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108 Divine Sai Sayings

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Om Sri Sai Ram


1. Arise and awake to establish the Divine Attributes (Saisamrajya)

based on the

foundation of Truth, Right conduct, Peace and Love.


2. All is one; be alike to everyone. The world is one; be good to



3. Be good, see good and do good. That is the way to God.


4. Our life becomes one of fulfillment when we live in morality.


5. Money comes and goes; but morality comes and grows!


6. Time consumes everyone…so do not waste time. Time wasted is life



7. The past is beyond recovery. We are not sure of the future. The

given moment

is the right time. Do not delay; do right action.


8. Silence is the only language of the realized. It is only in the

depth of

silence that the voice of God can be heard. Silence stills the waves

of one's



9. Life is lost in dreaming and being is lost in becoming.


10. Do not be misled by this illusory world. Realize the permanent


Spirit - the ultimate and absolute Reality, unchanged and eternal,

without end

or beginning.


11. One who understands the Supreme Being or God will himself/herself


the Supreme Being.


12. A person is born not to go in quest of material prosperity. He is

born to go

in quest of their Divinity.


13. Man without God is not a man. God without man is always God.


14. Realize that the Divine is present in every living thing as the


Divine Spirit.


15. There is bliss and happiness in realizing the unity inherent in



16. All religions are roads leading to the one and the only goal that

is God. So

regard them all with equal respect (All religions teach that you

should purify

your mind, know your own self and develop Love).


17. The truth is only yourself, what you see during the day is a day

dream, what

you see during sleep is a night dream.


18. God is present in your own heart and functions as the witnessing

consciousness all through. So we cannot hide anything thinking God is



19. Since God is the indwelling Divine Spirit of all living beings,


service or good to a person is in reality worshiping God. Similarly

talking ill

or doing anything bad to a person is in reality doing bad to God

Himself or

talking ill of Him.


20. Good and bad, peace and agony, pain and pleasure, all these

originate within

man and not outside him.


21. Turn your mind inwards to your innate Divinity and enjoy peace


equanimity. Be immersed in that bliss.


22. Good and bad, happiness and sorrow, which appear to be different


opposite, are in reality two faces of the same coin.


23. The mind is the sole cause for happiness as well as for misery,

for bondage

or for freedom.


24. If there are no two periods of pain there will be no experience

of pleasure,

for pleasure is only an interval between two pains.


25. We must try to do good to others and keep the loss or suffering

if any to

ourselves. Then only do we deserve to assert that God is with us.


26. True spiritual life is that which teaches unity or oneness and

makes us

selfless and full of love.


27. Philosophy is the butter churned out of the milk of knowledge.


Knowledge is the higher knowledge, by knowing which we know

everything and the

ultimate reality.


28. Every action of ours and every thought of ours cause a reflection

and a

reaction and a resound.


29. All that we do, either good or bad, knowingly or unknowingly

produces a

result always and so it is necessary for us to do good, so that the


will also be good.


30. Life is not a one-way traffic. We should be prepared to give and



31. Love lives by giving and forgiving. Self lives by getting and



32. The thought that comes from your mind should be pure; the words

you utter

should be true and sweet and the work you do should be sacred.


33. The Good life is a journey from the position of 'I' to the

position of `We'.


34. When you wear the glasses of Divine Love, you will see everywhere

Prema and

can realize the God within you.


35. Whatever you may do, if you do it with the feeling that you are

doing the

same thing to yourself, you will never do anything bad.


36. Without first becoming a servant, you cannot become a leader.


37. Recognizing one's error is the beginning of Wisdom.


38. When you point one finger at others note the three fingers that


towards you. That is, when you point out one fault in others, you

must examine

thrice whether there is any fault in you.


39. Practice before you preach, do not yourself do the mistake, which

you find

in others.


40. If anyone points out any fault in you, you must thank him,

because by

yourself you will not be able to find out your own fault. As your

eyes are

directed outwards, you can find the faults only in others.


41. Association with good company is important; it helps to cultivate




42. God gives you a garland made of all the good and bad that you

have done in

previous lives. You have been born with that garland round your neck.


43. A bad act cannot give you good results; a good act cannot give

you evil

results. You plant the seed; it grows into the tree the seed



44. We are born not to be reborn again. We have to go back to the

place from

which we have come, that is God. Attaining that source is our

ultimate goal of



45. God is not something which is external or outside you. It is

present in you

and is in your own self. Realize this.


46. It does not matter if you live in this world, but do not let the

world live

in you.


47. Install God in your heart and offer Him the fruits of your good


the tears of joy on the leaf of your sacrificed body.


48. Worship the Lord in mind and offer Him something that is yours,

which is

clean and fragrant, with the perfume of virtues and innocence, and

washed in the

tears of repentance.


49. Implicit faith in the Divine is the road to spiritual success.


50. The Lord loves not the Devotee, but their devotion - remember



51. Surrender - Leaving everything to God's will is the highest form


devotion. Whether we lose or gain, have pain or pleasure, our faith

must be

unshaken. Whatever happens, accept it as His gift.


52. God is an ocean of mercy. – Devotion is the easiest way to win

His Grace.

God's Grace is like sunshine, available to all.


53. Faith and Devotion are the two oars with which you can row the

boat of life

across the sea of our spiritual journey.


54. It is not possible for us to enter God's abode without sense

control and

mind control.


55. We can attain liberation even while performing worldly duties, if

our mind

always remains immersed in Divinity. Whatever work we may do, do it

as offering

to God.


56. Having got this sacred chance of life as a human being (which is


difficult to get) if we conduct ourselves like animals, we will be

wasting our

lives and not justifying this gift of God.


57. When the mind is turned inwards, it looks only at the Divine

Spirit and

enjoys the bliss. Therefore you will not notice any difference

between pleasure

and pain, bad or good. You will only realize the oneness of

everything and

become one with God. This is real bliss, meaning equanimity.


58. With the fear of sin, love for God, we must try to lead our lives

in a

disciplined way in order to get real happiness.


59. Whatever strength we have, if we do not have the strength of


all is futile. Real Righteousness comes from God and from right



60. Speak the truth.


61. Where Righteousness is, God is, there is victory. Without God's

Grace, it is

impossible to gain success.


62. When God's Grace is there, no other influence can do us harm.

Try to earn

that grace by sincere prayer and devotion with Love.


63. Just as the Mother comes running as soon as she hears her baby


similarly, if a person cries to the Lord from the depth of their

heart, He will

help his devotee wherever they are.


64. God never does things, which do not have good reasons behind

them. He never

utters words, which have no meaning. Whatever He does, sees and says,


with it an inner deeper spiritual meaning.


65. You may worship a picture as God, but not God as picture. You can


everything to the level of God, but you should not bring God down to

the level

of a picture.


66. Only God's name can win Him, and only by sincere Love and

Devotion one can

get round God - not by money or otherwise.


67. To seek peace and happiness from outside us is a great mistake.

We should

look within ourselves for peace and we can enjoy real happiness if we

do so with

a clean mind.


68. Watch - your Words, Action, Thoughts, Character and Heart. The

mind is mad

monkey. You should not surrender to it. You should watch it carefully

as above

and should have control over it.


69. Ignorance is false identification of self with one's own body. No

one is

isolated from the full stream of life. Each one is a part and parcel

of society.


70. Friendship should not be based on consideration of fear and

favor. The only

friend who will continue to be with you for all time is the Divine

friend - God.


71. Live close and sit close by God. The benefit of both is that the


Bliss of God will then flow to us.


72. As close as you are to God, so close is God to you. One who

realizes that

God is omnipresent will recognize that God as closest to him and that

he is

nothing but God himself.


73. Unless God's Grace and human efforts come together the desired

result cannot

be achieved. So try to win God's Grace by your Faith and Devotion.


74. Pour out all the water of desire from the vessel of you heart and

fill it

with the oil of God. Take the wick of your higher self and dry it in


sunshine of detachment. Then the immortal light of wisdom, will burn


and bright.


75. Laziness is equivalent to 'Dust' and 'Rust' whereas selfless

active work is

like 'Rest' and 'Best'.


76. Haste makes waste. Waste makes worry. So do not be in a

hurry. 'Slow and

steady' wins the race.


77. One's anger is one's greatest enemy and one's calmness is one's


armor. One's Joy is one's best heaven and one's sorrow is one's worst



78. Even the Divine Forms subjects Himself to discipline for elders,

and leaders

must first practice discipline and then only preach to others. God

does not

violate the regulations and the principles that He has laid down.


79. Realize the brotherhood of man and the fatherhood of God. By your


service and Love, serve all, and try to realize the unity in all.


80. It is possible we may commit some wrong; but we must not commit

it after

knowing it is wrong.


81. In your words, thoughts and deeds, there should be unity.


82. The real marks in school and college and in life we should aim at

are not

getting any remarks.


83. Regard your country as the Mother. We should serve this Divine


Follow our own sacred culture that the Mother has preserved for us.

Imitation is



84. Those eager to rectify the world and put it on the proper path

have first to

rectify themselves and their own conduct by controlling their senses




85. Truth is God. To attain Truth, we have to hold on to Truth.


86. All rivers merge with the ocean. Similarly all creation and all

streams of

life merge with the Source, namely God. Aspire for that happy



87. We come into the world with a cry but we should not end our life

with a cry.

We should end our life with a smile.


88. Life is granted to us by God to enable us to seek and attain God.


89. Eyes are given to us in order to help us to see the Supreme One,


Omnipotent Divinity.


90. Legs are provided for us in order to visit the temple of God.


91. Hands are given to us so that we may perform good acts and offer

worship for

the Lord.


92. Intelligence is granted to us so that we may realize that all

that we see in

the world is temporary and that God ALONE is the permanent reality.


93. The tongue is given to us so that we might sing the glory of the

Lord and do

recite the names of God.


94. Ears are given to us so that we may listen to songs praising the

glory of

the Lord.


95. We have been given this body so that with its help, we may do

good to other



96. The basis for the entire world is the Love of the Lord. However


and scholarly a person may be, if that person does not have love in

his heart,

he is a useless person.


97. God is love - Live in love. Start the day with love. Fill the

day with

love. End the day with love. That is the way to God.


98. Love and regard your mother and father as God and serve them -

then God's

Grace will fall on you unasked.


99. There is no use filling your head with mere information and


instead fill your heart with Love. Learning derived from the

scriptures is of

no avail if it does not help you to reach the feet of the Lord.


100. The essence of all scriptures is: Do good to others and keep

away from

doing harm to others. Doing harm to others is great sin.


101. If you are not able to do good to others, at least do not harm

others and

hurt their feelings.


102. Do not forget God and do not fear death. Wait for the happy

moment of union

with God. That is immortality.


103. Knowledge is enriched by discipline and humility. Be humble and



104. If we do not gather information, it is not possible to achieve



105. The guideposts or books will only tell you the road or the

direction for

the destination. You must make the journey and experience the joy and




106. Wisdom is acquired by experience - Try to spread the joy you


experienced to others and make them also happy.


107. Only through acting according to His guidance, you can have the


presence of the spiritual teacher deep in your heart. Then He will

be living

presence within you.


108. Install 'SAI' in your Heart and be 'HAl'. That is to say,

install God,

'SAI', in your heart and be happy and peaceful forever.

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