Guest guest Posted June 21, 2008 Report Share Posted June 21, 2008 How Mother God Will Save the Planet By the Spirit of Mother God as told to Rasa This is the third day I have been called by Mother God to sit down and type Her ideas, Her directives, and finally, I am doing it. She wants me to put down Her plan - not the plan of men, not the plan of Satan, but Her plan, which is the Ultimate Plan, the Absolute Plan, the Decisive Plan, and the Plan that will Work. She tells me it is not by the Might of Men, nor their Bravery nor their Decision, nor will the cowardice of women avert Her plan, and it is not plan A, B or C, it is One Plan, it is the most decisive and enduring, fail-safe, never fail plan, that No One can Change, Avert, Dissuade, Derail or Dismantle. Right now it is time to assert Her Dominance and the Prerogatives of Mother God, Who She is, what She wants, - and Her Master Plan is a lot different and strange compared to what men are planning, it is NOT 'business as usual.' We have seen in the last thousands of years the Master Plan of Satan, we have seen it demonstrated and played out, we have seen the consequences of his plans being fulfilled. Now he has assumed his plans will be carried out, and that he will rule the world and continue in the vein he has been at, but all this will change. All these things you, Rasa, have been led to study. You have studied enough to bear my message and bear it well, promote and promulgate it, you have heard enough, and seen enough, you know the answers are forthcoming, and here they are. Let me assure every one and all that in no way can men take away from Satan, the Illuminati who serve him, and the henchmen of the Illuminati or any of their cohorts, friends, consorts or helpers, the rulership of this world. It takes something much bigger than other men to snatch from Satan what he has done to men, women, children, animals and the earth. Good men cannot wrest or negotiate from them what Satan has put into their hands, nor are they amenable to negotiation or peace, they will continue to raise their heads in one way or another, they will never quit or die until I make them. For males to think they can wrest from Satan the rulership of this planet and bring about peace is a misconception, a nice dream, a sweet delusion, a sad hope and something that is impossible for the hands of men - but to Mother God, nothing is impossible. This is not a fight or a battle between good men and evil men - they think so, but it is not. It is a battle between Mother God and Satan, and Mother God has already won. But you will see it played out in time, as you have not seen the consequences of the evil of Satan and the good of Mother God yet. What is perhaps amusing or whimsical is the delusion of good men, who take no heed whatsoever to the history that went before Patriarchy, the history of women before men started their evil, under the influence of Satan. Men are not listening, not heeding, not praying to Mother God, and so, they are not using Her Power. They keep praying to false Gods, to their idols, to their beliefs and their logic, and they are not accessing, the Glorious and Powerful Mother God. To pray to false Gods is of no avail and does not bring answers or solutions to problems. One must pray in Spirit and Truth, to a Real God, not an imagined one, to the God that is the Nurturer, the Protector, the real Source, and that is not Father, but Mother God. So shall we start at the beginning? By removing the concept of Mother Right, Mother God, Mother prevails, Matriarchy, Mother rule, which means Mother Power, Satan derailed the needful worship of men and women to the Real Deal, the One who created them, and Satan created false Gods, false religions, with a Father God, and he killed off the women with their religions and made the rest of them cower. This then made it useless for humans to pray for when they prayed in Patriarchal Churches, they were in most cases, actually praying to Satan, and so, Mother God did not come forth in Power to rule them and release them from Satan. One must pray in Spirit and Truth, not in delusion, and within Patriarchal religion are so many lies, deceits, rituals and prayers stolen from Mother God and misdirected to some place else, that the worship of humanity has bore no fruit, but only a scant little fruit, which is ripening now. Satan has turned humanity into a people that have lost touch with Mother Earth, Mother Nature, Mother Infinity, and including their Earthly Physical Mothers, from Whom one first learns all truth, and replaced all this with symbols of Fathers and penises and Man Rule, and Father God, and Founding Fathers, all of which are lies and deceits meant to turn the entire world astray and it has turned the world astray. Now on a more biological and earthly level, which is my Footstool - the earth - I am dealing with the human race biologically, and decisively. I will rid the world of Satan and Illuminati in two ways, and this is known but not promulgated, and no one by any technology, however far advanced can change my decision. They will try, they are dreaming their dreams, but it will not change. It is the plan I have explained to you from long ago, years ago, that I am making men more feminine and women more masculine. That is the short term plan, and the long term plan, there will be no more males. There you have it in a nutshell, things you have said all along but now you must recall them under my auspices, there is no other plan of men or women, this is the only plan that will work, the only plan that will be instituted, and the only reason there is hope is because of it. Yes, the dissidents/conspiracy men are speaking the truth, but why is not one of them speaking of Mother God or the extinction of males? There is the problem, there is where you come in, you are my voice. It is the message men will not say because they are men (even if they are made aware of it) and the message women will not say because they fear men, but it is a true and powerful message, and by ignoring it, rather than facing it, people are keeping their heads in the sand. Now the extinction of males will take a long time, but in evolutionary terms, very short. In these terms, males have not worked out - what Dr. Bryan Sykes calls a genetic modification experiment that did not work. And so, what does not work in evolution must disappear, the traits disappear, and positive traits reappear. There are many arguments that could be said about the disappearance of men, most notably, that all humans will be gone for lack of sperm, but what is glaringly missing is that it is not even discussed. This is a fact brought forward by geneticists and yet it is not even on the table, not even referenced in any way by any of the conspiracy pundits, because all the loud and out there ones are males. Therefore, even when you tell them the facts and give them the sources, males will not preach it, lest there be another Ashley Montagu. What is also interesting is even the fact of female superiority which is blatantly and absolutely proven, is never, ever referenced by one single conspiracy expert; these males ignore the existence of women, as if the whole world depended on men, was run by men, and women are totally superfluous in the care and management of the world except for being there as objects of whatever things males need. If the best of males treats women this way what does it say of males? It says that males have ignored the facts, the known facts, regarding female superiority, although it is espoused and proven. Yet they ignore it. And now in the last few years, male extinction is proven and they learn everything else but that. They are experts in all that men do, all that men are, good vs. bad, yet they ignore issues to do with men and with women that are obvious, blatant and in your face. And because they ignore it, you will state it, you will have to carry the message. There is another blatant message that you must carry - yes there is a whole package, a bundle of messages you must carry as perhaps few see it, and even when seeing it they will not take it through. That message is no more than what you have been saying all along as well, that men and women must get back to the Mother as the source of all Love, and males especially, must learn that Mother is their leader, and not other men, they must bond with her, return to her, love her, learn from her and be forever guided by her, that is the beginning of restoration of the planet, because out of this Mother bond, the release of males from Satan will be accomplished. This is not a sad, lonely and depressing message for males. Their demise is long from now, they must enjoy thousands of years hence under the domination of Mother and they will be released from the slavery of Satan, and their sexuality will be released in a more natural manner, as they were never meant to dominate women but be dominated by them. End Part One, to be continued PART 2 RASA IS DISPLEASED THAT SHE HAS TO PREACH THIS HARSH MESSAGE AGAIN BECAUSE SHE IS NOW GETTING READY FOR PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS WITH MEN, - MOTHER ANSWERS Rasa: Mother God, the extinction of males is a hard message to preach, their demise is rough, them getting feminine and all that. Even the best of them resist it, they are threatening me left and right when I preach it. It makes them uncomfortable, makes them squirm. They see it as hate, they say they wish I was dead. I will preach it, but why do I have to? Why doesn't someone else do it? Besides Bryan Sykes, when he was promoting his book, there is no one else I know of. MOTHER GOD: THAT IS PRECISELY WHY I CHOSE YOU TO PREACH THIS AND ALL THE REST, BECAUSE YOU ARE CHOSEN, IT MEANS NO ONE ELSE WILL DO IT - YOU ARE THE ONE. AND I KNOW WITHOUT ASKING YOU WANT TO DO WHAT'S HARD, YOU WANT THE CHALLENGE, SO GO FOR IT. WHAT OF DEATH THREATS? DID IT EVER STOP YOU BEFORE? SO IT'S UNCOMFORTABLE, DO IT ANYWAY, IT'S FUN. Rasa: But just at the time when I want to have personal relationships with men, I think of the ones I am attracted to being turned off, not being able to get a hard on, they will be hurt, they will be turned off. MOTHER GOD: HAHAHA. A LITTLE THING LIKE WHAT YOU PREACH WILL NOT TURN THEM OFF, IF ONLY TEMPORARILY. WHEN YOU GET THEM ALONE WITH YOU THEY WILL FORGET WHAT YOU SAID ABOUT POLITICS OR RELATIONS - IF THEY KNOW YOU WANT TO GET IT ON, THEY WILL HAVE NO TROUBLE COMPLYING, IT IS WHAT THEY HAVE BEEN PRAYING FOR. Rasa: They won't hold it against me? Hahaha. Or will they? OK, back to work. Mother God, it seems so dismal, so forlorn, the world situation. Everywhere we look, it is Patriarchal skullduggery and there is no end in sight. But I believe you. All the things you told me from many years ago, 1971, when I first heard Your Voice, have come true, every bit of it. You told me Satan rules the world, and he works through men. I never saw how until a few months ago, when I watched David Icke. Then a few years ago you told me you would save the planet by making males more feminine, women more masculine. Now a year ago I learned that pollution was destroying the fertility and masculinity of males, and about that time I learned males are going extinct. The idea of males turning feminine is of course a horrible turnoff, as nothing to me is less sexy than a guy who dresses in female garb or wants to suck cock. Machismo, with tenderness, is a turn on, but a feminine man is a total bore, does nothing whatsoever for me, I'd rather do it myself, hahaha. MOTHER GOD: THESE CHANGES WILL NOT OCCUR SO SUDDENLY THAT YOU WOULD BE DEPRIVED OF MACHO MALES IN YOUR LIFETIME, REST EASY. Rasa: OK, Mother, what is the prognosis? We have the Illuminati, the chosen vessals of Satan, getting ready to destroy most of the world. How will you stop them? What will you do? MOTHER GOD: FOR ONE THING, I WILL OBEY YOUR PRAYERS - YOU KNOW WHICH ONES THEY ARE, FOR THE SALVATION OF THE PLANET. I HAVE HEARD YOUR CRIES, THE CRIES OF UNTOLD MILLIONS, BOTH HUMAN AND ANIMAL, CRYING TO MOTHER GOD. I WILL ANSWER, I AM A GOOD MOTHER, I WILL STOP SATAN DEAD IN HIS TRACKS. BUT IT WILL NOT BE ONE DAY, ALTHOUGH THE DYE IS CAST NOW. WHAT THEY ARE PLANNING AS SOON AS THEY BEGIN I WILL MAKE MONUMENTAL CHANGES OCCUR INSIDE OF THEM AND IN THE WORLD. YOU WILL SEE. Rasa: Have enough people been praying to You in Spirit and Truth, or have they been praying to Patriarchal Gods which are Evil Spirits or Satan in disguise? MOTHER GOD: AHA, THERE YOU HAVE IT. THEIR PRAYERS HAVE BEEN INEFFECTIVE BECAUSE THEY HAVE DONE WHAT YOU SAID, THEIR HEARTS AND SPIRITS WERE NOT IN TUNE WITH ME, THE GREAT MOTHER, AND SO, THEY BORE LITTLE FRUIT IF ANY. THE WOMEN WHO HAVE PRAYED TO GODDESSES ARE MOSTLY NOT WELL VERSED, EITHER, AND HAVE PRAYED WITH LITTLE OR NO EFFECT, AS THEY HAVE NOT LEARNED THE PRINCIPLES OF DEATH TO SELF AND SURRENDER, SUCH AS THE SAINTS HAVE TAUGHT. IF A PERSON HAS EGO OR LOWER SELF LOVE INVOLVED IN THEIR PRAYERS, IF THEY ARE STUCK THERE ON THAT LOWER PLANE, THEN THEIR PRAYERS ARE THAT MUCH WEAKER, HAVING NO AVAIL AT TIMES. WHAT I AM DOING NOW, BY FEMINIZING THE MALES, IN PART DUE TO THEIR OWN KARMA, (BY POLLUTION) BUT ALSO DUE TO MY JUDGEMENT UPON THEM, BY THE DETERIORATION OF THE Y CHROMOSOME, WILL BRING DOWN PATRIARCHY AND THE RULE OF SATAN. Rasa: Yes Mother, I always knew Patriarchy was from Satan but I never knew how overtly and thoroughly, that Satan actually lives on earth through people in the highest places who actually worship him. They are purported, some of them, to actually contain the DNA of an alien species, called the Reptilians, and they instituted a rulership of the earth according to the plans of these evil doers, and they actually perform rituals to Satan at Bohemian Grove and other places. Many evil rituals and Satanist behaviors are carried out by these 'high ups' which are the lowest of the low, Satan really is in the 'highest' places of authority on earth, like Jesus said, 'Satan is the Prince of this world.' So until I studied the conspiracy theorists like David Icke and Jordan Maxwell, I did not see how blatantly, overtly and physically Satan was actually worshipped, and not by fringe members of society, but those in the very halls of authority over the land. Then I saw the sinister aspects of it, and it could make your blood boil; it is staring into the face of Hell, as they are planning biological, chemical and nuclear war against the entire human race to destroy two thirds of it! They have truly plotted out from Hell, in Hell, the despicable demise of the entire planet, - they have long already done genocide against animals, it's the people they want now. Not enough that they have killed like fifty million in World War II, Satan wants billions, he wants four billion humans not counting the animals and living foliage on the earth, he is never satisfied until he has drawn the last measure of breath and life from every human being possible - he revels and thrives on chaos, misery, bloodshed, terror and torture. This has been what is unleashed against us, and it is Satan, it is the spirit of Beelzebub, but it is working through males, not females, - it is Patriarchy. MOTHER GOD: PRECISELY, YOU HAVE SAID THE MAGIC WORD; MALES NOT FEMALES, THAT'S WHY I AM TAKING THEM OUT, REMOVING MALES, SAVING THE FEMALES. IF THE MALES ARE PHASED OUT THE STRONGHOLD OF SATAN FALLS APART. HE CANNOT WORK WITHOUT AN ARMY. WOMEN WILL NOT SIGN UP TO GO GALAVANTING ON THEIR CRAZED WARS OF CONQUEST - THIS IS A MALE INSTINCT AND A MALE STUPIDITY THAT IS BEING EXPLOITED, HAVING NO MALES TO CONTROL, SATAN'S POWER WILL BE BROKEN. FEMALES ARE PARTICIPATING LAMELY, BUT NOT COMPLETELY, ALONG WITH THE ILLUMINATI, BUT THEY ARE NOT FULL PARTICIPANTS, AND THERE ARE VERY FEW OF THEM, THEY ARE KIND OF GOING ALONG FOR THE RIDE AS WOMEN DO AGAINST THEIR OWN BETTER JUDGEMENT UNDER THE PROVOCATION OF MALES. BUT IT IS NOT THE KIND OF BEHAVIOR THAT MALES EMPLOY, KILLING PEOPLE RETAIL AND WHOLESALE, THEY TAG ALONG FOR THE RIDE, BUT THEY DO RELATIVELY LITTLE DAMAGE OR VIOLENCE, SORT OF LIKE TAGGING ALONG WITH A CRIMINAL BECAUSE HE HAS COHERCED YOU. WITHOUT THE FULL AND WILLING PARTICIPATION OF NUMEROUS MALES IN STANDING ARMIES AND ALL SORTS OF CHAOS AND BLOODSHED, SATAN WILL NOT STAND A CHANCE, PATRIARCHY WILL END. THE MALES WHO LAMELY THINK THEY CAN STOP SATAN WITH BULLHORNS AND LETTERS AND VIDEOS - THEY ARE WONDERFUL MEN, I WILL REWARD THEM - BUT IT IS TOO LITTLE, TOO LATE, IT IS FINISHED, ALL MALES MUST GO. BECAUSE SOONER OR LATER OTHER FOOLISH AND LAMEBRAINED MALES WILL WORSHIP AND ADORE SATAN TO GET THE SO-CALLED BENEFITS OF WHAT HE GIVES - THEY REALIZE TOO LATE THE PRICE TO PAY, WHICH IS SELLING YOUR SOUL TO THE DEVIL, AND THEY CRY. BUT MEANWHILE THEY HAVE PARTICIPATED IN MURDER, ASSASSINATIONS AND HOMOSEXUALITY THEY NEVER WANTED A PART OF - IT IS TOO LATE FOR THEM AND OTHERS. rasavonwerder Videos Watched: 2,799 (ones I looked at) Videos Uploaded: 415 (ones I produced) Video Views: 2,447,106 (people watched my videos) #1 video I have produced is I am SPEAKING, channeling Mother God about WORSHIP OF HER and the MALE/FEMALE, MOTHER GOD DYNAMIC: & session=RKzmvjDXF16bDMZIALbjPyw93tj8jG4LE\ o599VzOKgBvm2x0V6zBLfl9IrZT_WTq0u3Kh95FUhVoxNg450KmnP8OnxPg8p4KrABcf9Y8_cp1jjcFQ\ oGPXf5MR_SAS3xsdA16i1ofhaRqMJTXd4ovfE5hJdUDXFkex5hkmFJHaU9GR-3RHkyZ27fHjH0uu-RyW\ 6qdKWb9YUPXyUadcD7C0O4n9ZU8Xsy1ikornCbWJnHkWVh9McZcqiBdcvZJzq7J1EhYw-HMAis9Dzuub\ jGaA59FuSpHhEIhPHXErPyPs4ESVw73Uz8Oui6hIyEOt3m0vvH-nh3z5Dps9N3ZB0SBgA== ALMOST 250,000 HITS IN 8 MONTHS AVERAGE ALMOST 2,000 HITS A DAY FOR ONE VIDEO! THE DANCING IS GETTING MEGA BITS, BUT SO ARE THE LECTURES! HUMANITY IS HUNGRY FOR MOTHERS, POWERFUL WOMEN, LEADERS, WHO ALSO PERSONIFY SEX APPEAL - HUMANITY HERE IN THE U.S. NEEDS THE GUIDANCE AND NURTURING OF MOTHER GOD AND MOTHER EARTH! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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