Guest guest Posted April 1, 2007 Report Share Posted April 1, 2007 The word Kundalini is a familiar one to all students of Yoga, as it is well known as the power, in the form of a coiled serpent, residing in Muladhara Chakra, the first of the seven Chakras, the other six being Svadhishthana, Manipuraka, Anahata, Visuddha, Ajna and Sahasrara, in order. All Sadhanas in the form of Japa, meditation, Kirtan and prayer as well as all development of virtues, and observance of austerities like truth, non-violence and continence are at best calculated only to awaken this serpent-power and make it to pass through all the succeeding Chakras beginning from Svadhishthana to Sahasrara, the latter otherwise called as the thousand-petalled lotus, the seat of Sadasiva or the Parabrahman or the Absolute separated from whom the Kundalini or the Shakti lies at the Muladhara, and to unite with whom the Kundalini passes through all the Chakras, as explained above, conferring liberation on the aspirant who assiduously practises Yoga or the technique of uniting her with her Lord and gets success also in his effort. In worldly-minded people, given to enjoyment of sensual and sexual pleasures, this Kundalini power is sleeping because of the absence of any stimulus in the form of spiritual practices, as the power generated through such practices alone awakens that serpent-power, and not any other power derived through the possession of worldly riches and affluence. When the aspirant seriously practises all the disciplines as enjoined in the Shastras, and as instructed by the preceptor, in whom the Kundalini would have already been awakened and reached its abode or Sadasiva, acquiring which blessed achievement alone a person becomes entitled to act as a Guru or spiritual preceptor, guiding and helping others also to achieve the same end, the veils or layers enmeshing Kundalini begin to be cleared and finally are torn asunder and the serpent-power is pushed or driven, as it were upwards. Supersensual visions appear before the mental eye of the aspirant, new worlds with indescribable wonders and charms unfold themselves before the Yogi, planes after planes reveal their existence and grandeur to the practitioner and the Yogi gets divine knowledge, power and bliss, in increasing degrees, when Kundalini passes through Chakra after Chakra, making them to bloom in all their glory which before the touch of Kundalini, do not give out their powers, emanating their divine light and fragrance and reveal the divine secrets and phenomena, which lie concealed from the eyes of worldly- minded people who would refuse to believe of their existence even. When the Kundalini ascends one Chakra or Yogic centre, the Yogi also ascends one step or rung upward in the Yogic ladder; one more page, the next page, he reads in the divine book; the more the Kundalini travels upwards, the Yogi also advances towards the goal or spiritual perfection in relation to it. When the Kundalini reaches the sixth centre or the Ajna Chakra, the Yogi gets the vision of Personal God or Saguna Brahman, and when the serpent- power reaches the last, the top centre, or Sahasrara Chakra, or the Thousand-petalled lotus, the Yogi loses his individuality in the ocean of Sat-Chit-Ananda or the Existence-Knowledge-Bliss Absolute and becomes one with the Lord or Supreme Soul. He is no longer an ordinary man, not even a simple Yogi, but a fully illumined sage, having conquered the eternal and unlimited divine kingdom, a hero having won the battle against illusion, a Mukta or liberated one having crossed the ocean of ignorance or the transmigratory existence, and a superman having the authority and capacity to save the other struggling souls of the relative world. Scriptures hail him most, in the maximum possible glorifying way, and his achievement. Celestial beings envy him, not excluding the Trinity even, viz., Brahma, Vishnu and Siva. KUNDALINI PRANAYAMA In this Pranayama, the Bhavana is more important than the ratio between Puraka, Kumbhaka and Rechaka. Sit in Padma or Siddha Asana, facing the East or the North. After mentally prostrating to the lotus-feet of the Sat-guru and reciting Stotras in praise of God and Guru, commence doing this Pranayama which will easily lead to the awakening of the Kundalini. Inhale deeply, without making any sound. As you inhale, feel that the Kundalini lying dormant in the Muladhara Chakra is awakened and is going up from Chakra to Chakra. At the conclusion of the Puraka, have the Bhavana that the Kundalini has reached the Sahasrara. The more vivid the visualisation of Chakra after Chakra, the more rapid will be your progress in this Sadhana. Retain the breath for a short while. Repeat the Pranava or your Ishta Mantra. Concentrate on the Sahasrara Chakra. Feel that by the Grace of Mother Kundalini, the darkness of ignorance enveloping your soul has been dispelled. Feel that your whole being is pervaded by light, power and wisdom. Slowly exhale now. And, as you exhale feel that the Kundalini Shakti is gradually descending from the Sahasrara, and from Chakra to Chakra, to the Muladhara Chakra. Now begin the process again. It is impossible to extol this wonderful Pranayama adequately. It is the magic wand for attaining perfection very quickly. Even a few days' practice will convince you of its remarkable glory. Start from today, this very moment. May God bless you with joy, bliss and immortality. PRANAYAMA FOR AWAKENING KUNDALINI When you practise the following, concentrate on the Muladhara Chakra at the base of the spinal column, which is triangular in form and which is the seat of the Kundalini Shakti. Close the right nostril with your right thumb. Inhale through the left nostril till you count 3 Oms slowly. Imagine that you are drawing the Prana with the atmospheric air. Then close the left nostril with your little and ring fingers of the right hand. Then retain the breath for 12 Oms. Send the current down the spinal column straight into the triangular lotus, the Muladhara Chakra. Imagine that the nerve-current is striking against the lotus and awakening the Kundalini. Then slowly exhale through the right nostril counting 6 Oms. Repeat the process from the right nostril as stated above, using the same units, and having the same imagination and feeling. This Pranayama will awaken the Kundalini quickly. Do it 3 times in the morning and 3 times in the evening. Increase the number and time gradually and cautiously according to your strength and capacity. In this Pranayama, concentration on the Muladhara Chakra is the important thing. Kundalini will be awakened quickly if the degree of concentration is intense and if the Pranayama is practised regularly. EXPERIENCES ON AWAKENING OF KUNDALINI During meditation you behold divine visions, experience divine smell, divine taste, divine touch, hear divine Anahata sounds. You receive instructions from God. These indicate that the Kundalini Shakti has been awakened. When there is throbbing in Muladhara, when hairs stand on their roots, when Uddiyana, Jalandhara and Mulabandha come involuntarily, know that Kundalini has awakened. When the breath stops without any effort, when Kevala Kumbhaka comes by itself without any exertion, know that Kundalini Shakti has become active. When you feel currents of Prana rising up to the Sahasrara, when you experience bliss, when you repeat Om automatically, when there are no thoughts of the world in the mind, know that Kundalini Shakti has awakened. When, in your meditation, the eyes become fixed on Trikuti, the middle of the eyebrows, when the Shambhavi Mudra operates, know that Kundalini has become active. When you feel vibrations of Prana in different parts inside your body, when you experience jerks like the shocks of electricity, know that Kundalini has become active. During meditation when you feel as if there is no body, when your eyelids become closed and do not open in spite of your exertion, when electric-like currents flow up and down the nerves, know that Kundalini has awakened. When you meditate, when you get inspiration and insight, when the nature unfolds its secrets to you, all doubts disappear, you understand clearly the meaning of the Vedic texts, know that Kundalini has become active. When your body becomes light like air, when you have a balanced mind in perturbed condition, when you possess inexhaustible energy for work, know that Kundalini has become active. When you get divine intoxication, when you develop power of oration, know that Kundalini has awakened. When you involuntarily perform different Asanas or poses of Yoga without the least pain or fatigue, know that Kundalini has become active. When you compose beautiful sublime hymns and poetry involuntarily, know that Kundalini has become active. TYPICAL KUNDALINI SYMPTOMS IF SOMETIMES NOT DIRECTED PROPERLY: * Burning hot or ice cold streams moving up the spine. * Perhaps a feeling of air bubbles or snake movement up through the body. * Pains in varying locations throughout the body. * Titillation of the genital area, spine, or head. * Tension or stiffness of neck, and headaches. * Feeling of overpressure within the head. * Vibrations, unease, or cramps in legs and other parts of the body. * Fast pulse and increased metabolism. * Disturbance in the breathing- and/or heartfunction. * Sensitivity to sound, light, smell, and proximity of other people. * Orgasm sensations different places in the body, * Mystical/religious experiences,hallucinations, revelations, and/or cosmic glimpses. * Parapsychological abilities. Light phenomena in or outside the body. * Parapsychological abilities. Light phenomena in or outside the body. * Problems with finding balance between strong sexual urges, and a wish to live in sublime purity. * Persistent anxiety or anxiety attacks, due to lack of understanding of what is going on. * Impaired concentration and memory. * Total isolation due to inability to communicate inner experiences out. Note:- Some of these experiences happen to those who have not achieved total purity of body & mind EXPERIENCES OF KUNDALINI AWAKENING While the awakening Kundalini may be a dramatic experience, the resultant shift in consciousness may be accompanied by years of physical and psychological upheavals. The process of Kundalini awakening can vary greatly from person to person. Some have intense physical symptoms, while others experience mainly emotional or psychological symptoms. It is as if the new energy invites a spring- cleaning throughout the entire system, with unresolved physical or emotional conditions coming up for resolution and release. The life transforming changes which accompany a Kundalini awakening cover the entire physiological, emotional, mental and spiritual spectrum. Greenwell (1990) has noted seven categories of symptoms which have been observed during Kundalini awakening. 1. Pranic movements or kriyas Prana is the Hindu word for vital energy. Thus as intense energy moves through the body and clears out physiological blocks; a person may experience intense involuntary, jerking movements of the body, including shaking, vibrations, spasm and contraction. As deeply held armoring and blockages to the smooth flow of energy are released, the person may re-access memories and emotions associated with past trauma and injury. 2. Yogic Phenomena Some people find themselves performing yogic postures or hand mudra gestures, which they have never learned or could not do, in a normal state of consciousness. Similarly, they may produce Sanskrit words or sounds, or have an awareness of inner music or sound, mantras or tones. Unusual breathing patterns may appear with either very rapid or slow, shallow breathing. Some people may not breathe at all for extended periods. 3. Physiological Symptoms A Kundalini awakening often generates unusual physiological activity as intense movement of energy releases toxins in the body. Symptoms include apparent heart problems, pains in head and spine, gastrointestinal disturbances and nervous problems. Internal sensations have been reported as sensations of burning, over sensitivity to sensory input, hyperactivity or lethargy, great variations in sexual desire and even spontaneous orgasm (if desires are not controlled or renounced). Symptoms can be erratic, coming and going without provocation, but are generally unresponsive to medical treatment. 4. Psychological Upheaval Spiritual awakening offers a direct challenge to the primacy of ego consciousness and the myth of separation. It brings with it a challenge to move beyond the unconscious responses ruled by drives and instincts and remove ego consciousness from the center stage of the psyche. It comes as no surprise that such a challenge produces a period of confusion and unbalance. People find themselves beset by inexplicable emotional states as they move to clear out unresolved issues. The emotional roller coaster may swing from feelings of anxiety, through to compassion, love and joy, with accompanying bouts of uncontrollable weeping. 5. Extra Sensory Experiences As perception expands outside of consensus reality, people experience a typical visual phenomena, including visions of lights, symbols, entities, or review of past life experiences. Auditory input may include hearing voices, music, inner sounds or mantras. Even the olfactory system may be stimulated with perception of scents of sandalwood, rose or incense. There may also be disruption of the autonomous perceptive system, with losing a sense of self as a body, or feeling bigger than the body, or out of the body, with the resulting confusion and disorientation. 6. Psychic Phenomena With the opening up of psychic abilities, a person may experience precognition, telepathy, psycho kinesis, awareness of auras and healing abilities. 7. Mystical States of Consciousness A person may shift into altered states of consciousness where they directly perceive the unity underlying the world of separation and experience a deep peace and serenity with a profound knowing of wisdom. How To Awaken The Kundalini ************************* One should become perfectly desireless and should be full of Vairagya before attempting to awaken Kundalini. It can be awakened only when a man rises above Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Mada and other impurities. Kundalini can be awakened through rising above desires of the senses. The Yogi, who has got a pure heart and a mind free from passions and desires will be benefited by awakening Kundalini. If a man with a lot of impurities in the mind awakens the Sakti by sheer force through Asanas, Pranayamas and Mudras, he will break his legs and stumble down. He will not be able to ascend the Yogic ladder. This is the chief reason for people going out of the way or getting some bodily infirmities. There is nothing wrong in the Yoga. People must have purity first; then a thorough knowledge of the Sadhana, a proper guide, and a steady, gradual practice. When Kundalini is awakened there are many temptations on the way, and a Sadhaka without purity will not have the strength to resist. A thorough knowledge of the theory is as essential as the practice. Some are of opinion that theory is not at all necessary. They bring one or two rare instances to prove that Kundalini has been awakened even in those who do not know anything about Nadis, Chakras and Kundalini. It might be due to the grace of a Guru or by mere chance. Everyone cannot expect this and neglect the theoretical side. If you look at the man in whom Kundalini has been awakened through the grace of a Guru, you will not at once begin to neglect the practical side and actually waste your time in passing from one Guru to the other. The man who has a clear knowledge of the theory and a steady practice, attains the desired goal quickly. Kundalini can be awakened by Pranayama, Asanas and Mudras by Hatha Yogis; by concentration and training of the mind by Raja Yogis; by devotion and perfect self-surrender by Bhaktas; by analytical will by the Jnanis; by Mantras by the Tantrikas; and by the grace of the Guru (Guru Kripa) through touch, sight or mere Sankalpa. Rousing of Kundalini and its union with Siva at the Sahasrara Chakra effect the state of Samadhi and Mukti. No Samadhi is possible without awakening the Kundalini. For a selected few, any one of the above methods is quite sufficient to awaken the Kundalini. Many will have to combine different methods. This is according to the growth and position of the Sadhakas in the spiritual path. The Guru will find out the real position of the Sadhaka and will prescribe a proper method that will successfully awaken the Kundalini in a short period. This is something like the doctor prescribing a proper medicine to a patient to cure a particular disease. One kind of medicine will not cure the diseases of different patients. So also, one kind of Sadhana may not suit all. There are many persons nowadays who foolishly imagine that they have attained purity, commit errors in selecting some methods and neglect many important items of Sadhana. They are poor, self-deluded souls. Self-assertive, Rajasic Sadhakas will select some exercises of their own fancy in an irregular manner and leave all the exercises when they get some serious troubles. After Kundalini is awakened, Prana passes upwards through Brahma Nadi along with mind and Agni. You will have to take it up to Sahasrara Chakra through some special exercises such as Mahabheda, Sakti Chalana, etc. As soon as it is awakened, it pierces the Muladhara Chakra (Bheda). It should be taken to Sahasrara through various Chakras. When Kundalini is at one Chakra, intense heat is felt there and when it leaves that centre for another Chakra, the former Chakra becomes very cold and appears lifeless. Freedom from Kama, Krodha, Raga and Dvesha and possession of balance of mind, cosmic love, astral vision, supreme fearlessness, desirelessness, Siddhis, divine intoxication and spiritual Ananda are the signs to denote the awakening of Kundalini. When it is at rest, a man has full consciousness of the world and its surroundings. When it is awakened he is dead to the world. He has no body-consciousness. He attains Unmani state. When Kundalini travels from Chakra to Chakra, layer after layer of the mind becomes opened and the Yogi acquires psychic powers. He gets control over the five elements. When it reaches the Sahasrara Chakra, he is in the Chidakasa (knowledge space). Awakening of the Kundalini Sakti, its union with Siva, enjoying the nectar and other functions of the Kundalini Yoga that are described in the Yoga Sastras are misrepresented and taken in a literal sense by many. They think that they are Siva and ladies to be Sakti and that mere sexual union is the aim of Kundalini Yoga. After having some wrong interpretation of the Yogic texts, they begin to offer flowers and worship their wives with lustful propensities. The term " Divine intoxication that is derived by drinking the nectar " is also misrepresented. They take a lot of wine and other intoxicating drinks and imagine to have enjoyed the Divine ecstasy. It is mere ignorance. They are utterly wrong. This sort of worship and union is not at all Kundalini Yoga. They divert their concentration on sexual centres and ruin themselves. Some foolish young boys practice one or two Asanas, Mudras and a little Pranayama too for a few days, in any way they like, and imagine that the Kundalini has gone up to their neck. They pose as big Yogis. They are pitiable, self-deluded souls. Even a Vedanti (a student of Jnana Yoga) can get Jnana Nishtha only through awakening of the Kundalini Sakti that lies dormant at the Muladhara Chakra. No superconscious state or Samadhi is possible without awakening this primordial energy, whether it is Raja Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Hatha Yoga or Jnana Yoga. It is easy to awaken the Kundalini, but it is very difficult to take it to Sahasrara Chakra through the different Chakras. It demands a great deal of patience, perseverance, purity and steady practice. The Yogi who has taken it to Sahasrara Chakra, is the real master of all forces. Generally Yogic students stop their Sadhana half-way on account of false Tushti (satisfaction). They imagine that they have reached the goal when they get some mystic experiences and psychic powers. They desire to demonstrate such powers to the public to get Khyati (reputation and fame) and to earn some money. This is a sad mistake. Full realization alone can give the final liberation, perfect peace and Highest Bliss. Different methods of awakening the Kundalini by Hatha Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Raja Yoga and Jnana Yoga will be described one by one. Some aspirants will not get perfection by only one method. A harmonious combination of all methods is necessary for the vast majority of persons. In the following pages I will tell you the different exercises that are intended to awaken the Kundalini. If you are wise enough, after a perusal of the different exercises, you can easily pick up the right method of Sadhana that suits you best and attain success. Rousing of Kundalini and its union with Siva at the Sahasrara Chakra effect the state of Samadhi and Mukti. Before awakening the Kundalini, you must have Deha Suddhi (purity of body), Nadi Suddhi (purification of Nadis), Manas-Suddhi (purity of mind) and Buddhi Suddhi (purity of intellect). For the purification of the body, the following six exercises are prescribed: Dhauti, Basti, Neti, Nauli, Tratak and Kapalabhati. These are known as Shat-Karma or the six purificatory exercises in Hatha Yoga. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 2, 2007 Report Share Posted April 2, 2007 dear blessed one, blessed love, thanks for the mails. it looks u love to circulate spiritual library without realizing the seeking of the recipients.anyway ibelong to siddha yoga tradition led by bhagwan nityananda of ganeshpuri.and my spiritual quest has already been fulfilled by my great guru babab muktananda of ganeshpuri,who was an internationally renouned siddha guru.he has awakened the kundalini of millions of people all over the world without talking about at great his divine company even a layman's kundalini got awakened.masters donot discuss but they simply do it in very spiritual,simple and spontaneous manner.i will suggest u that u too pray to lord to send some great ecstatic being who can awaken yr kundalini with his gracious glance.the day yr kundalini gets awakened u willstop gathering informations and will prefer to dive deep in the zone of ocean of consciousness.i wish u great luck. may god fulfill yr all wishes. love 2 yr friends and folks seeking kundalini awakening. in the service of godliness, with blessed love, shree swami maa Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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