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Practical Spiritual Instructions

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Thou art divine. Live up to it. Feel and realise thy divine nature.

Do not murmur when you get difficulties, troubles, tribulations and

diseases. Every difficulty is an opportunity for you to develop your

will and power of endurance and to grow strong. Conquer the

difficulties one by one. This is the beginning of a new life, a life

of expansion, glory and divine splendour. Aspire and draw. Grow.

Expand. Build up all positive qualities, the Daiva-Sampatti, viz.,

fortitude, patience and courage, that are dormant in you. Tread the

spiritual path and realise: 'I am the Immortal Self. "


Never weep even if you lose your near and dear relations. Births and

deaths are the two illusory scenes in the marvellous drama of this

world. They are all the jugglery of Maya. In reality nobody comes and

nobody goes. Atman alone exists. Atman is Brahman or the Immortal



Be hopeful always. Face all difficulties, tribulations and anxieties

in life with a smile. Always repeat the formula " Even this will pass

away. " You will then be always beyond grief and sorrow.


Pain is a blessing in disguise. Pain is an eye-opener. Pain is your

silent teacher. Pain will turn your mind towards God. Many old Karmas

have to be purged out quickly by the thirsting aspirant before he

attains the blissful Samadhi (superconscious state). Therefore, the

thirsting aspirant only will get more troubles. Become a spiritual

warrior and chop off the thoughts and subtle forms of secret desires

for enjoyment. A glorious brilliant future is awaiting you.


Conquer difficulties one by one. Stand adamant. Root yourself in the

immortal Sat-Chit-Ananda Atman or Self within. Develop a magnanimous,

serene, calm and poised mental state. Sing " Anandoham, Anandoham-I am

all bliss. I am all bliss. "


To live is to fight for the ideal and goal. Life is conquest. Life is

a series of awakenings. Conquer your mind and the senses. These are

your real enemies. Live under lifelong vows. Conquer your internal

and external nature. Fight against the antagonistic dark evil forces

through Japa and meditation.


If you are firm in your resolves to reach the highest goal of Yoga,

if you have firm determination to attain the aim of spiritual life,

you will rise up again and march forward even if you have a temporary

fall. Feel the divine within you. Open yourself fully to the divine

influence. Develop burning desire for the attainment of God-

consciousness and burning dispassion (Vairagya) for worldly

enjoyments. Abandon all worldly ambitions and mundane desires. Soar

high always in the realms of higher spiritual knowledge. Show your

manliness, moral courage and spiritual strength now, O Ram!


Spiritual life is not mere idle talk. It is not mere sensation. It is

actual living in Atman. It is a transcendental experience of

unalloyed bliss.


May you all become immortal and drink deep the divine nectar of

perennial joy and eternal bliss!


Live in God

Immortal Self.


There is a maker for a pot or a table. So, there must be a creator

for this marvellous world also. That creator is GOD.


God is the wire-puller (Sutradhara) standing behind the machine of

this world. He is the indweller of your heart. He presides over all

actions (Karma-dhyaksha). He is the dispenser of the fruits of your

actions. Live in God by singing His name, repeating His Mantra and

surrendering the fruits of your actions unto Him.


The Lord abides in every creature. Behold the Lord in all objects, in

all manifestations. He is in the breath, in the voice, in the eyes.

He is the Life of your life, Soul of your soul. Make no distinction

between a Hindu and a Mussalman, a Protestant and a Catholic, a

Saivite and a Vaishnavite.


Within you is the hidden God. Within you is the immortal soul. Within

you is the inexhaustible spiritual treasure. Within you is the

fountain of joy and happiness. Within you is the ocean of bliss. Look

within for the happiness you have sought in vain in the perishable

sensual objects. Rest peacefully in your own Atma and drink the

nectar of Immortality.


Insure your life with God. Depend upon Him alone. All other insurance

companies will fail, but this Divine Company will never fail. You

need not pay any premium to this Divine Company. You will have to

love God only. You will have to give Him your heart.


Satyam (truth) is the seed. Brahmacharya (celibacy) is the root.

Meditation is the shower. Santi (peace) is the flower. Moksha

(salvation) is the fruit. Therefore, speak truth. Practise

Brahmacharya and meditation. Cultivate Santi. You will surely attain

the final emancipation or freedom from the trammels of births and

deaths and enjoy eternal bliss, supreme peace, perennial joy and



Surrender everything unto Him. Place your ego at His feet and be at

ease. He will take complete charge of you. Let Him mould you in any

way He likes. Let Him do exactly as He wills. He will remove all

defects and weaknesses. He will play beautifully in this body flute.

Hear the marvellous music of the flute of the Lord-the mysterious

music of the soul-and rejoice.


Peace is a divine attribute. It is a quality of the soul. It cannot

remain with greedy persons. It fills the pure heart. It is a sweet

companion of sages and Yogins. It deserts the lustful. It runs away

from the selfish. It is an ornament of a Paramahamsa.


" As you think, so you become. " This is the immutable psychological

law. Your thoughts make your life. You can choose your thoughts. You

can choose your mode of thinking. You can make your life as you

choose. If you entertain evil thoughts, you will lead a miserable

life. If you cultivate sublime thoughts, you will attain Godhead.


May you all prosper gloriously! May you all lead the divine life

singing Hari's Name, serving the poor and the sick with Atma Bhava,

sharing what you have with others and melting the mind in the Lord

through silent meditation!


(Source: Essence of Yoga by Sri Swami Sivananda)

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