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Tridandisvami Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja



Badger, California: 1997 (part 1)


[by Krsna's mercy we were recently given a cassette recording of the following

discourse, given at the home of Sripad Nirguna dasa Adhikari. Although it is one

of the very oldest classes given by Srila Narayana Maharaja on his world

preaching tours, it is quite appropriate to the present golden moment:]


You will have to add something in your sadhana-bhajana. Try to follow the

instructions given in the book Hari bhakti-vilasa, for all rules and regulations

can be found there. Also, for arcana (formal deity worship), there is a book

coming fromSri Caitanya Mahaprabhu through Sri Vakresvara Pandita and Sri

Gopala-guru Gosvami, and after that through Gopala-guru Gosvami's disciple Sri

Dhyanacandra Gosvami. This book is called Arcana Padhati.


There are two processes of deity worship. One is called bhava-marga (the path of

spontaneous devotion or raganuga-bhakti) and the other is called arcana-marga

(the pathe of formal scriptural rules and regulations, or vaidhi-bhakti).

Arcana-marga has existed since ancient times. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu came

especially to give bhava-marga, but He taught those who arenot yet qualified to

follow vaidhi-bhakti ? and in vaidhi-bhakti arcana is also to be done.


Arcana is not performed by mental speculation or imagining, " This is good and

this is bad. " You will have to follow the injunctions in Hari-bhakti vilasa and

other authorized books. If you are performing arati, you must sing the kirtana

of arati. If you are performingthe arati of Gurudeva, you have to sing the arati

song of Gurudeva. If you are performing the worship and arati of Mahaprabhu, you

should sing Sri Gaura-Arati: " Jaya jaya goracandera aratiko sobha. " If you are

doing the arati of Radha-Krsna, you will have to sing the kirtana of Radha Krsna

? Sri Yugala Arati: " Jaya jaya radha-krsna yugala milana. " If you are not

chanting these songs, there will be a lack in your worship.


We must do this; it does not take a very long time, and I see that you used to

spend over an hour in doing arati. You can adjust, if you like, and those who

follow me should certainly do so.


Do you remember the kirtana: " Jaya jaya radha-krsna yugala milana " ? Radha and

Krsna are the divine couple there. " Arati koroye lalitadi sakhi-gana " You

should see who is doing arati ? it is Lalita. Lalita is performing the arati;

Visakha is behind her, waving a camara and also doing kirtana along with all the

sakhis. Tungavidya is playing mrdanga, Citra or someone else is playing

karatalas, someone is playing a vina, and thousands of very beautiful sakhis are

standing there.


Tungavidya, Citra, and all the other sakhis are expert in their singing and

playing the many instruments. What are they singing?


jaya jaya radha-krsna yugala milana

arati koroye lalitadi sakhi-gana


[ " All glories, all glories to the amorous rendezvous of Sri Radha and Krsna! All

sakhis led by Lalita and her group perform arati for Their pleasure. " (Sri

Yugala-Arati verse 1)]


madana-mohana-rupa tri-bhanga sundara

pitambara sikhi-puccha-cuda manohara


[ " In His beautiful three-fold bending madana-mohana form, He is so attractive,

even to cupid. With His yellow silk dhoti and crown decorated with peacock

feathers, He captivates the minds of all. " (verse 2) ]


Krsna is standing in tri-bhanga sundara. He is bending in three places and He

looks very beautiful with His flute, peacock feather, and vana-mala (garland of

forest flowers), and He is affectionately looking towards Srimati Radhika and

smiling. " Madana-mohana. " If anyone sees Him, and even if Kamadeva will see Him,

he will be charmed. " Pitambara. " We should try to give a pitambara (yellow

chodder or shawl) to the deity of Krsna.


lalita-madhava-bame vrsbhanu-kanya

nila-vasana gauri rupe gune dhanya


[ " To the left of the amorous and charming Sri Madhava is the beautiful daughter

of King Vrsabhanu, Srimati Radhika, dressed in a sari the color of a blue lotus.

Her complexion is the color of molten gold and Her beauty and qualities are

matchless. " (verse 3)]


" Vrsabhanu-kanya. " Srimati Radhika is standing onthe left side of Krsna.

" Lalita-Madhava. " This word has been explained in Sri Ujjvala-nilamani. Who is

Madhava? He is lalita ? extremely beautiful and playful. He never stands or sits

with Srimati RAdhika in the same way as He does with Yasoda-maiya, Nanda Baba,

or the sakhas. Lalita-Madhava is there with Srimati Radhika, and at that time

Srimati Radhika is called Madhavi ? Lalita-Madhavi. There are many explanations

of the word lalita. Krsna is the only lalita-nayaka or dhira-lalita

(dhira-lalita is that playful Person who can keep His girlfriend always in

subjugation by His different qualities). Krsna in the form of Rama is not

lalita, as Dvarakadhisa He is not lalita, as Vaikuntha-pati He is not lalita, as

Subal-sakha He is not lalita, and as the son of Yasoda He is not lalita. Lalita

is He who stands on the left side of Srimati Radhika, and nearby whom is

Lalita-devi, Visakha, Citra, Campakalata, Indulekha, Rangadevi,

Sudevi, Rupa Manjari, Rati Manjari, and Lavanga Manjari ? there He can be



By singing this song, many thoughts and moods will come, and you will feel as if

you are seeing Them ? along withLalita performing Their arati.


Why is Srimati Radhika addressed as Vrsabhanu-kanya? Why not Kirtika-kanya? This

is because she is especially beloved to Her father, so much more than to Her

mother. She did not come from the womb of Kirtika; rather she was floating on a

lotus flower in theYamuna. She appears in different ways and different places

in different kalpas (milleniums). In a different kalpa She appeared from

Kirtika-devi's womb, but in any case Her father loves Her more than Her mother.

As far as Krsna is concerned, Mother Yasoda is more lovingto Krsna than Nanda

Baba. NandaBaba also loves Him, but Yasoda loves Him so much more. With Srimati

Radhika, onthe other hand, it is somewhat opposite.


" Nila-vasana " means that Radhika has taken the color of Madana-mohana Krsna and

has dressed Herself with that color.


nana-vidha alankara kore jhalamala

hari-mano-vimohanavadana ujjvala


[ " She is adorned with various sparkling, shimmering ornaments (alankaras),

enchanting the mind ofHari with Her radiant face. " (verse 4)]


She wearsmany varieties of ornaments, and She has been decorated by Krsna

Himself. Lalita tells Krsna, " Oh, you don't know how to decorate Her! " and she

lightly pushes Him with her elbow. Krsna then says, " You don't know; I know

more. " They are quarreling, and Srimati is laughing.


" Hari-mano-vimohana. " Srimati Radhika is such that Krsna gives His heart to Her.

She takes His heart.


Visakhadi sakhi-gana nana rage gaya

Priya-narma-sakhi jata camara dhulaya


[ " Visakha leads all the sakhis in singing variousragas (melodious songs

according to the appropriate time of day), as all the other priya-narma-sahkis

soothe Sri Radha and Krsna with camara fans. " (verse 5)]


Those who are singing and performing kirtana are Visakha, Citra, Champakalata,

Rupa Manjari, Lavanga Manjari, Ananga Manjari, and so many others, with many

various kinds of melodies.


Who are the priya-narma sakhis? Lalita, Visakha, after that Champakalata, and

after that Citra, Tungavidya, and there are so many others. They are very

beautifully, and humbly, waving their camaras. Their postures are so marvelous

that Krsna wants them to wave the camaras before Him.


sri radha-madhava-pada-sarasija-ase

bhakativinoda sakhi-pade sukhe bhase


[ " At the feet of the damsels of Vraja-dhama lies an ocean of joy. There

Bhaktivinoda Thakura swims, hoping to attain the lotus feet of Sri Radhika and

Madhava. " (verse 6)]


Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura is singing this arati kirtana of Radha and Krsna, and

he is praying, " sri radha-madhava-pada-sarasija ase. " Sarasija means lotus.

Radha and Madhava's feet are like lotuses, and he wants to serve their

lotus-like feet. While arati is going on we can add these ideas ? to improve

our Krsna Consciousness.


If you are worshiping Radha and Krsna and performing their arati, and at that

time if you sing the song of Narahari-rupa Lord Nrsimhadeva, " kesava

dhrta-narahari-rupa jaya jagadisa hare, " what will be the use? Narahari cannot

go to Vrndavana. Parama-pujapada Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaja gave this

mantra at first, before he had given the diksa-mantras of Radha and Krsna. He

told his young disciples to dothis thinking, " Somehow they should begin their

worship. " This is called 'gathering devotees.' It is for common persons, to

gradually bring them to bhakti.


Those who are beginners they should do this, but those who want to advance

further should worship separately in their rooms and houses. Let it be done as

it is going on in any temple, but you, your wife, your children and some rare

devotees should try to follow these other principles. You will then see that

everything is going on well.


Editorial advisors: Sripad Madhava Maharaja and Sripad Brajanatha dasa

Transcribers and typists: Anita dasi and Vasanti dasi

Editor: Syamarani dasi








Guru-bhakti is the backbone of devotion. If you do not have a sad-guru, then

check out http://www.purebhakti.com







Always chant the maha-mantra for this age:


Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare


Swami B.V. Vishnu Daivata




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