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Bhakti Yoga

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The term 'Bhakti' comes from the root 'Bhaj' which means 'to be

attached to God.' Bhakti is the form of supreme love towards God. It

is love for love's sake. The devotee wants God and God alone. There

is no selfish expectation here. Bhakti is of the nature of nectar. It

is the spontaneous outpouring of love towards God. It is pure

unselfish love or Suddha Prem. It is the sacred higher emotion with

sublime sentiments that unites the devotee with the Lord. It has to

be experienced by the devotees.


Bhakti is the basis of all religious life. Bhakti destroys Vasanas

and egoism. Bhakti elevates the mind to magnanimous heights. Bhakti

is the master-key to open the chambers of wisdom. Bhakti culminates

in Jnana. Bhakti begins in two and ends in one. Para Bhakti and Jnana

are one.


There is no virtue higher than love; there is no treasure higher than

love; there is no Dharma higher than love; there is no religion

higher than love; because, love is Truth and love is God. Love, Prem

and Bhakti are synonymous terms. This world has come out of love.

This world exists in love and this world ultimately dissolves in

love. God is an embodiment of love. In every inch of His creation,

you can verily understand His love.


A life without love, faith and devotion is a dreary waste. It is a

real death. Love is divine. Love is the greatest power on earth. It

is irresistible. It is love alone that can really conquer the heart

of a man. Love subdues an enemy. Love can tame wild ferocious

animals. Its power is infinite. Its depth is unfathomable. Its nature

is ineffable. Its glory is indescribable. The essence of religion is

love. Therefore, develop pure love.


Do you really want God? Do you really thirst for His Darshan? Have

you got real spiritual hunger? Only he who thirsts for the Darshan of

God will develop love. Unto him alone, He will reveal Himself. God is

a question of supply and demand. If there is a sincere demand for

God, the supply will come at once.


Develop the nine modes of Bhakti gradually. Hear the Lilas of the

Lord: this is Sravana. Sing His praise: this is Kirtana. Remember His

Names: this is Smarana. Worship His lotus-feet: this is Pada-seva.

Offer flowers: this is Archana. Prostrate yourself before Him: this

is Vandana. Do service unto Him: this is Dasya-Bhava. Make friendship

with Him: this is Sakhya-Bhava. Do total unreserved self-surrender

unto Him: this is Atma-Nivedana.


Sit not idly praying to God to help thee, but be up and doing as God

helps only those who help themselves. Do the best you can and leave

the rest to God. Serve the devotees. Remain in their company. Do Japa

and Kirtan. Study Ramayana and Bhagavata. Live in Brindavan or

Ayodhya for some time. You will soon develop devotion.


Pray fervently like Prahlada. Sing like Radha. Repeat His names as

Valmiki, Tukaram and Tulsidas did. Do Kirtan like Gauranga. Weep in

solitude like Mira for the separation from the Lord. You will have

Darshan of the Lord this very second.


Kindle the light of love in your heart. Love all. Include all

creatures in the warm embrace of your love. Cultivate Visva Prem or

all-embracing, all-inclusive cosmic love. Love is a mysterious divine

glue that unites the hearts of all. It is a divine magical healing

balm of very high potency. Charge every action with pure love. Kill

cunningness, greed, crookedness and selfishness. Immortality can be

attained only by performing acts of kindness continuously. Hatred,

anger and jealousy are removed by continuous service with loving

heart. You will get more strength, more joy, more satisfaction by

doing kind acts. Practice of compassion, charitable acts, kind

services purify and soften the heart, turn the heart-lotus upwards

and prepare the aspirant for the reception of divine light.


The Sastras are endless. There is much to be known. Time is short.

Obstacles are many. That which is essence should be grasped, just as

the swan takes the essence of milk alone from a mixture of water and

milk. That essence is love or Bhakti. Drink this essence and attain

the everlasting abode of Peace and Immortality.


Live in love. Breathe in love. Sing in love. Eat in love. Drink in

love. Walk in love. Talk in love. Pray in love. Meditate in love.

Think in love. Move in love. Write in love. Die in love. Taste the

honey of divine love and become an embodiment of love (Prema-Vigraha

of Prema-Murti).


May the fire of devotion grow brighter in you all! May your heart be

filled with devotion! May you all live drowned in the ocean of love

in an illumined state! May the blessings of Bhagavatas be upon you

all! Peace be with you all!


(Source: Essence of Yoga by Sri Swami Sivananda)

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