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Samaychara Vs Vamachara Vs Mishrachara

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Dear shakthas,


When I was young and read books like Aghora by Robert Svoboda about

Aghori Vimalananda(who incidentally took mantras from my father's

guruvugaaru in Anakapalli), I used to be hyper about Vamachara. I

used to think it is the path for Kaliyuga and a very romantic path.


But a bit more maturity and able guidance from my Gurunatha Sree

Rajagopala Anandanatha of Nangainallur Sri Sarvamangala

Rajarajeshwari Ashrama paved way for a greater understanding.


Those who read Lalitha sahasranama will be well well aware of the

term 'samayachara Tatpara " for Godess Rajarjeshwari. She is the

original Samayamata who emnated from a Homa kunda when Brahma rishis

were worshipping her Himalayas. That path was made odious by Buddhas

who said tantric sex was bad and gave a colour of sexual grossness.

Adi shankara saved this samayachara and this contains " divine sex "

within the atman where the shakthi and shiva kalayika is done through



The word " tatpara " here means that Samayachara goes beyond the three

gunas whereas Vamachara is tamasic and Mishra is Rajasic. So

Samayachara as followed by the Dakshinachaaris is highly divine and

very powerful way of connecting with the Paramamvyoman. This is

the 'vaak' of Godess Rajarajeshwari Herself. She is both the head of

Vamachara and Mishrachara(her two eyes, the third eye being

Samaychara). This is how I put it.


Now, some people take refuge with Vamchara saying that it was done by

greats like Ramakrishna Paramahamsa. I have no objection to that. If

I say anything against Vamachara(which many in Dakshinachara do) it

is like poking my Divine mother Rajarjeshwari's left eye! But here

some caution should be exercised. The great adepts like Ramakrishna

paramahamsa can do Vamchara without falling to the pits which

Vamachara has. They go beyond body and the grossness. For them " sex "

does not exist. They are sexless(not to be confused with nueterity or

napunsakathva..being an eunuch). Brahmacharya is just the way of the

Divine and does not bespeak of celibacy or 'supressional control'(as

opposed to sadhanic control of avyayaas). If one thinks one has

reached such Alpine heights in Spirituality then Vamchara can be

perfomed with gaiety and enthusiam but otherwise one just digs for

himself/or herself a deeper pit. Sadly people look for quick fixes

these days(I myself was not an execption) and try to gain samadhi,

money or some thing selfish in a faster manner and opt for Vamchara.


Only the grace of the guru can save you from the pitfalls of both

Vamachara and Mishrachara.Luckily my gurunatha Sri Rajagopala swami saved me

from Vamachara even before I could venture completely.


Namo Namaste Shiva Kamakoti,


Namo Namste Mama guruparampare!



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