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Envisioning a World Without Men

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Envisioning a World Without Men


ABC NEWS ON MALE EXTINCTION (Yes, surprise, Rasa is not the only one

explaining this!):

http://abcnews.go.com/Health/story?id=4725121 & page=1


Kerry Lynn Cassidy re. Project Camelot - How about interviewing Dr. Bryan

Sykes or myself?


" Within the next few years you will get two women having a child who is the

biological child of both of them, " Sykes said. " And entirely normal in every

respect, but always female. "



6 22 08



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sure i will be well perhaps in a few days


i consider 'well' totally when i start lifting the heavy weights


what brought me down was not the pain of what the alpha males are doing


it was the rejection of the males including david icke, jordan maxwell and

benjamin fulford.


the saddest part is we cannot work with males, good or bad.


there is no fellowship with males in our work, this is a major revelation i

have had, until of course they are totally obedient, docile, to us.


they cannot have positions even equal to us, they must be subordinate in the

gender war.


what i have uncovered now by experience is this absolute truth,


'the gender war was the first conspiracy...the first atrocity. it is male

at his worst. if we fight a gender war we cannot join 'good males' who are

filled with self importance, we must come from a place totally different,

which is the feminine divine, dominance of woman.


these 'good men' are seeking the 'alpha male' slot and they are not looking

for the 'alpha female.' they believe in male rule, it has to be them

instead of who's up there.


if an alpha female comes along, they will resist and smash the alpha female

with their dirty tricks both overt and subtle. it's a matter of attitude.


we can by no means join forces with these men who, it appears, are seeking

to be alpha males, we learn what they are doing and just move on in our own



mother god is on our side, she is against them. Think about that!


she is against all males who want to rule and dominate, she tolerates

submissive or obedient males. she is powerful, neither the wicked or good

males are -- women are much more powerful than males.


all we have to do is bide our time. this (male dominance) will pass. with

each generation, a percent of their y chromosome is deteriorating and they

are becoming increasingly infertile; less males will be born, less males

will survive. due to their inferiority both mental and physical -- they are

dropping out of school and killing themselves at remarkable levels, average

five times more so than females.


women just have to believe the scientific facts and statistics, which i will

present to them -- it is not a debate with men at all, it is simply

apprehending the facts -- which do not even have to be discussed with males.


meanwhile women have to ask the following questions:


(1) who am i?


(2) how do i worship mother god? (i have created a jump start on

this, much more will be written)


(3) how do i prepare for complete autonomy in my life and family

life, apart from male domination?


(4) how will i transform the disciplines (such as medical science,

politics, government) males have garbled, twisted and contaminated?




Each generation there will be less males from now on because mother god is

eliminating them as of about 50 years ago. Just think, their numbers

hitting 40% of women, then 25% to that of women - do you realize what a

positive impact that will have on our reality?


Women must see the facts, hold on, prepare, that is all.








Melody Hart


Rasa Von Werder


Sunday, June 22, 2008 10:13 AM


Yeah, Rasa. The AlphaMale " conspiracy " shit constipates our psyche

and psychic constipation is excruciatingly painful.




The most difficult thing we will ever do is to defocus on

the AlphaMale " GOD " almighty who sits " enthroned " in

the collective human psyche, the " world unisoul " . WE

must more fully embody our own female divinity, our

Mother God/ess Essence and completely exorcise the

false satanic matricidal, femicidal internal . . . . Neuro-linguistic

psychic " implant " in our own innermost Being.


The hideous atrocities " videos " I have looked at and all the

patriarchal atrocities against women and Mother God I

have " researched " / investigated, now haunt my days and

nights as specters of the " (UN)Holy Ghost of the Fathers

of the patriarchal Fatherland/ Fuhrerland.


They make us mentally ill, psychologically " sick at heart "

and spiritually disempowered, sucking us, " leeching us "

INside our own innermost female BEing, our very " essence " .


They have a kind of morbidly addictive power that arouses

the darkest aspects of the human imagination and pull us

down into the pit of Hell.


Take care of yourself. We need your wisdom, brilliance

and deep INsight for the rising Sisterhood, the hope of

the dead and dying Patriarchal world paradigm of stark raving madness! Love,





Envisioning a World Without Men

Scientist Says Female-Only Reproduction Is Only a Few Years Away


LONDON, April 28, 2008

RSS Imagine a world without men: Lauren Bacall but no Bogie, Hillary Clinton

but no Bill, no Starsky or Hutch.


Could the entire male sex vanish from earth?This isn't just an unlikely

sci-fi scenario. This could be reality, according to Bryan Sykes, an eminent

professor of genetics at Oxford University and author of " Adam's Curse: A

Future Without Men. "


" The Y chromosome is deteriorating and will, in my belief, disappear, " Sykes

told me. A world-renowned authority on genetic material, Sykes is called

upon to investigate DNA evidence from crime scenes. His team of researchers

is currently compiling a DNA family tree for our species.


Y Chromosome 'Fatally Flawed'

The Y chromosome is passed from father to son, it's what makes babies into

boys. Basically the human template is a female: the Y chromosome kicks in a

few weeks after conception and makes a boy. " Men are genetically modified

women, " explained Sykes. But unlike other chromosomes, the Y chromosome

can't repair itself and will, says Sykes, disappear altogether in about

125,000 years.


" Every generation one percent of men will have a mutation which reduces

their fertility by 10 percent, " explained Sykes. Unlike most chromosomes,

the Y does not travel through the generation in pairs, so can never repair

itself from a mirror. Flaws are never repaired. " So if that goes on for

generation after generation, " Sykes argued, " eventually there are no

functioning Y chromosomes left. "



Sperm Count Paranoia at All-Time HighWATCH: Take-Home Test for MenSo no more

men . sparsely populated sports bars, Ferrari would lose the lion's share of

its business, and Hooters would probably go out of business.


It's a long time, 125,000 years. But we men have a far more immediate

problem: sperm counts have fallen by an incredible 20 percent in the past 50

years. Stress? Alcohol? Environmental pollution? Who knows, but it's deeply

concerning for those of us with a vested interest in the survival of the



Sykes has received hate mail. " To seem to be saying that men will become

extinct, which is what I am saying, " he mused. " I've had all kinds of

messages from male groups saying, 'how can you betray your gender?' "


But would the absence of men make the world a better place? There would be

far fewer wars without men on the planet, and the U.S. prison population

would drop a colossal 97 percent. Road deaths in the U.S. would fall 70

percent. The Olympics would be half as long, which some people might view as

a good thing.


Female-Only Reproduction

But surely, flawed Y chromosome or not, bad behavior or not, we are needed

for procreation. Women can't have babies without us . right? I'm afraid,

pretty soon they won't need our sperm, our chromosomes, our anything.


Until now, female-only reproduction has been limited to the plant and animal

kingdom. So-called parthenogenesis, observed in the Cape Honey Bee, the

Kimono Dragon and the hammerhead shark. In humans: confined to 1950s B

movies. But Sykes says the technology for women to procreate without us is

just around the corner.


" Within the next few years you will get two women having a child who is the

biological child of both of them, " Sykes said. " And entirely normal in every

respect, but always female. "



Sperm Count Paranoia a Widespread Worry


Factors From Environmental Chemicals to Laptops Foster Fertility Fears




ABC News Medical Unit


Aug. 6, 2007


RSS Fifty years ago, there were no sperm banks.




New research suggests HIV may exploit a chemical in semen to enter and

infect cells.


There were no over-the-counter fertility tests, no proprietary zinc

supplements for virility, and men pretty much took for granted that when the

time came, their " swimmers " would do their job.




Fast forward five decades, and the average man in his 20s and 30s lives in a

state that might be aptly described as sperm count paranoia.




" There has been scientific evidence that sperm counts have been dropping

worldwide over the past 50 years, " said Cynthia Daniels, associate professor

of political science at Rutgers University and author of " Exposing Men: the

Science and Politics of Male Reproduction. "




" This evidence has been met with two extremes-either profound skepticism or

a reaction that verges on public panic. "




Thus far, solid scientific proof to completely back these fears has been

elusive. But to paraphrase an old saying, just because you're paranoid

doesn't mean environmental factors aren't killing off your sperm.




Some research studies do suggest that male sperm counts are falling across

the globe, and a number of scientists are working to determine the

real-world influences that might be causing a reduction in " swimmers. "




Many researchers report there are a number of fertility-damaging culprits

that may lurk within our workplaces, reside in the heat at the bottom of our

laptops, float in our drinking glasses -- and possibly even rest on the

dinner plates of mothers pregnant with male children.




" I think the evidence is growing that chemicals in the environment do affect

a man's sperm count, " said Shanna Swan, director of the Center for

Reproductive Epidemiology at the University of Rochester School of Medicine.

" It's probably not universal, but it is pretty good evidence for a decline

in Western countries. "




Daniels said these findings have been met with equal measures of fear and

defensiveness, as they strike at the heart of social norms regarding





" Others strongly contest these findings and say that the evidence is the

result of social hysteria -- just one more example of men (and manliness)

under attack in the 21st century, " she added. " One thing is clear -- this

question is socially and politically loaded because it involves not just

questions of male health, but of how we view men in the world today. "

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