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A Jivanmukta or liberated sage is absolutely free from desires, fear,

selfishness, egoism, mineness, attachment, greed and hatred. He is

full of pure love, compassion and mercy.


He has mastery over the mind and senses. He does not identify himself

with the body. He always dwells in his own Inner Self. He is ever

contented and happy.


He does not offend anybody in thought, word and deed. He is not hurt

even a bit by taunts, censures, insults and persecutions. He keeps

equanimity of mind in censure and praise, honour and dishonour,

pleasure and pain.


He lives in the world but he is not of the world. He has no idea of

enjoyment or enjoyer. This state is indescribable. He is Brahman



He is a power-house of spiritual energy. Sit before him. Your doubts

will be cleared by themselves. You will feel a peculiar thrill of joy

and peace in his presence. He may not speak and yet may teach the

aspirants through the language of silence.


He sleeps wherever he likes and eats anything from anybody's hands.

He is above injunctions and prohibitions but he will not violate the

rules of the scriptures. He is above good and evil, virtue and vice.

He finds no faults with others. He never becomes angry even under

extreme provocations. He is ever gentle and mild. He always speaks

sweetly. He never utters harsh words. He has no dislike or hatred for

any creature in this world in thought, word or deed. He blesses those

who persecute him.


He speaks a few words but these words produce a tremendous impression

on the minds of the hearers. They give a new life and joy to all who

hear his message.


The liberated sage (the prince of ascetics) has conquered the enemy

of ignorance. He has known the secret of true bliss. He has reached

the imperishable seat of Brahman. He always rests in his own Sat-Chit-



He has realised that he is distinct from the three bodies and five

sheaths and that he is the witness of the three states. He is free

from the distinctions of I, he and you.


A Jivanmukta inspired with the divine spirit, intoxicated with the

immortal nectar, filled with the infinite Atma, endowed with an equal

vision and balanced mind, beholds only the Self or Atma everywhere

and embraces all with pure love. Glory to such awakened inspired high

souls! May their blessings be upon you forever!


(Source: Essence of Yoga by Sri Swami Sivananda)

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