRIVE, IT TIES THEM TO THE EARTH AND HOLDS THEIR ENERGY DOWN, AND SO, THEY CANNOT FLY IN MYSTICAL POWER. PEOPLE SUCH AS YOU WHO STRUGGLED MIGHTILY AGAINST SEX ARE REWARDED WITH THE VISION OF GOD, AND IF THE OTHERS STRUGGLED AGAINST IT THEY WOULD LIKEWISE BE REWARDED, BUT THERE IS NO REWARD IF THEY GIVE INTO IT. Rasa: The thing about sex is that people have more power than they think they have, but they lack courage to try. I remember how hard it was to become celibate, one of the hardest things I had ever done, but delivering the greatest reward once the celibacy was anchored. What was my secret? How can I convey to others the goodness of celibacy when they are so afraid? MOTHERGOD: FEW WILL FOLLOW CELIBACY, MOST ARE FALSE - LOOK AT THE PRIESTS. FEW TREAD THESE PATHS OF MYSTICAL PREPARATION, AND AGAIN, LOOK AT THE PROOF OF THE PUDDING. THEY HAVE NO MYSTICAL EXPERIENCES, AND YOU DO; THEY DID NOT SACRIFICE, SO, NO REWARD. YOU CANNOT ACHIEVE THE CROWN OF MARTYRDOM LEST YOU ARE A MARTYR. YOUR SECRET? NOTHING COMPLICATED, JUST INTENSE DESIRE FOR GOD. YOU READ SAINTS LIVES, YOU KNEW THEY WERE CELIBATES, AND YOU WANTED WHAT THEY HAD, SO THIS SPURRED YOU ON. IF THERE IS NOT ENOUGH MOTIVATION, PEOPLE WILL NEVER DO IT. Rasa: And that word suffering, what a riot it evokes. God does not want us to suffer, they scream. But to sacrifice, there is temporary suffering. The flesh wants to give in to sex, and hot fudge sundaes which make us fat, the flesh wants to have a 'good time' instead of working, the flesh wants to chat and watch television instead of being disciplined toward meditation and spiritual reading. Is this not suffering to some degree? What about when we are wronged and abused and we have to swallow it and forgive and forget? What about when we have to humble ourselves to someone to ask for a favor, to get their help toward Mission, and we have to be meek and humble because they will not respond otherwise, that is a little suffering. Why do people hate suffering so much, when it is absolutely necessary? MOTHERGOD: THAT IS THE ETERNAL QUESTION, AND THERE ARE MANY ANSWERS SUCH AS WEAKNESS, STUBBORNESS, IMMATURITY, CONFUSION, LACK OF TRAINING AND GUIDANCE, BAD EXAMPLES AND HABITS, DARKNESS, DELUSION, TEMPTATIONS, ETC. THERE ARE HUNDREDS OF REASONS FOR DOING WRONG AND MANY MORE FOR DOING RIGHT. IF IT WAS EASY GOD WOULD NOT HAVE TO SEND AVATARS AND SAINTS TO HELP. Rasa: These people who are so low, of course they persecute the good, do they not? Because the good shame them and infuriate them, the darkness hates the Light. It is no wonder that few come forward as messengers of God, unless they have some insulation and work within an accepted church where they are protected. MOTHERGOD: THERE IS NOTHING WORSE THAN HUMANS, BE GLAD I AM TAKING YOU AWAY FROM THEM, WANT NOTHING FROM THEM AND BE SATISFIED WITH THE LITTLE YOU GET FOR MISSION. JUST BE HAPPY WITH THOSE FEW SOULS WHO AGREE AND BELIEVE AND HELP OUR CAUSE, AND A COUPLE OF HOLY SOULS YOU KNOW, JUST BE GLAD WITH THAT AND WANT LITTLE OF THE HUMAN RACE. Rasa: Mother, can we end on a more positive, uplifting note? To most, this would sound dreary. Yesterday as I gazed at the black television and thought of having no friends, a slight fear came over me. What courage I have, a real Joan of Arc! But it is these little sacrifices that beget those great eventual visions, once one has held fast to them. I will hold fast unto your disciplines, as I do expect spiritual rewards, that will make my life Heaven. Perhaps you will grant me these things for Christmas. It would be the first happy Christmas I have had in many years. This leads me to ponder, how loathe people are to admit their sorrow, their sufferings, loneliness, and feelings of loss, despair, isolation. It is like admitting failure or lack and this makes people feel vulnerable, as we must all keep up a stiff upper lip, a facade of togetherness, before a world that would ravage us in our weakness. I am not even allowed to show 'weakness' to my devotees, lest they fall for lack of leadership. Yet if I did not know sorrow and loss there would be no empathy. Do you have last words of joy to end this? MOTHERGOD: WE MIGHT END WITH THE FACT THAT YOU ARE HAPPIER THAN YOU HAVE BEEN IN MONTHS, IN SPITE OF ALL BEING SAID, AND MORE TOGETHER, AND NO ANXIETY OR DEPRESSION OR LOSS AND THE BLISS IS INCREASING. ALL THAT ONE GIVES UP - WHAT IS IT WORTH - A HILL OF BEANS, A PILE OF DIRT. HOLD ON TO THE INSIDE, THE INTERIOR LIFE IS ALL, THE EXTERIOR PASSES AND FADES AWAY, THE INTERIOR IS YOUR LIFELINE TO GOD, AND IT CONTAINS ALL GOOD. TO LIVE FOR THE EXTERIOR IS LIKE HOLDING ONTO A RAIL IN A TSUNAMI, BOTH YOU AND THE RAIL WILL BE SWEPT AWAY. HOLD ON TO THE ETERNAL, UNCHANING, INFINITE GOD AND THE TRUTH AND BLISS OF GOD. Rasa: Amen, MotherGod, all Glory to You forever. Coming soon: 'Secrets of Yoga and Christianity - Are they Compatible?' Latest book:\ k_22532525_3?tag2=amd-google-20Latest book: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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