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Quality Consciousness

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the quality conscious you display and practice in your job is

directly proportional with your readiness to truly love in a really

divine way while eternally improving the quality and manifestations

of your divine love toward all and everyone.


the quality you provide in all your services and products is directly

proportional to the quality of your love in all possible

manifestations - physical as well as metaphysical or spiritual ! YOU

and all humans around you - your employers, employees and co-workers,

customers and suppliers - can easily MEASURE the quality of all your

action and work.use the quality standards and measure methods to get

feedback for YOUR spiritual attitude and learn to make adjustments as

needed. the quality you receive can never be higher than the quality

you give ( law of karma ). if you want to achieve god union you have

to be willing to learn to provide best possible quality of anything

you do.


above as below - inside like outside


whatever you do here on earth is what you would do back home - are

you sure the quality standards YOU set for YOURSELF is high enough to

match the quality of all your divine family at home waiting for you -

ready to GIVE you ALL they have and ready to RECEIVE from you all YOU

have to give ?


are you always doing and giving the very best possible - in LOVING

all others and God ?


hat has quality with spirituality to do - you may ask now ... a

LOT !!!


to be continued...

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