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Rasa speaks to VIP of internet

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Rasa speaks to VIP of internet




Rasa's 7 new videos: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nS22hXytP9k#GU5U2spHI_4




Dear Federation


I am extremely interested (re feminism) in what happened in the 20's &

30's - Could you elaborate more on this?




Tesla worked with lightning, reproducing it, that's all I know. What else

about him made him outstanding?




Was not the computer developed for the Atomic Bomb work & then rocket

science, the outer space program? Did they not segue this taxpayer funded

work into the hands of the private corporate sector?




You have a colorful, romantic way of explaining what happened with

male/female during World War II & it's aftermath, the horrendously

repressive 50's. Since I was born in 1945 I was 10 in 1955, when I began to

be aware of my social surroundings & trying to figure out my place & role in

life, sexuality & gender




It was awful for a female. We were doomed, we were stringently controlled

mentally, psychologically, emotionally. We were continually told who we

were by males, how we should dress & behave. We were being indoctrinated on

an aggressive level through all media. All places of leadership were held

by males, media controlled by males (all news announced by men, the less

serious stuff, like weather, as usual, could be relegated to females) 99% of

doctors, lawyers, & it seemed most other professionals, were males.




Wherever a woman went to try & get ahead she was severely judged, even for

the simplest jobs like secretary, by her looks & as an underling or slave of

males. It was a frightening world to be indoctrinated into. The women

today, 2007, could not believe what it felt like then & I want them to be

aware of this.




The grammar school occasionally had male teachers, not many to be sure, but

I had a 6th grade & 8th grade male teacher. The 8th grade was a horrendous

macho male, despicable, horrible view of females, drooling all over the 16

year old Mexican beauty who sat all day in class polishing her nails (she

did not speak much English, was just waiting her 16th year out before

quitting) his comment to her,




'You can't IMPROVE on beauty!




He was contemptuous of the females he did not consider sexually attractive.

I shall never forget when he ignored one poor girl, just ignored her, as she

desperately kept raising her hand begging to be excused from class to go to

the bathroom. She was the poorest of the poor, dressed in rags - she lived

in a shack. Because of her condition, even though she called out verbally,

he refused to pay attention to her. Finally she got up & just left the

room, & there was blood on her chair, she went to the restroom to clean up

her menstrual situation, & humbly returned with tissues to clean the blood

off her chair. How humiliating that must have been for her! ( I understood

perfectly in the 8th grade what the menstrual period can do, as mine started

the last day of school in the 5th grade, I was a month shy of eleven years

old, an early starter. I was also a super heavy bleeder all my life, had

many accidents where the blood went through my clothing onto my dress and

even onto a gorgeous tufted office chair once, where an attorney lectured me

for over an hour on God knows what, just to show me how smart he was! His

punishment was that when I got up, there was blood on his luxury chair, not

an easy thing to remove!)..... The 8th grade teacher did not apologize or

show any sensitivity to this poor bloodied girl in rags.




Now as you say, at the time I did not realize that the 20's and 30's were

less repressive for women, that women (it is on your charts) actually jumped

ahead in education for a while, then fell to the pits educationally in the

50's. It seems that the cork was let go for a while, but then pushed down

HARDER THAN EVER as a reaction by Patriarchy.




We were being indoctrinated heavily,




'You are inferior - you are inferior - you are inferior!' every day, the

message was:




'Obey males, they are your superiors. They have authority, they have

resources, build up their egos in order to survive, it is your only hope, &

never, ever, hurt a man or you are doomed!'




The magazines preached this message everywhere, elder women confirmed their

lies! (Betty Friedan's book was a reaction to how women were indoctrinated

through all the women's magazines to be homebodies & to consume the products

for home & family, as if that was their main role in life, 'The Feminine

Mystique.') Our women elders were not encouraging to females like myself,

they touted the party line of Patriarchy, why I don't know, if they saw the

world in the 20's & 30's when they were young.




Some time around 1959, though, I saw Ashley Montagu on the David Susskind

show. He spoke of female genetic, biological superiority. I believed him -

it empowered me - it changed my life. Seeing that ONE MAN could do this to

me - one man against all others - inspires me as ONE WOMAN to also preach

the same publicly. The AMAZING fact to me is that Montagu, besides myself,

was the ONLY PERSON I know of who aggressively preached female superiority,

I followed in his footsteps in the 90's on many TV Shows. These were two

people, him and me, out of thousands & thousands of TV guests in the space

of 40 years, who preached the Truth of female superiority!




Why also did our elders preach, verbally & non verbally, the party line of

Patriarchy? Because there would be repercussions for going against the

Official Platform of Oppression, they were slaves who had to indoctrinate

new slaves. (Even 2007, look at the trouble I encounter presenting female

superiority on the internet & I am the first one I know of aggressively

explaining male extinction!) The other women I see fighting back against

males on internet are not standing in a place where they can pack a punch,

they are hitting from their shoulders instead of the Center of Gravity. I

am showing them the way, will they listen, and how soon? (In boxing, you

have to place your elbows together, arms close to the body, & sort of

crouch inwardly, & then, your punch has power.I find women flailing their

arms, crying, trying to reason with demonic males & the like, trying to get

sympathy or appreciation.none of this works. When you fight you must fight

squarely, boldly, strongly, not pulling your punches, not asking for

kindness from the enemy who is committed to destroying you!)








Now imagine the confusion of a girl, who when she enters High School,

everything changes. In grammar school, when we are girls, the

indoctrination is not as severe, then it gets lethal. I knew I was superior

to all the boys in my classes, in all ways. There was only one boy as smart

as me, the rest were inferior. I was in classes in H.S. with my 3 years

older brother, who got the exact same scores as myself in typing, and yet,

the female teacher gave me a B- and him a B+. Anti woman discrimination

begins really heavy at the puberty, and stays intense throughout adulthood.

It is meant to derail the woman in her self respect, esteem, her confidence.

She is to be broken down, treated unfairly, whereas the opposite goes for

males. I had a female who changed sex to male friend who told me,




'As a male I would walk into a store & they treat me like a God!'




The men's groups today I see on YouTube ae a pathetic backlash, striking out

with all filth & vile against females, & few females are striking back, &

when they do so, in a les than lethal manner. The males strike to kill,

they are out for blood, the females are like gnats against hyenas. They

simply do not have the experience I have in fighting males - I've been doing

this since my 20's.




William Bond's great term of the CORK BEING HELD DOWN & THEN LET GO has many

people holding her down - female as well as male, & then there is

institutionalized discrimination, where no matter what personal feelings

abound, woman was held down. The odds against woman were so severe that

nothing except a sovereign act of God could free her from the trap of

Patriarchy & that Act has been performed. MotherGod has touched the Y

chromosome & he is history, we are just now LIVING OUT HIS DEMISE.




Other factors are involved. Please see the WomanThouArtGod site & :


The Fall of Mankind website:






Bryan Syke's Adam's Curse & Steve Jone's The Descent of Men.)


women were advancing at an extremely fast past after World War I, even

reaching 40% of the college student population by the 1930's.




*****Most " feminists " from the 1960's are blithely unaware of the earlier

history and think they were " blazing new trails " , when in fact all they were

doing was retreading ground that had been tread in the 1920's-1930's.


World War II set everything back 30 years for women. It did so, because it

set everything forward for men, giving them a new reason to live (and

fight). Men seem to be created for just that one purpose: to blaze new

trails. That includes fighting, defending, exploring, doing stupid things

that involve risk (and occasionally finding major innovations). As soon as

the world gets settled, they lose their purpose and direction.


So, maybe Tesla saw that. Maybe he saw that a worldwide wireless

communications network would mean that women would connect with each other,

since the female is the more socially-adept gender.*****




From RASA:


Federation, don't you think that institutionalized discrimination had

something to do with it? What about federal laws, federal grants & loans to

veterans to further their education?




I read that since the military is the biggest employer in the country, it is

therefore the biggest discriminator against women. That IS changing without

a doubt. (I had a tiny bit to do with it when I did a demonstration. which

got onto 3 news stations & front pages of top newspapers in New York, & got

a letter of citation from the Marines & President Carter.it was about equal

rights for females in combat duty!)




Perhaps you know more about this than I, then tell us. Why & how did females

suddenly stop going to college & begin their demise into breeding slaves &

household consumers again?




What you are intimating is that males find their identity, strength &

inspiration from FIGHTING & killing! I do agree that galvanizing one's

energies, focusing & working & or fighting for a cause does make the blood

rush. This is a big issue, I think we should tackle it in more detail. Any

ideas, William Bond?




On the last note, if only females would get together! Bond has criticized

me unfairly for not 'getting along' with females - but they are difficult to

gather for anyone, I take note.William, if you are the Matriarchal icon for

males, & you are, how many males have you gathered for the cause? I do have

a few females, but they are not aggressively helping me, as a woman as usual

I have fared better with our males...........Rasa










Monday, September 24, 2007 2:59 AM




Tesla died in 1943.


It would not be exaggerating too much to say that the Internet is *his*

invention. For, those who created and transformed the net into a world-wide

network were doing so on the inspiration of Tesla and others like him.


I don't know why he thought women would completely dominate the world. It

didn't even fit in with the rest of his Colliers interview. But, I suspect

it had something to do with the fact that women were advancing at an

extremely fast past after World War I, even reaching 40% of the college

student population by the 1930's.


Most " feminists " from the 1960's are blithely unaware of the earlier history

and think they were " blazing new trails " , when in fact all they were doing

was retreading ground that had been tread in the 1920's-1930's.


World War II set everything back 30 years for women. It did so, because it

set everything forward for men, giving them a new reason to live (and

fight). Men seem to be created for just that one purpose: to blaze new

trails. That includes fighting, defending, exploring, doing stupid things

that involve risk (and occasionally finding major innovations). As soon as

the world gets settled, they lose their purpose and direction.


So, maybe Tesla saw that. Maybe he saw that a worldwide wireless

communications network would mean that women would connect with each other,

since the female is the more socially-adept gender. Look at who's carrying

all the cell phones, these days.








http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uq97vrVZjMg & mode=user & search=




Bryan Sykes asks: 'DO WE NEED MEN?' 'the RISE OF the TYRANT'- How men have

managed to ENSLAVE the female; Rasa begins series on extinction of men-GAIA'S

REVENGE is hitting men where it hurts most, (testicles, 1/3 of sperm is now

deformed!) women can soon reproduce with another woman instead of merely

cloning themselves




Y chromosome is crumbling, 'for men the Genetic Modification experiment will

soon be over', '1/3 of all male sperm is now abnormal', Prof. Bryan Sykes

foresees the 'mitochondria and female finally triumph over their ancient





Reproduction will continue by sperm banks, cloning, & best of all, 23

chromosomes from 1 egg put in another, 2 woman parents, all female

offspring, woman-only world, the Curse is gone!




Rasa's Groups & books

















































http://www.lulu.com/browse/search.php?search_forum=-1 & search_cat=-1 & show_results\

=topics & return_chars=200 & search_keywords= & keys= & fSearch=RASA+VON+WERDER & fSearchF\

amily=2 & fSubmitSearch.x=12 & fSubmitSearch.y=6
















http://books.iuniverse.com/viewbooks.asp?isbn=0595408567 & page=fm9





for APRIL 2007! Here are the statistics from our service: We are reaching

people for MotherGod and Matriarchy!




Report: Sessions Graph - womanthouartgod.com Date Range: 04/01/2007 -





Range Total: 116,910 Daily Average: 3,897.00






Kellie Everts is the PROGENITOR of FEMALE BODYBUILDING (founder of modern

competitive female bodybuilding) AND BEEN AWARDED THIS DISTINCTION BY THE









What Kellie is doing today:








New Group:














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