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Kundalini Yoga - 11

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Several people have asked about prosperity. This lesson addresses

some ideas on how to use KY to create prosperity in your lives.


Spiritual practices have traditionally focused on raising energy from

lower to higher frequencies and from the lower to the higher

chakras. Many spiritual disciplines concentrate only on the upper

chakras and totally ignore (or try to ignore) the lower chakras.

Some spiritual paths still condemn the body and the lower chakras,

which they consider as bad. I knew one woman who would practice only

third eye meditations. She even refused to do yoga or any practice

that got her in touch with her body. She also lost her husband (He

lost interest in her.)


Many spiritual paths today at least give lip service to using their

techniques to help us deal with the challenges of our stressful

technological world. However, the fundamental basis of the teachings

often remains the same-renunciation and escapism from material

reality. It is not surprising then that devoted practice produces

the same results as it did when the goal of spirituality was to

renounce the physical body and worldly pursuits. In fact, if we

start losing interest in this world and our participation in it, the

technology is working.


I personally found this out over twenty years ago when I first

started practicing Kundalini Yoga and meditation for six to seven

hours everyday. I was definitely succeeding in raising my energy.

The problem was that I was so ungrounded and out of my body that

people had to look up to the ceiling to talk to me. I couldn't

figure out why I just wanted to hide. The basic problem was that my

personal practice was incomplete. I was raising my energy, but I was

not bringing it back down.


I used to do all the prosperity meditations that Yogi Bhajan taught,

with no results in my personal life. During one meeting with Yogi

Bhajan over 15 years ago, he thanked me personally for all the wealth

that I had brought to the 3HO organization. At the time I could

barely support myself. This was a wake up call for me. I knew I had

to figure out how to bring prosperity to myself as well. The answer

is not a quick-do-this-meditation-for-forty-days fix. I am still

discovering that the answer is simple and complex at the same time.


The simple answer is that in order to manifest we have to be present

in your bodies and connected to the Earth. We have to BE HERE NOW.

To attract and receive, we have to be home when the postman arrives.

It takes careful, vigilant practice to cultivate an awareness of

Self. We have to train ourselves to be present to the feelings and

sensations in our bodies. We have to learn to be comfortable being

uncomfortable with what we feel. We have to process the mental

stories that come up, so our emotions become pure expressions of our

soul instead of mental trauma dramas. We have to cultivate a strong

navel center so we can take effective and timely action. We have to

cultivate a powerful base chakra so we have the ability to stay

present. We have to be comfortable and free in our second chakra so

we can simultaneously contain (consciously hold) and expand our

creative energy.




Many yogic practices focus on the ascent of energy. In Lesson #8

(www.kundaliniyoga.org/kyt08.html or kyt08) we

covered the Locks or the Bhandas which help facilitate raising our

energy up our spine. The ascent is an important part of every

spiritual path. Learning the Bhandas also helps us contain, focus

and monitor our internal energy. Actually all yogic and meditation

practices raise our vibrational frequency. The question is what do

we do with the energy. If we are not conscious of our bodies and the

energy in our bodies, the energy will dissipate. We feel good for a

while, but soon afterwards we need another session to revitalize

ourselves again. We contribute good energy to the world and share

good vibes, but we are unable to manifest for ourselves unless we can

remain conscious of our own presence.


Mastering the ascent is a necessary first step, but not the whole

story. The goal of the ascent is to experience universal oneness.

When the crown chakra is open our perspective on life changes. While

we are experiencing life as a human being, we need to bring the

universal perspective back into our daily lives. Alone the " up and

out of the body " approach to spirituality incorporates implications

which actually limit our spiritual development and certainly our

ability to lead productive and prosperous lives.




The human spiritual journey involves both raising our energy to

higher frequencies and integrating this higher vibration into our

bodies, perceptions, thoughts and daily activities. The ascent up the

chakras is the path of enlightenment. The decent from the crown

chakra down to the base of the spine is the path of manifestation.

Together the ascent and the descent comprise the path of liberation.


Practically translated, in our quest to be liberated, accepting and

honoring our humanness is as important as merging in Divine

consciousness. The descent requires that we care for our bodies,

embrace our feelings, earn a right livelihood, learn to live by

natural laws and be at one with Mother Nature.


Many of us were former (past life times) sadus, yogis, saints,

priests and nuns who have mastered the ascent. This lifetime we are

trying to figure out how to master the descent. We are living in the

material world in order to become masters of it. We have to learn

how to support ourselves with our own creativity. We have to learn

now to gracefully and meaningfully interact in relationships. We

have to learn to honor our humanness.


To do so we must honor our bodies and activate the highest expression

of our first three chakras. We have to learn to be comfortable in the

world, in our bodies and with each other. We have to bring Heaven to

Earth. We have to master the spiritualization of matter, starting

with ourselves.




The ascent helps us discover our identity as a divine Soul and

experience the Light of Universal Truth. Once we are conscious of

reality beyond duality, we can use this awareness to clean up our

act, to release destructive behaviors and to replace sabotaging

beliefs and thoughts with universal wisdom. The descent is the

cleansing process--obviously not the most popular phase of our

spiritual development! However, dealing with our dark

(underdeveloped) side is the only way to become self-empowered and

liberated. The ascent is supposed to give us the experience of our

soul identity, so we don't take our wounds so seriously. A soul

perspective greatly facilitates the release of survival programming

and neurotic baggage.


The descent unleashes our ability to manifest from our higher self.

The activation of the first chakra creates an energetic foundation

that connects us to our bodies, the Earth, and physical sensations. A

balanced first chakra gives us a sense of belonging and security in

the physical plane and makes it possible for us to receive and

manifest. Grounded in our first chakra, we are able to use our

special gifts to support ourselves and to make our unique

contribution to the world. The alignment of the second chakra allows

us to tap our personal creativity. An activated third chakra gives

us the stamina, motivation and commitment to take appropriate action.


The complete path of liberation requires us to live in this world as

householders, to have relationships, to gainfully support ourselves,

to honor Mother Earth and to participate in the creation of a

sustainable world. To do the above we have to be grounded in our

bodies and connected to physical and material reality. When we

practice both the ascent and the descent, we can enjoy our bodies,

stay present in the moment and enjoy life on Planet Earth. And as

Yogi Bhajan points out, the path of Kundalini yoga is one of the few

paths that does not require celibacy.




The majority of the Kundalini yoga kriyas taught by Yogi Bhajan in

the1970's involved clearing and strengthening the first three

chakras. A major theme of my first Kundalini Yoga manual, based on

Yogi Bhajan's teachings, Transitions to a Heart-Centered World, is

how to create the foundation in the lower triangle so that we can

open our hearts and keep them open. Yogi Bhajan teaches that it is

impossible to stay in the heart without being in the lower 3 chakras.


Grounding is a question of both attention and technique. It is

important to practice asanas that activate and balance the lower 3

chakras. However, as I learned in my own practice, simply doing the

exercises is not enough. One must be mindful of the sensations in

one's body. Training the mind to be present to the breath and

movement of energy in one's body is of equal importance.


The exercises below are for the first three chakras. After doing

each exercise, spend an equal amount of time simply training your

mind to be present to the area or point of each chakra, both in the

front of your body and along your spine. Allow yourself to

experience what is happening without any judgment or intention of

making something happen. There is much to discover if you gently let

yourself BE HERE NOW. And there is much to gain if you are home to

receive what is yours.






Root lock-lightly tighten the muscles at the anus and the perineum

and then release. See lesson on the locks. #8



Spinal flexes- Sit in easy pose with the hands holding the ankles.

Lightly pull on the hands as you inhale pressing the spine forward

and exhale as you release the spine backward. The head does not

move. Concentrate on massaging the base of the spine to the ground.




Spinal rotations- hands on the knees in easy pose, rotate the lower

body, moving from the navel point. Gradually allow the whole

abdominal area to relax and release. Stay conscious of the breath as

it helps create the movement.




Leg lifts- hands under the hips, first raise the right leg up to 90o

on the inhale and release it down on the exhale. One minute with the

right leg and one minute with the left leg. Relax. Then raise both

legs together. Inhale up. Exhale down. (see Lesson #7 on the Navel

Center - www.kundaliniyoga.org/kyt07.html or kyt07)


Breath of fire- Sitting in easy pose or any other comfortable

position. kundalini yogapranayam.html




Experiment with feeling the presence of both white and gold light.

They have very different effects. Then write to the list and let us

know what the difference is. This is fun. I wouldn't want to take

away your experience. This could be one of the most important piece

of information you receive.




Yogi Bhajan has given us a meditation to do during the year 2000 for

prosperity. I explained this meditation in the New Millennium Being

Newsletter in May. Here it is again. Make sure you pump your navel

point to stay in your body. The goal is to imprint the vibration of

the mantra into your physical body and aura. Do this meditation for

11 minutes everyday until the end of the year and let us know what



You can chant this mantra in a monotone or you can chant it to a CD.

There are several musical versions. I can recommend Blissful Spirit

by Gurunam, or Har Har Har Har Gobinday by Snatam Kaur Khalsa. Both

are available from Yoga Technology -



I prefer chanting to a CD because it is very energizing.




Yogi Bhajan has given the following meditation for prosperity in the

year 2000 and to do to be able to deal with the intensity of the

energy and the challenges during the shift to the new millennium and

the Aquarian Age.


This meditation has 40 sounds. It effects the 5 tattvas (air, water,

fire, earth, and ether), the 7 chakras and the arch line. This

mantra can penetrate into anything and help avoid misfortune. It has

the power to break through any resistance or obstacles. It is sacred

but it is not secret. If you chant this mantra you can be successful

during these challenging times.


HAR, HAR, HAR,HAR-repeat before each of the following mantras Pump

the navel center (below the navel) with each Har. Use the tip of the

tongue. Chant in a monotone, enunciating clearly each syllable or

chant to a tape. GOBINDE-Go bin day--Sustainer


MUKUNDE-Mu kun day--Liberator


UDARE-Oo dar ay--Enlightener


APARE-A par ay--Infinite


HARING-Har e ung--Destroyer


KARING-Kar e ung--Creator


NIRNAME-Nir na may--Nameless


AKAME-A ka may--Desireless



Choose one mudra and do for 40 or 90 days for 11 minutes.


Thumb touching Jupiter finger( index)- to remove all obstacles


Thumb touching Saturn finger (middle)- for inner purity


Thumb touching Sun finger (ring)-for health, prosperity and

friendship All the resources that you need will come to you.


Thumb touching Mercury finger (little)- for clear communication


(See Mudras - kundalini yogamudras.html)


(by Gururattan Kaur Khalsa)

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