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Greed, freedom of attachments, detachment -- Aparigraha

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Attachment to a variety of objects leads to slavery of your soul.

Possible attachments are manifold and the following list may give you

an insight of what it means - though you may then better understand

of what freedom of any attachments, or detachment may mean.


A soul may be bound by attachments to


your present or any other family

any particular person, good friends, ...

parents or children, grandparents, nephews, ...

enemies - no kidding !!! but animosity between persons may cause them

to meet, write, see or think of each other again and again, until all

is dissolved in the fire of Divine Love and they became true friends

again. So this kind of Karma also means attachment to persons


your birthplace, native country, culture, religion, nationality

any particular place you were or still are living in

souvenirs of any kind, particular souvenirs / memories from

particular persons from your past

objects from your childhood or earlier years

any material belonging

financial or material wealth

To understand the importance of freedom of any attachment, including

attachments to any person or material belonging and / or objects,

there may be several facts and absolute truth to consider and apply

in your life.


Mankind is here on this planet as a guest - a guest for a very

limited time. Even if one may decide to continue for several

incarnations on this very planet, compared to the life-expectation of

you as a soul, a being of light made by God to his image - even some

several thousand years, that many of us have spent on this planet is

little compared to eternity. You are a Divine Soul and are living for

eternity - but your true home is in God. Your stay on this planet is

but of temporary nature. Just long enough to learn all the spiritual

lessons you need to remain eternally in and near God or wherever you

want to stay for the remainder of eternity. Once you have learned all

the spiritual lessons, you shall be free for the rest of eternity.

Free of any Karma - physical or metaphysical.


The reason for being here on earth in a physical body may vary from

person to person, from soul to soul. Some reasons may be their

continuous fighting with others, other reasons may be their wishes

and desires to be fulfilled and come true, but many persons / souls

reincarnate because of their attachments to some objects of any kind

on earth or in the physical world or due to some activities that only

can be done physically, like physical sex and many other activities.

People can be attached to some sports like football, soccer. Cricket

and others as well causing them to return for a while. Some of you

may now state " myself I have no attachment that could ever pull me

back on earth again right now " or something similar. Well let's see

in a few minutes.


Just think at some of the following proposals and find out yourself,

how attached or how detached - how free - you really are at this



Can you move next weekend to another city and permanently leave the

present domicile including your job, house or apartment ... ??

can you stay at home for a 2 weeks without reading newspaper,

watching TV, listening radio, without talking to neighbors or

friends, just resting, relaxing, talking care of yourself and all

your emotions and thoughts without even reading a book or magazine or

any other distraction.

did you move with all your household one or several times in your

life to any other village or city and changing your employer at the

same time ??

Can you move next weekend to another country on another continent ??

Can you leave everything tonight, your family, your job, your

neighborhood, your present country ??

can you leave your present employment and look for another one within

the next 4 weeks ??

if self-employed, can you drop your present business and start any

other one at any other place ??

do you still have objects, memories from your childhood and did you

regularly use within the past 3 months, within the past year, the

past several years ??

do you keep any private letters or postcards from previous years ??

do you have photos or videos from previous years from your past and /

or from others including friends, family-members, past partners, past

travels ... ??

do you have any gifts you ever got in previous years from good

friends, employers, or previous partners ??

do you have more money on your account than you could spend within

the next 4 to 6 months ??

do you wear all your shoes and clothes that you presently posses on a

regular basis, i.e. at least once every few months or several times a

year ??

can you permanently live in all your property at the same time ??

do you live in all the rooms your property has every day for several

hours ??

can you personally take care, clean and maintain all your house

property or apartment, rented or owned ??

can you drive all the vehicles you may have at the same time ??

can you personally handle - i.e. take care of - your land, property,

garden and trees by actually and physically doing all the labor

yourself - you personally ??

are you or your family free of any theft insurance or any insurance

in the case of loss of property of any kind by any cause ??

can you stay away from home for several days without calling home or

having to call your home by phone or otherwise having to contact

them ??

can you travel to other countries or remote areas for a vacation or

other reasons of 2 or more weeks without calling, faxing, e-mailing

or writing to any family member or friend ??

Can you let any of your family members or close friends travel to any

place in the world for a few weeks or longer, without having them

somehow contact you by any means or leaving you their new address ??

do you love the idea of leaving your physical body any time by the

end of this incarnation ??

did you ever have any peaceful and joyful thought and feeling about

going " home " - leaving this planet some day ??

are you ready to die, to drop your physical body - including anything

you plan, possess, own, do, manage, your family, friends, children,

parents, ... - today - NOW - within ONE hours from NOW - if God would

offer you NOW to take you " home " NOW ??

If you can honestly say YES from the depth of your heart and soul to

all and any of above question, then you are truly free.


you may realize now how creative mankind can get to find excuses ;-))


But if you said to one or more of above questions NO or at least if

you could find any excuse for refraining from a clear YES, then you

certainly have one or more attachments that might prevent you from

going home at the end of this incarnation. Make sure you work on that

NOW because any day could be your last day in your physical body. Any

day could be your farewell day for the rest of eternity, a farewell

without any comeback. Other Divine Children of God are waiting on you

beyond the physical plane. They too have a right to enjoy your

presence and your Love.


.... to be continued

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