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Why do we need spiritual laws?

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Mankind has parted from the Divine a long time ago and far away.

Having lost the natural capability of knowing by intuition. Knowing

by intuition without use of the intellect is a natural capability of

our soul. The soul simply knows the difference between love and hate,

between selfless and selfish. The soul knows how true Divine Love

feels like, because it is the natural capability of any soul to

express Divine Love, thus any soul having dissolved the Ego in the

fire of Divine Love will automatically be a perfect manifestation of

the Divine.


The only true and important spiritual goal of any soul is to love

anyone and everyone and realize God-Union. Spiritual laws are but a

help for the very beginning toward this goal. They help you to find

the beginning of your spiritual path toward your Divine home in God.

Once you have found the beginning of your road of Love to God, you

fully concentrate on Divine Love toward all creation surrounding you.

Divine Love


Mankind has completely lost orientation within God's creation.

therefore many thousand years ago, holy scripture like the Bhagavad

Gita or Patanjali's Yoga Sutras have been written by wise saints of

ancient time.


The standard ancient scripture for the spiritual laws of followers of

any spiritual tradition is certainly Patanjali's Yoga Sutras.

Particularly the sutras II/29 through II/45 in which YAMA and NIYAMA

are explained. These sutras have been known and applied be mankind

for many thousand years before they have been written by Patanjali.

YAMA AND NIYAMA are a pre-definition of Divine Love, necessary for

mankind to understand and learn to practice Divine Love.


YAMA and NIYAMA are the very basic rules for any spiritual person on

his way to God, independent of the spiritual tradition he is



If you got completely lost on your way, you may need some guidelines

to get closer to God, to purify your consciousness until your

intuition is awakening. That is the purpose of these spiritual laws.

They give you the guideline on your way out of spiritual darkness to

help God enlighten your consciousness again by his Divine Bliss and

Divine consciousness.


You are a Divine Child of God - made to his image. Deep inside your

self dwells pure Divine light and consciousness. There is no need to

learn to be a saint, you already know it inside your soul. All you

may need to learn is, to remove all the behavior and wrong knowledge

that buried your Divine soul during the journey of your soul through

God's creation. Learn it by intellectually relearn the Divine

behavior, that was once a long time ago the natural behavior of your



Please make sure that you fully understand all this points and also

fully integrate all these points in your life, realize all these

spiritual laws in every days situation.


Re-read them again and again. Also read all the previous and

following chapters of the text " on your wings of Love - on your way

to God " . These rules are the basement of any spiritual life in any

spiritual tradition. If you violate any of these rules, your basement

may become shaky and your spiritual progress very fragile or absent.

Lack of success on your spiritual path may often be associated with

the missing compliance to these rules. Focus for the first several

years on Yama and Niyama, the reward will be worthwhile.


First let's make a few things clear from the very beginning. Any

attempt to work-around to avoid , change, modify or adapt any of

these rules for whatever reason in any situation may hamper the

success of your spiritual efforts. Anything affecting your spiritual

progress also may or will one day affect your physical health. Your

physical health is a complete reflection of your inner harmony, of

the harmony of your soul with God and with your personality. The

rules may certainly be considered Divine rules of life. These rules

apply for any situation in your life, including of course recreation,

sports, family, business, official, government, etc. They apply for

all your






Toward anything and any being, human, animal, and other !!

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