Guest guest Posted April 3, 2007 Report Share Posted April 3, 2007 Aimee Semple McPherson Channeled The life of Rasa Von Werder, similarities. 2nd New Rules for Devotees! This is the blurb on the PBS story and Sutton book given us by Dharmashaiva: Aimee Semple McPherson, famous for her trademark props, dressed as a motorcycle cop for a sermon entitled " Arrested for Speeding. " International Church of the Foursquare Gospel. In 1999, All Things Considered aired a story about Aimee Semple McPherson as part of its " Lost and Found Sound " series. Morning Edition, April 2, 2007 · Tammy Faye Bakker Messner may come to mind when you think of controversial female evangelists. RASA: NO COMPARISON. TAMMY BAKER HAS NO ANOINTING OR HEALING POWER. How irresponsible the media can be, how they latch on to only surface realities and do not amplify the Truth inside, how callous and careless they are!............(Rasa) PBS report: But in the early decades of the 20th century, a charismatic preacher RASA: MUCH MORE THAN THAT. THE GREATEST FAITH HEALER WHO EVER LIVED. named Aimee Semple McPherson used the new medium of radio to spread the gospel to millions of loyal followers. Sister Aimee, as she was known, made her name in Hollywood RASA: IN LOS ANGELES AND THROUGHOUT THE WHOLE WORLD, BUT SHE WAS THE SPIRITUAL LEADER OR 'GENERAL' OF LOS ANGELES. in the 1920s, and was one of the first preachers to wed Christian fundamentalism with Hollywood-style theatrics and tabloid-worthy controversy, including her own mysterious disappearance. RASA: OF COURSE, THAT IS ALL THAT INTERESTS YOU, AND THOSE WHO ARE OF THE WORLD. SHE WAS 'MY KINGDOM IS NOT OF THIS WORLD' AND BROUGHT THE POWER OF GOD TO EARTH, BUT ALL YOU SEE IS THE SURFACE. She founded the Church of the Foursquare Gospel and built a monumental temple in Los Angeles. A documentary on Sister Aimee airs Monday night on PBS. It's based on a new book by Matthew Avery Sutton, Aimee Semple McPherson and the Resurrection of Christian America. RASA: BY WHAT I SAW OF THIS, MATTHEW SUTTON HAS NO VISION OF AIMEE, AND WITHOUT A VISION, HIS BOOK PERISHES. Renee Montagne talks to the author about the woman who became a symbol for religious manipulation and extravagance. RASA: IT WAS SHE WHO WAS MANIPULATED, IT WAS SHE WHO WAS USED AND EXPLOITED BY THE MEDIA AND BY THOSE WHO WANTED TO BE HEALED BUT GAVE NOTHING IN RETURN, NOT EVEN RECOGNITION TO HER. SHE RECEIVED MEAGERLY FOR WHAT SHE GAVE, AND WAS GREATLY PERSECUTED. THIS IS NOW CONTINUING IN THIS DEPLORABLE BOOK AND BY THE PBS DOCUDRAMA, AND NOW SHE IS BLAMED FOR THINGS SHE NEVER DID. ALL SHE DID WAS PRAISE THE LORD AND PASS OUT HIS HEALING POWER, YET SHE IS BEING BLAMED FOR THIS? SHE MANIPULATED NO ONE, SHE WAS NOT EXTRAVAGANT, SHE GAVE ASKING NOTHING IN RETURN, HER EXTRAVAGANCE WAS IN DOING GOD'S WILL AND SPENDING ALL HER MONEY ON GOD'S MISSION., March 30, 2007 · Prologue On a brisk fall evening in 1934, six thousand people jammed into the exotic Shrine Auditorium, the largest and poshest theater in Los Angeles. The crowds on this particular night had come to witness the only showing of a spectacular religious pageant like nothing they had ever seen before. At close to 9:00 p.m., the orchestra came to life, launching into a rendition of patriotic songs. The curtains swung open and the show began. America's " Pilgrim Fathers " stepped onto the stage to rousing applause. They reenacted the landing of the Mayflower at Plymouth Rock and proclaimed the new nation's foundation on conservative Christian ideals. The Founding Fathers appeared next. They drew up the U.S. Constitution, a document " conceived in prayer and executed by Christian gentlemen. " The third scene featured Abraham Lincoln on his knees in prayer, " seeking guidance of his God in the times of national stress. " Without a doubt, the Protestant God had blessed the United States. This harmonious vision of the United States' Christian past began to disintegrate in the next few scenes, however, as subsequent generations of Americans who spent too much time trying to be " modern " forgot " that God founded this nation. " They removed the Bible from schools, embraced the concept of biological evolution, and, " determined to blot out the God who had led and nurtured the United States, " turned away from the " old-time " religion. At this point in the spectacle the orchestra fell silent and a hush stole over the capacity crowd. The audience tensed, as a sinister villain, an atheist and a communist, appeared on the stage. He began his diabolical work by tiptoeing up to an oversized dollar bill and, using a hammer and chisel, chipped away the words " In God We Trust. " Then he sneaked over to a massive poster featuring the lines of the national anthem. He reached down, grabbed a brush, and began splattering red paint across all references to God. The stunned audience " gasped in horror " as the scoundrel obliterated the ideas that had been " the very blood and body of our nation-the very foundation upon which it has stood through the years. " RASA: IT IS OBVIOUS TO ME THAT THE AUTHOR IS SNEERING, LAUGHING AT THIS DISPLAY OF LOVE FOR GOD AND COUNTRY. ALTHOUGH I HAVE DISAGREEMENTS WITH RELIGION IN THE FORM OF PATRIARCHY AND MALE DOMINATION, THESE IDEALS, EXAMINED HERE, ARE NOBLE AND RIGHTEOUS. SURELY YOU WOULD RATHER HAVE GOD AND LOVE INSTEAD OF ATHEIST COMMUNISM AND MATERIALISM! But he wasn't done yet. The curtains opened again for the climactic final scene, revealing the villain's ultimate target-the United States Capitol. Above the Capitol building flew an American flag, while below it stood the " sturdy foundation stones " of " government, order, faith, and home. " Miss America was supposed to be protecting these cherished institutions, but she had fallen asleep on the Capitol steps. The fiendish burglar laughed disdainfully as he snatched the foundations of the nation right out from under her. Then he replaced the flag with the red banner of communism. Just when it appeared that the rogue had completely undermined the United States, onto the stage stepped a stunning woman dressed entirely in white-Aimee Semple McPherson. The crowd went wild, cheering and screaming for the radiant cultural icon who had created this show. McPherson smiled and bowed. Then, in her high-pitched, nasal, singsong voice, RASA: OH, HOW SUTTON WAXES ROUGHSHOD OVER AIMEE. SHE HAD WON MANY ELOCUTION AND DEBATING AWARDS AND WAS FAMOUS FOR BEING ELOQUENT. LISTENING TO THE OLD TAPES AND MOVIES YOU CAN HEAR A BEAUTIFUL, MELODIOUS VOICE, FILLED WITH LOVE, JOY AND ENERGY, SAYING WONDERFUL THINGS. strained by decades of preaching without amplification, RASA: NOT STRAINED AT ALL, I HEARD NO STRAIN AT ANY TIME. she shouted, " America! Awake! The enemy is at your gates! They have penetrated your walls! America! You are in danger! An enemy power is penetrating your strongholds! There is death in their hands-the bombs of atheism and of communism and of anarchy! America! Awake! Defend your own! " RASA: TO THOSE WHO THINK THIS SOUNDS NAIIVE, IT IS NEVER A WASTE TO WARN THE PEOPLE ABOUT ATHEISM, LACK OF LOVE AND RESPECT FOR WHAT GOD HAS GIVEN US. APPRECIATION AND GRATITUDE FOR ALL THAT WE HAVE ARE IN ORDER, AND ALTHOUGH OUR COUNTRY, LIKE ALL COUNTRIES, IS FLAWED, IT COULD BE WORSE. LOOK AT THE THIRD WORLD, LOOK AT CHINA AND INDIA, THE POVERTY, THE LACK OF HUMAN RIGHTS, THE KILLING OF 40 MILLION GIRL BABIES IN INDIA AND 40 MILLION MORE IN CHINA. Responding to her cry, Uncle Sam jumped onto the stage. He sprinted forward and grabbed the villain, issuing him a ticket back home- " a ticket back to Red Russia, a ticket that will take him to the lands where the Stars and Stripes do not wave. " At the end of the scene, McPherson approached the Capitol. With the entire audience cheering her on, she removed the subversive's flag and returned Old Glory to its position atop the dome. The crowd again erupted into applause. Thanks to McPherson and Uncle Sam, the Christian foundations of the nation were safe once more. (snipped_ Dazzling religious theatrics and a penchant for publicity RASA: WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY PENCHANT? I HAVE THIS, AS I CONTACT THE MEDIA, BUT MZ MCPHERSON DID NOT CONTACT THE MEDIA, THEY HOUNDED HER AND WROTE LIES ABOUT HER BECAUSE SHE SOLD PAPERS, SHE MADE NEWS. NEWSREELS ALSO. made McPherson one of the most famous American personalities of the interwar years. The first religious celebrity of the mass media era, she mastered print, radio, and film for use in her evangelical mission. RASA: THAT, SHE DID. SHE USED ALL MEDIA FOR THE LORD. FIRST, HER CAR WAS A VEHICLE AS FEW PEOPLE HAD THEM, AND IT HAD REVIVAL SLOGANS WRITTEN ALL OVER IT. WITH A WOMAN PREACHER DRIVING THIS BIG CAR, SHE ATTRACTED A CROWD. BUT THAT WASN'T ALL. SHE HAD A MANUAL TYPEWRITER WITH HER, ON THE ROAD, WHERE SHE CRANKED OUT A REGULAR NEWSLETTER THAT REACHED THOUSANDS! ALL THIS WHILE TOWING TWO LITTLE KIDS WITH HER, WITH NOT A GREAT DEAL OF HELP, BUT SOME. FIRST HER HUSBAND HAROLD (WHO MANAGED THE TENT AMONG OTHER THINGS) AND WHEN HE QUIT, HER MOM TRAVELLED WITH HER. (HER MOM, WHO GOT MARRIED TO AN OVER 50 MAN AT 15, WAS NOT MUCH OLDER THAN AIMEE, AND LATER, TRIED TO TAKE AIMEE'S CHURCH AWAY FROM HER, AND DID ALIENATE THE AFFECTION OF AIMEE'S DAUGHTER AWAY.) Her integration of the latest media tools with a conservative creed established precedents for the twentieth century's most popular ministers, from Billy Graham to Oral Roberts to Pat Robertson. Possibly more significant, she brought conservative Protestantism back from the margins to the mainstream of American culture, by arguing that Christians had an obligation to fight for the issues they believed in and boldly proclaiming that patriotism and faith were inseparable. RASA: WHAT ARE YOU SAYING HERE, THAT ONE CANNOT LOVE THEIR COUNTRY AND THEIR FAITH AT THE SAME TIME? ONE CAN APPRECIATE ONE'S COUNTRY, WITH ITS FLAWS, AND EVEN BE A LOYAL DISSIDENT, FIGHTING FOR REFORM, AND ONE CAN CERTAINLY BELIEVE OUR COUNTRY IS UNDER GOD AT THE SAME TIME...WHY IS THIS WRONG? Contemporary evangelical politicians from local school board members to President George W. Bush are indebted to McPherson for convincing the faithful that their citizenship in heaven did not nullify their citizenship on earth, but rather that they should work for a more Christian nation. RASA: AGAIN I SENSE THE SNEER OF SUTTON. TO COMPARE AIMEE TO BUSH AND OTHER HYPOCRITES IS LIKE SAYING SHE WAS RESPONSIBLE FOR THEM, SHE WASN'T LIKE THEM AT ALL, SHE WAS 100% HONEST ABOUT GOD AND LOVE. THE VALUES OF GOOD CHRISTIANS ARE THE VALUES OF GOOD JEWS, MUSLIMS, HINDUS, CHRISTIAN SCIENTISTS, UNITY, WICCA, MOTHERGOD AND ALL THE REST. WHOM DO YOU WANT TO LEAD THE COUNTRY AND WORLD, THOSE WHO HAVE NO SPIRITUAL OR RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION NOR FAITH? WHAT DO YOU WANT AT THE HEAD OF THE COUNTRY, MATERIALISTS AND ATHEISTS? IS THAT WHO YOU CAN TRUST? LOOK, LET'S FACE IT, THERE IS A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN PAT ROBERTSON AND RASA VON WERDER, ALTHOUGH BOTH ARE RELIGIOUS AND SPIRITUAL. PAT ROBERTSON BELIEVES IN ONE RELIGION, ONE WAY OF FAITH, AND NO OTHER WAY, AND THIS WAY SHOULD TAKE OVER OUR COUNTRY. BUT RASA VON WERDER BELIEVES IN A MOTHERGOD WHO LOVES ALL, AND ALL THOSE WHO ARE TRUE CHRISTIANS DO NOT JUDGE AND CONDEMN OTHER FAITHS, THEY, LIKE JESUS WITH THE PARABLE OF THE GOOD SAMARITAN, LOVE ALL PEOPLE, ALL PEOPLE ARE GOD'S CHILDREN AND SHOULD BE RESPECTED AND CARED FOR. Finally, with her extraordinary religious fervor and theatricality, McPherson helped shape one of the twentieth century's most explosive religious movements-evangelicalism. And she did it, of all places, from just outside Hollywood. McPherson's religious revival caught the nation off guard. With rapid urbanization, the discovery of new technologies, the perfecting of powerful forms of mass media, the rise of the modern university system, and the growth of a celebrity-centered culture, many Americans in the early twentieth century predicted the extinction of classic evangelicalism. Yet from her location in the burgeoning show business capital of the world, McPherson changed the way American religion is practiced. She combined the old-time faith, show biz sensibilities, marketing savvy, and passionate Americanism to revive a seemingly dead movement. RASA: I DON'T KNOW WHY HE CALLS IT SEEMINGLY DEAD. PENTOCOSTALS, THOSE WHO BELIEVE IN THE HOLY SPIRIT, WERE ABUNDANT IN THIS ERA, AND TRAVELLED THE UNITED STATES PREACHING AND DOING HEALINGS. THIS DID NOT DIE OUT UNTIL KATHRYN KUHLMAN IN THE 70'S, BUT I AM PLANNING TO REVIVE IT. Rather than wither away, evangelicalism, with its careful integration of cutting-edge technology, American patriotism, and social conservatism, has become one of the most influential forces in U.S. history. Although many men and women from a variety of different traditions contributed to the regeneration of evangelicalism, none compared with McPherson. As the most famous minister in America during the interwar years, she became the personification of the old-time religion, by transforming a conservative religious creed into something as exciting as a swashbuckling Hollywood adventure. Yet the rapid expansion of this culturally attuned faith was not without its pitfalls, for McPherson constantly blurred the boundary between the sacred and the profane. Many critics despised the seeming irreverence of combining show business with an ancient creed. RASA: THEY WERE JUST JEALOUS. Others questioned the creation of all-powerful celebrity preachers who marketed little more than their own personalities to the masses. RASA: THAT WAS NOT AIMEE, SHE NEVER CLAIMED ANYTHING BUT JESUS CHRIST AS THE POWER AND GAVE HIM ALL THE GLORY. Still others who decried the mixing of faith and politics warned that the First Amendment was under siege. RASA: SHE WAS NOTHING LIKE PAT ROBERTSON, SHE LOVED EVERYONE AND GAVE FOOD TO EVERYONE OF ALL FAITHS. YOU JUST HAD TO CALL HER CHURCH AND ASK FOR FOOD AND NO QUESTIONS, A BOX WAS SENT TO YOUR HOUSE, WHEREAS PAT ROBERTSON IS A BIG-TIME BUSINESSMAN WHO OWNS GOLD MINES IN AFRICA USING CHEAP LABOR, AND USES HIS MONEY TO BANKROLL HIS MINISTRY WITH STRONG POLITICAL AMBITIONS. AIMEE NEVER WANTED TO BE A POLITICIAN OR BIG SHOT POLITICAL LEADER, SHE JUST WANTED TO FOLLOW THE WILL OF GOD, GET PEOPLE SAVED, HEALED AND FED. And there was an even darker side to this evangelical culture, fueled by McPherson and her allies' constant search for signs of the impending rise of the Antichrist. Like the Puritans before them, they tended to interpret daily events within the framework of a continuous cosmic struggle between good and evil. Because they never knew when and where the devil might strike, they remained very suspicious of " outsiders. " Regardless of how successful such believers became, they saw themselves as a besieged minority, a faithful remnant, charged with holding back the forces of the apocalypse. This ideological commitment, which kept them constantly on the defensive, RASA: THE WORLD IS 'THE CHURCH MILITANT,' A PLACE OF THE BATTLE OF GOOD VS. EVIL, AND THE DEVIL DOES GO ABOUT 'LIKE A ROARING LION SEEKING WHOM HE MAY DEVOUR' SO SHE WAS RIGHT. THESE DEMONS ARE IN HIGH PLACES, INCLUDING OUR AND ALL GOVERNMENT, BIG BUSINESS, BIG CHURCHES AND ALL PLACES OF INFLUENCE, AND THESE ARE MOSTLY PATRIARCHAL FORCES. HERE EVIL HAS SOLIDIFIED ITS CLAWS IN DISCRIMINATION, EXPLOITATION, LYING, STEALING AND KILLING. WE LIVE IN A WICKED WAR ECONOMY WHICH WANTS OVERPOPULATION IN ORDER TOHAVE A POWERFUL MILITARY AND LOTS OF BODIES TO SEND OFF TO WAR, SO YES, WE DO HAVE TO LOOK OUT FOR THE INTERESTS OF GOD AND LOVE. HERE SUTTON IS MAKING AIMEE SOUND LIKE A PARANOID WEIRDO, BUT SHE WAS A LOGICAL AND EFFECTIVE WARRIOR FOR GOD. fueled a nativist tendency that occasionally surfaced in damaging ways. RASA: HE SHOULD EXPLAIN WHAT HE MEANS BY DAMAGING WAYS. But the greatest controversy affecting McPherson centered not on her religious innovations or her sporadic xenophobia but on her personal life. When, at the peak of her fame, she became embroiled in what appeared to be a major sex scandal, she nearly landed in jail. She discovered that the same publicity tools that had helped her create a religious empire could just as easily destroy her. Ultimately, however, she rebounded from the controversy and returned to the national spotlight during World War II to solidify the marriage between evangelicalism and patriotic politics. On one level this is the story of the rise, fall, and redemption of one of the most fascinating characters in American history, Aimee Semple McPherson. But it is much more than that. It is also the story of how Americans came to embrace a thoroughly modern form of evangelicalism that had its roots in McPherson's innovations and concerns, one that has flourished to this day. Indeed, the tensions and controversies that characterized McPherson's world have come to define faith and politics in the twenty-first-century United States. RASA: OK, YOU GET IT BUT YOU DON'T GET IT. YOU SEE THE EFFECT SHE HAD IN ONE AREA, BUT YOU DON'T SEE HER. I WILL CHANNEL AIMEE AND REVEAL WHAT WAS INSIDE HER SKIN. Excerpted from Aimee Semple McPherson and the Resurrection of Christian America by Matthew Avery Sutton. Published by Harvard University Press. RASA: OH HARVARD, OF COURSE HARVARD, THE HOME OF THE WISE ASSES, THOSE WHO KNOW THE PRICE OF EVERYTHING AND THE VALUE OF NOTHING, THE KNOW IT ALLS WHO DON'T KNOW ABOUT GOD AND HEAVEN. HEY, ALL YOUR BOOKS - YOU CAN'T TAKE THEM WITH YOU! RASA CHANNELS AIMEE SEMPLE MCPHERSON: Rasa: Aimee, does anything bother you about this book and the PBS docudrama? AIMEE: WELL, IT KIND OF BOTHERS ME THAT THEY FAIL TO SEE THE TRUTH OF WHAT MADE ME TICK, THE GREAT LOVE OF GOD. THEY DON'T SEE IT THAT WAY, AND YOU ARE RIGHT TO CHASTIZE THEM FOR THEIR POINT OF VIEW. THEY JUST DON'T SEE THE LOVE. Rasa: Even Richard Rossi, whom I like and respect, did not do justice to your story because he thought you had a conflict between the flesh and spirit, in falling in love with the whoremaster after you had your breakdown, etc., and he portrayed it that way in his movie. I am pretty mad about that. AIMEE: WHAT DO YOU EXPECT, HE'S A MAN. ONLY YOU AND OTHERS LIKE YOU, WHO ARE ONE WITH GOD, COULD REALLY SEE IT MY WAY. UNLESS A PERSON IS THERE, THEY PROJECT THEIR OWN IDEAS AND OPINIONS AND THEIR OWN DESIRES ONTO ME. Rasa: What should I do to make sure that my life is portrayed properly while I am living and after I'm dead. I can see by your example they will make mincemeat out of my life. If they find fault with you, they will surely skewer me over the coals, as they are now, even as I live, and I expect from some quarters it will get worse after I die. They have all my adult media work to use against me, while they had practically nothing against you except people's imaginations. AIMEE: THIS IS YOUR CROSS, SO BEAR IT WELL. SPEAK UP FOR THE WOMEN IN THE TRADE, THEY NEED REPRESENTATION. ALTHOUGH THEY WILL TRY AND USE IT AGAINST YOU, IT WILL HELP MANY, WHEN THEY SEE THAT A WOMAN IN THE TRADE WAS SO CLOSE TO GOD AND DID SO MANY GOOD THINGS, AND WHEN YOU START YOUR HEALINGS, I WILL BE WITH YOU AND JESUS WILL WORK THROUGH YOU. YOU WILL LEAVE MUCH MORE FAITH-BASED WORK BEFORE YOU DIE THAN YOU ALREADY HAVE, SO IT WILL RUN IN YOUR FAVOR. TO MAKE SURE YOUR LIFE IS WELL REPRESENTED, WRITE AS MUCH AS YOU CAN ABOUT YOURSELF, LEAVING IT IN BOOKS, AND THEY CANNOT IGNORE IT COMPLETELY. MAKE IT EXPLICIT AND STRAIGHTFORWARD WHAT YOU SUFFERED, WHAT YOU FELT, WHAT YOU REALLY DID, SO THAT UNLESS THEY ARE TOTAL LIARS AND IDIOTS, THEY CANNOT MISS IT. Rasa: I have some of your books and you represented yourself so well, but do they consult your books? No, they mostly consult the media and the slander and sensationalism of your life, what others did to you. I totally believe your kidnapping, it all makes sense, they didn't even try to find the shack where you were held captive, they did not even examine the ransom notes - they just didn't try at all. AIMEE: RASA, DON'T WORRY ABOUT ME, WORRY ABOUT YOURSELF. I DO APPRECIATE YOU STICKING UP FOR ME, BUT I WOULD RATHER STICK UP FORYOU. I WILL BE WITH YOU IN SPIRIT. FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE, FIGHT FOR YOUR MINISTRY, IT IS PRECIOUS. NO WOMAN HAS CARRIED A CROSS SUCH AS YOU, WHO ENTERED INTO MINISTRY AS YOU HAVE. IT IS REFRESHING AND DELIGHTFUL, JUST GO FOR IT. TALK ABOUT THE TRADE, DON'T BE ASHAMED, AND OTHER WOMEN WILL BE EMBOLDENED TO STAND UP FOR THEMSELVES AND HAVE SELF RESPECT. TALK ABOUT IT IN THE MEDIA, JUST SAY WHAT YOU THINK AND FEEL, IT WILL ALL COME OUT GOOD. Rasa: Aimee, I feel I am not doing enough no matter how hard I try. I need to get into the media again, but I am having trouble. The first book did not get me across, and I did not try with the next two. Will the dream book give me any more success? Unless I get some publicity, the books will remain on the shelves. AIMEE: YOUR DAY IS COMING, OH, HOW IT IS COMING. I AM LAUGHING INSIDE WHEN I SEE YOU TRAVELLING AND NOT EVEN HAVING TIME TO ANSWER YOUR MAIL. IT WILL HAPPEN SOON, NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO OR DON'T DO. JUST TAKE IT EASY, TRY AND ENJOY YOUR LIFE AND YOUR DAYS, AND DO NOT DESPAIR OR FEEL ANXIETY. DO CONTACT THE MEDIA AND SEND YOUR BOOKS TO THE BIGGEST ONES, DO WRITE THEM AND DO NOT GIVE UP. YES, YOU WILL GET SOME RESPONSES. SOMETIMES YOU FORGET HOW HARD IT WAS IN THE BEGINNING WITH STRIPPING FOR GOD AND BODYBUILDING. THINK OF IT LIKE THAT, A NEW PROJECT, A NEW NAME, EVERYTHING NEW, AND IT CANNOT BE DONE QUICKLY BUT IT WILL BE DONE. Rasa: We Matriarchs are just a small group, working together, and I feel especially sorry that William Bond gets so discouraged in spite of all the work he does, he gets so little in return. What do you think of the coming Matriarchy? What do you think of our part in it? AIMEE: OH, HOW I WISH I COULD BE BACK ON EARTH WHEN MATRIARCHY FLOWERS AGAIN! IT'S BEEN LONG IN COMING, BUT IT'S COMING. WHAT YOU GUYS ARE DOING IS IMPORTANT, JUST KEEP ON, IT IS IN THE DOING OF IT YOU WILL BE BLESSED. HOLD ONE ANOTHER UP. IF ONLY YOU ALL COULD SEE ONE ANOTHER TO STRENGTHEN EACH OTHER. THINK OF SOME WAY YOU COULD BE FRIENDLIER AND CLOSER TO EACH OTHER, AS IT WOULD HELP, BUT YOU ARE ALL TOO ISOLATED. Rasa: When I begin to travel, certainly we can meet if I am in England, but closeness on a regular basis seems possible only with the internet. Perhaps some day we will have webcams, perhaps there will be many more of us to keep us company. How can we keep up our enthusiasm over Matriarchy? AIMEE: BY THINKING ABOUT IT. I KEPT MY FAITH ALIVE BY READING THE BIBLE, THINKING OF OUR LORD, ANSWERING QUESTIONS AND DOING THE PRAYING AND HEALING. BOTH YOU AND WILLIAM WILLNEVER GIVE UP, YOU ARE BOTH MATRIARCHS FOREVER, NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO, YOU WILL BE THAT WAY AND NEVER CHANGE, SO IT WON'T GO AWAY. TRY NOT TO WORRY, AND IT WILL ALL GO SMOOTHLY. THE ONLY BAD THING IS YOUR WORRYING OR FRETTING ABOUT IT. YOU ARE BOTH A SUCCESS, YOU ARE ALL DOING SUCCESSFUL WORK, AND SO, DO NOT BE TROUBLED. Rasa: Thank you, Aimee, that is it for now, Eternal Rest to you in your Comprehension of God, how Beautiful it must be! AIMEE: WORDS CANNOT DESCRIBE THE BOUNTY AND THE BEAUTY HERE IN ETERNITY, FOR THOSE WHO LOVED GOD. IF ONLY ALL COULD SEE IT, THEY WOULD SUFFER ANYTHING TO GET IT. TELL THEM THAT. Rasa: We have. Until we speak again, Infinite Love. AIMEE: SAME HERE, MY DAUGHTER AND MY SISTER IN LOVE. NEW RULES FOR DEVOTEES: From now on, in order to be a devotee IN GOOD STANDING, OR ACTIVE DEVOTEE WHO RECEIVES MY POWER, you are required to do the following: Each month send ONE DOLLAR to my Post Office Box 643, Windsor, New York, 13865, and IF YOU CANNOT AFFORD THE DOLLAR write me and tell me, asking me to SEND THE POWER OF THE ANOINTING NEVERTHELESS. If you do not request the anointing monthly, it might get cut off, (unless you have donated properly in the past) and this request insures you that you will continue receiving my Power. I will no longer allow my devotees to take this Anointing for granted, believing that they have to do NOTHING and can ask me for favors while doing NOTHING for myself and the church. Obviously, one dollar is a pittance, a small amount and a token. But since ALL OF YOU HAD EXCUSES WHEN I ASKED FOR DECENT CONTRIBUTIONS IN THE PAST, and most of you SIMPLY IGNORED ME FOR A LONG TIME NOT WANTING TO DONATE, I have changed the conditions so that NO ONE WHO IS POOR CAN SAY THEY CANNOT AFFORD TO DONATE, so here it is, the requirement to receive my power. Fulfillment of this requirement will keep you in good standing and lack of fulfillment may cut you off. You will see the difference when you disobey. Those who are in Europe may send a Euro or a Pound, whatever denomination your country issues. Rasa's Groups & books under the Rasa name and Kellie Everts name: womanthouartgod/ rasadevotees/ mothergod/ PrayHillaryIntoOffice/ isawgodandlived/?yguid=213672955 UnwashedPaganWoman/ Femdom-Matriarchy-Goddesses2/ Femdom-Matriarchy-Goddesses/ Kellie books under her Rasa name: & search_cat=-1 & show_results\ =topics & return_chars=200 & search_keywords= & keys= & fSearch=RASA+VON+WERDER & fSearchF\ amily=2 & fSubmitSearch.x=12 & fSubmitSearch.y=6 Kellie (Rasa Von Werder) book LOOK INSIDE!: & page=fm9 Kellie Everts is the PROGENITOR of fbb (founder of modern competitive female bodybuilding): What Kellie is doing today: New Group: RISE_FALL_FEMALEBODYBUILDING/ to become a Rasa Devotee check here and follow the instructions: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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