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An important note on the forthcoming WBO convention

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Dear Friends and like minded people


Re: The forthcoming World Brahmin Organization Convention at Jaipur Rajastan on

25th December


World Brahmin Organization convention is going to take place from 25th December

2009 onwards at Jaipur, Rajastan and it is going to be held under the leadership

of Dr Sangam Misra the present President of the Organization.  The Organization

has geared up well to reach the expectation of its founders and it is surely

capable of doing something – something very useful beyond the imagination of

all in the days to come.


The Problems which Hindus face today in India can only be answered or redressed

by the World Brahmin Organization and people expect a lot from the organization.

There are some areas where only and only this WBO can do something.  They are


1)      There is no uniform Panchang in the country and people living in

different regions get themselves confused due to this.  A Uniform panchang duly

respecting the sentiments and customs of different people in different regions

has to be drawn and apex bodies to be formulated to settle any matter of dispute

like some people say that a festival on some day and others do not agree.  An

authority to be set up which should resolve these issues to create a high degree

of confidence on Indian Traditional Systems.  In the absence of creating a

confidence on these systems, people prefer other convenient method which are

available in other religions and which does not lead to confusions.

2)      Many pontiffs of Hindu religion prefer individual identity and they

are soaked in individual images than the image of Hinduism and its rich

tradition.  They are developing their own followers and this is helping to some

extent to identify themselves as Hindus, but this also creating internal dispute

like Saivaites and Vaishnavaites and so on and ultimately the in-fight is

weakening the Hindu Movement at large..  Therefore, pontiffs from Different

fields and different regions should be brought onto a platform in order to

create a confidence that they are all one and they all contribute uniformly for

the welfare of people and Hinduism.  THIS PLATFORM CAN BE CREATED ONLY BY WBO


3)      Rituals – I really do not understand as to why rituals differ

from place to place and region to region. Particularly when they are drawn from

Vedic order of life uniformly.  I suggest setting up of a separate branch in

the WBO wing to upkeep this and create a cell which can judge and certify the

Pundit for his qualification and ability as a standard priest approved by Vedic

Order for performing the rituals.  This will help people to rely upon the

certificated members and over a period of time the group scope will enlarge and

authenticity of the rituals and uniformity of the ritual can be enforced. 

4)      Books and literature on rituals to be printed in different

languages and circulated amongst the Brahmin Priests so that they get equipped

with the Vedic Orders.  We may take the assistance of Tirumala Tirupathi

Devastanams which is also publishing the procedural aspect of rituals in

different languages.  If it is not doing as per the need of the day, we can

convince them and get the literature printed to suit the convenience of the

Brahmins and this will help WBO to save the expenditure.  TTD is already on

this job and only thing is that WBO should be able to coordinate and draw the

required support in tune with the need from West to East and South to North. 

This we know better than TTD and as such we can put our ideas before TTD and get

them involved in a suitable manner rather than as a ritual manner.  We need a

representation from TTD on the dais of WBO during the convention and this will

help us in many directions.

5)      It is surely a tough task to make Brahmins Units united Nation

Wide.  My tour to seven states during the last two years got me a feed back in

this fashion.  There are number of Brahmin Children who are economically so

poor – pathetic it is, they are serving some houses as cleaners etc while

paying attention to the traditional education during the night time.  We must

be able to convince the Government to set up a cell separately for this purpose

and all Economically Poor Brahmin Children should register their names with WBO

and also with a Government Wing so that their position can be monitored from

time to time and cross checked by the WBO about their status.


There are number of areas, but by and large, I believe these five areas will

help the Brahmin Community for the time being and these areas may be put up on

the agenda for discussion.  Secondly, if the Organizing committee for the

forthcoming WBO Convention is accepting these proposals, Pontiffs from different

regions and personnel from TTD should also be invited to the Convention.



What ever it is, the forthcoming convention should be able to create a HISTORY

and it should ensure all Brahmins worldwide that Brahmins are not self centered,

but Brahmins are PURA –HITAs (Purohits)- true and honest well wishers of the



Learned people from different groups can also their opinion to this

ideas presented,  and the aim is to convey that WORLD BRAHMIN ORGANIZATION

protects Brahmins World Wide and its status remains as a Protector of Purohits

– Well wishers of the Society.  WBO stands for (W) World Peace, (B) Brahmin

– Purohit –well wishers of the society Unity, and (O) Organized Vedic and

Traditional Education.


Yours affly




Dr P V Sesha Sai Aswamedhayaaji


Web http://aswamedhayaaji.com  e mail shodasisai

Personal Mobile 518 368 7956

13th September 2009

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