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(Katha Upanishad)


Nachiketas said: " That which thou seest as other than virtue and

vice, other than cause and effect, other than the past and future,

tell me that, O Lord Yama. This is my third boon from thee " .


Yama replied: " The goal which all the Vedas speak of, which all

penances proclaim and wishing for which the aspirants lead the life

of a Brahmacharin or celibate, that goal I will briefly tell thee. It

is Om " .


This word is verily Brahman; this word is verily the highest; he who

knows this word, obtains, verily whatever he wishes-he attains

Immortality and Eternal Bliss.


This Atman is beginningless, endless, birthless, deathless,

changeless, formless, attributeless, and colourless. He is without

sound, touch, smell and taste. He is eternal, immortal, all-

pervading, self-luminous, indivisible, one without a second. He is

beyond, Avyaktam or the unmanifested. He dwells in the intellect or

the cave of the heart. He is the inner Self of all beings.


He who is free from desires, whose mind is concentrated and peaceful,

whose senses are subdued, beholds this mysterious Atman through

meditation and intuition in his own intellect and enjoys immortality

and everlasting peace and bliss.


This Atman is hidden in all beings. It is realised by subtle seers

through their sharp and subtle intellect, with eyes and other senses

turned from sensual objects.


When all desires are destroyed, when the three knots of the heart,

i.e., Avidya (ignorance), Kama (desire), Karma (work) are rent

asunder, when, the five organs of knowledge are at rest together with

the mind and when the intellect ceases functioning or becomes calm,

you will attain immortality or Parama Gati or the highest state.


Just as you draw the pith or stalk from a reed, so also, you will

have to draw or take out this essence of Atma from the body or the

five sheaths patiently and boldly through meditation, Vichara or

enquiry and Viveka (discrimination) " .


Nachiketas got clear instructions on Brahma Vidya from Lord Yama

through the third boon granted by Yama, practised meditation and

attained Brahman, i.e., became immortal through knowledge of the

Self. Any qualified student like Nachiketas who knows the Atman can

surely attain immortality.


" Om Saha navavatu, Saha nau bhunaktu,

Saha viryam Karavavahai'; Tejasvi navadhitamastu,


Ma vidvishavahai. "


Om Santih! Santih! Santih!


" Om! May He protect us both (teacher and pupil). May He cause us both

to enjoy the bliss of Mukti. May we both exert together to find out

the true meaning of the scriptures. May our studies be fruitful. May

we never quarrel with each other " .


Om Peace ! Peace ! Peace !


(Source: Essence of Yoga by Sri Swami Sivananda)

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