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Secrecy in Srividya

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Dear nectar drops of Srividya,


Vidya actually in the original devabhasha(sanskrit is a name given my manavas to mean 'cultured ' language. Noone knows the original name of snaskrit) means "Mantra"


Vidyopetham vidurabudhimanah trayethe ithi mantraha.


That which saves one's mind is mantra. Actaully mantra goes beyond. It destroys the mind. It is said Lord shiva said to godess parvathy 100000 ways to destroy mind and go beyond.

We all live in cages. The first cage is the body and the next cage is the mind. Once you are free from these two cages it becomes very simple. The ball which was supressed in the water for long suddenly bobs up to the surface of the water.


The "I" vanishes and the "HE/SHE" forms. The story of the crucifixtion of Jesus christ symbolises this. The "I' when cut is the cross. cross out the "I" and you become the christ.

"Iam the voice of one crying in the wilderness, make straight the way of Lord,as said the propeht Isaiah"(John 1:23). I remember attaending to the choir in the St,thomas church in Madras singing this thought in the pslams too.


Secrecy secrecy secrecy forms the path of any spiritual endevour. Even jesus said that one should lock in one's room and pray one's heart out to God.


Srividya worship means the placing of srichakra and mahameru both symbolise the yoni(vagina) of the divine mother. Howmuch more secretive should you be. Wil you show to evryone the private parts of your or your dear one's body? You seek the bliss of life, sat-chit-ananda from that very yoni which gives it free. The menstrual flow is akin to the kumkuma which we put there. The mother bleeds herself to give you. Can you not be a bit secretive about the worship? Unless I write graphically like this people wont understand the gravity.Please excuse me if I have become emotional here.


There were two tibetan monks by name marpa and milerepa. I read their stories and also some references in the book by name "The tibetan book of living and dying".One was the dsicple of other. Now milerepa was given a mantra by his guru, a simple one but still he told milarepa to keep it a secret.Then when Milarepa slept"The guru came in the dream and said give me the mantra" Milarepa replied back in the dream "No , you said not to give the mantra to anyone and anyone means you too so I wont give it to you also" Next day on he never slept. Now his guru was concenrened and came to him and asked why he was not sleeping. Milarepa said" You are playing games with me when i sleep you come in my dreams and ask me the mantras...ok once i could control myself even in the dream but i donot know what i will do in the future..whether i will have the control". His guru said,"you passed the test". Milarepa became enlightened that very monet and became

the greatest master of tibetan buddhism.


I have been fascinated with the oriental traditions in China and tibeta and read many books on Taoism and Budhhism from china and in particular tibetan buddhism, This tory inspired me a lot to the concept of secrecy in spirituality.


Now why secrecy in srividya and spirituality?


When you are secretive. The mantra goes deep inside your very being. The deepest of the deeps are gently shaken. Not that this mantra is not known to the world. No that is no the moot point here. The fact that noone knows you are doing the mantra that is the moot point here.


People say one should not even reveal that one is doing srividya worship. It is so secretive.


Secondly the knowledge of a mantra makes you babble on and on about it to others. This then becomes a gossip. The mind keeps gossiping inside always and so this is brought out by this mantra. This too is not good for spirituality s one loses one's vaak shakthi.


Thirdly when the mantra or vidya is let it it sticks to the outer aura. This has been scietifically proven. The mantra does not penetrate for a strange reason adn wears away faster.


finally only when one is secretive one takes things seriously and the mantra keeps acting in the mind always.


The midas and the donkey ears story proves the point here.


There was one king by name Midas and he had donkey ears! The only person who knew it was his barber! He told his barber o" you have to know that I have donkey ears because you have to cut my hair..but if you tell this to anyone. I will behead you" Now the barber was in a fix he was a loudmouth and for a loudmouthed person this is the greatest punishment. It was too much for him!! HE HAD TO TELL IT SOMEONE else he had to die!!!


So he dug a pit and said in that pit"MIDAS HAS DONKEY EARS" he did that many times and his heart was content. And then someone planted a bamboo sapling there and the bambo sapling grew into a big tree. The tree began to saway in the wind and say"MIDAS HAS DONKEY EARS! MIDAS HAS DONKEY EARS!" and the whole kingdom knew the king had donkey ears!


People who do some sadhana or spiritual practice keep telling they had this experience or that experience. A few now and then is ok to perk oneself up but making it a habit and waiting for dreams daily to come is not so good.



Be simple like a child not obstinate like a mule!


This then is today's posting all about. I promised I would tell about the concept of secrecy in one of my earlier postings and I remembered it and posted it. I will post my gurunatha's story when i have time tommorow. I Also need to do some blogging.







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