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Difference Between Worship of Woman of God and Woman of Flesh

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Difference Between Worship of Woman of God and Woman of Flesh








Some of my devotees are thinking that worship of ALL WOMEN is pleasing to

God, and that ALL WOMEN DESERVE TO BE SERVED BY MEN. Nothing of the sort!

You respect all women, just as you respect all life - making no particular

judgments on face value. But serving is another matter. When you SERVE

someone you allow them to INFLUENCE you, guide or command you to some degree

or other, you become subject to them. In a sense you agree to the authority

of this person, and you are saying to them,




'I will obey you.'




What happens when you open yourself that way to another human being? I have

asked my devotees to open their hearts and minds to me so that I can enter

their psyche with my GOD POWER. When you receive a woman as your mistress

or lover or partner, you are doing an action like that, it goes with all

intimate relationships; something of you goes into them, something of them

goes into you, but ever more so if you are the underling or 'servant.'


You men who are indoctrinated in femdom think as long as a woman wants you

or says she does, and pays attention to you, and gives you some respect or

kindness, that you should pull out all the stops and do as she commands, but

this is dangerous. She then has power over you, and you must be careful who

wields power over you, as you are a child of God, and God has to be first in

your life, and God has rules, and God has A CERTAIN SPIRIT, which, if not

present in a person, makes that person some other spirit, and that other

spirit is either the world and the flesh, or even the devil. Now if you

serve a woman not of God, then you are worshipping or serving lower forces,





How is your soul dragged into Hell?




I had a devotee once who was torn between obeying me or being with his

'mistress'. I got him away from her once, when he asked me for help,

because she had led him to a point of despair. I told him never to go back

with her again, but six months later, he moved in with her. Of course, he

told me that it was ok; it was fine, he had to do this for financial

reasons, as two could live more cheaply together than apart, but I knew it

was sex - he was addicted to the Femdom style of sex. But this woman is a

fiend and an atheist, enveloped in spiritual darkness, and now he had formed

a partnership with her. Some of these men think they are saviors, that they

can help or save these women, but it is nothing of the sort, these women are

stronger than they are and they will sooner pull you into Hell than you will

lift them into Heaven. These men also fool themselves that they are

quasi-ministers helping these women and alleviating their sufferings, but

they are in denial of their lower self, which pulls them downward, away from

God and into temptation. They are giving into the devil, and making fancy

excuses for it.




I am by no means saying that sex is a sin, and you cannot move in with a

woman to save money. I am saying you have to stay away from women NOT OF

GOD, and especially when you have already been saved and warned by your

Guru, to stay away, but you disobey and go back, then - I hate to say it -

you could be DOOMED.




Now you might think it is overstating the case, that moving in with an

ungodly person, or entering into close relationship with them is not a sin,

that you are not lying, stealing and cheating, nor are you stabbing or

murdering anyone, so why would you be doomed?




Because consider how the majority, not the minority of people go to Hell,

and why? They do no extraordinary sins, they just act like everyone else,

taking the same broad highway TO HELL as do all the other folks. What

exactly is this broad highway that people traverse, suddenly ending up in a

place where they see iron bars falling down around them, and the flames up

Hell rising up from underneath, and they are trapped forever - this I saw in

a frightening vision. What does this majority of people do in particular to

deserve Hell. They do NOTHING. What do you mean, GuruRasa, they do

nothing? And God sends them into Hell for nothing? What kind of a cruel

God would that be?




Not cruel at all. If you do NOTHING you go to Hell, you have to do

SOMETHING to gain the Grace of God, and that something is that you must open

your heart and mind to God, you must DESIRE GOD and do something about this

desire, otherwise, you are lost, you will not be BORN AGAIN, and therefore

you will be spiritually dead. The great mystic Anne Catherine Emmerich said

that it will be easy for God to judge in a split second who is righteous and

who is unjust. The righteous shine with Light, there is no Light whatsoever

in the unsaved ones. When you are born again or baptized, the Light of God

is ignited in you and begins to grow. God is inside all of us in a

vestigial form, in the sense that God is there, but we have no contact with

this God, it's like God is encased inside us, but we have to open ourselves

to let God flow through us. If this is not done, we are spiritually dead,

and all dead people sink down into Hell. They are not necessarily lying,

cheating, stealing, stabbing and murdering, they are simply not born again.




Now I might add a few other pointers about the spiritually dead, and even

those who are saved but not exercising a good relationship with The

Almighty. The flesh is always calling, calling, and so is the world. If

you listen to it day in, day out, and give no time for God, no attention,

constantly making excuses, you have no relationship with God. This of

itself is gross wickedness - that if you do nothing to show forth your love

of God, who is the Greatest and Most Wonderful Being Who has given us all we

have, then we are cheating God of the Praise and Honor She deserves, and we

are doing a gross injustice and terrible great sin against Her. For this,

we are lost, or if not lost, we have much to answer for the time that has

been wasted.




Now this will explain that woman you are toying with who doesn't seem so

bad, who has some kindness at times, and does some nice things for you, but

deep inside, if you go underneath the surface, you know somewhere in that

fuzzy brain of yours she is not of God, she is dangerous. Get involved with

this woman intimately, and you will soon see, your own energy level will go

down, down, down. Your thoughts and feelings will deteriorate, your

devotion to God will grow cold, and you will lose the feeling of the

Presence of God, - then you are lost. If GuruRasa is not around or



to save you, what then?




On the other hand, there is the woman of God. I do not seek to enslave or

use up anyone, I am of God, with God, for God, and my work is to bring other

souls into the Kingdom. When men or women install me into their heart and

mind, it opens them to this Power, and this great Divine Energy manifests in

them and stirs up their own energy field, and they come closer to God. Some

get born again, some have their heart centers opened, some have been pulled

in to the highest center, the Sahasrara, where you see the halo on the heads

of Jesus, Mary and saints. That is the Sahasrara being open and shining -

it shines throughout the body and especially the head. When you serve

GuruRasa, you are SERVING GOD, and when you serve God, you are GREATLY

REWARDED. You have to have trust and faith in it, but sooner or later, you

will see the manifestation of such service, how blessed it is.




Go the other way, serve a woman not of God, and you will pay. You say why

would god punish me? You are punishing yourself, just like if you smoke,

you get tar in your lungs, throat and mouth, and then get cancer, did God do

it? If you eat food that is carcinogenic, neglect exercise, and get sick,

did God do it? We do these things to ourselves, and then, when it is time

to face our own karma, is it God who did it or we ourselves? It is we who

did it, we caused our fate, God had nothing to do with our sins.




When I warn men who are my devotees and friends to stay away from ungodly

women, I am not jealous in the sense that women get jealous, I fear for

their immortal souls. Once I help a devotee get away from a wicked woman,

and he goes back to the scene of the slime, he is in double danger, because

the first time it happened, he was not warned, but the second time he was

and now knows better, he cannot claim ignorance or an honest mistake,

GuruRasa got him out of it again and again, and he went back to it willingly

and with his eyes open, perhaps in denial of the danger. It is then that it

gets more serious than ever, because if GuruRasa drops you, God drops you,

as if you disobey the messenger of God, you disobey God, God works through

Rasa. So don't think you can disobey Rasa and go directly to God and say,


'Ok, God, Rasa will not forgive me and get me out of this, so I ask you to

forgive me and get me out.'


But God just might say to you,


'You disobeyed Rasa who I sent, so now, I will not help you...pay the last

farthing and you will get out through your own merits.'


The last farthing means you will meet your karma, the dreadful result of

your sins, you will suffer, and it might be extreme, whereas if you obeyed,

your punishment would have been alleviated. To sin and then to have no

mercy from Guru or God means you get the full brunt of what you did, it may

take years to unravel and pay off your debt, it is not fun.




In conclusion, you DO NOT have to serve all women, make sure a woman IS OF

GOD or SPIRITUAL before you get involved with her and you will be on safer









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Ah, souls in purgatory, so few know them, so few pray for them, so few

access them. To reach a soul in purgatory, is like trying to find a site

on the internet without the correct url. Say the world and internet has

existed since the beginning of time and there are not millions, billions,

but untold trillions in cyberspace. Now find them. YOU CANNOT ACCESS A



That is why to have a ministry such as demonstrated by Rasa is ONE OF THE

MOST UNUSUAL ON EARTH. Why does God give Rasa this power, why would God

connect her with these famous souls and many unknowns? Why would God trust

her, because trust there has to be, the unloving and crude cannot contact

these sensitive and hurting, tortured souls. Because she prayed. Recently,

since this book came out people are asking Rasa about their dead relatives.

If you want to access the dead, do what she did, pray, pray and pray, have

Masses said, stay silent and alone, , and God will help you. Don't have

Rasa do the work for you! The same with dreams, if you want to understand

dreams the way Rasa does, meditate and work on them for hours. Buy her book

and study it. There is no free lunch, OK, the free lunch is once, and after

that, you have to work for it.


This book is amazing as Rasa had gotten all men celebrities, and just as she

was about to publish the book - it was finished - she received Anna Nicole

Smith. Why did she receive her? Because she was curious? Because she is a

meddler and did séances? No, because she said the Holy Mass for Anna. Once

the link was made, by almighty God, helped by Errol Flynn as guide, she

could read the mind of Anna.


You might wonder how Rasa can channel or read minds. It is done through

charity, empathy or compassion, the ability by the Holy Spirit, to enter

into the skin or mind or heart of another. These are not feats the ordinary

person can do. Rasa is not an ordinary psychic, as she does not concern

herself with the earth plane, but only the deeper and higher levels. She is

not curious, she wants to understand God and anything that concerns the

Kingdom of God. If you want to have the talents of Rasa, cultivate the

devotion of Rasa.


If you want God to trust you, earn that trust. No human can get to a soul

in purgatory unless God trusts them to help that soul




.. NEW BOOKS FROM RASA IMPORTANT Her favorite so far!:










Not many understand the principles of God's justice and purification. That

which is imperfect cannot merge with Perfect Purity and Infinite Bliss. This

is Truth, Love, Radiance, Beauty and Power, all the superlatives. If one

does not meet the standard after repenting their wrongs, they go to the

'Theater of Justice.' Guru Rasa Von Werder began a ministry to Souls in

1981, being chosen by Our Holy Mother herself, to take charge of Errol

Flynn. Rasa did penance and prayers for Souls on a daily basis and among

them were great celebrities whose accounts she writes. The most recent

prize Rasa assisted was Anna Nicole Smith, who ascended in 64 days, breaking

all records, and still waiting for Heaven are Anthony Quinn and Richard

Pryor. Some of the greats who ascended are Elvis Dean Martin, Sinatra,

George C. Scott, Rudolf Nureyev; Dr. Robert Atkins, and believe it or not,

Timothy McVeigh. Anyone can be forgiven.




Theater of the Mind - Dreams, Symbols & Meanings


by Rasa Von Werder




GuruRasa answers, What is the purpose of dreams? Q 1 WHAT is a dream? A A

communication system from the unconscious mind to the conscious Q 2 What are

SYMBOLS? A The MEANS by which the unconscious SPEAKS to the conscious Q 3

What is the PURPOSE of dreams? A Dreams accomplish these things and more: 1

They SAVE LIVES and SOULS.................................... 2 Warn us of

danger; physical, emotional and spiritual to ourselves and others 3 Tell us

the true feelings, intentions or interior state of others 4 Reveal our own

interior state, sins, virtues and gifts, phobias and desires 5 Explain

mysterious situations or incidents 6 Explain WHAT WOULD BE if we did a

certain thing 7 Explain the reactions of others to us if we met them or

communicated with them 8 Explain what TO DO or NOT TO DO




'Secrets of Yoga and Christianity - Are They Compatible?'


By Rasa Von Werder and Ashankah Yogi




features the amazing diaries of Rasa Von Werder as a mystic contemplative

who saw God face to face twice, augmented by articles from Ashankah Yogi and

herself on saving souls and bringing them to realization and enlightenment.

Wonderfully illustrated by numerous designs and photos taken by Rasa Von

Werder of Goddess Anna.


Subjects broached are standards of sainthood interpreted by East and West,

Duality vs Nonduality and what it means, ASHANKAH YOGI offers articles on

Karma, Celibacy, Kundalini, Vegetarianism, Consciousness, Lila,

Restrictions, all these in relation to God Realization. Rasa tackles 'Why

Mary Appears to the Human Race,' 'The Secret to Saving Souls,' 'What is the

Truth?' 'Should a Guru Promote Herself?', 'Does Everyone Heal and Transmit

Shakti?, 'The Dire Consequences of Lust,' 'What Can the Guru Do For You?',

'Secret Principles of Yoga,' 'Preparing People for Self Realization,' and

'What is Mind?'


Then Rasa explains the steps and lifestyle leading to seeing God Face to

Face and finding Perfect Union.


Ashankah Yogi and Rasa then have illuminating dialogues on 'The Science of

Advaita,' 'Zeal and Aggression of Gurus' as well as their battles and

conflicts. 'Do We Need a Spiritual Guru? Explains Ashankah as well as 'Where

is God' from the Vedanta perspective.


The book ends with the marvelous vision of Ramakrisha. It began with Rasa's

vision of 'The Lady in the Middle of the Road,' a Persona of Christianity

and Yoga merged, and ends with Ramakrishna's experience of seeing Jesus in a

garden, the most beautiful of men, then Jesus embraced him and merged into

his body!




If this link gives you trouble please put LuLu.com in your browser and ask

for RASA VON WERDER - BOOKS. These are available in print and downloads.




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