Guest guest Posted December 16, 2006 Report Share Posted December 16, 2006 12/16/06 MotherGod Speaks 1 The devotee who disobeyed and became possessed 2 The employee who fell relying on human strength 3 Women who are accomplices of Patriarchy, differing from those who manage under it 4 The Catechism Rasa: This is my favorite time of the day! It is when I get up, drink my coffee and think of MotherGod, feeling Her Presence, Her Power and Her Light. How I love MotherGod or God under any Form ore Presence! How foolish are mortals who ignore God and go their own way; how great is the cost of disobedience and ignorance of God! Let me tell you two cases, then I will seek MotherGod's wisdom and comments. In the first case, I have a wonderful and saintly devotee. He asked me to help him in a situation where the anointing was used in Power, to break up a relationship. But later, he slunkback into this relationship which is tainted and less than positive, thereby disobeying God and his own Higher Self. This transgression put him into a position of VULNERABILITY, where there was an OPENING for Satanic forces to enter, and enter they did. What happened is that the lady he got back together with employed a second person, worse then herself, adept in demonic power, to try and 'UN-INSTALL' GuruRasa and have the devotee DENOUNCE GuruRasa. The idea was to separate the devotee from his Guru, and so, Satan could then take over. Since the devotee had disobeyed GuruRasa, the Station, Messenger and Form of God reaching him, to some degree, a possession did take place. You see, it was HIS OWN FREE WILL that had allowed it, by leaving the MANTLE OF PROTECTION OF THE GURU. He became overwhelmed by the spirit of this woman, the second agent in his demise, and enamored of her, calling her a 'magician' all the while not understanding it was BLACK MAGIC and wanted to keep both GuruRasa and the demonic lady as his allies! Before it was too late and all was lost, he got back with his Guru, thoroughly repented (this is more cleansing to be done) and has been restated in the Good Graces of God. What the agents of Satan were trying to do, and with much wicked zeal, was to cut him off from Rasa and then, take over his soul, have him damned and even see him die without the grace of God. He had just received an old unworthy (unsafe) car through this 'black magic' and there is a possibility that this car could have caused him an accident, and if he was outside the grace of God, could have lost his life and soul. Meanwhile, on face value, he thought this car was a blessing. Before it was too late, the Guru saved his life and Soul. MotherGod, have I stated the case properly and could you comment? MOTHERGOD: THERE WILL BE ONE MORE ONSLAUGHT BECAUSE YOUR DEVOTEE IS STILL NOT COMPLETELY OUT OF THE WOODS. THEY HAVE WOUNDED HIM WITH SIN, AND THE SIN HAS TO BE CLEANSED FROM HIS SOUL. WORK WITH HIM SOME MORE TO INSURE HIS CLEANLINESS AND SALVATION. Rasa: The next case is the computer employee who ran off, because he could not take the hardships that were happening to him, and he is leaving the state to return to his family. While working for the Guru he said, 'The one thing I do not want you to do is preach to me about God.' Because GuruRasa respects the wishes and free will of others, she stopped said activity. Weeks went by, and the person who had come here from out of state to make a new life for himself, was suffering under the normal hardships of life, but having no God to fall back upon, no sustenance and relying only on human effort, he was failing to cope. He tried and tried, but Rasa could see he was going down slow. Finally, he just couldn't take it any more, declared he was quitting and returning to family. The message here from GuruRasa is that this man, for ignorance of God, failed to receive the Blessings, Power, Light and Love of God he could have received from Rasa, which surely would have sustained him. By relying on human self, he failed, and he turned down the one Person -God - and the Form of God, - the Guru - which would have given him all that he needed. He actually had a RESENTMENT against God, religion, and GuruRasa representing these. MotherGod, can You comment? MOTHERGOD: OH, WHAT A LESSON TO MORTALS, THAT GOD SUSTAINS, GOD MAINTAINS, GOD ENLIVENS AND REFRESHES, FOR GOD IS LOVE, AND ALL THE POWER THAT LOVE BRINGS. THIS MAN NEEDED LOVE MORE THAN ANYTHING, AND HE SOUGHT ITS IMITATION, HUMAN FRIENDSHIP, WHICH DOES NOT SUSTAIN. HE RESENTED GOD BECAUSE HE HAS NO GOD-FOUNDATION, HAVING BEEN IGNORANT OF GOD FROM CHILDHOOD, AND WANTED TO KEEP HIS FREEDOM OF THOUGHT AND IDEAS ON THE EARTH PLANE. TO HAVE SOMEONE TALK ABOUT GOD AND PREACH BROUGHT UP RESENTMENT, BECAUSE HE FELT IT WAS INTERFERING WITH HIS FREEDOM TO THINK AS HE HAD ALWAYS THOUGHT - THAT THEE IS NO GOD. AND SO, HE CUT HIMSELF FF FROM THE POSSIBILITY OF BEING SUSTAINED BY THIS GOD WHO IS ALL GOOD, ALL LOVE AND LIGHT, AND THE MESSENGER AND FORM OF GOD WHO WAS RIGHT THERE BEFORE HIM, GIVING HIM LIGHT AND LOVE, AND BY REJECTING THESE HE IS NOW GOING BACK TO HIS FAMILY, WHO HE LEFT IN THE FIRST PLACE TRYING TO FIND SOMETHING BETTER, AND HE COULD NOT FIND SOMETHING BETTER, AS HE LOOKED FOR THE SAME THING HERE AS WITH HIS FAMILY - HUMAN SUPPORT. Rasa: Human support is so limited, MotherGod. This is the axiom Jesus preached when He said, 'He who does not leave Mother, Father, sisters and brother for my sake cannot be My Disciple.' Jesus was saying that we must not keep ourselves limited to family and friends, we have to seek God above all things for salvation, and there is no eternal sustenance in family and friends, and anyone who tries the way of family and friends will surely fall IN THE SPIRITUAL SENSE even if they feel sustained. To remain in the FALSE SECURITY OF HUMAN TOUCH will be to stay in human limitation and cut oneself off from the eternal and infinite which is right here and now, but must be accessed by sacrificing and leaving behind lower things. MOTHERGOD: WELL SAID. WE ARE NOT AGAINST FAMILY AND FRIENDS BUT REALIZE THEIR LIMITATION, THEY CANNOT BE BLOCKS OR IMPEDIMENTS TOWARD GOD, THEY MUST BE STEPPING STONES, A BEGINNING, AND NOT THE END. IF FAMILY AND FRIENDS SUPPORT US, ENCOURAGE AND AFFIRM US, IT IS TO OUR GREATER GOOD, NOT TO KEEP US IN BONDAGE, ADDICTION AND LIMITATION, THEY MUST BE GOTTENPAST. YOUR EMPLOYEE ARTHUR WAS MISTAKEN THROUGH REJECTING GOD, AND HE WILL LEARN HIS LESSON, IT IS HOPED. BY SEEKING AFTER THE FLESH AND ITS COMFORTS, ITS WARMTH, HE WILL GO HERE AND THERE, YEAR AFTER YEAR. IT WILL BE LUCKY IF HE CRASHES AND GIVES UP HOPE ENTIRELY IN THE HUMAN RACE AND THEN SEEKS GOD. IT WOULD BE A BLESSING IF HE FINDS A WOMAN OF GOD WHO LOVES HIM AND SOMEHOW GETS THROUGH TO HIM, OR A MINISTER. BUT AS THE YEARS GO BY THE CHANCES OF THIS GET SLIMMER, AND THE LONGER A SOUL REMAINS IN THE SPIRITUALLY DEAD STATE, THE HARDER IT IS TO GET THROUGH TO THEM AS THE SHELL GETS THICKER AND THICKER LIKE THE HYMEN OF AVIRGIN, WHICH WHEN IT IS NOT PENETRATED, CAUSES GREAT PAIN AND BLOOD WHEN IT IS FINALLY PIERCED. Rasa: Thank you, Mother. The third thing that occur to me right now is the women who actually are accomplices of Patriarchy, whether or not they now it, and for different reasons. We all of us have to manage in one way or another, for instance, we still seek well-off husbands to make a way in the world, and that is just how it is. But that does not mean we are in favor of male domination and exploitation of the world, it just means survival and success. But there are women, many, who actually go along with Patriarchy by bending to its will in the extreme form, for instance, letting their children be abused, knowing it, turning a deaf ear and heart to it, and being part and parcel of abusing other women. These women take the side of Patriarchy, they are not just surviving, and they are accomplices. MOTHERGOD: AGAIN, WELL SAID. TO SURVIVE AND MANAGE UNDER AN EVIL SYSTEM, MAKING THEMOST OF IT WITHOUT CONTRIBUTING TO ITS EVIL IS ONE THING, BUT ACTUALLY AIDING AND ABETTING IT IS ANOTHER. THE WOMEN WHO HATE OTHER WOMEN, WHO ABUSE THEM, AND ALLOW CHILDREN TO BE ABUSED IS CRIMINAL. REMIND YOUR DEVOTEES AND FRIENDS OF THIS, THAT NOT ALL WOMEN ARE TO BE LOOKED UPON AS GODDESSES, AND IMAGES OF MOTHERGOD, THERE ARE WOMEN WHO ARE NOT BORN AGAIN AND THEREFORE DEAD TO THE SPIRIT, AND THERE ARE WOMEN WHO ARE IN THE SPIRIT OF SATAN AND THEREFORE DOING HARM TO THEIR FAMILY, 'FRIENDS' AND THE WHOLE HUMAN RACE. BY NO MEANS SHOULD SUCH WOMEN BE RESPECTED AND LOOKED UP TO, TURN A DEAF EAR TO THEM AS YOU WOULD TO ANY MISCREANT, IT BEING BETTER TO HARBOR A MAN OF MOTHERGOD THAN A WOMAN OF SATANIC PATRIARCHY. Rasa: That leads me to another question, MotherGod. Last time when we spoke you stated emphatically that we must work out the Matriarchal theology and legal issues without interference from men. Let us be clear and concise about this, that all women are not saints nor are they amenable to Matriarchy, nor are all men evil and prone to Patriarchy. We do love the men who are good souls and right with God, and they are part of Matriarchy, and we do not want evil women involved with us. Will more clarify this? MOTHERGOD: SURE.WHAT YOU SAY IS TRUE AND I ADMIT IT, AND IT HAS TO BE STATED. HOWEVER, IN THE MOST ACTIVE, AGGRESSIVE INSTALLATION OF PATRIARCHY, THERE HAVE BEEN NO WOMEN. NO WOMEN CREATED A PATRIARCHY, ONLY MEN, AND THE LEAD SOULS IN PATRIARCHY HAVE ALWAYS BEEN MEN, NOT WOMEN. SOME WOMEN HAVE OUT OF COWARDICE, FEAR, IGNORANCE AND MALICE, GONE ALONG WITH THE PROGRAM BUT THEY DID NOT INITIATE IT. AND SO, TO START A MATRIARCHY OR RESTART WHAT GOD BEGAN LONG AGO HAS TO BE DONE BY WOMEN, AND WOMEN ALONE WITHOUT BENEFIT OF MEN, BUT MEN CAN HELP IN CERTAIN AREAS. DO NOT GET MEN ENTANGLED IN THE LEADERSHIP, THE SPIRITUALITY, AND THE BUILDING OF THE ORGANIZATION OF MOTHERGOD CHURCH BECAUSE NO MATTER HOW QUALIFIED THEY ARE, THEY HAVE FEAR OF THEIR OWN GENDER AND PERSONAL SELVES BEING OVERLOOKED AND THEIR VISION COULD BECOME TAINTED. IN THE CASE OF A PEOPLE LOOKING OUT FOR THEIR OWN RIGHTS AND FREEDOM, THE LEADERS HAVE TO BE THOSE PEOPLE AND NOT ANY OTHER PEOPLE. A GOOD EXAMPLE IS THE CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT. ALTHOUGHWHITEJ PEOPLE COULD HELP, THEY WERE NOT TO DETERMINE THE PLATFORM, THE POLITICAL STAND OF THE CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT; IT HAD TO BE DONE BY BLACKS. NO MATTER HOW LOVING THE WHITE PRSON WOULD BE, THEY HAD NOT LIVED IN THE SKIN OF THE BLACK PERSON AND THEIR KNOWLEDGE WOULD BE INCOMPLETE, THEY COULD HELP AS FRIENDS AND ALLIES, BUT WOULD NOT BE SUITABLE FOR DETERMINING THE BASIS OF THE CIVIL RIGHTS MANIFESTO. TAKE THE FEMINIST MOVEMENT AS WELL, SHOULD MEN BE PART OF THE THEORIES ABOUT FEMALE FREEDOM? OF COURSE NOT, JUST TAKE IT FROM THERE. NOW IF ANIMALS HAD A VOICE AND A POWER, WOULD THEY ASK PEOPLE TO WRITE THEIR THESIS OF WHY ANIMALS SHOULD BE FREE? SURELY, PEOPLE WOULD BE LOOKING OUT FOR THEMSELVES, EVEN THE BEST OF THEM. FOR INSTANCE, HUMANS WHO LOVE ANIMALS WOULD WANT ACCESS TO HAVE THEIR FELLOWSHIP, FRIENDSHIP AND LOVE, BUT WHAT IF ANIMALS DID NOT WANT TO RECIPROCATE? WHAT IF THEY JUST WANT TO BE LEFT COMPLETELY ALONE TO FEND FOR THEMSELVES AND HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH HUMANS ANY MORE? THAT WOULD BE THEIR OWN PERSONAL PRIVILEDGE AND RIGHT TO DO SO, WOULD IT NOT? Rasa: Yes, and I do not blame animals for feeling this way, especially wild ones, although cats and dogs would probably choose to stay with us to some degree. MotherGod, I have been planning to work on the Catechism for some time and perhaps today we could start. Shall we? MOTHERGOD: LET US PROCEED. 1 Who made us? God made us 2 Who is God? God is the Supreme Being, Infinitely Perfect, Who made all things and keeps them in existence. 3 Why did God make us? God made us to show forth Her goodness and to share with us Her everlasting happiness in Heaven. 4 What must we do to gain the happiness of Heaven? To gain the happiness of Heaven we must know, love and serve God in this world. 5 In what way do we learn to know, love and serve God? There are many ways, religious paths and persuasions, but we must be careful to choose religion which does not employ the Patriarchal agenda. The known religions can be excellent points of departure except where they deviate from Truth in the desire to hold women down and lift up males. Take the good which they teach, but reject the evil of denigration of women. MotherGod Church is an umbrella of a Church which practices belief and faith in a MotherGod in all forms, where MotherGod embodies all the good qualities such as Unconditional Love, includes Mercy but also Justice, and Fairness in every way that we know and understand. 6 Where shall we find the chief Truths which represent MotherGod and Her prerogatives? We find these in MotherGod Church, which will explain how to live with present-day religions and receive their good but reject their wickedness, and will show the way to re-channel and redirect 'male' religions back to MotherGod, and also, will point out other ways to follow MotherGod in Truth by addressing 'Nature' religions and other ancient Matriarchal practices. 7 What is our Creed, our basic set of beliefs? I believe in MotherGod, Creator of Heaven and earth, and in all Her saints and Avatars sent by Her, including (put in the name of your Guru, Avatar or Saint) I believe in the Trinity of MotherGod the Infinite Source, MotherGod the Creation and God the Holy Spirit. I believe the same Holy Spirit lives within the righteous souls of all religions, that the living and the dead who love God are all united; I believe that all sins are forgiven by repentance, that Mother brings us all the grace we need for this world and our spiritual life, that She will never fail us; that MotherGod knows all, sees all and can do all things and She cares about all life on earth and will fill all our needs when we call upon Her. Amen. Rasa: Thank you, MotherGod, all Glory to you Forever. Amen. Coming soon: 'Secrets of Yoga and Christianity - Are They Compatible?' Latest Book:\ k_22532525_3?tag2=amd-google-20 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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