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Self Desire

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Each one of us knows what it is like to experience deep feelings

regarding something that we desire, these deep emotions usually are

accompanied by a multitude of thoughts. We desire things to be other

than what they are because if something is a certain way in our Life

and we are in agreement with it being that way then we are obviously

not going to need to desire it to be any other way. All desire

therefore is based upon present dissatisfaction and the desire for

present circumstances to be other than what they are. The presence of

desire prevents us from being satisfied in the moment, Real peace or

True contentment exists only in the absence of desire. Desire is

always projecting the promise of fulfilment in the future. And it

will continue to do so when that future arrives as the present

moment. When we desire something, an object or a circumstance, we

disassociate from the present and project the present possibility of

satisfaction into the future. When we obtain the object of our desire

at some point in the future the temporary satisfaction we experience

in the moment we obtain it is itself the experience of no longer

feeling desire in that moment, the absence of desire is contentment

in the moment. The contentment however soon becomes discontentment as

no circumstance in our Life can be fixed in time as Life is, by its

very nature, in a state of constant change and so as the obtained

circumstance changes new desire arises as an emotion, becomes a

thought and projects into the future, destroying any possibility of

satisfaction or contentment in the present. Once we become a little

intelligent to the fact that desire works in this way and that the

cost, our present moment satisfaction, is too high a price to pay

then we begin to undermine this whole process with enquiry and

understanding. In deep sleep there is an absence of both emotion and

thought and we are alone (all one) in our awareness, we are however

in this emotionless, thoughtless state unconsciously. In deep sleep

we are not in a state of suffering as we are not conscious of the

fact that we exist yet it is obvious that we still exist in this

state because we return from it to the waking state of thinking and

emotions, to our identity as a person. In deep sleep we have no sense

of duality as we are awareness alone, we therefore do not experience

desire at this level of existence. As we move consciously into the

waking state we begin to experience our-self dualistically and desire

and its companion, suffering, come into play. The way out of desire

and suffering is not to move towards some new desired result in the

future but to do the opposite. As the awareness experienced in deep

sleep is continually present in deep sleep, dreams and the waking

state the answer is to be the awareness that is the continuum under

all circumstances. The contentment that we seek for in the future

through our desire system is only found in the absence of desire, the

absence of desire will the absence of suffering, In order to remain

in a constant state of awareness we must recognise that satisfaction

is to be found in the reversal of the procedure that we have been led

to believe it is to be found in. We must recognise that all desire

offers a promise that cannot be fulfilled and the very recognition of

this will bring us back to the moment from where desire arises.

Awareness observes thoughts and emotions, thoughts and emotions have

a beginning, a lifespan and an end, they are objects of time and

change. Awareness is not in a state of change, it has no beginning,

middle or end and when we stand attentive to awareness we see clearly

that our awareness is not a thought or a feeling, it is simply the

absence of these. The fact that we can observe our thoughts and

feelings puts us outside of the framework of time. We therefore are

not bound to our thoughts or our feelings and so we are under no

compulsion to fulfil the desire that arises from them, When we

overlook the fact that we are awareness itself then this awareness

identifies itself with a feeling or a thought and that becomes our

identity. When we cease to identify with the comings and goings of

our mind we stand identified with awareness itself and we are aware

of it consciously. The satisfaction of being fully conscious of our-

self as awareness leaves no room for desire to arise and even when it

does if we remain as awareness in observation of the feeling or

thought we cease to fuel it and are not led away from the present

moment contentment of awareness by its promise. At some point in this

position of being the observing awareness we begin to see clearly

that when a desire is no longer fuelled it collapses back to its

source, awareness, and the outcome that the feelings and thoughts

were seeking is attained by surrendering the desire into awareness.

Awareness is the prior condition of all manifestation; it alone is

responsible for the creation of all that we experience as Life. To

surrender our will, our desire, into the will of the universe is to

give our desire to the One who has the ability to fulfil the promise.

A desire that is fuelled by our personality, our feelings and

thoughts, can at best produce a watered down version of the

fulfilment that is promised and will yet again arise as another

desire because of the dissatisfaction of the result obtained. Our

deepest desire is not for any of the results that our thoughts or

feelings can at best imagine.


Our deepest desire is to come to rest in the realisation of who we

are for in the fulfilment of this realisation we experience our-self

mentally and emotionally as all things, we see our-self as the One.

There is nothing outside of this experience of being the One that

could give rise to desire. In the realisation of Oneness all desires

are utterly fulfilled and come to rest in the present moment, as the

presence of the moment. I and what is arising in this moment are One.

I cannot desire an object or a circumstance because it is me and

therefore has nothing to offer that is not already True of me now as

the One who is the creator of all the manifest condition.


THY WILL, NOT MINE. Thy will is the will of the universe, everything

being exactly the way it is right now and in each moment. My will is

the will of the concept I have of myself which always differs from

what is. From a partial view of who I am I wish things to be other

than the way they are, hence desire arises. From the global view of

who I am I am the One who brings everything into manifestation, as it

is right now, hence no possibility for desire to arise separately. If

I stand ego based with a concept of who I am I will always be

dissatisfied, when I stand as the Self and perceive who I really am I

am contentment itself.

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