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ucchiShta gaNapati upAsana /pUjA proceedure

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In SrIvidyArNava tantra by Sri vidyAraNya, It is clearly


that the ucciSta gaNapati upAsana will be effective only by the

vAmAcAra methods.


When any one approaches his guru for the first time, his

intention would be in pursuit of the supreme god and mOkSha.

The guru who is " swrUpa nirUpaNa hEtuh " is initiating with a mantra

of some dEvata or dEva. This is because one should not/can not say

any thing about god in an establishing voice.

" kaula pratiShTam na kuryAt "


Even in the books like " soundarya lahari " , the way to

emancipation was nerrated with slOkas like " muKam bindum

kritwa " , " naram varSIyamsam " . They appear like mAdana prayOgAs to

attract women. Is it the advice of SankarAcarya

who himself is a staunch sanyAsi, for a Sishya who approaches him to

show him the way for liberation?


Instead of trying to understand the inner esteric objective of

the guru,

he is opting to master the texts, and bring out the materialistic

benefits like a mad man gathering all the useless stuff seen on the

roadside, thinking it all so precious.


My guru was telling " what ever is written in the scripture,

even by any great sage, it would be only vAmAcara mehod.

It is you to search for the meaning which reminds you about your

own 'swarUpa'. All the mantras are the reminders of your own

swrUpa. If you take materialistic meaning, even the nArAyaNa mantra

or the siva mantra will never save you from the present state of

misery, but throws you in to the ditch of samsAra,


" SR^iNyEva sitayA viswa carShaNih

pASEna pratibadhnAtyabhIkAn | iShuBhih pancaBhir dhanShEna|

viddhatyAdiSaktir aruNAca viswajanyA || "


I dont understand how can any other god can give any one

the 'mOkSha', when there is Siva and nArayaNa who are considered to

be the sole distributors of mOkSha?


" sahasram vartantE jagati vibudhAh kSudra phaladah

na manyE swpnE vA tadanusaraNam tatkR^ita Palam || "


Please don't believe any of these gods. They will always be saying

nonsensical promises. Trash every thing.




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Namaskarams to all.

I am reminded of a story that was narrated by esteemed Sri Mukkur

Lakshmi Narasimhachariar.


There was one poor Brahmin in Srirangam who used to survive on alms -

He knew only broken sanskrit, and a few shlokas (though incorrectly).

There used to be a great saint (Parasara Battar, I believe) who was a

great scholor and had immense respect towards this Brahmin. Battar's

students were surprised of their Master's respect towards this poor

Brahmin, but not towards another pompous Sanskrit Master in that

area. When the students approached Battar regarding the same, he told

them to wait for the next day and see what happens.


The next day, when the 'learned' Sanskrit master went by Battar's

class room, near Srirangam temple, Battar invited the master

ceremoniously to the class and enquired him about the nature

of 'ParaBrahman' - The scholor was very uncomfortable and told that

though he was quite learned, he could not understand the Parabrahman.

Battar then sent him off with respects.


Next, when the poor Brahmin came near the temple for begging, Battar

invited him to the class. The Brahmin was terrified when Battar told

he had a doubt and wanted them clarified. (He almost fainted). Battar

then with respect asked about Parabrahman. As soon as Battar asked

the question, the Brahmin stood up and was boiling in anger. He threw

away the vessel had carried with him for begging. He said to Battar -

" Are you worthy of teaching to so many students without knowing

this? Dont you know that Sri Ranganatha who is sleeping on the other

side of the wall is Parabrahman? " Saying this he angrily walked away.


Battar told his students that bookish knowledge need not translate to

knowledge of the Brahman. [it is quite possible to interpret this

story in many other ways, but that would be missing the point.]


> I dont understand how can any other god can give any one

> the 'mOkSha', when there is Siva and nArayaNa who are considered to

> be the sole distributors of mOkSha?


> " sahasram vartantE jagati vibudhAh kSudra phaladah

> na manyE swpnE vA tadanusaraNam tatkR^ita Palam || "


> Please don't believe any of these gods. They will always be


> nonsensical promises. Trash every thing.


When was the license to give Moksha distributed to Siva and Narayana?

(I feel like Karunanidhi while writing this LOL). Why did Rig Veda

say " Satyam Ekam. Vipraha Bahuda Vadanti " ?


Moksha is obtained when ego is transcended and Grace descends.

[Ascent of Spirit and Descent of Grace are in equilibrium, indicated

by the star of David, which is the chakra for Sri Subrahmanya, with

syllable Sa Ra Va Na Bha Va for each of the 6 faces of the star, with

Bindhu/Pranava in the center].


Masters have warned that too much knowledge is a dangerous thing - I

am glad to be with a limited knowledge, and gaining Grace of Father

by humility and servitude, and not calling others' paths as 'nonsense'


I normally dont react [impulsive reaction is from the ego] - But, I

felt that I had to register my protest since Father was kind enough

to teach me a lesson (a couple of years ago) through a vision in

which Sri Ganapati fixed my ego problems (when it was inflated).


When Siva Himself bows to Ganaanam Pathi before He starts on any

endevour, whom am I, an unworthy speck of dust to attempt to protray

Sri Ganapati's Glory?


In Him, I rest.


Sri Subrahmanya Rakshitoham

Sriram V Iyer





Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru , " krishnarao "

<lanka.krishnarao wrote:






> From :- krishnarao {SriparasuKanandanAtha)

> Subject :-

> Ucchista Ganapati Upasana / Puja Proecedure



> priya mahASayah,


> in ambal group

> >: " subrabalaji " subrabalaji subrabalaji

> >Fri Nov 16, 2007 8:15 pm (PST) writes--------

> >Dear Members - where can I find the Puja and Upasana procedures


> >Ucchista Ganapati. I heard from some Sri Vidya Upasakas that the

> >worship of Ucchista Ganapati is an important aspect. Also I have

> heard

> >from some that it is the only way to Moksha. Also I heard that one

> >gets rare Siddhis with such Upasana and also one has to strictly

> >adhere to procedures.


> >Regards

> >Balaji

> ==========================================


> In SrIvidyArNava tantra by Sri vidyAraNya, It is clearly

> mentioned

> that the ucciSta gaNapati upAsana will be effective only by the

> vAmAcAra methods.


> When any one approaches his guru for the first time, his

> intention would be in pursuit of the supreme god and mOkSha.

> The guru who is " swrUpa nirUpaNa hEtuh " is initiating with a mantra

> of some dEvata or dEva. This is because one should not/can not say

> any thing about god in an establishing voice.

> " kaula pratiShTam na kuryAt "


> Even in the books like " soundarya lahari " , the way to

> emancipation was nerrated with slOkas like " muKam bindum

> kritwa " , " naram varSIyamsam " . They appear like mAdana prayOgAs


> attract women. Is it the advice of SankarAcarya

> who himself is a staunch sanyAsi, for a Sishya who approaches him


> show him the way for liberation?


> Instead of trying to understand the inner esteric objective


> the guru,

> he is opting to master the texts, and bring out the materialistic

> benefits like a mad man gathering all the useless stuff seen on the

> roadside, thinking it all so precious.


> My guru was telling " what ever is written in the scripture,

> even by any great sage, it would be only vAmAcara mehod.

> It is you to search for the meaning which reminds you about your

> own 'swarUpa'. All the mantras are the reminders of your own

> swrUpa. If you take materialistic meaning, even the nArAyaNa


> or the siva mantra will never save you from the present state of

> misery, but throws you in to the ditch of samsAra,


> " SR^iNyEva sitayA viswa carShaNih

> pASEna pratibadhnAtyabhIkAn | iShuBhih pancaBhir dhanShEna|

> viddhatyAdiSaktir aruNAca viswajanyA || "


> I dont understand how can any other god can give any one

> the 'mOkSha', when there is Siva and nArayaNa who are considered to

> be the sole distributors of mOkSha?


> " sahasram vartantE jagati vibudhAh kSudra phaladah

> na manyE swpnE vA tadanusaraNam tatkR^ita Palam || "


> Please don't believe any of these gods. They will always be


> nonsensical promises. Trash every thing.


> --

> L.Krishnarao


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mAnanIya SrIramji,


I am very much impressed you are attempting to protray(?)

ganapathy`s glory. In fact I am also a staunch devotee of Ganapathy,

who is deeply established in me in the form of my jij~nyasa. I also

worship subrahmaNya to the core of my heart, who is all the five

elements and my mind.


But I dont believe these gods whether gaNapathi or subrahmaNya

or ranganAtha or NArAyaNa or paramESwara Who ever may be with a name

and form as the mokSha givers, because no one of these are permanent.

After all these gods are all the products of SrIguru i.e.,

father,mother, forefathers, relatives, teachers, friends and society

at large. If gaNapathy is the only mokSha giver, what would be the

fate of the living beings in foreign contries like Afrika, Amerika,

Arab contries, china and Japan etc.? because they dont know about

this GaNapthi or " gaNAnAm pathi " .


Every one of these gods will have limitations of their

longivity/existence. Even the so-called mR^ityunjaya Sankara will

have a limitation for his life time. After completion of that time

his head has to be included in the garlend of heads worn by the

maHAkAli, and another Sankara has to come to that post. After

completion of these gods what would be my fate? " punarapi jananam? "


Perhaps you did not notice the word " other gods " in my message.

It means that he who remains after rejecting every one saying

" nEti, nEti " (the rejector).

" BhraSyad dEvagaNam, trasan munigaNm,naSyat prapncam

paSyan nirBhara Eka Eva viharatyAnanda sAndrO BhavAn }|| "

He is not your gaNApati or your subrahmaNya. Perhaps your Bhattarsab

also should have to correct his statement.


I would like to tell you another story--

One man went to one of his friend`s house. That friend asked him a

GKquestion. " There is a photo in my house. His son is your friend now

standing before you. Who is he in that photo? " The man said " I dont

know. Who is he? " The friend replied " It is my father. " Both of

them laughed.

That man went to his house. He went to another friend and he asked

that friend a question. " I saw a photo in my friend`s house. His

son is your friend now standing before you. Who is he in that photo? "

That friend said " I dont know. Who is he? " Instantly that man said

" It is my father " .


I am going to send another message very shortly. Please read it.


Yours always in tne service of the mother.

krishnarao (SrIparasuKAnandanAtha)




Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru , " Sriram V Iyer "

<sriramv_iyer wrote:


> Namaskarams to all.

> I am reminded of a story that was narrated by esteemed Sri Mukkur

> Lakshmi Narasimhachariar.


> There was one poor Brahmin in Srirangam who used to survive on

alms -

> He knew only broken sanskrit, and a few shlokas (though


> There used to be a great saint (Parasara Battar, I believe) who was


> great scholor and had immense respect towards this Brahmin.


> students were surprised of their Master's respect towards this poor

> Brahmin, but not towards another pompous Sanskrit Master in that

> area. When the students approached Battar regarding the same, he


> them to wait for the next day and see what happens.


> The next day, when the 'learned' Sanskrit master went by Battar's

> class room, near Srirangam temple, Battar invited the master

> ceremoniously to the class and enquired him about the nature

> of 'ParaBrahman' - The scholor was very uncomfortable and told that

> though he was quite learned, he could not understand the


> Battar then sent him off with respects.


> Next, when the poor Brahmin came near the temple for begging,


> invited him to the class. The Brahmin was terrified when Battar


> he had a doubt and wanted them clarified. (He almost fainted).


> then with respect asked about Parabrahman. As soon as Battar asked

> the question, the Brahmin stood up and was boiling in anger. He


> away the vessel had carried with him for begging. He said to

Battar -

> " Are you worthy of teaching to so many students without knowing

> this? Dont you know that Sri Ranganatha who is sleeping on the


> side of the wall is Parabrahman? " Saying this he angrily walked



> Battar told his students that bookish knowledge need not translate


> knowledge of the Brahman. [it is quite possible to interpret this

> story in many other ways, but that would be missing the point.]


> > I dont understand how can any other god can give any one

> > the 'mOkSha', when there is Siva and nArayaNa who are considered


> > be the sole distributors of mOkSha?

> >

> > " sahasram vartantE jagati vibudhAh kSudra phaladah

> > na manyE swpnE vA tadanusaraNam tatkR^ita Palam || "

> >

> > Please don't believe any of these gods. They will always be

> saying

> > nonsensical promises. Trash every thing.


> When was the license to give Moksha distributed to Siva and


> (I feel like Karunanidhi while writing this LOL). Why did Rig Veda

> say " Satyam Ekam. Vipraha Bahuda Vadanti " ?


> Moksha is obtained when ego is transcended and Grace descends.

> [Ascent of Spirit and Descent of Grace are in equilibrium,


> by the star of David, which is the chakra for Sri Subrahmanya, with

> syllable Sa Ra Va Na Bha Va for each of the 6 faces of the star,


> Bindhu/Pranava in the center].


> Masters have warned that too much knowledge is a dangerous thing -


> am glad to be with a limited knowledge, and gaining Grace of Father

> by humility and servitude, and not calling others' paths

as 'nonsense'


> I normally dont react [impulsive reaction is from the ego] - But, I

> felt that I had to register my protest since Father was kind enough

> to teach me a lesson (a couple of years ago) through a vision in

> which Sri Ganapati fixed my ego problems (when it was inflated).


> When Siva Himself bows to Ganaanam Pathi before He starts on any

> endevour, whom am I, an unworthy speck of dust to attempt to


> Sri Ganapati's Glory?


> In Him, I rest.


> Sri Subrahmanya Rakshitoham

> Sriram V Iyer





> Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru , " krishnarao "

> <lanka.krishnarao@> wrote:

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > From :- krishnarao {SriparasuKanandanAtha)

> > Subject :-

> > Ucchista Ganapati Upasana / Puja Proecedure

> >

> >

> > priya mahASayah,

> >

> > in ambal group

> > >: " subrabalaji " subrabalaji@ subrabalaji

> > >Fri Nov 16, 2007 8:15 pm (PST) writes--------

> > >Dear Members - where can I find the Puja and Upasana procedures

> for

> > >Ucchista Ganapati. I heard from some Sri Vidya Upasakas that the

> > >worship of Ucchista Ganapati is an important aspect. Also I have

> > heard

> > >from some that it is the only way to Moksha. Also I heard that


> > >gets rare Siddhis with such Upasana and also one has to strictly

> > >adhere to procedures.

> >

> > >Regards

> > >Balaji

> > ==========================================

> >

> > In SrIvidyArNava tantra by Sri vidyAraNya, It is clearly

> > mentioned

> > that the ucciSta gaNapati upAsana will be effective only by the

> > vAmAcAra methods.

> >

> > When any one approaches his guru for the first time, his

> > intention would be in pursuit of the supreme god and mOkSha.

> > The guru who is " swrUpa nirUpaNa hEtuh " is initiating with a


> > of some dEvata or dEva. This is because one should not/can not


> > any thing about god in an establishing voice.

> > " kaula pratiShTam na kuryAt "

> >

> > Even in the books like " soundarya lahari " , the way to

> > emancipation was nerrated with slOkas like " muKam bindum

> > kritwa " , " naram varSIyamsam " . They appear like mAdana prayOgAs

> to

> > attract women. Is it the advice of SankarAcarya

> > who himself is a staunch sanyAsi, for a Sishya who approaches him

> to

> > show him the way for liberation?

> >

> > Instead of trying to understand the inner esteric


> of

> > the guru,

> > he is opting to master the texts, and bring out the materialistic

> > benefits like a mad man gathering all the useless stuff seen on


> > roadside, thinking it all so precious.

> >

> > My guru was telling " what ever is written in the


> > even by any great sage, it would be only vAmAcara mehod.

> > It is you to search for the meaning which reminds you about your

> > own 'swarUpa'. All the mantras are the reminders of your own

> > swrUpa. If you take materialistic meaning, even the nArAyaNa

> mantra

> > or the siva mantra will never save you from the present state of

> > misery, but throws you in to the ditch of samsAra,

> >

> > " SR^iNyEva sitayA viswa carShaNih

> > pASEna pratibadhnAtyabhIkAn | iShuBhih pancaBhir dhanShEna|

> > viddhatyAdiSaktir aruNAca viswajanyA || "

> >

> > I dont understand how can any other god can give any one

> > the 'mOkSha', when there is Siva and nArayaNa who are considered


> > be the sole distributors of mOkSha?

> >

> > " sahasram vartantE jagati vibudhAh kSudra phaladah

> > na manyE swpnE vA tadanusaraNam tatkR^ita Palam || "

> >

> > Please don't believe any of these gods. They will always be

> saying

> > nonsensical promises. Trash every thing.

> >

> > --

> > L.Krishnarao

> >


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A small clarification here:


Sri Lanka Krishnarao's message was directed to Sriram Iyer's message

and not to me(Shreeram Balijepalli).Iam giving this message as some

of my friend in this group have asked me to reply back to Sri Lanka

Krishna Rao's message.


I do not intend to carry on this thread from my side but would

definitely love to read the e-confabulations between Sri Lanka

Krishna Raoji and Sri Sriram Iyer ji.


Certain pointers from my side(this Shreeram gives for one last time):


1. To describe material phenomenon in terms of Adhyaatma like Sri

Lanka Garu has described should be the goal of all Upasakas.I accept

this much. Even Ramayana can be codified in terms of inner meanings.

For example: Seetha is the MahAkundalini Shakthi, Lord Rama the

ParamAtmaN,HanumAn can be defined as the DhAranA shakthi,etc.


To call oneself a " staunch devotee of Ganapathy " based on the inner

jignyAsA seems fantastic if one has achieved a superior level of

SAdhanA sans intellectual berating.


However, there are many holes in the argument posited for the same

and the means encoded to achieve the same.


2.First,to call " these gods are mere products of Sri Guru--

Father,mother,etc " seems plausible(please note the word " plausible "

which is different from the word " possible " ). I accept this much.


However, on even on an experiential and logical stance it is not

proper.Even logically speaking-Once a statement is spoken with

conviction then proof is necessitated. What is the PramAna for the

above statement? Can you disprove the fact that these " gods " exist?


3.Second, in an email before you had stated " NarayanA " or " ShivA " are

the sole moksha givers and now you change your stance subtly to state

that all these are mere spiritual fictions and that one has to dwell

deep into the inner meanings to under the core concept of moksha.


So in the context of Ucchista Ganapthi--your stance is: The Hari-Hara

are moksha givers and now when questioned your stance has broadened

in a negatory way to even remove them as mere fictions created by

parents,teachers,society at large,etc(mere mortals).


However, this contradictory stance impregnates certain doubts as to

the level of understanding--whether based on real upasana or mere

reading of intellectual texts(I would not border on argumentum ad

hominem here.


Your logical argument also takes a trend of logical fallacy of

accident(also called destroying the exception or a dicto simpliciter

ad dictum secundum quid)and the converse of this(dicto secundum quid

ad dictum simpliciter)and finally ends up with an Irrelevant

Conclusion (also called Ignoratio Elenchi), wherein, instead of

proving the fact in dispute, the arguer seeks to gain his point by

diverting attention to some extraneous fact.


See, the dificulty of logicalizing spirituality sire?


4.Third, you go on and state that " these gods " have...which means you

have already accepted the existence of these gods and then say will

adorn the neck of " Mahakali " (hope you did not mean another deity

created by parents,teachers and society at large! and meant only in

the esoteric and absturse sense of meaning beyondness of time.


Yes, you are correct in as much as Mahapralaya wherein even

Hariharahreem dissolve is correct but dont you think there inner-

kundalini explantion to it as in antar-pralaya?


It beats me because, I dont study so many texts and just do what my

Guru asks me to do.


5.Fourth, I do not either Sriram Iyer (or me)ever meant " Ganapathy is

the sole moksha giver " --herein lie two logical fallacies--logical

fallacy of the conseuqent and the logical fallacy of the false cause.


Thus, your TarkavAdA fails here on these two counts:


Fallacy of the Consequent, really a species of Irrelevant Conclusion,

wherein a conclusion is drawn from premises which do not really

support it.




Fallacy of False Cause, or Non Sequitur (L., it does not follow),

wherein one thing is incorrectly assumed as the cause of another, as

when the ancients attributed a public calamity to a meteorological



6. Sixth, you then go on to ask " what about people in

AFrica,America,etc...who do not have GanAnAmpathi? "


The logical fallacy here is called:Fallacy of Many Questions (Plurium

Interrogationum), wherein several questions are improperly grouped in

the form of one, and a direct categorical answer is demanded, e.g. if

a prosecuting counsel asked the prisoner " What time was it when you

met this man? " with the intention of eliciting the tacit admission

that such a meeting had taken place. Another example is the classic

line, " Have you stopped beating your wife? "


Now, if I start to answer your question regarding the 'peoples' in

such continents have their gods and relevant spiritualities to follow

and attain nirvana then I(or Sriram Iyerji) would fall for your

plurium Interrogationum! Do you want us esteemed sir to make young

people like us fall for such things?Please help us rise sir!


7.One story which comes to my mind is of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa and

Vivekananda wherein Thakur chides Naren for asking one devotee of

Thakur to throw the idols in a river and worship on the inner

Atman.The devotee knows not such inner essence spirituality

(swasAnusAdhanA).He has to start from Saguna worship modalities(with

form and features) and then go to NirgunA(without form).So berating

and attacking forms and features of sincere devotees especially in

this Kaliyuga(difficult age where people don't find time even to

worship idols! leave alone think and ponder upon swasAnusadhanA is to

again border on assinineness).


You have valid points, your conclusions are right and quite advanced.

I agree but the means to it is also a spiritual journey and requires

in my view, intense sadhana, guru-bhakthi, Devi-kripa(in my case,

lest you go on and say why " only " Devi-kripa?)and also maybe one's

karmas(which ofcourse, can be wiped off by the preceptor's grace and

say Srividya Upasana *in my case*).


With this I stop my speeding fingers on this topic/thread and will

wait for your response and messages directed to Sriram Iyerji and his

reponses for yours. I stay out as Iam a Moodha(fool who has not

studied scriptures in detail) and Agnaani(not knowledgable in your

manner of spirituality).Please excuse my dis-alignment.


Nothing said toungue-in-cheek.


Yours Yogically,


Shreeram Balijepalli


Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru , " krishnarao "

<lanka.krishnarao wrote:


> mAnanIya SrIramji,


> I am very much impressed you are attempting to protray(?)

> ganapathy`s glory. In fact I am also a staunch devotee of


> who is deeply established in me in the form of my jij~nyasa. I also

> worship subrahmaNya to the core of my heart, who is all the five

> elements and my mind.


> But I dont believe these gods whether gaNapathi or


> or ranganAtha or NArAyaNa or paramESwara Who ever may be with a


> and form as the mokSha givers, because no one of these are


> After all these gods are all the products of SrIguru i.e.,

> father,mother, forefathers, relatives, teachers, friends and


> at large. If gaNapathy is the only mokSha giver, what would be the

> fate of the living beings in foreign contries like Afrika, Amerika,

> Arab contries, china and Japan etc.? because they dont know about

> this GaNapthi or " gaNAnAm pathi " .


> Every one of these gods will have limitations of their

> longivity/existence. Even the so-called mR^ityunjaya Sankara will

> have a limitation for his life time. After completion of that time

> his head has to be included in the garlend of heads worn by the

> maHAkAli, and another Sankara has to come to that post. After

> completion of these gods what would be my fate? " punarapi jananam? "


> Perhaps you did not notice the word " other gods " in my


> It means that he who remains after rejecting every one saying

> " nEti, nEti " (the rejector).

> " BhraSyad dEvagaNam, trasan munigaNm,naSyat prapncam

> paSyan nirBhara Eka Eva viharatyAnanda sAndrO BhavAn }|| "

> He is not your gaNApati or your subrahmaNya. Perhaps your


> also should have to correct his statement.


> I would like to tell you another story--

> One man went to one of his friend`s house. That friend asked him a

> GKquestion. " There is a photo in my house. His son is your friend


> standing before you. Who is he in that photo? " The man said " I


> know. Who is he? " The friend replied " It is my father. " Both of

> them laughed.

> That man went to his house. He went to another friend and he asked

> that friend a question. " I saw a photo in my friend`s house. His

> son is your friend now standing before you. Who is he in that

photo? "

> That friend said " I dont know. Who is he? " Instantly that man said

> " It is my father " .


> I am going to send another message very shortly. Please read



> Yours always in tne service of the mother.

> krishnarao (SrIparasuKAnandanAtha)


> -----------------------------


> Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru , " Sriram V Iyer "

> <sriramv_iyer@> wrote:

> >

> > Namaskarams to all.

> > I am reminded of a story that was narrated by esteemed Sri Mukkur

> > Lakshmi Narasimhachariar.

> >

> > There was one poor Brahmin in Srirangam who used to survive on

> alms -

> > He knew only broken sanskrit, and a few shlokas (though

> incorrectly).

> > There used to be a great saint (Parasara Battar, I believe) who


> a

> > great scholor and had immense respect towards this Brahmin.

> Battar's

> > students were surprised of their Master's respect towards this


> > Brahmin, but not towards another pompous Sanskrit Master in that

> > area. When the students approached Battar regarding the same, he

> told

> > them to wait for the next day and see what happens.

> >

> > The next day, when the 'learned' Sanskrit master went by Battar's

> > class room, near Srirangam temple, Battar invited the master

> > ceremoniously to the class and enquired him about the nature

> > of 'ParaBrahman' - The scholor was very uncomfortable and told


> > though he was quite learned, he could not understand the

> Parabrahman.

> > Battar then sent him off with respects.

> >

> > Next, when the poor Brahmin came near the temple for begging,

> Battar

> > invited him to the class. The Brahmin was terrified when Battar

> told

> > he had a doubt and wanted them clarified. (He almost fainted).

> Battar

> > then with respect asked about Parabrahman. As soon as Battar


> > the question, the Brahmin stood up and was boiling in anger. He

> threw

> > away the vessel had carried with him for begging. He said to

> Battar -

> > " Are you worthy of teaching to so many students without knowing

> > this? Dont you know that Sri Ranganatha who is sleeping on the

> other

> > side of the wall is Parabrahman? " Saying this he angrily walked

> away.

> >

> > Battar told his students that bookish knowledge need not


> to

> > knowledge of the Brahman. [it is quite possible to interpret this

> > story in many other ways, but that would be missing the point.]

> >

> > > I dont understand how can any other god can give any


> > > the 'mOkSha', when there is Siva and nArayaNa who are


> to

> > > be the sole distributors of mOkSha?

> > >

> > > " sahasram vartantE jagati vibudhAh kSudra phaladah

> > > na manyE swpnE vA tadanusaraNam tatkR^ita Palam || "

> > >

> > > Please don't believe any of these gods. They will always be

> > saying

> > > nonsensical promises. Trash every thing.

> >

> > When was the license to give Moksha distributed to Siva and

> Narayana?

> > (I feel like Karunanidhi while writing this LOL). Why did Rig


> > say " Satyam Ekam. Vipraha Bahuda Vadanti " ?

> >

> > Moksha is obtained when ego is transcended and Grace descends.

> > [Ascent of Spirit and Descent of Grace are in equilibrium,

> indicated

> > by the star of David, which is the chakra for Sri Subrahmanya,


> > syllable Sa Ra Va Na Bha Va for each of the 6 faces of the star,

> with

> > Bindhu/Pranava in the center].

> >

> > Masters have warned that too much knowledge is a dangerous thing -


> I

> > am glad to be with a limited knowledge, and gaining Grace of


> > by humility and servitude, and not calling others' paths

> as 'nonsense'

> >

> > I normally dont react [impulsive reaction is from the ego] - But,


> > felt that I had to register my protest since Father was kind


> > to teach me a lesson (a couple of years ago) through a vision in

> > which Sri Ganapati fixed my ego problems (when it was inflated).

> >

> > When Siva Himself bows to Ganaanam Pathi before He starts on any

> > endevour, whom am I, an unworthy speck of dust to attempt to

> protray

> > Sri Ganapati's Glory?

> >

> > In Him, I rest.

> >

> > Sri Subrahmanya Rakshitoham

> > Sriram V Iyer

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru , " krishnarao "

> > <lanka.krishnarao@> wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > From :- krishnarao {SriparasuKanandanAtha)

> > > Subject :-

> > > Ucchista Ganapati Upasana / Puja Proecedure

> > >

> > >

> > > priya mahASayah,

> > >

> > > in ambal group

> > > >: " subrabalaji " subrabalaji@ subrabalaji

> > > >Fri Nov 16, 2007 8:15 pm (PST) writes--------

> > > >Dear Members - where can I find the Puja and Upasana


> > for

> > > >Ucchista Ganapati. I heard from some Sri Vidya Upasakas that


> > > >worship of Ucchista Ganapati is an important aspect. Also I


> > > heard

> > > >from some that it is the only way to Moksha. Also I heard that

> one

> > > >gets rare Siddhis with such Upasana and also one has to


> > > >adhere to procedures.

> > >

> > > >Regards

> > > >Balaji

> > > ==========================================

> > >

> > > In SrIvidyArNava tantra by Sri vidyAraNya, It is


> > > mentioned

> > > that the ucciSta gaNapati upAsana will be effective only by the

> > > vAmAcAra methods.

> > >

> > > When any one approaches his guru for the first time,


> > > intention would be in pursuit of the supreme god and mOkSha.

> > > The guru who is " swrUpa nirUpaNa hEtuh " is initiating with a

> mantra

> > > of some dEvata or dEva. This is because one should not/can not

> say

> > > any thing about god in an establishing voice.

> > > " kaula pratiShTam na kuryAt "

> > >

> > > Even in the books like " soundarya lahari " , the way to

> > > emancipation was nerrated with slOkas like " muKam bindum

> > > kritwa " , " naram varSIyamsam " . They appear like mAdana


> > to

> > > attract women. Is it the advice of SankarAcarya

> > > who himself is a staunch sanyAsi, for a Sishya who approaches


> > to

> > > show him the way for liberation?

> > >

> > > Instead of trying to understand the inner esteric

> objective

> > of

> > > the guru,

> > > he is opting to master the texts, and bring out the


> > > benefits like a mad man gathering all the useless stuff seen on

> the

> > > roadside, thinking it all so precious.

> > >

> > > My guru was telling " what ever is written in the

> scripture,

> > > even by any great sage, it would be only vAmAcara mehod.

> > > It is you to search for the meaning which reminds you about


> > > own 'swarUpa'. All the mantras are the reminders of your own

> > > swrUpa. If you take materialistic meaning, even the nArAyaNa

> > mantra

> > > or the siva mantra will never save you from the present state


> > > misery, but throws you in to the ditch of samsAra,

> > >

> > > " SR^iNyEva sitayA viswa carShaNih

> > > pASEna pratibadhnAtyabhIkAn | iShuBhih pancaBhir dhanShEna|

> > > viddhatyAdiSaktir aruNAca viswajanyA || "

> > >

> > > I dont understand how can any other god can give any


> > > the 'mOkSha', when there is Siva and nArayaNa who are


> to

> > > be the sole distributors of mOkSha?

> > >

> > > " sahasram vartantE jagati vibudhAh kSudra phaladah

> > > na manyE swpnE vA tadanusaraNam tatkR^ita Palam || "

> > >

> > > Please don't believe any of these gods. They will always be

> > saying

> > > nonsensical promises. Trash every thing.

> > >

> > > --

> > > L.Krishnarao

> > >

> >


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