Guest guest Posted April 1, 2008 Report Share Posted April 1, 2008 FUTURE OF MEN & WOMEN WTAG REPORT 4 1 08 THERE IS HOPE - MEN HAVE FAILED - IT IS THE EMERGENCE OF WOMEN WHICH WILL PREVENT SATAN'S WORLD TAKEOVER THE 'FEDERATION MARK' (MARK HOPKINS) CITE BODES THE FUTURE - THIS IS WHO WILL FIGHT SATAN - NOT A GOOD GUY VS BAD GUY WAR, IT WILL BE WOMEN, WITH MEN OBVIOUSLY, BUT THE EMERGENCE OF WOMEN WILL STAND AGAINST SATAN IN THE COMING YEARS, THE EQUATION IS A LOT DIFFERENT THAN WHAT PRESENT-DAY DISSIDENTS BELIEVE IT IS - I GUESS I HAVE TO PUT IT IN YOUR FACE, YOU WON'T DO YOUR HOMEWORK, SO HERE IT IS EDUCATION 21st century from all other times previous is that the entire system of education, ranging from its teachers and administrators, to its college level students and graduates is not only becoming majority-female, but overwhelmingly so - even at present. The transformation is not a recent occurrence, but part of a continuing process that has been going on since the 19th century. It is not local to the US, and is certainly not the product of feminist ideologues secretly working in collusion aspiring to some evil end; especially not when most of them weren't even born (nor even their parents or grandparents) when this process started gearing up. It's not even specific to the developed world. It's also occurring in many parts of the 2nd and 3rd world: not just in Australia, New Zealand, North America and Europe, but also throughout the Caribbean in much of Central and South America, in all of the former USSR, throughout the Arab Gulf States, in Southern Africa. Furthermore, it's only a matter of time before the Arab world at large follows suit. The first signs of the process are also arising in India and Southeast Asia. It shocks many people to hear, for instance, that throughout the University of Wisconsin system (one of the largest in the US) amongst the ranks of graduate students in most schools, its females comprise upwards of 60% to 70% of the total population and, in some cases at times, nearly 80%. In some states, a 70% figure is not only not extraordinary, it's an average. Invariably there comes a point where the disparity becomes so high that perceptions amongst the students, themselves, starts to change. In particular, perception amongst males students will be that college is a girl-thing; which activates the Taboo. Game over. For instance, the student population at UW-Green Bay has gone up as high as 65% female. Over the summer, this figure shoots up to 75%. This increase from the college's earlier male-majority status had previously taken place because of an increasing influx in female students. The population of male students had remained steady all throughout - until now. In the past year, the population of incoming students has shot up to 70% female and a new trend has emerged: a drop in the number of male students occurring simultaneously with the rise in the number of female students. The balance may very well now be in a state of total collapse, having crossed over a point of no return. This is the future that bodes elsewhere. 21st century from all other times previous is that the entire system of education, ranging from its teachers and administrators, to its college level students and graduates is not only becoming majority-female, but overwhelmingly so - even at present. The transformation is not a recent occurrence, but part of a continuing process that has been going on since the 19th century. It is not local to the US, and is certainly not the product of feminist ideologues secretly working in collusion aspiring to some evil end; especially not when most of them weren't even born (nor even their parents or grandparents) when this process started gearing up. It's not even specific to the developed world. It's also occurring in many parts of the 2nd and 3rd world: not just in Australia, New Zealand, North America and Europe, but also throughout the Caribbean in much of Central and South America, in all of the former USSR, throughout the Arab Gulf States, in Southern Africa. Furthermore, it's only a matter of time before the Arab world at large follows suit. The first signs of the process are also arising in India and Southeast Asia. It shocks many people to hear, for instance, that throughout the University of Wisconsin system (one of the largest in the US) amongst the ranks of graduate students in most schools, its females comprise upwards of 60% to 70% of the total population and, in some cases at times, nearly 80%. In some states, a 70% figure is not only not extraordinary, it's an average. Invariably there comes a point where the disparity becomes so high that perceptions amongst the students, themselves, starts to change. In particular, perception amongst males students will be that college is a girl-thing; which activates the Taboo. Game over. For instance, the student population at UW-Green Bay has gone up as high as 65% female. Over the summer, this figure shoots up to 75%. This increase from the college's earlier male-majority status had previously taken place because of an increasing influx in female students. The population of male students had remained steady all throughout - until now. In the past year, the population of incoming students has shot up to 70% female and a new trend has emerged: a drop in the number of male students occurring simultaneously with the rise in the number of female students. The balance may very well now be in a state of total collapse, having crossed over a point of no return. This is the future that bodes elsewhere. Male Decline and Extinction (re Dr. Steve Jones The book's subtext is chilling: that which defines masculinity is also killing men. Tell me in simple terms, I plead, why the male Y chromosome is deteriorating. 'Basically,' he says, taking a deep breath, 'the Y chromosome is a male signifier. It evolves quite rapidly, but downhill. We now have the human DNA sequence and the surprise is to find that most of it is not functional. It's either decayed, or it's simply redundant. That's true for the entire human chromosome sequence. If you look at the Y, though, that truth is multiplied maybe 30 times. It's only got 20 genes on it, most of which are employed keeping the cell it's in alive.' In his book, Jones predicts that the final upshot of this already sorry state of affairs will be a world without men - 'the Y chromosome will eventually disappear and be taken over by another sex-determining mechanism'. If this seems more Philip K. Dick than Darwin, Jones, even more disturbingly, cites the evolution of the common slug as a possible future role model for the evolution of men. 'I've just been in the Pyrenees working with slugs which are hermaphrodite. Again and again, you can see evolutionary lineages that have gone all-female. Now, it has to be said that they often fail, but you never see evolutionary images that go all-male.' 'Obviously not,' he adds, just in case I haven't quite got the picture. 'They would die.' The more immediate bad news is that more of us are dying anyway. Men's cavalier attitude to their own health - just one in eight know where the prostate is located - is illustrated time and time again in the more scrotum-tightening medical sections of the book. The chapter entitled 'Hydraulics for Boys' will tell you much more than you ever need to know about the elaborate system of 'pumps, valves and fluids' that enable erection. Elsewhere, Jones shows that science often tries to kill us before it tries to cure us: food packaging, estrogen in the water supply and feminizing hormones in milk are all possible causes of the alarming decline in sperm counts across Europe. 'Something is going wrong with men,' says Jones, gravely, 'and we don't know what it is.' He professes bafflement at the often conflicting nature of the scientific literature on maleness. 'It's odd, but anything to do with men immediately begins to get shifty, unfocused.' Having already taken on the 'determined ignorance' of the creationist lobby, and had his windows smashed more than once by one of their more irate members, Jones' current bête noire is the 'masculinity industry' that has burgeoned in American academia. His book, he says, is 'a counterblast to the enormous amount of literature on men which is 'just gas, just horse shit'. He was astounded to find a whole section of the same at UCLA, most of it, he says, 'dealing with so-called male dilemmas, and inner men trying to break out', all of it, 'meaningless and unreadable'. End of Sperm Report Geneticist Steve Jones says science is now telling us what feminists knew all along - the future is female. The male of the species is doomed as the Y chromosome withers away Male Decline and Extinction (Dr. Bryan Sykes) The Future is Female The male species is doomed, says Bryan Sykes, professor of human genetics at Oxford University. And a Woman-only world is possible. Original article 2003 August 17 The Irish StarFSI Regina Lavelle, honorary FSI member The Sunday Times Extracted from Adam's Curse Bryan Sykes, professor of human genetics at Oxford University It is no secret that men are basically genetically modified women. In this respect, our evolution can be regarded as a gigantic and long-running GM experiment. Its legacy has been to endow men and women with different and often conflicting sets of genetic interests. It is a weary lament to lay most acts of violence and aggression squarely at the feet of men. Yet the association is strong and undeniable. Women only rarely commit violent crimes, become tyrants or start wars. The accusing finger points at the only piece of DNA which men possess and women do not: the Y - chromosome. Ironically, although the Y - chromosome has become synonymous with male aggression, it is intrinsically unstable. Far from being vigorous and robust, this ultimate genetic symbol of male machismo is decaying at such an alarming rate that, for humans at least, the GM experiment will soon be over. Adam, it seems, is cursed. Like many species before us that have lost their males, we run the real risk of extinction. The Y - chromosome is in a mess - a genetic ruin littered with molecular damage. Why is it such a shambles ? Originally, the Y - chromosome was a perfectly respectable chromosome, just like the others, with a collection of genes doing all sorts of useful things - but its fate was sealed when it took on the mantle of deciding sex. This probably happened in the early ancestors of the mammals, perhaps 100,000,000 years ago when they were small, insignificant creatures doing their best to avoid the ruling dynasty of the time - the dinosaurs. A mutation on one of those ancestral chromosomes suddenly, and quite by chance, enabled it to switch on the pathway to male development. The problem is that the Y - chromosome has never been able to heal itself. Unlike X - chromosomes, which pair up and swap genes to minimise bad mutations, the Y - chromosome, which has no partner, cannot repair the damage inflicted by mutations, which keep accumulating. Like the face of the moon, still pitted by craters from meteors that have ever fallen onto its surface, Y ? chromosomes cannot heal their own scars. It is a dying chromosome and one day it will become extinct. Male infertility is on the increase. An astonishing 7% of men are either infertile or sub-fertile. There are a whole host of causes but a substantial proportion, that is between 1% and 2% of all men, are infertile because of mutations on their Y - chromosomes. That is an astonishingly high figure. The human Y - chromosome is crumbling before our very eyes. There is no reason to think things will improve - quite the reverse, in fact. One by one, Y - chromosomes will dissapear until eventually only one remains. When that chromosome finally succubms, men will become extinct. But when? By my estimate, the fertility caused by Y - chromosome decay drops to 1% of its present level within 5,000 generations, which is about 125,000 years. Not exactly the day after tomorrow - but equally, not an unimaginably long time ahead. In June, the journal Nature announced the almost complete sequence of a human Y - chromosome, which revealed something completely unexpected. There were signs that amid the wreckage of once-active genes, the Y - chromosome is still capable of safeguarding genes - but only by effectively having sex with itself. Does this mean that men are now saved from extinction ? Sadly not. Does the news extend men's day of reckoning ? Unfortunately not. I deliberately use " men " instead of " our species " because only men require a Y - chromosome. Of course, unless something changes in the way we breed, women will vanish too and our entire species will dissapear at some time in the next 100,000-200,000 years. The questions we face boil down to this. Do we need men? Can we do without them ? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Making Sperm in the Lab: A Primer The secret of producing sperm without men appears to lie in embryonic stem cells. Under the right conditions, these cells can replenish themselves indefinitely in the laboratory, and they can, in theory, turn into any type of cell in the body. But for a long time, many questioned whether embryonic stem cells could turn into sperm -- a highly specialized cell that's only formed after puberty. The smallest cells in the male body, sperm are programmed to find and fertilize an egg. Last year, scientists proved that they could not only create sperm in a petri dish, but also use that sperm to fertilize a mouse egg. Led by George Daley of Children's Hospital in Boston, the researchers began their process by culturing mouse embryonic stem cells to form globular clusters called embryoid bodies. Cells in these embryoid bodies differentiated into primitive germ RASA: HERE I ADD FROM DR. SYKES BOOK HOW 23 CHROMOSOMES CAN BE TAKEN FROM ONE EGG INJECTED INTO ANOTHER & PUT BACK IN THE FEMALE, THE OFFSPRING WILL BE ALL FEMALE. THANK YOU BELOVED MARK - FRIENDS - GO LOOK AT HIS SITE, IT GOES ON & ON, ALL VERY VALUABLE, IT GIVES ME HOPE BECAUSE THE FUTURE IS NOT AS DREARY AS WE THINK. SATAN WILL NOT HAVE HIS WAY WITH US. ALL THESE THEORIES ABOUT HOW OVERWHELMINGLY HE HAS US NAILED DOWN & IT WILL TAKE A MIRACLE TO GET OUT OF IT - THIS IS THE MIRACLE, & ALMIGHTY MOTHER GOD HAS DONE IT, IT IS SUPERNATURAL & NATURAL & YET AS USUAL, NONE OF THE MALES EVEN KNOWS ABOUT IT OR IF THEY DO KNOW, THEY ARE NOT STUDYING IT. I HAVE CONTACTED ALL MY MALE FRIENDS, THEY DIDN'T EVEN LOOK. ONLY MARK BROUGHT THIS TO ME. SEE HOW HERE, DAVID ICKE, YOU WERE A MAGNET FOR ALL YOU HAD TO KNOW FOR THE WORLD, I AM ALSO A MAGNET FOR WHAT THE WORLD NEEDS TO KNOW. THE MAGNET CALLED RASA BROUGHT MARK TO HER, THEN DAVID ICKE TO HER. IS THIS NOT AMAZING & WONDERFUL? BUT YOU AREN'T PAYING ATTENTION, ARE YOU? EACH ON THINKS HIS CATCHMENT AREA IS IT. WOMEN ARE DOING THE SAME THING - THE GODDESS WOMEN THINK MOTHER GOD IS SUDDENLY GOING TO APPEAR OUT OF NOWHERE WHILE THEY SIT IN THEIR BROOM CLOSETS WAITING FOR GODETTE. NONE OF THE DISSIDENTS & GODDESS WOMEN ARE PAYING ATTENTION. I AM WRITING THEM, WRITING OVER & OVER, THEY DON'T ANSWER. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE HUMAN RACE? WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE DISSIDENTS THAT THEY DON'T EVEN TALK TO EACH OTHER? I AM TRYING TO BRING EVERYONE TOGETHER, MALE & FEMALE, BUT ONLY MY FRIENDS ANSWER . WHY DOES EACH GREAT WARRIOR STAY IN THEIR OWN SHELL & NOT REACH OUT, ACKNOWLEDGE ONE ANOTHER? DOES EACH ONE OF YOU THINK YOU'LL SAVE THE WORLD ALONE? NO WAY. WE NEED EACH OTHER. TELL ME GREAT MEN & WOMEN, WHO CAN SAVE THE WORLD ALONE? ANY INDIVIDUAL? NAME ONE. WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO START TALKING TO EACH OTHER? I AM REACHING OUT, ANSWER ME. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'ZEITGEIST' ON YOUTUBE EXPOSES ALL THE BASICS AGAINST HUMANITY & THE FORTHCOMING MENACE OF GLOBALIZION 2 HOUR MOVIE SEE IT ON YOUTUBE IN PARTS OR WEBSITE IN FULL 4 ½ MILLION HAVE VIEWED THIS! RESEARCHERS!!! Interactive transcript with citations at .. Any corrections, clarifications & further points regarding the film are found on DR. JAMES W. PRESCOTT ON ORIGINS OF PEACE & VIOLENCE: GREAT SITE ON FEMALE ASCENDENCY: How and why A.I.D.S. spread. Media disinformation. For a more complete understanding of this issue please watch the documentary called: " Deconstructing the Myths of A.I.D.S. " RASA 6,000 PAGE WEBSITE TOOK 3 YEARS & $50,000 TO CREATE/UPLOAD RASA'S BOOKS ON LULU HAVE BIG PREVIEW SECTIONS WITH LOVELY PICTURES: CIRCUMCISION is PARTIAL CASTRATION!, THE DEMONIC SURGICAL ABUSE OF OUR SWEET LITTLE BOYS ONE OF THE GREATEST HEROES OF OUR TIME, THE MAN WHO HAS PROVEN OUR GOVT. CREATED & SPREAD AIDS - (THEY ALSO HAVE THE CURE, TETRASIL, WHICH IS AVAILABLE!) DR. BOYD ED GRAVES: Do EXORCISM (I am doing this daily against the reptilian forces ruling the world) also great demon expert/exorcist: Child Prostitution, Satanism, & The CIA - 2of7 Genius Woman who was mind controlled sex slave spills beans on Presidents (Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan) & Catholic Church! See many videos on Youtube where she explains in an amazingly lucid way, all that went on, & this is way beyond sex, it is about them using children & adults as guinea pigs for MIND CONTROL which they intend to use on a WHOLE POPULATION for complete exploitative control - all this was actively pursued in Hitler's Nazi Germany. & NR=1 ALSO: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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