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I am delighted to tell you that there are people outside of our

Matriarchal community who are working toward like-minded objectives, and two

of these are featured in the book, explained below. How much more important

can it get than the relationship between Mother and child, the future of the

human race? By disturbing this relationship, the autonomy of the Mother

with her offspring, they have twisted the balance and harmony of the Living

Family - Mother and Child. These scientists perceived it in their own



This book features two great scientists, neuropsychologist Dr.

James Prescott and Clinical Evolutionary Psychologist Dr. Dale Glaebach.


James W. Prescott was a health scientist administrator at the

National Institute of Child Health and Human Development in Bethesda,

Maryland. He contends that the greatest threat to world peace comes from

those nations which have the most depriving environments for their children

and which are most repressive of sexual affection and female sexuality. Dr.

Prescott initiated and established a number of basic brain-behavioral

research programs, which documented that the early life experiences of

mother-infant separation induced a variety of developmental brain

abnormalities. He contends that babies should be breast fed and given close

bonding for at least two and a half years for proper brain growth, health

and happiness; if not we have people prone to violence, suicide, depression

and addiction. His studies are monumentally important and certainly worth

considering toward a Nobel Peace Prize.


Dr. Dale Glaebach explains how patriarchal religious

anti-sexualism ultimately caused breast-feeding to become " redefined " as an

asexual experience. Such " redefinition " of breast-feeding is then linked to

the sexual repression of women as part of their stigmatization in the 18th

Century as maternal beings too " pure " to have any sexual needs at all.

Sexual fears are shown as a continuing plague to a mother's enjoyment of the

process, even causing her to cease breast-feeding early when such feelings

arise, to the detriment of the child. He explains that evolution has given

breast feeding to be pleasurable in the same way that sex is pleasurable, to



Rasa Von Werder takes note that these scientists are highlighting

the maledictions of Patriarchy upon Motherhood, childhood and the human

race, and she sees the restoration of Matriarchy and worship of MotherGod

the needed remedy. She explains how Holy Mary has been appearing to end

violence and bring back devotion - Our Lady of Fatima stopped the cold war

and threat of nuclear annihilation. Hundreds of sightings of the Feminine

Divine are reported. Worship MotherGod or our planet is doomed she says, and

a program is presented in this book, beautifully illustrated with hundreds

of breast-feeding, cute children and artistic designs. Ashley Montagu is

also well represented here for his teachings on touch and natural

superiority of women.








Available at Amazon.com (see inside the book), Lulu.com and all internet













" When a cork is no longer held down it rises up. This is what has

happened with Women. "




Patriarchy is destroying the planet, and everything on it.

Fortunately, patriarchy is at an end.


Changes have occurred, both inner and outer, to transform our

society from a 'conquest domination/exploitation principle into one of

'nurturing/caring/justice.' This monumental shift is so vast, that it is not

easily seen in details nor at all moments. As we look at day to day

existence, male domination is everywhere. But if we look at the big picture,

at statistics, studies, astute observation, and by the insight of those who

have been focused on the subject, it is obvious.


The book begins with the series of articles explaining that males exhibit

the need to worship women, an ancient practice forbidden in patriarchy, now

surfacing in secular forms. From whence is this need? Why do women show no

need to conversely, worship males? This and more are all explained here.




***** (5 stars, max for Amazon!)


Finally, the truth of the world, By B. Martin (Michigan, United



Finally! A book about how this world is, and how to fix it!




***** (5 stars!)


The stunning truth,


By organikoak (New York, NY United States


Once you buy this book, you cannot put it down. It describes the world of

matriarchy and how this world has been basically destroyed by patriarchy.

Rasa Von Werder is a woman of truth.




***** (5 stars!)


An Excellent Read And Reasons To Be Optimistic About The Future,


By John J (Midwest


I found this book to be very interesting and timely. The only

complaint I had was not having time to go cover to cover in one sitting,

because it is three books in one! I seldom if ever read books because I find

them boorish and waste of time. This book however, confirms my beliefs and

the need to change the course of male dominated political policies. I was

filled with optimism after reading this book. As I look around the world and

see female leaders rising to the top, I can't but hope the trend continues



Having done extensive research on the author I have no idea why a

couple of viscous comments were submitted for review. My guess is they never

read the book, judging from what they wrote. It is nothing as they

described, neither is the author the way they describe her. She is totally

committed to God and has been all her life from what I have seen and heard,

they are only looking for evil/dirt, lying and exaggerating to make the

author look bad, and I think it is out of envy because Rasa Von Werder is a

giant success and helping other females to succeed. Her detractors are most

likely fallout from chats. Anyone can go negative without merit.

One thing patriarchy has surely embedded into the mindset of the weak and

cowardly, is attack those who expose your weakness and the evil of



Based on what I have read, Mz. Von Werder offers hope and

awareness for our society. She not only points out mistakes made by mankind,

but ideas on how to correct them. More importantly she offers a vision of

peace & harmony of which a return to the Matriarchy would surely bring us.


In this day and age, how can you find fault with that??


As I step down off my soapbox & slide it under the counter, may I

say it was well done, tasteful & well worth the time to read.


I might also mention that there are two visions in this book of

Hillary Clinton for President - why the need of it. Do not hesitate to buy

this book because of the price tag, you are getting three, not one book, and

it has fifty beautiful pictures.




***** (5 stars!)




Rasa Von Werder has written a book that will be a topic of

discussion wherever it appears. This is a new era in Mz (She prefers Mz to

Ms or Mrs) Von Werder's life, one of reflection and spirituality. It

encompasses many subjects which are divided into easily readable sections.





***** (5 stars!)


Lightning Rod By M. Tara


Rasa Von Werder is a lightning rod. Whether you love or hate her,

she gets your attention. I happen to love her. It is easy to see why she is

the target of such vehement attack, because her words threaten some

foundations that people have a stake in protecting. As Stephen King writes

in his memoir, " On Writing " :


" There are lots of would-be censors out there, and although they

may have different agendas, they all want basically the same thing: for you

to see the world they see ... or to at least shut up about what you do see

that's different. They are agents of the status quo. Not necessarily bad

guys, but dangerous guys if you happen to believe in intellectual freedom. "


This is what Ms. Von Werder preaches: intellectual freedom. And

she stands for truth, too. A powerful combination.


I wonder how many of her critics have actually bought and read the



Way to go, Rasa. Don't let the naysayers get you down.




***** (5 STARS!)




Rasa Von Werder has finally presented a long overdue, excellent

series of articles of her church and beliefs.


It is easy to read in its format of individual chapters which

stand on their own and may be read by themselves.


Recommended for anyone interested in the subject.




***** (5 stars!)








From William Bond of England Have you ever wondered why we live in

a world of conflict, injustice, violence, poverty and suffering? Do you ever

think deeply about the problems of the world and wonder; why do countries

still settle their differences through warfare? Or why the world spends

trillions of dollars every year on military spending when over a million

people, on average die of starvation every year? Its not that we don't have

the intelligence to solve these problems; mankind has the brains and

problem-solving skills to put men on the moon, build atomic weapons and

power stations and invent computers. So if men are so intelligent why can't

he solve basic problems like violence, warfare and poverty? Could there be a

fundamental flaw in the genius of mankind?


Man has looked for solutions to these problems in both religion

and politics. Religions like Christianity, Islam and Buddhism have laid out

laws, customs and moral guides for people to follow, but violence, hatred

and poverty still exist in the countries dominated by these religions. Men

have tried different political systems, like, monarchy, communism, fascism

and democracy. Of these different systems, democracy has had the most

success, but still violence, injustice and poverty still exist in democratic



Yet in all the solutions mankind has looked to solve these basic

problems one thing has not been tried and that is matriarchy. If in five

thousand years of recorded history, mankind is still incapable of creating a

loving and caring world, isn't it about time that men stood aside and let

women rule instead?


The book; " Can Female Power Save the Planet? The Fate of The World

depends On Women " by Rasa Von Werder, introduces the reader to a different

way of looking at


the fundamental problems of humankind. Instead of a rehash of all the tired

masculine solutions that have failed time and time again, the reader in

introduced to a new and very different way of looking at the world's



In spite of what feminists like to think, women and men are very

different. And what is clear throughout five thousand years of history is

that men do a terrible job in ruling our world. Men are motivated by their

basic instincts to compete and fight, so it is not surprisingly to find that

these instincts cause them to create a world of violence, warfare, torture

and genocide. And with the power of modern technology man is in danger of

destroying our world. This nearly happened during the cold war, in the

conflict between the USSR and NATO when both sides had enough nuclear

warheads to destroy the world many times over. Today with the spread of

nuclear weapons and getting into the hands of despotic dictators the threat

of nuclear warfare is not over. We also have the problem of global warming,

which male rulers seem incapable of doing anything about and taking decisive



While men continue to rule the world we will continue to live in

chaos, because men do not have the necessary people skills to do this. If we

want to live in a compassionate and caring world then we can only have this

if women are to rule the world instead.




From Thomas Andrews in Germany: A gem of prolific and prophetic

vision transcending the boundaries of the media machinations of patriarchal

deception and global mismanagement. This collection of brilliant essays best

illuminates the transient nature of present day social upheavals and

carefully portrays how female empowerment will defeat global injustice and

the destruction of a natural world that was never ours. With its large

collection of photos portraying female nudity, alone this makes this book a

valuable addition to any library. As a nemesis, women throughout all ages of

humankind have been prostituted by proxy. When robbed of all material and

physical sustenance, she has supremacy by virtue of her generative powers.




From Geras Zmogus, U.S.: The book combines the talents of great

Matriarchal authors and scholars; William Bond (10 chapters!), Thomas

Andrews, Tara, Raleigh, and Rasa Von Werder (30 chapters!). An article on

Kellie Everts describes her sermon in front of the White House in 1978,

unleashing the power of Our Lady of Fatima Who then put into motion the end

of the Cold War. This is three books in one, with prophecies of the future

of male-female relationships and detailed descriptions of how and why males

worship women. William Bond original articles on female power are

remarkable; Women once ruled the world even in America, he proves.


This goes deeper than sex, deeper than any sort of domination, it is the

Supreme Power of MotherGod and Her chosen Representative, the Woman.




Reviews & Descriptions from Lulu.com




IT'S NOT OVER TILL THE FAT LADY SINGS - Mother God Strikes Back Against

Misogyny by Rasa Von Werder




****** (All the reviewers gave the book either 5 or 6 stars, one who gave

it 5 thought it was the max, but Lulu permits 6 as the top)




Accurate History of Women's Resiliency and Spirituality by William



This book should be mandatory reading for all who are interested

in the struggles women have had to endure just to be recognized for their

achievements. The book is written, so it is easy to read. I could not put it

down, when I opened it. I give it 6 stars!




by Sossity Andrews




Ms. Rasa Von Werder has an excellent vision, where women can

blossom to be the true creators they are and men can be their loving

companions, in a world free of violence, haters, and sexual hangups. I give

this book the full five stars! Sossity


Rasa Von Werder is a Prophet!




by Suzy Q




All her visions become a reality. Rasa has lived an incredible

life and is growing stronger by the minute. I believe that MotherGod/The

Great Goddess (or whatever name you wish to call Her by) exists because Rasa

exists. This book is worth reading. Listen and learn from Rasa. Our future

depends on it.




by sbob2




This is an extremely hard hitting, well put-together work that

advances the theme that Women will/must come to Rule the Earth. All must

make this adjustment in order to prevent the demonic males from destroying

everything as they are hell-bent on doing--now with nuclear weapons.


Thus, the male will be seen as inferior to the Female and must

become subservient to Her. These trends are already well in place as more

and more Women go to college and replace males everywhere as: Doctors, TV

Announcers, lawyers, and certainly as Managers given the power to hire and

fire throughout the company.


Thus males may mostly come to carry out menial and subservient

tasks: Doing what housework they can learn, running errands, cleaning up the

backyard, helping the wife, bathing the dog, etc. Even so, they could be

troublesome, they may require police supervision. Of course, control is

necessary as males are taught surrender.


Chapter 6 is particularly chilling as sperm counts diminish, which

they are doing, and males become unemployable, as the Y chromosome

deteriorates, males might come be thought of as simply a troublesome,

genetic disorder interfering with peace and harmony on the Earth.


Thus, this work should/must encourage males to become less

selfish, demonic, and power-mad--instead their thinking should become

Matriarchal based, placing the Woman first. They must learn to Respect,

Serve and Obey Her.


This is very important, spiritually-based reading!




by Rasa Von Werder




Genetic explorers Dr. Bryan Sykes and Dr. Steve Jones spark

controversies like 'Do We Need Men?' 'A Future Without Men' 'Are Males a

Genetic Disorder?' 'What Makes Men Inferior?' and Rasa is amazed at the

prediction that men are going infertile and will soon be EXTINCT. Get ready



This book is about the power of WOMAN who is SUPERIOR to the male

in all ways and when she FIGHTS against him she WINS. Women are now gaining

ascendancy in all areas and this reviews the past and present, the old-time

women warriors and bandits and this very day, fighting against polygamy,

establishment of female bodybuilding, ancient, recent and present FIGHTING

AMAZONS. Women are shown in their ferocity and stubborn skill of standing up

to males, while men are falling apart. Amazing accounts are the flame wars

where many men and even women attacked Rasa with furor and she brought them

to their knees by the power of God. There is the account of Kellie Everts

who went above the heads of the male bodybuilding world, to the mainstream

media, to establish Female Bodybuilding. There was Phoolan Devi, the Hindu

untouchable who killed men, became a member of India's Parliament, and had a

movie done of her life before being assassinated. Thomas Andrews has 6 other

articles about WOMEN BANDITS. William Bond explains the hypocrisy of those

who criticized the STRIPPER FOR GOD, Rasa and Bond speak of how women were

PRISONERS of Patriarchy, and Rasa speaks of the difference between the

SPIRIT of Matriarchy and Patriarchy, Matriarchy being LIFE and Patriarchy

being the CULTURE OF DEATH.....William Bond and Thomas Andrews address a

female 'feminist' who does not believe in woman power, and trounces her,


MotherGod as part INFINITY and part HUMANITY, she teaches how to worship Her

SACRED HUMANITY in the form of the body, intellect and will of a female.

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