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The Glimpse and the Goal

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by Swami Sivananda


When you get a flash of illumination, do not be frightened. It will

be a new experience of immense joy. Do not turn back. Do not give up

meditation. Do not stop there. You will have to advance still

further. This is only a glimpse of truth. This is not the whole

experience. This is not the highest realisation. This is only a new

platform. Try to ascend further. Reach the bhuma (the infinite). Now

alone you are proof against all temptation. You will drink deep the

nectar of immortality. This is the acme or final state. You can take

eternal rest now. You need not meditate any further. This is the

final goal.


You have within yourself tremendous powers and latent faculties of

which you have really never had any conception. You must awaken these

dormant powers and faculties by the practice of meditation and yoga.

You must develop your will and control your senses and mind. You must

purify yourself and practise regular meditation, then only can you

become a superman or God man.


Every human being has within himself various potentialities and

capacities. He is a magazine of power and knowledge. As he evolves he

unfolds new powers, new faculties, new qualities. Now he can change

his environment and influence others. He can subdue others' minds. He

can conquer internal and external nature. He can enter into

superconscious state.


The wise cut asunder the knot of egoism by the sharp sword of

constant meditation. Then dawns supreme knowledge of the self or full

illumination or self­realisation. The liberated sage has neither doubt

nor delusion. All bonds of karma (action) are rent asunder. This is

the master­key to open the realms of eternal bliss. It may be tiring

in the beginning, because the mind will be running away from the

point (laksya) every now and then. But after some time it will be

focused in the centre. You will be immersed in divine bliss.


(Source: http://sivanandaonline.org/html/ )

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