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[Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru] Gurupaaduka puja for srividya

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****** <para_anuloma wrote:


Dear Srividyamahopasakaas,


Paduka puja forms an integral part of srividya worship. Guru's feet contains the nectar. Studies have even shown that the yogic energy is concentrated in the feet of a spiritual man. This makes it imperative for a person in the srividya field to wroship Gurupadukas.






















This is one of the most important mantras in Sri Vidya upaasana










Thereafter you shall bow to the Guru by showing the five mudras Sumukha, Suvriththa, Chaturasra, Mudgara and Yoni [11] and praise the Guru as follows:-
















And shall do panchopachara pooja (a symbolic small pooja) as follows:







With Vam Bija (the Bija for water) I pour water and wash the Guru/his feet or diety as the case may be and offer the same saying this, you shall touch the base of ring finger with the thimb and going up to the tip all the time retaining contact between the fingers. Imagine that all the water in the world as having been offered.

With Lam Bija the (Bija of smell) I offer all the sweet smells of the world to you){Thumb at the base of small finger and going up to the tip)

with Ham Bija I offer all the good flowers of the world unto thee.(touch forefinger tip at the base of thumb and move to the tip)

- with Yam Bija I offer all the pleasent fumes of the world unto thee.(Thumb at the base of forefinger moving to the tip)

With Ram Bija I offer all the light in the world unto thee - (Thumb at the base of middle finger and moving to the tip)

With Vam Bija I offer all that is consumable in the world unto thee as Naivedya.(Thumb at the base of the ring finger moving up to the tip)[ 12 ] It may be noted that it is believed that showing the Mudras results in stimulation of specific parts of the body - casual and astral.








Then you shall worship the Guru with the following poetry: I bow unto thee, my Guru, the very embodiment of ShivaThou art the very embodiment of knowledge who has taken various formsNewest of new and the embodiment of The TruthWho is verily the Sun that removes the darkness of ignorance that is covering my mindHe who is independent of everything the very embodiment of kindness and is shiva himself.To the dependant bhakthas seeking grace and beauty is the very grace and beauty themselves.To the discriminating the very discrimination, to the critical the very criticismTo the enlightened the very enlightenment to the wise the very wisdomWho shall be worshipped on all sides in the front back and sidesAlways be seated in my mind in the incorporeal state.This is a meditation on the Guru. When these Slokaa are recited you get a visual

imagery of the Guru at the appropriate place. As the Sloka becomes easy and byheart, one can dispense with the Sloka and just do the visualization.










If a sadhaka praises Guru with the above five couplets, at the time of waking up in the morning his day shall be very auspicious.[ 13 ]










Then with joining the palms above head you shall recite:






This is the Guru Paaduka[ 14 ] with which one shall worship the whole Guru lineage from the first downward to your Guru










Having thus worshipped the feet of all the Gurus and their saktis from the first Guru down to your Guru you shall do three praanaayamas with the moolamantra. The Moolamantra in Sri Vidya is taken as the Panchadashi Mantra. For those who are Upasakas of Shodashi it shall be Shodashi .[ 15 ]







This mantra is recited once as you inhale through left nostril holding the right closed ; then it is held the length of time to recite the mantra once then closing the left nostril the air is released through right while reciting the mantra once then it is repeated in the reverse order inhaling throiugh Right and holding and exhaling through left and the first step is repeated the third time.






You shall visualize a lightning like, stiff rod like, Sakti of light stretching from your Moolaadhaara chakra to the sahasraara chakra with the effulgence of a million Suns with the color of the rising Sun whose mission, out of its innate kindness, is to burn the karmic and other bocks - both divine and man made. Then you visualize all the Karmic and other blocks that prevent the divine blessings arising from the Deekshaa that you have taken and is blocking your spiritual progress being burnt off by the rays of light from this Sakti. Having so visualized, you shall recite the moolavidyaa 10 times. In order the make this bvurning off of all blockages, you shall then recite the mantras of the Rashmi maala visualizing the particular chakras where the mantras are indicated and visualizing that all the blocks in those areas are burnt off. Each mantra shall be visualized as a ray from the Kundalini Shakti striking the

chakra where the blocks are visualised as a small heap of garbage. As the rays touch it, the garbage is visualized as being incinerated.


[9] Here the word "Amukaanandanatha" is to be replaced with the name of the Guru. This applies to all the places where this word is mentioned.[10] the five mudras[11] These pictures are taken from the site http://sanskrit.bhaarat.com/brahmavidya/3rd%20page.htm there are a few variations of the name. That does not matter.[12] The movement is a sort of rubbing motion. As you become an adept you should be able to feel the wetness on the fingers when you offer water, smell when you offer gandha; and so on.[13] This again is a dynamic meditation where the Guru is praised with the qualities that he possess. As One goes on when you can visualize the qualities without reciting the slokas, one is progressing.[14] There are other guru paadukas for other mantras and they are given below.[15] In the tradition the pachadashi and Mahaa Shodashi are considered secret of the secrets. The reason is that recitation of these mantras confers

powers or "siddhis" easily. However, in view of a situation where there is difficulty in finding a suitable Guru and the thirst of Sadhakas for liberation, I am giving them in accordance with the statements of Lakshmi Dhara who said he can be accepted as Guru for all time to come and there will be no problems. And as these writings are following Sri. Vishnu Sharma's "Srividyaarnnava tantra" it can be considered part of that and there is Devi's specific boon that a book can be used instead of Guru.[16] Whereever "moola vidya" is referred to it is this mantra



Sree Rajagopala Anandanatha gurupaadukaabhyam pujayami tarpayaami swaha,







Purity, Powers, Parabrahmam...





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