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broken feather Year 2008 Message of Mayan GrandMother Rosa Maria Cabrera

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-- In [NA_Visions_of_Hope, Brother Rick Bain <montoya> wrote:




Blessed are the heavens for they recieive a messenger of earth in

welcome, the long Howls echoes through the canyons, as the Spirt of

Coyote Womans passing. It is a sad day for earth as wisdom not yet

said flows to beyond.. I remain in Spirit..


AHO AHey Yantt'aa's AHY-YE AHEY


P'ro Nde P'ra' Simpre


(Clan of Vision)


Montana USA





Millennium Twain wrote:


on the passing of Coyote Woman, JOB NOJ CHOMIHA,

Mayan Elder Rosa Maria Cabrera, 26 July 2008






I looked and I listened, for the message,

the words of Her song ...


Voices of Mother Earth, GrandMother Sun.


and I heard only silence,

the leaves and bark falling from the trees,


I sent my prayer to the GrandMothers,

as the breeze caressed my face,

a branch tossled my hair,


water sprayed upon my feet,


Chayote vines clung to my ankle,


under garden Stone, still, stood,


HER light revealing all ...






Millennium Twain


-- In Shamanism, Sonya Crank <yasonark> wrote:


I was deeply moved by the words of Coyote Woman

that you shared with us. I mourn her passing even

though I was never privileged to know her. Such a

spirit is a treasure and we should all live by her



Learning Song


--- On Sun, 7/27/08, Millennium Twain <yonibluestar> wrote:


[shamanism] Year 2008 Message of Mayan GrandMother

Rosa Maria Cabrera


2008 Prophecy Message to DiosasAncianos2012, from

Job Noj Chomiha, Rosa Maria Cabrera, Coyote Woman,

to DiosasAncianos2012 --


Millennium, My dear brothers and sisters,


This is my prophecy for this 8.8.08 based

on what my Guiding Spirits are telling me

as I am a Mayan Priestess of the Sacred Fire

from Guatemala, a Grandmother and a Time Keeper.


I just read your wonderful message to the world

for the awaken of the new generation, for respecting

what our ancient Elders taught us and to continue

their paths.


I can see with all my sadness how this world has been

destroyed, how we destroyed it day by day, and just

wish that we ALL can make more actions than only words.


Is beautiful to hear the words but if we do not make

any actions, what we hear will come into one ear and

leave away from the other one.


It is the time for ALL Native American People,

Indigenous from all over parts of this Sacred World

to be unified, to forget who knows more and who knows

less; the main purpose is to join together and in Unity

to make a spiritual army to replenish our Sacred Mother

Earth. Is time to share all our knowledge because truth

should not be only for the 'privileged ones' to know

because if we think like this: How will we learn? -- How

can we pass this Sacred message to the future guardians?


There should be no more competition but complementation

of knowledge and over all: Respect our cultures!


Respect our cultures doesn't mean that you should do

what I do, but share with others how to respect Mother

Earth, tell them what our Elders told us and spread the

message in the good way straight from the Elders of

Tradition so there is no misunderstanding or adding

what is wrong.


We need to be together without thinking who is Cherokee,

Maya, Indigenous from the South, Indians, Yellows, Whites,

African, Tibetan, who came first, who came last, etc. but

to work like sisters and brothers and share the prophecies

of our Ancestors, like those written in our Sacred Mayan

Pop Vuch. They Said: Let's everybody awaken, that not even

one or two stay behind!!! - and this is the main prophecy

of today - They are not saying: ONLY the MAYAS, ONLY the

these or those.... they said_ EVERYBODY!!! !and everybody

is the Universe as we only have ONE SUN with different names.


If we all get together, there will be NO POWER IN THIS WORLD

who will stop us to return our dear Mother Earth to life,

as we are the vast majority population in this world (The

guardians of this Sacred Planet).


This is the main thing we ALL need to do without looking

to our cultural colours, if we look to our different roots,

anyway we are all children of the Spirit, Ahau, Allah,

Kali, Mary, Jesus, Mahoma, Maat, Buddha, Kuan Yin, Krishna

or whichever ancestor you name. We all are rivers which

come from the same Milky Sea (Galaxy), we are all several

electric bulbs of different watts and colours but belong

to the same Universal Energy, we are ONE with the Universe,

with our animal cousins and without keeping this balance no

one will survive. It is true that our prayers are powerful

but there is an expression that I heard: Someone was praying

for guidance and while she was praying, she was hearing

someone crying of pain nearby, but she continued praying

without paying attention to this one who was crying of

pain. The question is: Can we close our ears to other

people pains while praying? When this woman stopped praying,

she looked for this one who was crying and found him dead!


When we pray to Spirit it is to hear Sun's song, and the

cries of Mother Earth. To become a messenger of all our



We are destroying our families and animals just for fun,

calling it 'sport for hunting or in the bull fights' but

not for surviving. We are seeing children killing the

little birds in the trees just to test their accuracy

for killing them and we do nothing.


We are letting our Governments give permissions to continue

opening mines bleeding, new petroleum wounds, cutting the

living mountains for taking the sacred stones, silver and

gold and for each of these works they need thousands and

thousands of water that later on turn contaminated.


We are letting these big ships throw away all their garbage

to the ocean, plastic bags and our Superior animals of the

water are eating them and die. We are taking the coral from

the seas to sell them in fancy jeweleries with an incredible

value. We are selling wooden statues made our of big trees

that took 200 years for them to grow to get this size and

our governments do nothing because they have 'permission'

if they are carved trees. Isn't it the same to cut a complete

tree and carve it?


In my country Guatemala, I can see people without a house,

without a shelter, sleeping in the wet soil, Elders carrying

heavy things on their hurting backs, without shoes and bleeding

feet and no one do nothing while others have lots of abundance

and dislike sharing or giving what they do not need. I can see

tourists coming to Guatemala, trying to pay less for what our

indigenous people sell without thinking that with one sale,

our people can live for a week while the tourist will spend

the same money in one dinner.


In the first world, they serve plenty amount of food in

restaurants and if you do not eat all, they just throw it

away to the garbage while others in Asia are dying of hunger.

There is no balance in this world and peace will not come

till greed stops. We can see all this money that will cost

the new olympic games in China while they just are passing

through a great tragedy that need to stop wasting all this

money and help their sisters and brothers who have nothing

to eat or no places to live.


The USA government is only wasting our world in wars and

weapons while the soil and food has gone away, and more

people in this world are looking how their children have

nothing to eat. In our country Guatemala, if you go to the

mountains can see there is no more water to drink, and no

one do nothing.


My belief is that what is happening today is the result of

our human indifference to the sorrow of our children and

families, and Mother Nature and the Universe is perfect

and knows perfectly that human hearts will be open only

through pain. The pain that we personally suffer as we

can't feel the same pain for our sisters and brothers

suffering. Our hearts got frozen without feeling compassion

for the ones in desperate need.


Rosa Maria Cabrera

Grandmother and Spiritual

Mayan Elder of Guatemala.




on Saturday, 26 July 2008, I have received word

of the passing of our group guide, Mayan GrandMother

Rosa Maria Cabrera, JOB NOJ CHOMIHA, Coyote Woman.


I have inquired of her family, and of the circumstances,

and will relay what I can as I learn more.


she was to visit us in central California next month,

in August, 8/08, to share more readings and prophecy,

and the ways of the GrandMothers.


the connectivity of each and all of us, all our relations,

all our ancestors, the whole 'Now' world of spirit.


she has left a space for us to fill in,

with Her/our song ...



Millennium Twain


Toadally Our Song



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