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Fifth Night

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Maori blessings.


here is a link introducing the I-Ching, one of the most

consulted oracles in planetary culture.




as to the subject of the " Fifth Night " , that is of course what the

whole world is talking about now -- the world of of the aboriginal

peoples, the GrandMothers, the Seers, the lightworkers -- of the

end of this current dark phase of the Mayan Calendar -- of the

returning of the next light phase ... on 13 November 2008, the

beginning of the Sixth Day. [sIXTH DAY of the Mayan Calendar

(Nov. 13th, 2008 - Nov. 7th, 2009).]


the 'Global Court' or 'Global Justice' which is the unmistakable

inferrence from this reading of the

Book of Changes is


that will take all of the Sixth Day and Night (basically 2009 & 2010)

for Global Consciousness to come to a rough understanding of, and

commitment to.


the implementation of Global Sovereignty, a Global Parliament, a

planetwide Constitution of Ethics and Voluntaryism, protecting

everyone from the predations of the wealthy and powerful, and

the Earth from any and everyone's irresponsibility, will be put in place

in the final cycles of the Mayan Calendar -- in 2011 and 2012.


all of this to accomplish a planetwide confederation of the sacred,

for the reforesting of our Mother Earth ... the returning of the Rain

Forests, and cleansing of the Ocean from industry and oil, military,

and fishing industries ... a program to return the whales and dolphins

from their one percent remaining population to perhaps ten percent

in the coming decades.


the institution of global permaculture ... wherein

we return the

density and diversity of the wetlands and forests ... that our ground

waters may return, and life and fruits and vegetables become ten times

more available than now, for ALL the world's peoples, EQUALLY!


a note on the acceleration of our maturing connectivity, the days

and nights of our evolution and refinement: by November of NEXT

year, 2009, we will have become several times more compassionate,

cool and calm. loving and respectful ... more powerful AND wiser ...

strong in our multicultural bliss and global ancestral insight.


by autumn of 2010 about ten times more so ... and a hundred times

more so by 2012.


in this gathering chorus of song, our Episong,


seven-billion- hued garment of OUR own creation,


divine SoverAnia,


Millennium Twain

9 October 2008

Turtle Island, Mother Earth

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