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Brahmanic Values

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My dear friends and like minded persons


I convey my regards to each of you personally. At this Brahmi Murat of 14th

December, somehow I was prompted to write this letter, surely not with an

intention of hurting someone, but with a pure intention of making the matters

clear. In the recent past lot many controversies appeared thro the electronic

pages about World Brahman Organization while some one saying that is for the

President of some foreign country and some one else says some other thing. I

admit that each of us has freedom to express ourselves, but that does not mean

our freedom to be abused. I desire that each of us go for constructive

criticism so that a healthy atmosphere is built.


My intention is to mention here that we should basically follow the Brahmanic

Deeds and respect the values amongst ourselves and get it practiced in our

houses through children, before we start preaching. Let us examine ourselves to

what extent and what degree we consider ourselves for the Brahmanic Values and

in case there is any shortcoming, let us fill up the gaps so that we can do

justice to be PURA-Hits or Purohits or seekers of well being of the society.


I understand that OUR role responsibility can never be confined to a small

group. Since SUBJECTS were mastered by most of us for many reasons, the

knowledge, acquired, or inherited, or self possessed should ever remain useful

not MERELY to us but to the Society.


My association with World Brahman Organization is comparatively younger than

many of you. This Organization is formed basically to upkeep the Brahmanic

values, Brahmanic culture and tradition. A Brahman is also called as Pura –Hita

or Purohit, which means a friend, philosopher and guide to the society.

Astrological, economic, social, cultural, religious, what not - each field was

mastered by Brahmans of ancient times. Certain basics were considered by

Brahmans like timely Upanayanam – Yagnopaveet Dharana; Brahma Yagnam; Ouposana

Homa Vidhi, Devataarchana, Upasana, Devarishi Pitru Tarpan etc.


For any of these deeds, Sankalpa was considered primary. There are three

Sankalpas like Sankalpa for routine Devataarchana; Maha Sankalpa; Prayaschit

Sankalpa (where the sins and greats sins are realized to keep ourselves away

from such and this is uttered in Teertha Stan or in Pushkar Time etc.)


You will wonder that SANKALPA contains Pranayaam (a part of Yoga); study of

astronomical positions; time calculations with relevance to the past and

present; span of time – its divisions and sub divisions; astrological study of

the day; names of rulers like Kings and Emperors; geographical situation of the

place of stay; the number of Forests; the number of great Mountains; the Great

Rivers; and like this many aspects. Now, when we look into a mere sankalpa, we

can understand at what degree one should be perfect and such perfection existed

in the earlier days in Brahman families.


Unfortunate it is, I have noticed in many areas that this type of Sankalpa

disappeared and it has become a mere routine and ritual, these days.


Parents, grand parents, great grand parents are remembered every day; while

Master, Grand Master and Great Grand Master are also remembered in the Upasana

system. Brahma Yagnam contains, memorizing Brahma Sutras, four Vedas,

Vyakaranam, Chadus, Astrology, Upanishads, Mahaa Vakyaas, Dances, classical

music, and perhaps this small page may not be sufficient to list them out.

Which means, at least a minimum touch is expected by each Brahman in these areas

so that he can maintain his position of a Friend, Philosopher and Guide to the

Society with a high degree of perfection. In the Homa Vidhi, Agnihotra is

worshipped and this is associated with Ayurveda indirectly since herbs are used

for purification of atmosphere. Upasana is another branch where a Brahman

should master. “Daivadheenam Jagat Sarvam, Tat Daivam Mantra Dheenam, Tan

Mantram Brahmanaadheenam’ which means a Brahman is expected to master himself in

the Sound Systems – Mantra, so that the related Lords are

with the Brahman Upasik.


There are hundreds of such Vidhi Vidhaan with which a Brahman of ancient

India, retained his position as a Friend, Philosopher and Guide to the Society.

Over a period of time, due to many reasons, we have to accept, we lost touch

with many of these subjects.


It is really painful that in many families Upanayan is considered as a mere

ritual and it is being done just a day before marriage and the Priest too

completes the entire procedure to the taste of the Brahmachaar. It is also

painful to note that most of the Brahmans are not even wearing the sacred thread

– the basic symbol needed for a Brahman.


While this is like this, different panchangs in different areas created lot of

confusion with regard to festivals and there is no common platform to decide the

system. Similarly, (please do no mistake me) Jagadaacharyas are confined

themselves to their geographical area of operation, or maintaining group of

their followers, instead of coming onto a united platform. Some claim that they

are Vaishnavites and some others as Saivaites and the situation is so bad, they

do not consider themselves as branches of Hinduism. They criticize each other

and as a result the entire system is in a bad shape now due to their in-fight.

Most amazingly, there is no common consensus amongst themselves with regard to

12 Jyothirlingaas or 18 Sakti Peethas and each of them guide their followers in

a different fashion. Don’t you think that an aversion now exists amongst many of

us with a non-swallowable hatred.


As simple as a Pinda Pradan, each of us finds different styles in different

parts of the country when the Maatruka – the root is from Vedic order of life.

These things have created a lot of confusion amongst us, and this is also

causing a great damage to Hinduism and ancient Traditions.


Therefore, it is time for each of us to upkeep the Brahmanic Values by

reducing the texts to suit the convenience of the day so that books in different

languages on Upanayan Samskaar, Sandhya Vandan, Sankalpa vidhi, Yagnopaveet

Dharana Vidhi, Bhasma Dhaarana Vidhi, Bheeshma Tarpan, Yama Tarpan, Deva Rishi,

Pirtru Tarpan vidhan etc may got printed and circulated so that these small

subjects – the basics – are implanted once again.


It is surely NOT time for our in-fight, let us not find faults with others,

for that matter there is no one with out committing a fault (knowingly or un

knowingly), let us also not forget that the positions with which we are

associated in a organization are not permanent nor lucrative. There are number

of Brahman Organizations, I appreciate their formation, but the basic should

ever be TO UPKEEP THE BRAHMANIC VALUES and there is no COMPROMISE in the basic

need and let us not resort to undesirable criticism again each one diluting the

basic foundations. This in-fight will not take us to any distance, in other

words, we are causing damage to the Basic Principles of Hinduism too, which

should not be forgotten. Scholars and Elders in the group may agree to what I

desired to mention.


Small persons like me can not do wonders, at the best, I could get the Pinda

Pradaan Vidhi printed in a few lakhs number for free circulation amongst the

priests and the ritual performers during the times of Godavari, Krishna,

Kauveri, Bheema River Pushkars in the recent past; besides this I could get a

few lakhs of the books printed on the aforementioned subjects and distributed

them Free of Cost (Veda Vikraya – selling of Vedic Knowledge – is again a Mahaa

Paapa – great sin).


These basic procedures are not time consuming and there is nothing to worry

for learning. Even a beginner can go with the procedures smoothly. To avoid

confusion with using of Sanskrit text, I have reproduced the Sanskrit text into

English so that any one can easily understand and follow the simplest procedure.

One must be prepared to spend a few minutes every day for practicing and it is

as simple as that. “Where there is a will, there is a way”.


It is time for each of us to understand our position with regard to Brahmanic

Values instead of criticizing each other for no reason. Let us upkeep the

Brahmanic Values, Culture and Tradition in the best interest of Society –

irrespective of some one’s appreciation and let us not anticipate any reward,

remuneration, or position in the organization and let us not weaken the

movement, though we may not contribute much for strengthening this. “The path

of the Duty is the way to Glory” – “Yagna Daana Tapah Karma Na Tyajyam Karya

Meva Tat, Yagno Daana Tapaschaiva Paavanaani Maneesheenam –Geetha 5/18”


I consider myself as a student for this life,

And I seek elderly advices for any corrections, if needed in my approach.

Let us march on united and let us basically retain the Brahmanic Values,

Culture and Tradition in our own homes before we start changing the world and

before we start pointing out at others –

“Charity begins at Home”.

When we go for in-fight and group conflicts, we become poorest.

When we upkeep the Brahmanic values, we become richest.

We may have to decide ourselves to become poorest or richest.

Affectionately yours




Dr P V Sesha Sai Aswamedhayaaji

www.ashwamedhayaagam.org, www.w-b-o.net emails shodasisai


http://drseshasai’sbelieveitornot.blogspot.com, http://suryakshetra.blogspot.com

Phones 91-40-27661613 (Tele-fax), 65581368 Cell 9440422613

Direct USA Phone 812 961 3700

14th December 2007

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