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[These are words of a high order Yogi of Siddhashram]



Negative discussion


Negative discussion about others is a sin. Listening to something

said by others and not seen by self is a sin. In such situation one

should make a genuine effort to find out the truth.



Winning over basic instincts


Mind's natural flow is towards basic instincts. To move away from

basic instincts is very painful. But keep on trying again and again

because nothing is unachievable if one keeps trying. By trying you

can attain Devatva /Indratva (Indra is king of Devtas). Not merely by

trying- blessing of Guru is essential. Your Personal effort (karma)

plus blessings of Guru (Guru Kripa) - that is all, you are through.


[in this context Karma (Kriya) means doing sadhna/Mantra Japa as

directed by Guru only]



Whatever we get has to be returned


On getting a favour /kind act/help it is necessary to make a return

favour. By not doing this the debt of doer remains on us - there is

no way out of this.



No alternative for Karma


Karma has to be done. In direction of Karma whatever you do right or

wrong, more or less, just keep on doing. There would be at least some

gain. A child of calling her mother as Maa! Maa! Calls her Umaa!

Umaa! While crying then does not the mother attend to her?



Tit for Tat


There is no harm in using deceitful against a person full of deceit.

Still one should make sure he is not deceiving an innocent person.





Do not stare at someone for long time. In many cases this may cause

harm to us. One of them who has more power in the eyes will suck up

good virtues of the other person.





There is no sin like thanklessness. Even if someone does a favour to

us for even a single day then also it is our duty to return the

favour. Not doing that is a sin, sometimes it is the cause of ruin




Inflated Ego


Inflated ego is a very bad trait of personality. Inflated ego

destroys a human being. God does not tolerate any one's ego.



Eternal truth stands the test of time


Do not deceive others. Do not look down upon others. Do not behave

badly with good persons. Do not follow a corrupt path. Then only you

will remain blissful. Instead of these you may die in Kashi, even die

on the feet of God, no one will be able to protect you. Not only me

(Guru) but my own Guru will not be able to save you.



Effort & Discussion


Sadhan/bhajan needs concerted effort and dedication. Nothing comes

through without dedicated effort. Only doing lip service or mere

discussion about these subjects does not make any valuable difference

or progress. Karma (kriya) is essential for any progress or benefit.



From Karma grows everything


Without practicing Yog nothing will be realised- This is our Dhaarna

(Embracing & adopting something in practical use). 'Kriya' means

sitting in a proper posture and do Mantra Japa as per procedure

explained by one's Guru - is Karma. Leaving this, whatever you will

do is to taken as 'Apakarama'. " Kriya " is the only Karma and it makes

everything happen. Karma will bring Knowledge, Knowledge will bring

Bhakti (unconditional submission to God), Bhakti will bring Love. Do

Karma. Do Karma; Karma is Principal. Therefore " Karmebhyo Namah " .





Do not increase your wants out of control. This is the cause of pain

and suffering. The more you increase the size of pond more you need

water for it. No matter what others do not try to imitate them. Do as

per your own circumstances and do not be ashamed of it. We ourselves

are creator of deficiency. First creating a deficiency on your own

then always keeping yourself busy in removing it, what is the need of

undergoing various sufferings in this manner?





The lesser is discharge the better it is. There is a need to take

very special care in this regard. Shun deceitful behaviour.





Without Karma nothing happens. Tirelessly keep yourself engaged in

Karma, surely you will get results. Just by only reading Shastras you

will not get anything. By repeating the word " laddoo " ! " laddoo " !

you will not be able to be able to taste laddoo. You will have to eat

it so that you can find out how it tastes. After achievement only you

will come to know about the form and nature of your Ishta, your own

real self—merely by talking nothing is going to happen.





To keep borrowed money from Guru or to steal money or possessions of

Guru is a sin. That person who does this will be ruined for sure.



Simple Truths


One should follow simple truth in all matters. One should protect the

sanctity & cleanliness (Pavitrata) of food one takes and take light

food at night. One should completely shun discussion about others and

always remember God in mind and thoughts. Backbiting someone is a

very harmful and bad.





Without doing Karma (Kriya) no results are achieved. You do Karma

with more and more dedication and strong resolve earlier you get the

results. Strength of Character is the most important. After that

comes controlled amount food and sleep. While doing Kriya regularly

both of these are attained. Taking shelter of dharma (righteousness)

gives peace of mind.



Index Finger


Right hand Index finger of humans specials has electric charge

accumulated in it. This finger should not be used for activities like

washing teeth, making gestures or pointers etc. because it

unnecessary fritters away that energy.



Beware of Debt


Debt is a very bad thing; Debt is a grave sin. Do not borrow; do not

put yourself in debt. Taking food once in a day is fine. Eating after

a gap of one day, on every alternate day is fine but do not keep debt

or eat from borrowed money. Debt destroys everything money, respect,

dignity and health.





All give something in charity as per your capacity. By not giving you

will also not get. Whatever you will give you get the same in

return. Charity is a Virtue; virtue is meant to be followed. In this

matter one should not think too much. If a Praarthi (beggar) is

deceitful and cheat, then it is his act of sin - for that you are not

at all responsible. If some one spends, money given by you in

charity, in sinful activities likes alcohol etc. then you will not

face negative consequences of that; he did not ask for your money for

consuming alcohol. You should give as per your capacity with simple

feelings. Whoever will do sinful act will pay for it, you are not

responsible for his paap-punya (Sin & Virtue).



Some simple but important precautions


Do not ever sit right on the doorstep, sitting right on the doorstep

causes debt. Do not unnecessarily draw lines/marking on earth or on

any object at any place (Using nails, fingers, pen, wooden piece etc)

and do not make any kind of sound without any reason. These are very

bad activities - they cause severe harm.



Param Pada


" Believing in the word of Guru, living in the atom of Braham with

doing " Kriya " is the ultimate destination (Param Pada).



Physical contact


Sitting with one's body touching with other makes the atoms of two

bodies to intermingle and show their respective effects. To maintain

independent persona and its purity is important for a person. Not

doing so causes obstacles in progress related to sadhna.



Utilising good dreams


After seeing an auspicious dream related to Kriya, or a God or a

Goddess, telling it to someone else is not advisable. Getting into

discussion or criticism related to that is not right because it can

prove counterproductive and any good thing or thought which was

developing inside you gets obstructed. A good thought or quality

before developing inside you gives you a premonition through a dream.

At that time it should be kept secret by good effort, keeping it

close to heart, one should become more industrious in sadhna. By

discussing about it with others or putting it open for criticism it

will not be in sight any more. Then that good thing or thought will

take long time to develop- may be not again in this life.



Selfish Relations & Relationship of Love


All those whom we consider our near & dear, about whom we are always

worried due to our ignorance; they actually are not our friends. They

all are attached due to selfishness. A little reduction in

fulfillment of their desires shows us a very stark picture about

them. You can see for the sake of selfish desires, satisfaction of

their instincts, even due to argument or harsh words there is much of

the acrimony between father & son, Mother & son, Brother & brother,

husband & wife, there is so much of dispute, arguments, Court cases

etc. between them.


Until you will keep on satisfying their selfish needs they will keep

saying that all of them are your friends, a little bit of deficiency

and tricky issues crop up.


But there is one friend by thinking about Him, by doing good with Him

you can see how much you benefit. There is no end to His blessings,

kindness and charity. If you want to behave with love with someone

then do with Him. In that love, good behaviour there is no breakup,

no suffering - only comfort, only peace & only bliss is there.



Haste in Overreaction


Do net get overly excited about any matter. Just by seeing something

or listening something do not get out of the shirt. First try to

understand whole matter, investigate whole thing with proper frame of

mind, thinking with intelligence, making an effort to find out the

basic element is important. Otherwise one has to repent and be

ridiculed later.





Sin committed by ignorance gets destroyed by earning knowledge. Sin

committed by knowledge gets atoned by pilgrimage; Sins committed at

pilgrimage are hard to destroy. A very hard penance only can destroy

that, which is very difficult to do in Kalikaal.





Whenever the need arises always speak the truth. If someone gets

displeased; someone breaks up with you then let it be. Do not be

afraid of telling the truth. Speak the truth, speak it clear. It is

important to consider that without any reason or without anyone

asking for, do not put someone in pain by telling the truth. Without

any reason do not speak the bitter truth, but when it is important

and reason is there; then always speak truth only.



God's Creation & its usefulness


In this creation by God everything has some purpose, nothing is

without any purpose. Only the usage makes it useful or harmful. With

proper usage & utilisation everything provides benefit and serves

useful purpose. Venom of snake also serves great purpose.



Depend on Him


To develop faith in your heart for the Supreme Cosmic Power and to

teach you to be dependent on His power I (Gurudev) have to sometimes

use Yogic Power in a playful manner and I (Gurudev) have to wield a

stick also.



Atonement is ultimately benifitting us


Dear, everything is a result of your own deeds (karma). Do not add

burden of this type of Karma. You see sufferings and sufferings only

but how much you are clearing up your sins (bad acts and deeds done

in the past) by undergoing and tolerating these sufferings, you can

not see. Stop doing bad deeds further so that new punishments are not

accumulated in your future destiny.



Get your " answers "


Do not worry unnecessarily I(Gurudev) am always present for your

help. If there is need for some explanation for some secret subject

then after completing " Kriya " you can put that question before me.

You do not speak from your mouth. You will get the answer -

explanation will be provided.





There is time for everything but not for " Kriya " - then tell me how

will the spiritual development take place? Just for earning a single

rupee see how much hard work needs to be done, to memorise a chapter

you have to put so much burden on your brain and for doing the

greatest work in world - " Kriya " you do not have time and

availability of hard work for it- what an Irony! Desire to earn

profit without making an effort causes the mind to become unstable

and impatient during the process.


If you make someone return back from your home everyday will he come

back to you? Worries, bad traits of mind and loss of drive (losing

interest and motivation) have to be driven away from mind in similar

manner then only our mind will be happy and we will be blissful.



Gurudev use Their own way


I (Gurudev) just want to see how far your mind can run away? For that

I have left you free. Whenever you will run here and there, I

(Gurudev) will strike hard for activating your consciousness

(Chetna). You will understand this later at some point of time.



Make your benefits permanent


The Shakti given by Guru and other divine powers can make your state

of mind comfortable, focused and stable for some time, there is no

doubt in that, but you can not keep it permanent. For the permanent

health of mind " Kriya " is the only proper way and remedy as well.





" How the God is present in this world in which form He is? " can be

seen through science. God has originated from Mahashakti. This

Mahashakti is referred by some as Lakshmi, by some as Durga, by some

as Narayani etc names. It is their play going on. Without the help of

Prakriti (Shakti) Purush (Gross universe) has no power (Shakti) of

its own.



Puzzle of life


Dear, this world is full of surprises. It seems no one wants peace

and tranquility in life. My (Gurudev) objective is to liberate the

sinners from their burden. For that I (Gurudev) am being asked to

give Diksha to you. I want to do something but you people want

something else.



Clash between determination and obstacles


What is unachievable for a person? There is so much energy hidden

inside you that even you do not know. Needs determination, needs

unity in thought and action, need to follow proper method. Obstacles

and hindrances surely come in the way of good work ( " Satkaram " ). Do

not get apprehensive or terrified.



Pure State


The lowly nature of a living being is due to " Madhyakarshan " . Till

the limits of gross atmosphere, where the effect of " Madhyakarshan "

is present, the shadow of the material & physical desires is

surrounding it. Even after the death living being remains inundated

in the thirst (Vaasna) and due to the downward pull

of " Madhyakarshan " , gets forced to be born again in thirsty

(Vaasnayukt) Yonis (Species which may quench that thirst). Until a

being does not earn the capability of crossing the limit of gross air

and reaching the clear kingdom of sky (zero zone or a place free of

elements, ether) by winning over death and by moving beyond birth,

there is no hope of attaining pure state (Shudh Dashaa).



Your effort has done it before


If you master yog & " Kriya " then you will not have to run after

money. It will come to you automatically. Put an effort- when you

have achieved so many things by your own effort, similarly why you

will not be successful in this also if you put an effort.



Shakti is Indispensable


Without the sadhna of " Shakti " you can not get " Shakti " (Strength,

worldly or otherwise). Make yourself strengthened and radiant.

Without " Shakti " no work can be done.



Deficiencies or Desires ?


In the root of every weakness ( " Ashakti " ) there is a deficiency-

there is no doubt about this. Desire of prosperity (money) in the

heart, desire of liberation in intellectuals, desire of beauty for

beauty lovers, desire of sexual pleasure in lustful hearts, desire of

knowledge in inquisitive minds, whatever may be the desire of anyone

but they all are desires ultimately; only the names are different.



Do not be startled


Do not be surprised by any thing. Getting astonished is cause of

difficulties. Worldly people have to do so many things, by not doing

so their near and dear (family) will not spare them. Sons, daughters,

family and relatives- all are there. In clutches of duty of their

relations with others they have to behave as per the demands of

relationships. Need for money is always there. Without the fuel car

will not run. To earn money one has to follow some occupation, still

one should not follow devious means, one should not fall below

dignity, one should not follow the path of falsehood - Do everything

by following the path of truth. Surely, work has to be done- but do

not loose your senses while doing it. Stay like mercury in a vessel

or like water on lotus petal and do every work- in a detached manner.

Keep your thoughts in God and His name. Ajapa-Jap of Mantra should

continue- with your hands & feet at work.


[Mantra Japa as directed by Guru only]



Dependence on Him


Will you ever be able to remove your deficiency on your own? Can you

protect yourself from unforeseen danger? Can you make arrangement for

pleasure and bliss on your own? No. Without depending on God or

Mahashakti you can not move a single step in your life. Therefore

always touch Supreme Power by your thoughts and contemplation in

heart and go to His/Her shelter. Leave all responsibilities on Him,

only keep on doing Karma (Kriya). Do not look here and there and you

will find that everything is going fine. Just like the child leaving

all worries about future, just by depending on his parents- similarly

you can make the thought of being under the shelter and dependence of

God stronger, you will find ultimate peace. God always make you

follow the right path, if by following His path you get pain &

suffering or your loose comforts & prosperity then also your thoughts

and action must be positive - Your best interest would have been

served in that manner only, considering all good & bad acts. He will

take you progress on right path while protecting you from all

hazards. Do not under fear. If you depend on Him then only it will

happen. Do not worry about any matter. Keep on regularly " Kriya " ,

your inclination for dependence on Him will slowly develop on its own.





Can one get success in sadhna or siddhi without the blessings of God?

Oh Dear! Blessings are always there. Is there any deficiency in his

blessings? His blessings are continuously showering. Sun is showering

his rays, if you close the doors & windows, then you will not be able

to make use of Sun rays. To utilise the blessings you will have to

do " Karma " . You will have to build a base for it. You do not have to

beg for blessings. Even from the time of not doing " Kriya " up to

doing Yog Sadhna- " His ( " Mahashakti " of God) blessings are

continuously showering on you " - You will not be able to understand




How to know if we are going in the right direction?


You are proceeding with " Kriya " in a right manner- How will you know

that? Suppose you are going to Kashi from Kolkata. More you are

getting away from Kolkata more nearer you are to the Kashi. Similarly

when you see your passion & hunger after the base obsessions of life

starts getting reduced slowly, then you can think that you are

proceeding in same quantity (measure) in your sadhna. Slowly you

start feeling " detached " - " This is being done because this has to be

done (sadhna), as such getting rid of " craving " is the only way for

escape " - when these type of feelings start rising in the mind then

know that you are doing sadhna in right manner.



Importance of doing things at proper time


Every work has an appropriate time. When the right time has elapsed,

doing work at odd time, that work will not give same result. The

effect of doing " Kriya " at proper time will produce better result

rather than doing at odd time. If there is no severe inconvenience

then " Kriya " should be done at proper time. Starting at early morning

at 4 am do it up to the sunrise and in the evening sit down

for " Kriya " right at the time of sunset. You will get full returns on

doing " Kriya " at proper time otherwise you will not get full returns.

But! By thinking that the right time has elapsed then what is the use

of doing " Kriya " - It is not right to quit or skip " Kriya " . Instead of

not doing at all, it is better to do at odd time. At least some

results will be accrued, but always make a distinctive effort to do

at right time. Dear! Keep in mind when hunger for food is very acute

then even a dry loaf gives the taste of elixir and when the

appropriate time has elapsed even elixir is not able to produce same




Simulatneous Progress


Worldly progress and " Kriya " can both move simultaneously. By proper

following of Dharma (righteousness) other material things are

automatically attained.



Determination, Concentration & Untiring Effort


After taking up any work, do it and practice with determination. No

matter what karma you choose to do, if you want to master it, if want

to get siddhi in it then keep on following its appropriate procedure

and suitable tips with complete determination and special interest.

Do not look here and there then, do not neglect your work- with full

concentration keep on doing that job- you will see that success will

come to you for sure. No one can stop the march of such a determined

man/woman- Even not Shri Brahma or Shri Vishnu.

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