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Srila Prabhupada

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Today, February 7, 2007 (in India) is the divine appearance day of Srila

Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura. The following is a Vyasa-puja offering from

Srimad Bhakti Desika Acarya Maharaja that was first published in The Harmonist.

No 15. Kartika 2005:]



By Sripada Gaura dasa bramacari – a disciple of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta

Sarasvati Prabhupada, who later became Srimad Bhakti Desika Acarya Maharaja








pasyema kim tam prabhupada-padmam?


His blissful, eternal and cognizant form is the embodiment of Sri Baladeva, the

akhan da-guru-tattva. His immaculate supra-mundane fame has adorned the

universe, and he is the only boat to deliver all living beings from samsara, the

ocean of material existence. Will I ever again have darsana of the lotus feet of

that Srila Prabhupada?






pasyema kim tam prabhupada-padmam?


His form is beautifully fair like molten gold, he is the monarch of analyzing

and discerning the conclusions of pure bhakti, and he is the king among all pure

Vaisnava acaryas. Will I ever again have darsana of the lotus feet of that Srila







pasyema kim tam prabhupada-padmam?


He is the friend who revives the lives of the Gaudiya bhaktas. He is an ocean

of mercy to surrendered souls who are afflicted by material miseries, and he is

a terrible rod of chastisement for the sophists who indulge in unreasonable,

irrational arguments – the so-called followers of religion – and for the

atheistic monists. Will I ever again have darsana of the lotus feet of that

Srila Prabhupada?






pasyema kim tam prabhupada-padmam?


He is a swan swimming in the pond of Srimati Radhika's prema, and he is the

crest jewel within the dynasties of paramahamsas, brahmanas and scholars. He is

intoxicated by the sweetness of the prema of nama-sankirtana – the universal

broadcasting of Sri Caitanya's message of prema. Will I ever again have darsana

of the lotus feet of that Srila Prabhupada?




sarvvam sahavand ya-padaravindah

premabdhi-candro bhajana-dru-kandah

pasyema kim tam prabhup ada-padmam?


He offered the auspicious blessing of bhakti to those who took lower births,

such as sudras and candalas, and his lotus feet are worshipable for the whole

world. Appearing like the moon he made the ocean of prema swell, and indeed, he

is the root of the tree of bhajana. Will I ever again have darsana of the lotus

feet of that Srila Prabhupada?






pasyema kim tam prabhupada-padmam?


He is the most exalted nitya-siddha associate of Sri Gauranga and Sri Govinda,

and he is always deeply attached to the preaching of pure vaisnava-dharma that

is free from the coverings of jnana and karma. As if he possessed a thousand

mouths he would speak the glories of Sri Radhika. Will I ever again have the

darsana of the lotus feet of that Srila Prabhupada?




vikhandita-prajna-kuta rka-laksah


pasyema kim tam prabhupada-padmam?


He is fully expert in all sastras, such as Vedanta, Vedangas (siksa, kalpa,

vyakarana, chanda, nirukta and jyotisa) and Puranas. With his divine wisdom he

would easily smash the multitude of faulty conclusions presented by deluded

logicians and mundane scholars. He is calm and equitable, self-satisfied,

detached from sense pleasure and fixed in his service to Sri Sri Radha-Govinda.

Will I ever again have darsana of the lotus feet of that Srila Prabhupada?



hareh katha-yata-samasta-yamo

romanca-kampasru mudabhiramah


pasyema kim tam prabhupada-padam?


He would spend all eight yamas (divisions of the day) glorifying topics of Sri

Hari, and thus he would become overwhelmed by the manifestation of asta-sattvika

transformations headed by hairs standing erect, trembling, and tears. He would

become extremely hap py when he resided in Sridhama Mayapura. Will I ever again

have the darsana of the lotus feet of that Srila Prabhupada?



ha kvasi mat-prana-prabho kva gupto

gaurakhya-dasas tava duhkha-taptah

prapanna-bhaktartti-haras tvam eva

draksyami kim candra-mukham sakrt te?


O master of my life, where are you? Where have you suddenly hidden? Your fallen

servant Gaura dasa is afflicted by pangs of separation from you. Only you can

remove the sufferings of your surrendered devotees. Will I ever be able to look

upon your moonlike face again?



he dina-bandho! karunaika-sindho!

kuru prasadam mayi manda-mudhe

laksaparadhe bahu-papa-gadhe

tat-pada-padme 'stu matis ca krsne


O friend of the lowly, O Gurudeva, you are the only ocean of mercy. I am a dull

fool and have committed hundreds of thousands of offenses. I have fallen into a

dense myriad of sins, therefore grace me with your mercy so that my mind may be

fixed on your lotus feet and on Sri Krsna.


Guru-bhakti is the backbone of devotion. If you do not have a sad-guru, then

check out http://www.purebhakti.com







Always chant the maha-mantra for this age:


Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare


Swami B.V. Vishnu Daivata B.E. M.Tech.


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