Guest guest Posted July 1, 2008 Report Share Posted July 1, 2008 COUNTDOWN TO MALE EXTINCTION The Gender War is Over, Women Have Won THE UNIVERSITY OF MOTHER GOD CHURCH, WWW.WOMANTHOUARTGOD.COM 6 30 08 Gurdjieff-Osho-GuruRasa/ Discussions of Male Extinction, Nostradamus predictsWomen taking over Catholic Church God in Women Showing their Power rasavonwerder Videos Watched: 3,755 (I watched) Videos Uploaded: 415 (I produced) Video Views: 2,719,605 (they watched mine) 125,000 years from now men will be EXTINCT (give or take 25,000 years. This could be speeded up by pollution and suicides) 62,500 years from now, 50% will be gone 31,250 years from now 25% will be gone 75% still living 15,625 years from now 12.5% will be gone 87.5% will be here 7,812.5 years from now 6.25% will be gone 93.80 will be here 3,906 years from now 3.125 will be gone 96.875 will be here 1,953 years from now 1.5625 will be gone 98.4375 will be here 976.56 years from now .78 will be here 99.2 will be here 488 years from now .39 will be gone 99.6 will be here 244 years from now .195 will be gone 99.8 will be here 122 years from now .0975 will be gone 99.9 will be here 61 years from now .00487 will be gone- 99.995 will be here 30.5 years from now .002435 will be gone 99.997 will be here These calculations were made by Rasa based on the findings of Dr. Bryan Sykes, geneticist of Oxford University, and it could be more or less, he says. The breakdown of the Y chromosome will make it impossible for the 'GENETIC MODIFICATION' experiment to continue, Mother God is taking out the gender we know as male - the GENDER WAR IS FINISHED, WOMAN HAS WON. She just has to WAIT IT OUT, even doing NOTHING, She will prevail, they will NOT BLOW UP ALL HUMANS OFF THE PLANET NO MATTER HOW INSANE THEY ARE. THE DECISION OF MOTHER GOD This crumbling of the Y CHROMOSOME is an INTELLIGENT, DELIBERATE decision, not willy nilly or arbitrary. It seems, based on scientific finding, that male fertility has plummeted in the last 50 years at 'alarming' proportions - and this infertility does not hold forth for our cousins, the apes, their fertility is just fine, this falling apart of males is wordwide. IS MOTHER GOD A MAN HATER? You could say so, if she is taking them out. It is a decision simply made because males are redundant, they serve no purpose any more, and they cause more trouble than good. To remove them is the most intelligent, sane and logical decision that could ever be made. It will be a relief from atrocities, stupidity, mayhem, insanity, genocide and every kind of GRIEF. At last, God will return to the planet and Satan goes back to Hell. WHAT DO WE DO IN THE MEANTIME? There is A LOT OF WORK TO BE DONE meanwhile. Their demise is slow, we will tolerate them for many years and generations, but we must begin to assume our identity and take back the planet from Satan ruling through men. In short, we will have to rebuild from the bottom up every institution, government, culture, agenda, created by males and redo it COMPLETELY. EVERYTHING THEY HAVE DEVISED IS CORRUPT, FILLED WITH THE SEED OF SATAN, DARK, UGLY, STUPID IDEAS, PERVERTED, TWISTED AGENDAS, CHAOTIC, SELF SERVING, SELFISH, CRUEL, UNFAIR, INTOLERANT PRACTICES. THERE IS NOTHING, I MEAN NOTHING, DEVISED BY MALES WHICH WILL NOT HAVE TO BE REVAMPED, CLEANED UP, AND REVOLUTIONIZED. Yes, there is a lot of work to be done. WHEN DOES THIS WORK START? It has been started valiantly since the first wave of the Feminist movement, the 1860's. I believe this was at least partially caused by the Industrial Revolution, which began in the 1830's in Europe and made MALE MUSCLES IRRELEVANT. Work could be done easily by women or children with machines. (See my articles on the Future of Male Female Relations on the site) WHAT DO WE DO WITH MEN WHILE WE HAVE THEM? There is a lot that must be done with males while we still have them, and as the Superior Gender which will outlive the Inferior Gender, we must TAKE CHARGE of them. (Note: males are but a truncated version of the female. When the fetus is the size of a grapefruit seed, programs are put into effect that terminate the female process. The male is a disempowered female without reproductive organs or nurturing abilities... He is wholly dependent on female in every way; physically, biologically, genetically, mentally and emotionally. Male efforts toward reproduction are that of a parasite which gives its dna to a female for processing. His sperm is a non reproductive cell, while the egg is reproductive. It is well noted that without females, males run amuck, creating chaos in pioneer communities where they appeared to lay ground. Waiting for females to show up, males had no order in their pioneer world here in the United States, they turned main streets into bowling alleys, stayed drunk most of the time, wandered around aimlessly and chaotically except for survival mechanisms. In one arena (I know of a book that explained this, cannot recall the title, I do not lie about anything I say) as they waited for a ship from Europe with wives, there was a delay, then a further port was chosen. They kept getting drunker and drunker while waiting. Finally the women arrived, and when they disembarked the males attacked them so violently for sex, right on the spot, that many of the women were crippled with broken legs and hips, some even died from the gang rapes. Males without women are without direction, without foundation, without a source of comfort and joy. They are disconsolate and disoriented. Not so with females, they have their own base of power inside, the are autonomous and self motivated. These instincts of course have been messed with by Patriarchy, the institution of violence against and slavery of women, but Patriarchy is crumbling along with the Y chromosome.) Taking charge of men - who belong to us as children, helpmates and lovers, means TAKING THEM AWAY FROM OTHER MALES. In Patriarchy you have the SLAVERY OF MALES, where children are torn from the bosom of their Mothers and turned into Daddy's Boys instead of Mamma's Boys. What is the purpose of this? You will see it in Sparta and Greece, and in the United States Military as outlined by MILITARY WIFE KAY GRIGGS. Kay Griggs broke open the long-held secret that the U.S. military has a well tuned and deliberate practice to turn young men into homosexuals for the use of the older males, and then traps them into bondage, complicity in violence and murder. Consider a society which ridicules MEN LOVING THEIR MOMS and older women as 'Mamma boys, sissies, tied to her apron strongs, hen pecked, wimps, etc. And what is the alternative to MOTHER LOVE/ OLDER WOMAN LOVE? It is FATHER LOVE, OLDER/ MAN LOVE. Of course, this was a SECRET in the United States, now it is OUT and we know the truth, and it sets us free. And so, one of the most important things for us women to do now is to keep our children close to our bosom for the years needed for their proper development; breast feeding, intimacy, rocking, skin to skin contact, Mother closeness for as many years as possible, even up to 5-6 years. We don't want our Mother's to be tied to the house, so we women must bond into Matriarchal Societies where we work together, perhaps live together or very close, to raise our children, Grandmas, aunts, cousins, sisters, friends, all working together to supervise and nurture the babes. This intimacy will prevent for male and female, (especially male as they are more susceptible and weak), suicide, depression, addiction and violence. They will be less prone to fall into these states and less likely to want to join the military to be mind controlled killing robots. If they do show an interest in the military, we brief them on what it is about. There are many other considerations to be discussed at a later time. Rasa Von Werder, Mother God on Earth ````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` To Goddess Rasa from Goddess Melody, I am choosing to dispense with the " politically " correct choices of prefixes we have been taught to use for differentiating between male and female " identity " , i.e. Miss, Mrs., Ms.none of which exalt our " female " Goddess sovereignty as THE Mother Goddesses of the whole human race/ species " family " , all born of the wombs of women like us. You are rapidly becoming the YOUTube Goddess, the Queen Mother of the whole YOUTube community. YOU ARE the Matriarch of wherever you ARE. YOU ARE, as Ghandi, who proclaimed " WE must BE the changes we want to see in the world. " You are much misunderstood because that precisely describes how you are living your life. I get it. You are living " as if " a world ruled by women, a matriarchial world already IS. Your are the visionary/ vision holder of that " foreseeable " world reality. It is YOUR modus operandi. The Gmail format that Google created is more " state of the art " than regular " email " and there are many advantages to having a Gmail account. You are broadly internet linked now with all your groups, sites and hopefully blogs. I want to see you represented in the " blogsphere " , a huge emerging conglomerate. Among all of your devotees, Rasa there are highly skilled web designers, graphic designers, Internet technicians who will assist you in making all of your sites and Internet presence " state of the art " . Asking for their specific technical assistance will bring forth more world visibility for your work. I am foreseeing you emerge into more worldwide visibility than Ophrah Winfrey. Your name(s) will soon be " household words " like Ophra's name and many other " household names " of female " celebrities " , " superstars " , SHEroes. You've already " been there " , done that so it will be dejavu for you. Controversy creates an expansion of the collective consciousness and you are highly controversial, which I see as one of your strengths, the willingness to be controversial and among the minority of uncloned non-conformists. ZBudapest uses the phrase Sister Goddesses. We need a whole new self-named, self-declared iconic identity and it appears that " the Goddess " is US and we are HER, and that includes your use of the Mother God feminine divinity identity. Your declaration of WAR is typically Amazonian Warrior Priestess/ Durga/Kali archetypal Goddess/Matriarchial behavior. Your many personas are typical of the many archetypal Goddesses in the whole Goddess Gestalt. And that is what makes you so powerfully irresistible to your many " devotees " , as I see it. You can shapeshift from Aphrodite to Durga to Gaia, Pachamamma to Sophia/ Athena the Goddesses of worldly Wisdom within a single conversation, newsletter, correspondence, and so can I. It really pays to be Goddess Mythology savvy! Let the Gods tremble! Joseph Campbell wrote: By none None but a God(ess) may a God(ess) be worshipped.! In other words, it " takes one to know one " , a Goddess realized Goddess can worship the Goddess because she realizes that she/we are all the one Goddess, in all her diverse masculine and feminine divinity manifestations. Starhawk says that the Goddess is NOT the Patriarchal Judeo-Christian-Islamic Godfather " in drag " . She says, the Goddess did not " create " the world. The Goddess IS the world, in other words, SHE is not an absentee Father God Landlord in the sky " overseeing " , or " lording over the Earthworld " . SHE is all that IS, intrinsically creatrix AND creation, MOTHER of ALL, IN ALL, uniting, symbiotically all that IS. The " Unity " NEWthought Movement and others have attempted to " Velcro " together a " MotherFather God " . Perhaps is it Mother GOD who " will have no other GODS before HER! Perhaps SHE is unwilling to tolerate Father God " worship " ? WAR GOD " worship " , Apocalyptic mything of the " END " of " HER " . . .. " supreme Mother Being " ? Patriarchal mythlogy is the total reversal of Matriarchal mythology. All that is FEMALE is " evilized " , " demonized " , " whorized " and held in utter contempt in Patriarchal literature. This is the total reversal of woman-Goddess exaltation, " worship " , adoration and " Devotion " that has been massively subverted and violent suppressed for millennia, and yet remains . . . " subversively " in the human psyche. And this is becoming clear to more and more men and women who are awakening from the Patriarchal " utopian " . . .. . illusion/delusion.,ttp:// ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` NOSTRADAMUS: END OF MALE RULE OF CATHOLIC CHURCH - WOMEN TAKE OVER (note: The exposure of pedophilia in the Catholic Church was caused by 30 hours of concerted prayer in one month from Rasa Von Werder-She was praying against abuse of children and all the weak and innocent, did not even mention the Catholic Church, but God told her that is how the prayers were answered) & feature=related Could it be that Nostradamus, the " go to " prophet of all time, is reaching forward into the 21st century to give us a last warning? Is it already too late? In 1994, Italian journalist Enza Massa was at the Italian National Library in Rome conducting research on old texts, when she stumbled upon an unusual find in its stacks; a mysterious manuscript dating to 1629. The name of the book was surprising: NOSTRADAMUS VATINICIA CODE. On the inside of the book was the name of the author, in indelible ink-Michel de Notredame-the prophet Nostradamus. This find was particularly remarkable; the manuscript included over eighty watercolor illustrations that were painted by the master prophet himself. Contained in the pages of the book are cryptic, bizarre images that some say are prophecies of our future. Letters, symbolic objects, banners, candles, crosses, and even a burning tower are all included in the manuscript. Are these images visual manifestations of his quatrains, which extend to the 21st century, as some say? How did this book come to be in the library? Why was this book hidden for over 400 years? And are these images so frightening that Nostradamus deliberately hid them, as some say, until their time was near? This special will follow the investigative trail of how the manuscript came to be found in the archives, and exactly how it got there. The story will also give new insight into the life of Nostradamus-his relationship with his son, Cesar, and his connection to the Vatican-in particular, Pope Urban VIII, who knew about this manuscript and in whose possession it was for many years. THIS NOSTRADAMUS INFO WAS SENT ME BY A FOLLOWER, THANK YOU: HOLOCAUST OF WOMEN BY CATHOLIC CHURCH (266) omg I had to stop the video when you talked about God telling you about women taking over the church. Maybe you already know but..I was watching the history channel months ago and they were talking about a picture book they found among Nostradamus's other books. A book that somehow even thou they studied him so thoroughly, they over looked it. It was predictions in the pictures and the most clearest one (i mean obvious, unlike most of his predictions) was one of woman tacking the popes stick...thingy away and they said it meant the fall of the church. In fact the book has a lot on the church. I could not find a picture from the book but fortunately the whole segment is here on youtube. I'll send you the link. Tell me what you think about this please. & feature=related Melody Hart Rasa Von Werder Monday, June 30, 2008 3:08 PM Goddess Wisdom in the words of women. EXCERPTS FROM THE PATH OF THE PRIESTESS, A GUIDEBOOK FOR AWAKENING THE DIVINE FEMININE BY SHARRON ROSE THERE IS A SACRED CURRENT OF LIGHT THAT RUNS THROUGHOUT TIME AND SPACE THE LIGHT OF THE DIVINE FEMININE. IT IS A CONTINUUM. IT ARISES AT THE BIRTH OF CREATION AND FORMS A SACRED PATH INTO THE DENSENESS OF MATTER AND BACK AGAIN. AS WE DESCEND FROM THE FULLNESS OF THIS LIGHT INTO THE DEPTHS OF THE MATERIAL WORLD, THIS LIGHT IS ALWAYS PRESENT TO NOURISH AND SUSTAIN US. FLOWING THROUGH ALL OUR LIVES AND INCARNATIONS, IT IS THE VITAL AND TRANSFORMATIVE CURRENT OF TRUTH, VIRTUE, AND INTEGRITY, A SHINING STREAM OF SPIRITUAL ESSENCE THAT LEADS US ALONG THE PATH OF EMANATION TO THE PATH OF RETURN AND REUNION WITH THE PRIMORDIAL SOURCE. AS WOMEN, AS MOTHERS, AS TEACHERS AND GUIDES, AS EMMISSARIES OF THE GREAT GODDESS, IT IS OUR SACRED DUTY AND PRIVILEGE TO HOLD THIS CURRENT OF LIGHT IN OUR HEARTS AND CARRY IT FROM GENERATION TO GENERATION. THIS IS OUR ESSENTIAL ROLE AS WOMEN; TO HOLD THIS PURE LIGHT OF DIVINITY IN OUR HEARTS, TO KEEP THE LAMP OF INNER FREEDOM BURNING IN THE DARKNESS, TO NURTURE AND PROTECT THIS LIGHT WHATEVER THE COST, AND TO TRANSMIT ITS RADIANCE, ITS EXQUISITE BEAUTY, TO OUR MEN AND CHILDREN. ONCE UPON A TIME, BEFORE THE DAYS OF DARKNESS AND OPPRESSION OF OUR SACRED WOMEN';S MYSTERIES, WE KNEW THAT WE WERE LIVING EMANATIONS OF THE GODDESS, THAT AS WOMEN, MOTHERS, PRIESTESSES AND SPIRITUAL GUIDESOUR PRIMARY ROLE WAS TO BE A CONDUIT FOR HER SACRED CURRENT,. KNOWING THAT EVERY THOUGHT, EVERY ACTION HAD A PROFOUND IMPACT UPON NOT ONLY OUR OWN LIVES AND THOSE OF OUR MEN AND CHILDREN, BUT ON THE VERY FABRIC OF LIFE ITSELF, WE CREATED EXERCISES AND RITUALS TO PURIFY OUR BODIES, MINDS AND HEARTS. IN THE MIDST OF THE FOREST, ON THE MOUNTAINTOPS, ALONG THE RIVERBANKS AND THE SHORES OF THE SEA, IN THE TEMPLES AND MONASTERIES, WE WOULD GATHER TOGETHER TO PERFORM THESE SACRED RITES. WE DANCED BY THE LIGHT OF THE MOON, RAISED OUR VOICES IN SONG AND PRAYER, CONVERSED WITH THE MYRIAD FORMS OF DIVINITY THROUGH OUR SACRED GESTURES AND SAT TOGETHER IN SILENT COMMUNION WITH THEM. KNOWING the GREAT GODDESS WAS OUR PRIMORDIAL MOTHER AND SOURCE OF ALL LIFE, WE TREATED HER WITH IMMENSE RESPECT. AS HER PRIESTESSES, WE OFFERED OUR LIVES TO HER SERVICE. WE GAVE HER OFFERINGS. AS HER EMMISARIES, WE DRESSED IN HER IMAGE AND EMULATED HER EXTRAORDINARY QUALITIES. TODAY, LIVING IN THE MIDST OF A SOCIETY THAT HAS ALL BUT FORGOTTEN HER, SO FEW OF US EVEN KNOW THAT THE GODDESS EXISTS, LET ALONE SPEND TIME CONVERSING WITH HER, FEELING THE POWER OF HER TOUCH, REVELING IN THE BEAUTY OF HER MYRIAD MANIFESTATIONS. FOR UNTIL WE HAVE A DIRECT EXPERIENCE OF HER PRESENCE, HOW CAN WE TRULY KNOW HER? like the vast majority of women growing up in America in the 1950's and l960's I GREW UP IN A WORLD DOMINATED BY PATRIARCHIAL GOALS AND VALUES. I BEGAN TO OPEN MY EYES TO THE MULTITUDE OF PROBLEMS THAT APPEARED TO STEM FROM THE MENTAL PROGRAMMING IMPOSED UPON US BY THIS MALE-DOMINATED, MATERIALISTIC SOCIETY. INSPIRED BY THE IDEALS OF THE FEMINIST MOVEMENT, MY VISIONARY CAPACITY EXPANDED THROUGH THE USE OF PSYCHEDELICS AND MY SPIRIT ENLIVENED BY THE TEACHINGS OF THE EASTERN MYSTICS. I BEGAN TO WAKE UP TO THE KNOWLEDGE THAT I WAS LIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF A CULTURALLY-IMPOSED TRANCE THAT ORIENTED ME TOWARD A WAY OF LIFE CLEARLY OPPOSED TO MY TRUE SPIRITUAL NATURE. CONFUSED BY THIS DILEMMA I BEGAN TO ASK MYSELF IF THIS WAS THE ONLY PATH OPEN TO ME. OR WAS THERE A DEEPER, MORE INTEGRATED PATH THAT I AS WOMAN COULD FOLLOW, ONE THAT WAS MORE CONDUCIVE TO MY TRUE FEMININE NATURE? AND SO I EMBARKED UPON AN AMAZING JOURNEY OF DISCOVERY. AT THE HEART OF THIS JOURNEY LAY A DESIRE TO DISCOVER AND ATTUNE MYSELF TO THE MOST SACRED IDEALIZED VISION OF THE FEMININE AS IT EXISTED IN CULTURES THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. THIS JOURNEY LED ME FAR FROM THE SHORES OF MY BIRTH, ALONG STRANGE PATHWAYS, DEEP INTO THE HEART OF ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONS. . . . . . IT LED ME TO A TIME MUCH DIFFERENT FROM OUR MODERN AGE, A TIME OF GRACE, BEAUTY, AND SOPHISTICATION, A TIME OF HARMONY AND BALANCE. A TIME WHEN SENSUALITY WAS CONSIDERED SACRED AND THE FEMALE BODY THE HOLY ALCHEMICAL VESSEL OF CREATION AND TRANSFORMATION, WHEN THE SACRED WAS EXPRESSED THROUGH DANCE, MUSIC, MYTH, GEOMETRY, ART AND ARCHITECTURE. THIS WAS THE AGE OF THE GREAT CIVILIZATIONS OF EGYPT, SUMERIA, INDIA, TIBET AND PERSIA. WHAT I HAVE GLEANED FROM THIS JOURNEY, THIS HEARTFELT QUEST FOR AN UNDERSTANDING OF THE FEMININE IN HER HUMAN AND DIVINE ANIFESTATIONS, CONSTITUTES THE ESSENCE OF THIS BOOK. Excerpted from the book entitled The Path of the Priestess, A guidebook for Awakening the Divine Feminine by Sharron Rose RASA, as you have now chosen to stop promoting male heros and start promoting women who are self-realized Goddess, Priestesses and Emissaries of Mother GOD, please promote Sharron Rose. This is a brief excerpt from her wonderfully wise book The Path of the Priestess These books of Goddess Realized women are so powerful that every one of them would make a profound epic movie script. So mote it be. " Until you get MAN off your eyeballs, you can't se NOTHIN', Alice Walker, the Color Purple Author, Movie Screen Writer, womanist. Congratulations for getting " MAN " off your eyeballs Rasa, Love. We have been conditioned to see the whole universe/ galaxy/ creation through white male colored cataracts! WE need transplants of GODDESS cataracts and eyeballs! So mote it be. Goddess SEER, Dancing Diva Melody Shiva Ma, Galactic Shapeshifting Shaman, Changing Woman,ttp:// MORE FROM MELODY HART: I love the Kelly Everts image you sent me this week. It would be great to create a pictorial Goddess Anthology of contemporary women matched with ancient Goddess images/ archetypes/ icons to demonstrate that we are the same goddesses . . . reincarnated, with the same Goddess attributes, characteristics, temperaments as our female progenitors! Looking forward to seeing your YOUTube dance videos Edited for better lighting and even special effects transitions. I would like to see your whole life in pictures showing the morphogenesis of Rasa von Werder/Kelly Everts, Mother God incarnation. As soon as more women are internet technology savvy, the whole internet is going to be Goddess Domain! Already there are " virtual " Goddess Temples all over the internet! As they become more visited, visible and more State of the Art, Goddess Magic is going to be profoundly realized. Love, your devoted admirer and sister friend, confidante and alter Ego. THE THERAPY OF MOTHER LOVE KING SOLOMON ONCE MANAGED A DISPUTE BETWEEN TWO MOTHERS, BOTH OF WHOM CLAIMED AN INFANT WAS THIERS HE CAME UP WITH AN IDEA OF HOW TO DISCOVER WHICH MOTHER LOVED THE CHILD THE MOST HE SAID HE WOULD CUT THE BABY IN TWO AND GIVE EACH HALF -- THIS IS VERY STUPID AND I THINK IN REALITY WHAT HE SAID, 'I WILL GIVE EACH OF YOU CUSTODY OF THE BABY HALF A YEAR ' THE MOTHER WHO LOVED THE CHILD THE MOST SAID, 'OK, FORGET IT, I RELINQUISH CUSTODY, LET HER HAVE THE CHILD' BECAUSE SHE KNEW A CHILD SHOULD BE BONDED TO ONE MOTHER RATHER THAN BEING UNCERTAIN WHO THE MOTHER IS NOW YOU COULD ARGUE THERE COULD BE A FEW MOTHERS FOR ONE CHILD, AND IN MATRIARCHY IT WORKS THAT WAY VERY WELL, AS MANY WOMEN LOVING A CHILD IS MAKING SURE THE CHILD IS NEVER IN WANT ALL WOMEN ARE MOTHERS, AND THEY ALL HAVE THE POTENTIAL TO MOTHER A PERSON, EXCEPT IN REAL LIFE, IT 'S HARD TO FIND ONE I MYSELF WOULD LOVE TO HAVE A MOTHER'S LOVE - MY OWN ABUSED ME TO THE POINT OF PSYCHOLOGICAL DEATH, MY DAD WAS NO HELP I STILL BELIEVE YOU COULD IMPROVE TREMENDOUSLY WITH THE THERAPY OF MOTHER LOVE, BUT WHERE AND HOW DO YOU GET IT? I WAS TALKING TO JONATHAN ABOUT WOMEN - HE IS ALWAYS GOING OUT LOOKING FOR THEM, ENDS UP LEAVING THEM BE, AND PREFERS TO TALK TO ME ON THE PHONE THAN BEING WITH THEM JONATHAN TELLS ME WHAT I ALREADY KNOW, HOW SELFISH AND SELF CENTERED THEY ARE, HE HAS TO PAY $15. A DRINK TO GET THEM TO TALK TO HIM AND MOST OF THE TIME HE GETS NOTHING OUT OF IT -- IT'S NOT EASY BEING A MAN FINDING A WOMAN TO LOVE YOU IN UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, JUST PURE LOVE, IS VERY HARD FINDING ANYONE TO LOVE YOU IS VERY HARD, THE TRUTH IS, IF YOU CAN FIND ONE PERSON WHO REALLY LOVES YOU, AND ONE OR TWO LOYAL FRIENDS, IT IS ALL YOU CAN HOPE FOR. MOST PEOPLE ARE USERS AND FALSE FRIENDS; IT IS A SAD AND LONELY WORLD. ````````````````````````````````` Envisioning a World Without Men Scientist Says Female-Only Reproduction Is Only a Few Years Away By NICK WATT LONDON, April 28, 2008 RSS Imagine a world without men: Lauren Bacall but no Bogie, Hillary Clinton but no Bill, no Starsky or Hutch. Could the entire male sex vanish from earth?This isn't just an unlikely sci-fi scenario. This could be reality, according to Bryan Sykes, an eminent professor of genetics at Oxford University and author of " Adam's Curse: A Future Without Men. " " The Y chromosome is deteriorating and will, in my belief, disappear, " Sykes told me. A world-renowned authority on genetic material, Sykes is called upon to investigate DNA evidence from crime scenes. His team of researchers is currently compiling a DNA family tree for our species. Y Chromosome 'Fatally Flawed' The Y chromosome is passed from father to son, it's what makes babies into boys. Basically the human template is a female: the Y chromosome kicks in a few weeks after conception and makes a boy. " Men are genetically modified women, " explained Sykes. But unlike other chromosomes, the Y chromosome can't repair itself and will, says Sykes, disappear altogether in about 125,000 years. " Every generation one percent of men will have a mutation which reduces their fertility by 10 percent, " explained Sykes. Unlike most chromosomes, the Y does not travel through the generation in pairs, so can never repair itself from a mirror. Flaws are never repaired. " So if that goes on for generation after generation, " Sykes argued, " eventually there are no functioning Y chromosomes left. " Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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