Guest guest Posted September 28, 2007 Report Share Posted September 28, 2007 Why Men Torture us (2) Freud Found Rampant Incest Abuse (3) Femmes Richer than Men & mode=user & search= womanthouartgod/ RASA EXPLAINS TO SISTER WHY MEN TORTURE US Sierra, I am praying every day & my mind is getting illuminated, expanded, as to the big picture, the why's of it all. The males (I KNEW THIS WOULD HAPPEN) are getting hysterical because they know women are superior, they know we are more powerful, they know they are dependent on us, & the only way they can keep their so-called sanity & dominance is by destroying our egos, our confidence & through lies & threats. They have kept us under control this way on & off for thousands of years - this is all unraveling & they feel it. I KNEW MotherGod had chosen me for this work, to SPEAK OUT the Truth which other women don't seem to want to do (because of the insults, threats & perhaps some genuine danger) & I was WILLING to bear their outbursts & vile words. I have been through many flame wars as everyone knows, but I knew this would be the most intense, & I am ready. There is no discussion, except for a couple guys who tried to wear me out with argument (one of the designs of Satan is to waste our time) & for a week, I talked with them, but my inner voice said, 'No talking, just lecturing.just state the facts again & again, they are trying to pull you into an emotional battleground, where you can feel their barbs & insults & use up your time & energy & receive some of your Light which they will dissipate, but just keep posting more Truth periodically, & let them gnash their teeth & sweat & paw the ground, do not answer their insults.' As I obey this voice, I notice that I remain above them, impervious to their barbs, & I can see it all from an objective & above-there level. They want me PULL ME DOWN as they have pulled women down for ages. Now my Sister here is the truth: the conflict between male & female is irreconcilable. It's either them or us, the big picture. There are INDIVIDUALS here & there who will help, indeed, but overall, it is THEM or US. It cannot be both ways. There is no equality, it is either them dominating or us, & God chose the woman to lead the family & world, not the man. His 'leadership' has been the work of his instinct to multiply & enslave women for that purpose, & Satan has been his mentor - he is not only working by instinct but he is DEMONIZED. He has sold his soul to the devil, & Satan rules the world through him. This clearly explains what we see in history including the Inquisition. It was worse than I thought, check out YouTube on Inquisition. If you read the books & research that I have, including 'Men, Women & Rape' an account of what men do to women & children civilians during wartime, you will know demonic is the only way to explain them. The acts that they have done to humans, especially women & children but also including men they hate, can only be described as demonic. I ask Sierra & all friends to look up 'feminist' on YouTube & look at what is going on there. Look at the comments, look at the majority of videos are males bashing women & feminists. Where are the women? Still hiding, still afraid. They have been beaten, bloodied, silenced so long they are in 2007, afraid to speak on the internet! In the last week I have been called more names than I have been called in the last two years & also threatened. This tells me something: I am being effective. I am making a mark, & they are frightened. You would never imagine how vile they are until you see their reactions by my simply speaking the truth from a book of a geneticist, not even my opinion, the studies of a scientist! Look at the comments on the OTHER feminist groups where I posted my comments & you will see. Why they are in denial of the Burning Times. Understand, & if you believe anything I say, please accept this. Males are on the path where they are COMMITTED to our enslavement. This has been worked out - the Patriarchal template of feminine enslavement - over many, many years & I am explaining it on the YouTube, how it was done. I am using Syke's book as a point of departure because he is very good in his descriptions, covers all the high points, & I will add my own interpretations of things as I go along to augment what he says. Using his book gives the facts & arguments more credibility than if I just spoke off the top of my head. I have heard all that he says elsewhere, many people know these facts, but he puts it all together nicely. Why they deny the burning: Because it does not help their agenda of enslaving us to talk about it. Even the very best of males are not females, they also benefit from Patriarchy to some degree, although they also suffer from it. Each group of people who are oppressed must fight against their own oppression, so if females are oppressed, it behooves them to do something, not await the 'nice guys' to do something about it. It is not their responsibility, to be honest. Here are the facts: 1 Males KNOW we are superior & they have to use great force to hold us down. That is the CORK William speaks of. If female superiority is spoken about aggressively, they get very nervous. 2 They KNOW they, as a corporate entity, have severely abused us & continue to do so, & will never stop until they ARE STOPPED. (MotherGod has stopped them) 3 They know women have been BROKEN by beatings, torture, threats, fettering with children, Patrilineal inheritance & other tools of enslavement, but they not only don't care, they are ALRIGHT with this, because it makes life easier for them 4 They KNOW they have programmed, deluded & fooled women with religious lies & lies about sexuality through their churches/culture & they are DEATHLY AFRAID that the Truth is coming out & all they can really do is strike back at the women ( & men) who speak it 5 Their violence toward people who speak out, such as William, Rasa, feminists, Matriarchs, etc. is an indication of how malicious they are; wanting the lies, for when a person speaks out the Truth, they attack with vile insults. This would be, consider, if a black person came forward & named the atrocities done to them as slaves & as Jim Crow victims segregated without civil rights, & instead of a white person saying 'I'm sorry,' they would spit out insults, kick them & threaten them, deny the truth & tell them to SHUT UP - that is what is happening to us on the internet. Since I have embarked on this tougher, stronger course of speech, I am less tolerant of those who are irritating me with arguments about the exceptions, the 'nice guys.' These guys are really irrelevant to the argument, & I do not want to be worn out by constantly having to reference the exceptions, although they are there. It is a given that there are exceptions, as Martin Luther King Jr. acknowledged there were many whites who cared about blacks & wished them well. This is a given, something we take for granted. I do not want my friends & devotees to jump up & torture me about the exceptions every time I speak or write an article! There is also another side to this I must face & ponder, & it is that this is a gender war, & that at some point, we women have to gather without men, & men cannot be a part of all that we do. To have one man enter into a gathering of women changes the entire equation & spoils it. When women gather they must have safe space, & they cannot think about men & their problems or needs or egos. Each woman is an extension of the other women, & for this empowerment to take place, there cannot be any distraction or interference. I have not yet found enough women for a gathering with me, but I suppose I must keep trying, however difficult it may be. Our well wishers & devotees, however saddened they may be by this, will have to live with it..GuruRasa MALE ABUSE OF CHILDREN & FEMALES Beloved Jen, Indeed I heard about this but now you give us the details! I am overwhelmed with disgust & anger at Freud & all the males who have done this to women, but now it can & will be undone. We must never forget WHAT THEY DID TO US WOMEN & we MUST GATHER, we MUST TALK, we MUST SHARE. I do admit now, I have had some revelations (you & I discussed it over the phone) that there is a part of this Matriarchy that has NOTHING TO DO WITH MEN & we must meet in private, have consciousness raising, share, raise the vibes together, rejoice together & call on MotherGod as one corporate entity OF WOMEN. I am NOT leaving men out completely. They will have their share in the MotherGod gatherings & worships, but they CANNOT & WILL NOT share in all of it. There are some things women have to share with each other because on the instinctive level, there are some parts of us that are sacred to the woman only & have nothing to do with men. When women gather they affirm each other AS WOMEN. When men interfere, such as Freud here interfering with Dora, it becomes a political act, an act of adjusting to Patriarchy or at least some of their instincts, & this is wholly at cross purposes with us. How we have been abused, how bothered, how trampled on! Now it will end, we are part of ending it, thank God. These are the prayers of trillions, for thousands of years, being fulfilled now, in our presence, in our ministry, in our mission. We are of course not the only ones, but I feel we have an important part. Look how many other women are making a bold and realistic contribution to Matriarchy? Look about you. How many vital, living websites like mine? How many women on YouTube preaching and teaching? Only a tiny handful. ZBudapest just got on, the RoseMaidens, and myself. There are other women speaking of feminism, women's lib, similar issues, (the Muslim women speaking up just make my hair stand up on edge - take a look under 'feminism' & Muslim women on TV speaking up!) and all of it put together does lift my spirits. (I do urge everyone to look at the YouTube entries pertaining to this, especially the ones I noted) I do agree fully with the original findings of Freud & I would like you Jen to explain to us what hysteria means or used to mean. Is it Post Traumatic Stress and anxiety attacks? I get them myself, & in my early years, never recognized them for what they were. It has only been in the last 10 years or so that I understand what PTS is & this has relieved my mind much, because when it appears, if you know what it is, it is not so frightening - although you suffer just the same. Indeed, it is childhood trauma. For me not sexual (that I know of although we do not know what they did to us before the age of memory!) The early traumas make the biggest impressions, but early could be childhood & adulthood as well, I believe, - is this correct? Can traumas be instilled later Jen? With this kind of track record for males, do you see why I don't want them to go near children & 'take care' of them? I just got a letter from a male devotee fretting about my strong stand on this & he thinks you & 'Snap Dragon' agree with him that males can be good caretakers of children, when properly trained. He recommends all sorts of courses and teaching tools. My point is that so many of them are so bad, why take the chance? It is like taking a chance with a boa constrictor taking care of a mouse, do you get my point? This male, as usual, was defensive because he believes he is a good caretaker of children & they are safe with him. Yes, children are safe with a few men here & there. However, the good men like my devotee should wake up & look around them & at the statistics. This man himself lives in fear of men around him, the mentally ill, abusive, violent males, the predators. He has trouble sleeping at night where he lives for the noise they make, & hates to go to his rooming house, & yet, he would leave a child with a male when they are this dangerous? Why does he want to risk children? Consider also that it isn't just the roughnecks & the down & outers that are dangerous, the millionaire, the doctor, lawyer, educated male is also abusive & predatory. Here you present the facts during Freud's time. MotherGod has been speaking to me a lot these days, & I am seeing males in an ever more clear light. I used to be so softhearted toward them, so lenient, so kind. I have to wake up to the dark side of them, the ugliness - it is not a nice picture to look at. My friends, take a look at YouTube under feminism & feminist. About 70% or more are MALES tearing up women, downgrading them & ridiculing them, calling feminists vile names & just basically peeing & scating all over great women, calling them names like 'whore' 'stupid' & worse. I have been posting on many of these video comments, my stuff, & about 10 males have attacked me with filthy words. No woman has said anything at all to thank me for posting about the demise of men. I am helping women, they don't even respond, because they are so afraid of the men. But the strong stand I take, you see, will teach these women how you have to talk to these abusers. Take a look on YouTube, open your eyes my friends. Take a look at the filth they pour out against women, the illogical, raging filth, & you want to leave little children alone with them?.....GuruRasa womanthouartgod/ rasadevotees/ mothergod/ m.tara21 Rasa Von Werder Monday, September 24, 2007 8:10 PM Sigmund Freud, roots of psychoanalysis Beloved Rasa, devotees and friends: I came across something the other day that I would like to share here, a passage from a book on recovery from trauma, a topic I am studying in school now. While this is not " new " information (it had perhaps been hidden, and not necessarily intentionally, although maybe so in some cases), the discovery of it is quite relevant and important to matriarchy and traditional views of the " hysterics " of women. Love to all, Jen " His case histories reveal possessed of such passionate curiosity that he was willing to overcome his own defensiveness, and willing to listen. What he heard was appalling. Repeatedly his patients told him of sexual assault, abuse and incest. Following back the thread of memory, Freud and his patients uncovered major traumatic events of childhood concealed beneath the more recent, often relatively trivial experiences that had actually triggered the onset of hysterical symptoms. By 1896 Freud believed he had found the source. In a report on eighteen case studies, entitled THE AETIOLOGY OF HYSTERIA, he made a dramatic claim: 'I therefore put forward the thesis that at the bottom of every case of hysteria there are ONE OR MORE OCCURRENCES OF PREMATURE SEXUAL EXPERIENCE, occurrences which belong to the earliest years of childhood, but which can be reproduced through the work of psycho-analysis in spite of the intervening decades. I believe that this is an important finding, the discovery of a CAPUT NILI in neuropathology.' " A century later, this paper still rivals contemporary clinical descriptions of the effects of childhood sexual abuse. It is a brilliant, compassionate, eloquently argued, closely reasoned document. Its triumphant title and exultant tone suggest that Freud viewed his contribution as the crowning achievement in the field. " Instead, the publication of THE AETIOLOGY OF HYSTERIA marked the end of this line of inquiry. Within a year, Freud had privately repudiated the traumatic theory of the origins of hysteria. His correspondence makes clear that he was increasingly troubled by the radical social implications of his hypothesis. Hysteria was so common among women that if his patients' stories were true, and if his theory were correct, he would be forced to conclude that what he called 'perverted acts against children' were endemic, not only among the proletariat of Paris, where he had first studied hysteria, but also among the respectable bourgeois families of Vienna, where he had established his practice. This idea was simply unacceptable. It was beyond credibility. " Faced with this dilemma, Freud stopped listening to his female patients. The turning point is documented in the famous case of Dora. This, the last of Freud's case studies on hysteria, reads more like a battle of wits than a cooperative venture. The interaction between Freud and Dora has been described as 'emotional combat.' In this case Freud still acknowledged the reality of his patient's experience: the adolescent Dora was being used as a pawn in her father's elaborate sex intrigues. Her father had essentially offered her to his friends as a sexual toy. Freud refused, however, to validate Dora's feelings of outrage and humiliation. Instead, he insisted upon exploring her feelings of erotic excitement, as if the exploitative situation were a fulfillment of her desire. In an act that Freud viewed as revenge, Dora broke off the treatment. " The breach of their alliance marked the bitter end of an era of collaboration between ambitious investigators and hysterical patients. For close to a century, these patients would again be scorned and silenced. Freud's followers held a particular grudge against the rebellious Dora, who was later described by a disciple as 'one of the most repulsive hysterics he had ever met.' " Out of the ruins of the traumatic theory of hysteria, Freud created psychoanalysis.... " From TRAUMA AND RECOVERY: THE AFTERMATH OF VIOLENCE -- FROM DOMESTIC ABUSE TO POLITICAL TERROR, by Judith Herman, M.D.,11812,1531205,00.html#article Report finds 2.4 million females have £25 thousand in savings Helen Carter Tuesday July 19, 2005 The Guardian British women are becoming increasingly more wealthy than men, according to research from an investment bank published yesterday. Researchers for Investec Private Bank found the number of wealthy women is increasing, with 2.4 million UK women having more than £25,000 in savings accounts alone. The majority of these women (60%) are married or co-habiting, 16% are single and the remainder are widowed, divorced or separated. Analysis from the bank's data has found that since October 2003, 45% of new clients who opened one of their accounts (which has a minimum balance of £25,000) have been women who have done so in their own name. Linda McBain, head of banking and treasury at Investec, said: " There has been a dramatic increase in the number of women holding senior managerial positions and, according to the Centre for Economics and Business Research, there are now more women millionaires aged between 18 and 44 than men. Research published last month showed that there are now an estimated 360,000 women in Britain who are worth half a million pounds or more each. Between them, they own assets worth almost £300bn and their numbers are expected to increase rapidly. It is estimated that by 2025, women will own 60% of the nation's personal wealth. There are currently 25% more women millionaires aged between 18 and 44 (47,355 women compared with 37,945 men). In over-65s women millionaires outnumber men by just under 4,000. Over the past 30 years, the female employment rate has jumped from 42% to 70%, while almost a third of managers are now women. In 1974, the number of women managers was a mere 2%. However, other factors also come into the equation. Women are now living longer, inheriting valuable properties and other assets from their spouses and receiving generous divorce settlements. Brewin Dolphin Wealth Management based its research on statistics provided by the Inland Revenue. Its study looked at net wealth - defined as total assets, including property, stocks and shares, cash and any loans owing to the estate minus total liabilities (mortgages and other debts). Douglas McWilliams, chief executive of the Centre for Economics and Business Research, said younger women tended to be much more financially astute than younger men. " Young women are more likely to take out a mortgage on their own than men on their own, " he said. " They are likely to have accumulated more savings. Women's performance in education is also a key factor - 1.3 million women entered higher education compared with 1 million men. Veronica Lim, a lifestyle coach, author and founder of said women are realising they have choices and are thinking about self-empowerment. " Men are also opening up and becoming more supportive, " she said. " Some of the women in fund management where they have families and the husband has stayed at home and look after the family. " She says women also use their experiences and challenges when they set up businesses. She knows of one woman in the US who could not find decent toys for her children and so set up a mail-order company importing them, and another woman who could not find attractive bras in large sizes so she set up her own firm. " Historically, men will be money-driven initially. But for most women it is their passion for a challenge which drives them - they are more practical. " Nighat Awan OBE, is chief executive officer of Shere Khan Food Services. She began her career at 18 when she took over her parents' factory in Macclesfield, Cheshire. " I think women are natural multi-taskers who are used to hard work, " she said. " Therefore they have all the makings of successful businesspeople " She said neither her background nor gender had been an issue. " If you're a woman in business, you need to embrace it and make people see it for the very positive thing it is. " In business you'll be successful regardless of gender if you have a good product and the right skills. " 'We work hard and are not aggressive' Jacqueline Gold, chief executive of Ann Summers and Knickerbox, is one of Britain's most successful businesswomen. With a gross annual sales turnover of more than £155m, Ann Summers ranks as one of the most profitable private companies in the UK. She began her career at the age of 21, working as a junior in her father's business and soon realised the potential of selling sex toys and lingerie to women in their own homes. She was made chief executive of the company in 1987. The company has 122 high-street stores and plans to expand further. She says: " I think women are proving what we women have known for a long time ... that we are better at doing business than men. Women have those qualities that are good for business: we work hard, are not aggressive - but level-headed. We listen and take advice. Women have taken control of their lives in the workplace, home and bedroom, and as a result are of course challenging men. " I think the important thing is to always remember is that success comes with hard work. Never let anyone tell you otherwise. The business world is still predominantly run by men and that need to change. In the retail sector there are very few CEOs of companies which is crazy as most of their customers are women. " She believes " it is because women are more sensible than men " that there are now 2.4 million women in the UK with savings of more than £25,000. Women to rule the world in 2020 The BBC has produced a series of hour-long drama-documentary films, which uses scenarios to analyse the biggest issues to face us in the years ahead. One of the episodes, produced and directed by Ursula Macfarlane, considers the future prospects for women: If... women ruled the world. In 2020, Macfarlane has women outperforming men academically, socially, technologically and even biologically. Scenario planning is an act of speculation, rather than prediction, and this series 'war games' the future, " working out what - based on current trends, technological developments and the decisions of today's politicians - our world might be like in five, 10 or 20 years time. " Some thoughts from the experts quoted in the transcript, which the BBC has made available in advance of the broadcast (emphasis mine): Professor Steve Jones, a geneticist at University College London claims: " It's clear that the 19th century was the world of men. The 20th century I think began to get its doubts, and I'm fairly confident that in the West, the 21st century will be the century of women. Dr Susan Greenfield, leading brain researcher at Oxford University: " People like already to talk about the feminisation of the workplace, and I think that they mean more than just taking down the girlie calendars. As well as all the lofty ideas we have about human nature, there's a more immediate and pragmatic issue, of the nature of work and what it will mean for women if we're living in a world where technology has so radically changed our lives, and I think the most obvious change is the reduction in emphasis on physical labour. If you now sit at a keyboard you don't have to be physically strong any more and that will mean a whole change for the rise of women in the workplace. " " I think the biggest difference between now and our traditional working day is that traditional barriers will have broken down. There won't be the clear-cut beginning and end to the day. One might argue that women could deal better with that because women have always had complex lives, they've always, much more than men, had to be able to juggle the challenges of home and community and themselves and their work place and different times of their careers. " Lisa Harker, Chair of the Daycare Trust: " Women have entered the labour market in droves in the last thirty years, but the workplace has changed very little in that time and the growth in childcare... has not nearly caught up with increasing levels of women working in the labour market. There is now one childcare place for every five children under the age of eight, and childcare is very much a lottery. " Dr Susan Greenfield: " I think what we're going to see in 2020, in the next few decades, is a great dismantling of what it means to be a parent, what it means to have children. What it means to have that life narrative of watching a child grow, because I think we'll be able to compartmentalise much more the different factors that at the moment we call motherhood, or childhood and so on. " Mike McClure, Consultant Psychiatrist: " I think the increase in the men's movements and the plea that they're making and the way in which they're doing it indicates that there is some underlying resentment that society has forgotten them, that society undervalues them, and I think we're going to see an increasing demonstration from them... " " I think that there's a minority of men who just don't fit into society in one way or another, possibly they don't fit into the new feminised labour market, they can't adapt sufficiently, so they're really misfits in this modern society... The more men you have who find it hard to fit into this society, the more likely it is that there will be an increase in violence, and in large measure, that violence will be directed against women. 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