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Search for a Guru or go the path of Godrealization on your own ?

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In the search for God the question often is with a Guru or on your

own. The answer may be difficult but is very clear. If you really can

follow all teachings and all advise of your Guru, then the path to

God is infinitely easier and smoother to God as when you go the same

path on your own.


Most souls are here on earth because they have completely lost

conscious awareness of the divine source. The emphasis is on

conscious awareness ! The spiritual ignorance in combination with

Maya - the power of illusion and distraction on earth and astral

worlds is so huge that you need to be fully aware of it to

transcendent it and dissolve all distraction on your path to freedom

in God.


Most Godseekers address a few deep and sincere prayers when they find

themselves in deep troubles. And once they found and realized a

solution as a result of their prayers most of them may get absorbed

by their old attitude and driving forces toward the material world



To accept and progress with a Guru, you really and sincerely need a

full willingness to accept and affirm his advice and practice

whatever he is teaching you. If a guru needs to repeat his teachings

more than once or twice it surely is better to search your path to

god on your own. A guru can perceive all divine guidance received

from God and he perceives all your personal karma and your spiritual

blockages. Hence all he says and teaches you has a deep spiritual

sense and the only and sole purpose of his teachings is to bring you

to God.


To be guided by any Guru you need to pray directly to God and address

all your prayers to God only. A guru serves God only and can help you

only if you address all your prayers to God directly. If you start to

pray to a Guru instead it may be becoming more and more a burden for

your Guru to guide you. Whatever you ask from God, your Guru is

receiving all the guidance to physically reflect the guidance and

answers to you.


If however you start to discuss with your Guru every advice he gives

you on your path or if you ask for guidance and hesitate or delay to

follow his guidance, then it might be better to search direct

guidance from God only. God is guiding you through your karma. The

path of your karma is also a path to God - but it might take a few

thousand years or more longer to achieve the same goal. But the path

of karma is a straight path to God - straight around and across your

karma until you have learned through suffering your own karma what

could have been learned with Love from a Guru or by strictly

following holy scriptures of this world. By definition - Holy

Scriptures are only those scriptures that are directly written by

godrealized saints of all times. Like Bhagavad Gita, Yoga Sutras of

Patanjali and many more.


The time a Guru is in a physical body is very limited, his Love for

you may persist and last for eternity. Once a chela of a Guru, you

may receive all guidance even if he has left his physical body and

returned to God again. His Love and Bliss coming from God is showered

upon all his disciples infinitely and as much as they individually

open for such guidance and Love. Since his time is limited on earth

he may prefer to guide those who accept all guidance and god may take

over all those who reject for any reason direct physical guidance

offered by God to Godseekers. God is the final Guru of all. If you

want a physical Guru you really and sincerely need to accept God as

your true Guru. Only if you have developed such a Divine Love for God

you may be really open for all Love flowing from God through your

Guru to you. Love in such a case may be expressed in more direct

guidance, more spiritual lessons in a particular incarnation and

hence more spiritual development for your soul.


The more you want to keep from your very personal attitude,

attachments and behavior the less it is possible or the more

difficult it has become for any one but God to guide you. God has

infinite time for you and may need to guide you through dozens or

even hundreds of incarnations. A Guru has but one incarnation left to

teach and help you. God may need infinite amounts of Love and Bliss

to constantly dissolve all the new karma and blockages, rejections,

desires, fears and more that you create again and again. God is

offering you all the time - at any given time - the very best of all

options that you are opening for. Look at your life and see how your

life is - that is how much you allowed God or anyone else - to Love

you and help you to dissolve all in Divine Love.


All will find God. Absolutely ALL ! If you have no Guru around you

and still search for guidance, then pray to God and God will be your

Guru. But you need to be able to listen to God, hear his guidance,

hiss Love flooded whisper to you. It is very gently, very loving and

always " forgiving " - as God is but Love - he can but love all of his

creatures of any kind. All you need to do is to really and

immediately accept all his guidance to progress the smoothest and

fastest path of Love to your freedom in God. He may send you to books

or other sources of information that you may need, to affirm and

confirm the guidance you already have received directly by the

perception of your Divine Intuition. Know how clear and true your

intuition is - and act according to the result of this survey. Trust

your intuition if you are sure that you are absolutely right. use

common sense where your intuition is disguised by your own

expectations or fears.


God may talk to you by using other children of him, besides a Guru.

sometimes small children, children of any age, foreigners may act as

messengers from God to you. Learn to see and perceive such guidance.

Learn to be fully open to ALL - then and only then you may perceive

such Divine guidance from all your surroundings.


Having a physical Guru allows you to receive constant feedback. It

only makes sense to see him if you really follow all of his advise.

But if you follow his advise there might be no limit as to how often

you may see him. Look at the childhood of Mukunda (Paramhansa

Yoganandaji during his childhood) when seeing his divine and beloved

Guru Sri Yukteswar. He asked for strict guidance because he really

wanted Godrealization as soon as possible and he wanted Love from God

and toward all. Love was the driving force - Love to his Guru as an

representative of the Divine and Love for God.

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