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Efficacy of reading Lalitha Sahasranama-culled out from 'Sowbhagya Bhaskara'

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Dear Sadbhakthas of Rajarajeshwari Devi,


6 Lalitha Sahasranaam is a conversation between Agastya and

Hayagriva, in Vishnu Sahasranaam between Bhishma and Yudishtira and

in Lakshmi Sashasranaam between Gargya and Sanatkumara. If jasmine

flowers are offered in the sacrificial fire (Homa) whilst chanting

the sahasranaam, then one attains fame and also attracts other

people to him.



Ajamila led a wayward life, away from the path of righteousness. He

left his wife and went to live with a woman who was practising the

oldest profession in the world. He had many children through her of

whom the last was named Narayana. When his end was nearing Ajamila

saw some strange beings around him. Actually they were the agents of

Yama, the Lord of death, who had come to take away his soul. Unable

to recognize them he called out to his last son, " Narayana, please

come and see what these visitors want. " Although he was not a devout

person, Ajamila attained `moksha' or salvation, just because he

uttered the name of the Lord—Narayana –at the time of his death!

Such is the power of uttering the name or `naama' of God and vedic

scholars never tire of citing the story of Ajamila to drive home

this truth.


The sages of the ages have said that there are three ways to realise

the presence of God within us: Jnana Yoga, Karma Yoga and Bhakthi

Yoga. In this age of Kali, it is practically impossible to be a

Jnani i.e., one who possess Total Knowledge or Universal Wisdom.

Karma Yoga, or the path of Action, may not be possible for those who

are physically unfit or sick. Bhakthi yoga or the path of Devotion

is the easiest way to God—realisation in this Yuga of Kali. Almost

anyone can practice it and both Lord Krishna in the 12th chapter of

the song-celestial Bhagwad Gita, as well as Sage Vyasa, have

extolled the virtues of `Naama Sankirtanam' i.e., repetition of the

Divine Name to neutralise the evil effects of Kali and attain

salvation. The best and most powerful way of doing this is by

reciting the " Sahasranaama' or the 1000 names of the Universal deity.


`Sahasranaam' or `Sahasranaama' literally means, thousand names.

These names or epithets describe and glorify God in a thousand

different ways. Each Puran has its own version of Sahasranaam and

each God and Goddess has His/Her Sahasranaam. Composed by the

ancient rishis the Sahasranaamas vibrate with powerful divine energy

if they are chanted with utmost devotion. This energy is responsible

for the stimulation of certain nerve centres in the brain, said to

promote a state of mental equipoise and general well-being, that are

necessary for meditation and God realisation. It is common to hear

Sahasranaamas recited in devout Hindu houses. They can be recited in

their original form (stotra) or separate individual form




Example : Stotra : Shri Mata Shri Maharajni Shrimat



Sahasranaamavali : Om Shri Matre Namah

Om Shri Maharajne Namah

Om Shrimat Simhasaneshwari Namah


Each Sahasranaam has its own Rishi:

Vishnu Sahasranaam : Veda Vyasa

Lalitha Sahasranaam : Vashini and Vagdevta

Saraswati Sahasranaam : Kratu

Annapurana and Durga Sahasranaamas : Sadashiva


Different Sahasranaams have been composed in different metres. eg.,

Gayatri Metre : Dhanwantari Sahasranaam

Anustuph Metre : Durga, Sudarshan, Annapurana, Subramanya and

Saraswati Sahasranaams

Brihati Metre : Tulsi Sahasranaam


There are different forms of Sahasranaam:

eg., Sahasranaam in the form of a string of Sanskrit alphabets (A,

Aa,...) is called `Sahasranaam Stotra Malika.' The first name begin

with the letter `Aa' and the last name begins with `Ha' or `Sa'.

eg., Ganesh, Skanda and Annapoorana Sahasranaams. Another type of

Sahasranaam is a continuous flow of names beginning with a single

letters. eg., " Ga " Kara Ganapati, " Da " Kara Durga, " Ra " Kara Rama



Here all the 1000 names begin with their respective letter. eg.,

Durga, Duritagni, Daridranashini and son on. Very few sahasranaams

are a combination of the Purusha and Stree devathas. Though these

are very rare they are very powerful and grant the devotee nothing

less than salvation or `moksha.' These are also known as `Yugala



eg., Radha Krishna Yugala Sahasranaam in the Narad Puran describes

500 names of Lord Krishna followed by 500 names of Radha. Certain

Sahasranaams begins with mantras:


eg., Mrityunjaya sahasranaams Though it is an accepted fact that a

sahasranaams should be recited after Guru Upadesha (with permission

from the Guru after he has imparted it to his disciple), some

sahasranaams are very liberal in that they do not have strict rules

to adhere to and confer only benefits to the devotee. eg., Vishnu



As per the name, Sahasranaam should have 1000 names, however, it is

common to see this limit being exceeded. Shiva Sahasranaam has 1008

names while Saraswati sahasranaama has 1109 epithets. Many a time we

also come across repetition of names. It is to be remembered that in

Deva Basha (Sanskrit) a single word has many meanings. For example,

Hari means Lord Vishnu as well as a Monkey! Here one is reminded of

the story where the sage Narada was humbled by Lord Vishnu. Once,

Narada, out of arrogance demanded from the Lord that he should look

like Hari. The Lord granted his desire and to everybodys' shock

Narada became monkey—faced!


The number of Sahasranaams is almost endless—Dattatreya, Anjaneya,

Tulsi, Durga, Lakshmi, Saraswati, Parvathi, Surya, Dhanvantri,

Vishnu, Ganga, Bhavani, Gayatri, Sudarshana, Mrtyunjaya, Chandi,

Kali, Ganesha, Shiva, Skanda and so on. It is interesting to note

that there are more than one sahasranaam for a single deity. There

are almost 10 different Sahasranaams for Lord Shiva (Shiv Puran,

Aditya Puran, Mahabharat, etc.,) 4 for Vishnu (Garud Puran, Padma

Puran, Mahabharata and Pancharatragama), 4 for Lakshmi (Padma Puran,

Skanda Puran, Pancharatra and an unknown one), 2 for Durga, 2 for

Ganesh and 3 for Rama.


Sahasranaams are popular amongst the people because of their rich

literary content, simplicity and the promise of the fulfillment of

one's desires. Their powerful mantric nature, without side effects

(Vedic mantras, if not recited properly can cause harm while puranic

mantras are of general use only) is a big point in their favour.

Various acharyas (gurus) have written their commentaries on the

Sahasranaams—Sri AdiSankara on Vishnu Sahasranaam, Sri Bhaskara Raja

on Lalitha Sahasranaam etc., Sahasranaams have 3 distinct parts, the

Poorva Pitika (introductory part), Stotra proper (1000 names) and

uttara Pitika or Phalashruti (glorification). The introduction is

usually in the form of a dialogue between two rishis, the rules to

be followed etc., It is somewhat similar to a guru imparting

knowledge to his disciple. eg., In Lalitha Sahasranaam it is a

conversation between Agastya and Hayagriva, in Vishnu Sahasranaam

between Bhishma and Yudishtira and in Lakshmi sashasranaam between

Gargya and Sanatkumara.


The next part of the introduction is meditation (dhyana) for which a

specific sloka exists, which describes the form of the God or

Goddess to be meditated upon. eg., Lalitha Sahasranaam Dhyana

Sloka. " O calm, affectionate and ever-smiling mother, you are red in

complexion with three eyes and the Moon on your crown. You behold a

red lotus and gem studded bowl in your hands while your red coloured

feet rest on a gem studded pedestal. I meditate on Thee. "


Following Dhyana is the sahasranaama stotra after which comes the

phalashruti. The last part, phalashruti describes the merits of

reciting the sahasranaam. Although, in general all sahasranaams

satisfy devotee's needs, they are also capable of granting an

additional, specific benefit. eg.,



Vishnu and Dattatreya Peace and Salvation


Lakshmi Wealth


Durga and Lalitha: Protection,Love affairs,Vasheekaran,High

spirituality and immense fame,wealth and auspiciousness along with

showing the mokshapada.


Saraswati Knowledge and wisdom


Dhanwantari Health




Prayoga, or method of use, is described right at the end i.e.,

methods to obtain progeny, destroy enemies, gain wealth and so on.

Sahasranaam can also be recited at Yagnas by adding the

suffix `Swaha' instead of `Namah'. Vishnu and Lalitha sahasranaam

yagnas are commonly performed in famous temples. The `Ahuti'

(offering) here can be curds, rice or flowers, depending on the

objective of the yagna. For example, if jasmine flowers are offered

in the sacrificial fire (Homa) whilst chanting the sahasranaam, then

one attains fame and also attracts other people to him. There are

hundreds of mantras and stotras in the Hindu religion, but the

sahasranaam is the king of all the stotras. With this brief

background let us drink the nectar of the two most famous

sahasranaams— one glorifying Lord Vishnu, and the other extolling

the virtues of Goddess Lalitha. Sri Lalitha Sahasranaam:


Brahmananda Puran describes the `Prakrti' (femine cosmic force) or

Supreme Goddess as `Sri Lalitha Maha Tirupra Sundari', the slayer of

the demon Bhandasura. This wicked demon was born from the ashes

of `Manmatha' (God of Love) after he was burnt alive by Lord Siva.

Bhandasura undertook a severe penance and obtained boons from

Brahma. Using this power he conquered the Gods and ruled over his

kingdom `Sunyaka'. Even the `Trimurthis' (Brahma, Shiva, Vishnu)

were powerless before him. So all the Gods and Devas performed a

Mahayagna giving Mahabali (Sacrifice) and prayed fervently to the

Goddess to liberate them from the evil reign of Bhandasura. `Sri

Chakra' emerged from this sacrificial fire with Sri Lalitha at the

centre (Bindu), surrounded by her attendants. Brahma and Vishnu got

Her married to Kameshwara, a beautiful incarnation of Lord Siva. She

was crowned as the Great Queen and all the Gods served the couple

for some time.


Later, when Bhandasura's cruelty had crossed the limit, Sri Lalitha

challenges him to a duel. A terrible fight took place between the

two when the earth trembled and even the Gods and Trimurthis swooned

out of fear. Finally, Sri Lalitha kills the demon with an omnipotent

missile called the Kameshwara Astra. Lalitha and Kameshwara then

rule over the kingdom of Meru from the new city, Sripura, built by



The `Poorvapitika' (introduction) to the Lalitha Sahasranaam is a

dialogue between sage Agasty and the horse-faced incarnation of Lord

Vishnu, Hayagreeva who appeared before the saint and enlightened him

on the glory, prowess and virtues of Goddess Lalitha. The omnipotent

Lalitha sahasranaam was kept as a divine secret by the Gods.

Hayagreeva imparted it to Agastya only after the sage begged him to

do so.


The Lalitha Sahasranaam, eulogising the Goddess with a 1000

epithets, was authored by Vashni and other Vagdevatas (Goddesses of

wisdom). Such was the beauty of this stotra that the Goddess was

immensely pleased and bestowed boons on it. Whoever recited it with

devotion would find favour with her and all his desires would be



The rule of Sri Vidya is that one should worship Sri Chakra, repeat

the Panchadasa Kshari mantra (15 syllabled mantra) and then recite

the Lalitha Sahasranaam. However, if the devotee is unable to go

through the sequence of worshipping the Goddess and performing Japa,

the Mother has given the assurance that by merely chanting Her

Sahasranaam the devotee would obtain the benefit of worshipping the

Sri Chakra and that all his desired would be fulfilled.


The Lalitha Sahasranaam is a very melodious and beautiful stotra. It

is rightly regarded as the King (or, is it the Queen?) of



Reciting just one name of the Sri Lalitha Sahasranaam destroys all

the sins Of a devotee. It is said that the power of just one name in

the Lalitha Saharanaam is so much that all the living beings of all

the fourteen worlds put together cannot negate its effect by their

sins. If one recites Lalitha Sahasranaam by keeping bhasma (ash) in

his hands, he can relieve the sufferings of others by smearing their

body with this Energized ash! Reciting this sahasranaam by holding a

pot of water and then sprinkling the water would remove all bad

planetary influences and the presence of ghosts and evil spirits, if

any! It is very effective against sorcery also.



One of the early scholars to write a commentary on the Lalitha

Sahasranaam was Bhaskararaya who called it as `Sowbhagya Bhaskara'.

However, the scholars of Kasi mocked at Bhaskara and did not give

his commentary the recognition that it deserved. They said that when

the great Vidyaranya (responsible for establishing the Vidyanagar

empire along with Harihara and Bukka) himself lost his mind while

writing the commentary (the Goddess had forbade him to do so), how

was Bhaskararaya able to do so. They challenged him to elaborate the

meaning of one name – `Mahachatushasti Koti yogini gana sevita'

i.e., `One who is served by 64 crores of yoginis', by naming all of

them and their exploits.


Bhaskararaya accepted the challenge posed by the scholars. He prayed

fervently to the Devi to help him in this mind-boggling task. On the

appointed day, a curtain separated him from the Kasi scholars. He

had laid down the condition that they should write down the names of

the yoginis and their exploits as he recited them. The slokas flowed

from his mouth like a waterfall and the thunder-struck scholars

could not keep pace with his recitation. They could not even write

down the first dozen names, let alone 64 crore names of the yoginis!

During the proceedings, one of them moved the curtain aside. To

their bewilderment, they saw that a small girl child (Bala Tirupura

Sundari) was sitting on Bhaskararaya's lap and reciting the slokas

in his ears! With tears rolling down their cheeks, the scholars fell

at Bhaskararaya's feet and begged for his forgiveness.


Another commentary was by Subbaraya. He was a staunch devotee of

Goddess Lalitha but was disturbed by the translation of one

name `Madhu Priya', meaning the Goddess who loved liquor! After

praying fervently to the Goddess who blessed him, he wrote his own

commentary wherein he explained it as `Goddess who loved honey!'.

But actually She also drinks 'liquor' with some mantras.(These

things are best left unsaid)


The Lalitha Sahasranaam begins with a beautiful string of epithets,

which provide the essence of love, affection and compassion.


`Shri Mata Shri Maharajni Shrimat Simhasaneshwari'.

Salutations to the Mother who looks after everybody and to the Great

Queen sitting on the throne.

`Chidagni Kunda Sambhuta Deva Karya Samudyata!' This entire sloka is

one epithet which describes that Sri Lalitha rose from the

sacrificial fire to oblige the gods. Here `Chidagni' can also

mean `She who has risen from our minds.'

Slokas 2-24 (epithets 6-64) describe the beauty of the Goddess. " Oh,

Mother, you have a complexion that is more than a 1000 times

brighter than the rising Sun (Udyadbanu Sahasraba); your eyebrows

are like a garland arch, your face is a flood of beauty while your

eyes resemble fishes moving hither and thither. The nose appears to

be like a blooming champaka flower, while the nosering puts even the

brightest of stars to shame...... "

Epithets 65-84 describe the war, which took place between Sri

Lalitha and Bhandasura. Riding a chariot called Chakraraja, served

by Mantrini and Dandanatha, the guardians of Geyachakra and

Kirichakra, and surrounded by a divine fiery radiance of Jwala

Malini, Sri Lalitha and her army of Shaktis destroy the forces of

Bhanda. Balambika, the 9 year-old daughter of Sri Lalitha and

Kameshwara, slays the two sons of Bhanda while the two asura

generals Vishanga and Vishukra are slain by Mantrini and Dandanatha.

To destroy the black magic yantra planted by Bhanda in the Shakti

camp, Sri Lalitha created Ganesha – " Kameshwara Mukha loka Kalpita

Shri Ganeshwara. " Ganesha (along with his followers) destroys the

yantra with his tusks – " Maha Ganesha Nirbhinna Vighna Yantra

Praharshita. "

The next few names describe the valour and courage of the Goddess.

Sri Lalitha created 10 incarnations(amsas not to be confused with

Rama,Krishna,etc) of Vishnu from the tips of Her finger nails to

slay the demons created by the Asura (Bhandasurendra Nirmukta

Shastra Pratyastra Varshini and Karanguli Nakotpana Narayana

Dashakriti). She destroyed the army of demons by Pasupatastra,

killed Bhandasura and burnt his city by Kameshwara Astra (Maha

Pasupatastragni Nirdaghasura Sainyaka and Kameshwaraastra Nirdaghda

Sa Bhandasura Shunyaka). Sri Lalitha was praised by the Trimurthis

and other devas. She redeemed Manmatha from his sins, gave him a new

life and blessed him.(Please hear mookapanchasati cassette recording

of Shanakaracharya of Kanchi. I have heard it and in that he reveals



After the Sahasranaam stotra, Phalashruti begins. It is mentioned

that there is no other Sahasranaam equal to this. It can cure all

diseases and provide a person with all the comforts. It can bestow

long life, progeny, protection and prevent Apamrityu (sudden death).

It is said that this Sahasranaam is Devi's favourite one. A devotee

should recite this Sahasranaam daily to please Goddess Lalitha.

However, if he is unable to do so he can recite this stothra at

least on auspicious days like birthdays, navami, shuklapaksha

chaturdashi, Fridays and Full Moon days. To get rid of diseases and

obtain long life, one should consider the Moon as Sri Lalitha on a

full Moon day and worship Her with this Sahasranaam. If you are

suffering from fever and headache, you can obtain relief if another

devotee recites this Sahasranaam and touches your head. Similarly,

the effects of poison are also nullified by drinking this holy

water. Even barren women will beget children if they eat butter

sanctified by this Sahasranaam. Vashikaran can also be performed

with this stothra. A person even if tied down by ropes would come

running to the devotee. A king can be made a slave by reciting this

Sahasranaam for three nights by facing the direction where the king



If Goddess Lakshmi (wealth) has to stay permanently, then one should

recite this Sahasranaam with full devotion for six months.

Saraswathi will reside at the tip of his tongue if he recites the

Sahasranaam thrice daily for one month. Whoever recites the

Sahasranaam with care and devotion for a fortnight attracts

beautiful women.


If one recites this Sahasranaam on Fridays, he attains all

Purushartha——Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha. If this Sahasranaam is

written in a book and worshiped, Tripura Sundari is pleased and

fulfills all his desires. Worshipping Sri Lalitha on Mahanavami will

lead to salvation. If the devotee worships her with jasmine, lotus,

Tulsi, champaka, bilva and other flowers, even Lord Shiva cannot

describe the benefits the devotee obtains.


If a person recites other sahasranaams, he has to take a crore of

births before he becomes a devotee who recites Lalitha Sahasranaam.

Finally, it is this which makes him eligible for Mukti. This is to

describe the power of this Sahasranaam. At the end, Hayagriva

cautions Agastya that this knowledge should not be imparted to a

cruel person, non-devotee or non-Sri Vidya worshipper, as the

yoginis would curse him. Thus ends the Lalitha Sahasranaam.


I would advice serious aspirants in the path of srividya to recite

this stotra thrice and do Lalithasahsranama Homa(with the namas

adding swaha in the end instead of namaha) with Bilva leaves or

Jasmine dipped in cow's ghee. This will extremely please Devi. I

know this for sure and can hit the ground thrice and say with

authority!! that it is so!


Paraamba Preethi,



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