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[Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru] Practice of Lalitha Sahasranamam

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Dear Shaktha mitra,




My sweet mother Rajarajeshwari..subodha


First do dhyana sloka(peruse file in our group's file section). Place a photo of sri rajarajeshwari on the altar along with other siddhas and spiritual people. Create a pleasant atmosphere.


Light dhoopa of rose/sandalwood/champa or any other essence. Rose relieves one of tiredness,champa is Rajarajeshwari's favourite and sandalwood creates a peaceful ambience.


Then mentally while lighting a ghee lamp before pray for her protection


Then visualize her like this:








The Divine Mother is to be meditated upon as shining in a vermilion-red body, with triple eyes, sporting a crown of rubies studded with the crescent moon, a face all smiles, a splendid bust, one holding a jewel-cup brimming with mead, and the other twirling a red lotus


When doing archana or japa visualize her like this:


At the time of performing Japa we should meditate on the Mother, whose body is anointed all over with vermilion and musk that attracts the bees, whose glance itself is a lovely smile, who holds in her hands the bow, the arrow, the noose and the goad, who captivates every one without exception, who is adorned with red garlands and ornaments and who shines with the hue of China rose.


Do the archana with om aim hreem sreem at the begninning and namaha swaha at the end(prefixation and suffixation)


If you are doing the stotra then just do it in anushtup chandas(take the help of popular casstte).


offer her rice pudding(very sweet) naivedya.


Offer her a white flower for peace and happiness and red flowers for higher spirttual attainments. Else offer her any flowers you want.


Then do the phala sruthi mantras in the end. If you can do the mantra pushpam else leave it.


Initially what you put in the sanctum sanctorum is but a piece of stone or metal. Then the Tantrika who is installing the deity goes in and sits in meditation in front of the deity, and imagines the cosmos to the very end of all the galaxies. And then you slowly reduce the Universe to your own galaxy; a sort of folding inward. Then the galaxy is reduced to the solar system and thence to earth and thence to the country and thence to the immediate environs of the place of the temple, thence to the boundary of the temple and thence to the sanctum sanctorum; and thence to the Kundalini in the mooladhara of the installer. There it is visualised as a flame inside a lotus. An external lotus is taken (a real one), a lamp is held on it, and then you join the flame in the kundalini with that your hand. You raise the flame in your moolaadhara to the hrit chakra and then take it out of there to join with the real

flame Then you imagine a similar flame in the mooladhara of the diety, and that too is raised to the hrit chakra. And the flame in diety's hrit chakra is taken out and joined with the real flame (there are mantras being recited during all this which helps the visualization). Thus, the flame - that is, the Universe, including everything - is one. There is only one flame; then from that flame you install the flame at the hrit chakra of the diety with Mudras. Then you reinstall the fame in the installer's heart chakra, and it goes back to the mooladhara, and then the Universe flame is taken out and re-expanded to the very edges of the Universe. Before all this, the Nyasas are performed on the installer and the diety simultaneously. Thus the installer is the devata and it is from the installer that the universe is installed in the diety. Rather interesting, eh?In this context you must also understand the Tantric installation of dieties (statue, picture, or what have

you), because the whole process is repeated when you are worshipping another individual








1. This Sahasranama, which is most secret, is most pleasing to Lalita Parameshvari. There is nothing to equal this in the Vedas or Tantras.2. The daily chanting of this hymn gives the same merit as that obtained from bathing in holy rivers and giving gifts of wealth, food, land and cows.3. Barren women get the gift of children by taking ghee that has been made potent by chanting Lalita Sahasranama.4. By daily chanting of the Sahasranama, the effects of evil spells are removed.





7. Relief from afflictions due to the influence of planets or evil spirits can be removed by chanting the Sahasranama while holding some water and then pouring that water over the head. 8. Chanting this prevents untimely death and grants long life and good health. Relief from fever is obtained if this hymn is chanted with a hand held on the head of the one who is suffering. The person who is suffering can do this himself. Depending on the severity of the disease, it may be necessary to chant the hymn several times. The holy ash used for Sahasranama archana brings immediate relief from all diseases.9. Devi protects those who chant this hymn daily from dangers and from attacks by enemies. Victory in battle is gained through the chanting.10. Daily chanting of the Sahasranama augments prosperity, eloquence and fame. Chanting on Fridays is especially good for prosperity.11. The Sahasranama may be chanted by those who

are in any of the four stages of life (brahmacharya, grihastha, vanaprastha and sannyasa). Chanting it while wishing fame brings fame and wishing wealth brings wealth. Chanting this hymn with love and without any desire brings the knowledge of Brahman.12. One name of Shiva is equal to a thousand names of Vishnu. One name of Devi is equal to a thousand names of Shiva. Of a thousand Sahasranamas dedicated to Devi, Lalita Sahasranama is the most exalted.13. By holding yagnas of Lalita Sahasranama (worship in large groups), the consolidation of dharma becomes possible in the Kali Yuga. Chanting this hymn is most beneficial for individuals also, for eliminating the ill effects of Kali Yuga. There is no barrier of country, caste or religion in this regard.14. It is difficult to please Devi without the chanting of Lalita Sahasranama. Through this hymn, the sins accrued in many births are removed.15. There are many Sahasranamas dedicated to Devi. The following 10 are the

chief among these: Gangastava, Bhavanistava, Gayatristava, Kalistava, Lakshmistava, Sarasvatistava, Rajarajeshvaristava, Balastava, Syamalastava and Lalitastava. Of these, the most exalted is the last one, Lalita Sahasranama.

May Nanganallurvasini Sree Rajarajeshwari devi and Rajagopalaanandanatha swami both bless you. Iam happy atleast one member asked me how to do Lalitha saharanama,which is a powerful way to invoke Her majesty Sri Rajarajeshwari's presence.

Namasankeerthana priye,


"Rajasekhar (Ashrafs)" <rajasekhar wrote:


Hari Om Pranams to Dear Subodha, Punyathman !!


Could u please advice the proper methodology of performing Sri Lalitha Sahasra Nama Archana as part of Daily Prayers at Home.


Observed in different books different ways and hence needs your advice in this regard


With Great Regards


Rajasekhar K G

PB 143

Kingdom of Bahrain





Purity, Powers, Parabrahmam...





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