Guest guest Posted May 25, 2005 Report Share Posted May 25, 2005 Dear Somaskandas and somaskandis, The panchadashaakshari is an important mantra for Sri Vidya upaasakas(practitioners). It basically consists of 15 Bija mantras in a particular order. This is a very powerful mantra and each line given above is said to have thesame efficacy as the gaayatri mantra said once. Thus the whole mantra has thesame effect as saying the gaayatri thrice. However, this is a very powerfulmantra and requires extra niyamas (rules) to be observed. The saadhaka should beextremely pure in mind and the mantra has to be obtained from a guru who hasattained siddhi of the mantra. This is in contrast with the gaayatri mantrawhich can be imparted by a father to his sons even if he has not attainedsiddhi of the gaayatri mantra. The exact nature of this mantra is elaborated in various tantrik texts and theTripura taapinii Upanisshad.h. It is a fact that very few people can actuallyundertake the strenuous discipline required for performing this japa. Thus forcommon people like us, the Lalitaa trishatii has been given by Kaameshvariiherself. The BrahmaanNDa puraaNa tells us that the Devi herself gave thisstotra to Hayagriiva, an incarnation of Lord Vishnu and one of the foremost SriVidya upaasakas.However some sources say Vaageeshwari gave it. I have checked with my Gurunatha in Chennai regarding this and he said consider Rajarajeshwari Ambal as having given it. So there ends the matter for me. Hayagriiva in turn gave it to Agastya, another famous SriVidya upaasaka. It would be extremely naive to consider this a mere stotra. Hayagriiva emphasizes that though this is in the form of a stotra it is actually a mantra.The stotra consists of 300 names of the devi. There are 20 names starting witheach of bija mantras in the paMchadashaakshari. Thus there are 15 X 20 = 300names. Finally, it is important to note that the names were composed jointlyby Kaameshvara and Kaameshvarii. The names beginning with the Shivaaksharaswere given by the Devi, the names beginning with the Shakti aksharas weregiven by the Lord, and the names beginning with the ubhayaaksharas (both)were given by both the Lord and the Devi. The bijas 'ha' and 'ka' are the Shivaaksharaas, 'hriiM.h' is the ubhayaakshara and the rest are Shaktiaksharas. Hayagriiva says in the phalashruti that this fact has to be known toget the full benefits of chanting the trishati.-- Everything is a concoction of time, space and energy only and all else is thetrite talk of people who dislike the effort of sadhana which takes them to theSelf. This talk is based on their dense ignorance of the Self. Only by persis-tent practice and experience of sadhana can one arrive at the truth that allconcepts of souls, world and the cause thereof are just evanescent shadows inthe screen of Siva-Self-Brahman. Ribhu Gita 24.31 -- Among the 18 puraaNas, brahmanda-purana is well known for theextolling of Lalita. It explains in detail the appearance ofthe Goddess Lalita to save the world from the clutches of thedemon bhandasura. There are three important sub-texts in thispurana.The first of these texts is Lalitopaakhyaana, consisting of 45chapters and is found in the last section of the purANa. Thelast five chapters are especially well known. They extol thethe Divine mother, explain the significance of the mantraof the goddess (shoDashAksharii-vidyA), the various mudras andpostures to be practiced, meditations, initiations etc., andthe mystical placement of the deities involved in Shri Chakra.The next text is the celebrated Lalitaa sahasranaama, whichconsists of 320 verses in three chapters.The third text is the lalitaa trishati in which 300 names of thegoddess is featured. There is a well known commentary on thiswork by Adi Shankaraachaarya.Lalita trishati and lalitaa sahasranaama are dialogues betweenthe sage Agastya and the god Hayagriva\footnote{Pronounced as hayagriiva}.Hayagriva is theincarnation of VishhNu who assumed the form of a horseto kill a demon by the same name. Agastya was asage of great renown, who is immortalized as a star in thecelestial heavens(one of the seven Rishi-s, saptarshhi or Ursa Major).He is the patron saint of Tamilnadu being afounder of a system of medicine called Siddha, and also havingdrunk the whole ocean in his kamaNDalum. According to yAska'sNirukta, Agastya is the half-brother of the great sage,VasishTha.The story of the meeting of Agastya and Hayagriva isgiven in the lalitopaakhyaana and is quite interesting. Agastyawas visiting several places of pilgrimage and was sad to seemany people steeped in ignorance and involved in only sensualpleasures. He came to kAJNchi and worshiped kAmAkshI and soughta solution for the masses. Pleased with the devotion and hiscaring for the society, Lord VishhNu appeared before Agastyaand provided the sage Agastya with the solution of `curing' theworldly folk from ignorance. He explained that He is theprimordial principle, and the source and the end of everything.Though He is above forms and guNas, He involves himself inthem. He goes on to explain that a person should recognize thatHe is the pradhhAna (primordial) transformed into the universe,and that He is also the purushha (conscious spirit) who istranscendental and beyond all qualities(guNa-s) and forms. However torecognize this, one has to perform severe penance,self-discipline etc. If (since) this is difficult, Lord VishhNuadvises that the worship of the goddess will achieve thepurpose of life, given as liberation from bondage,very easily. He points out that evenother Gods like Shiva and Brahma have worshiped the goddessTripuraa. VishhNu concludes his discourse saying that this wasrevealed to Agastya so that he (Agastya) can spread the messageto god, sages, and humans. VishhNu requests Agastya to approachhis incarnation, Hayagriva and disappears from Agastya'ssight.Agastya approaches Hayagriva with devotion and reverence.Hayagriva reveals to Agastya that the great Goddess, lalitaa,is without beginning or end and is the foundation of the entireuniverse. The great goddess abides in everyone and can berealized only in meditation. The worship ofgoddess is done with the lalitaa sahasranamaa (1000 names) and Hayagrivateaches him this great sahasranaamaa.After this Agastya thanks Hayagriva and tells him that though he has heardabout Sri Chakra upaasana and the sahasranaama he lacks the satisfaction ofknowing all the secrets and catches hold of Hayagriva's feet. Hayagriva istaken aback and keeps quiet. At this time Goddess Lalita appears to Hayagrivaand tells him that both Agastya and his wife Lopamudra are very dear to her,and that Agastya is worthy of receiving the secret Lalita trishati and thendisappears. Hayagriva lifts up Agastya and tells him that he is indeed a greatman since Lalita herself had commanded him to impart the trishathi to Agastya.He also tells him that he is fortunate to have Agastya as a disciple since hehad the vision of Lalita due to Agastya. He then gives him the followingtrishathi.kakaararuupaa kalyaaNI kalyaNguNashalinI .kalyaaNashailanilayaa kamaniiyaa kalaavatI .. 1..kamalaakshii kalmashhaghnii karuNaamR^ita saagaraa .kadambakaananaavaasaa kadamba kusumapriyaa .. 2..kandarpavidyaa kandarpa janakaapaaN^ga viikshaNaa .karpuuraviiTii saurabhya kallolita kakuptaTaa .. 3..kalidoshhaharaa kaMjalochanaa kamravigrahaa .karmaadi saakshiNii kaarayitrii karmaphalapradaa .. 4..ekaararuupaa chaikaaksharyekaanekaaksharaakR^itiH .etattadityanirdeshyaa chaikaananda chidaakR^itiH .. 5..evamityaagamaabodhyaa chaikabhakti madarchitaa .ekaagrachitta nirdhyaataa chaishhaNaa rahitaaddR^itaa .. 6..elaasugaMdhichikuraa chainaH kuuTa vinaashinii .ekabhogaa chaikarasaa chaikaishvarya pradaayinii .. 7..ekaatapatra saamraajya pradaa chaikaantapuujitaa .edhamaanaprabhaa chaijadanekajagadiishvarii .. 8..ekaviiradi saMsevyaa chaikaprabhava shaalinii .iikaararuupaa cheshitrii chopsitaartha pradaayinii .. 9.. iiddR^igitya vinirdeshyaa cheshvaratva vidhaayinii .iishaanaadi brahmamayii cheshitvaadyashhTa siddhidaa .. 10..iikshitriikshaNa sR^ishhTaaNDa koTiriishvara vallabhaa .iiDitaa cheshvaraardhaaN^ga shariireshaadhi devataa .. 11..iishvara preraNakarii cheshataaNDava saakshiNii .iishvarotsaN^ga nilayaa chetibaadhaa vinaashinii .. 12..iihaaviraahitaa chesha shakti riishhat.h smitaananaa .lakaararuupaa lalitaa lakshmii vaaNii nishhevitaa .. 13..laakinii lalanaaruupaa lasaddaaDima paaTalaa .lalantikaalasatphaalaa lalaaTa nayanaarchitaa .. 14..lakshaNojjvala divyaaN^gii lakshakoTyaNDa naayikaa .lakshyaarthaa lakshaNaagamyaa labdhakaamaa lataatanuH .. 15..lalaamaraajadalikaa lambimuktaalataaJNchitaa .lambodara prasuurlabhyaa lajjaaDhyaa layavarjitaa .. 16..hriiMkaara ruupaa hriiMkaara nilayaa hriiMpadapriyaa .hriiMkaara biijaa hriiMkaaramantraa hriiMkaaralakshaNaa .. 17..hriiMkaarajapa supriitaa hriiMmatii hriiMvibhuushhaNaa .hriiMshiilaa hriiMpadaaradhyaa hriiMgarbhaa hriiMpadaabhidhaa .. 18..hriiMkaaravaachyaa hriiMkaara puujyaa hriiMkaara piiThikaa .hriiMkaaravedyaa hriiMkaarachintyaa hriiM hriiMshariiriNii .. 19..hakaararuupaa haladhR^itpuujitaa hariNekshaNaa .harapriyaa haraaraadhyaa haribrahmendra vanditaa .. 20..hayaaruuDhaa sevitaaMghrirhayamedha samarchitaa .haryakshavaahanaa haMsavaahanaa hatadaanavaa .. 21..hatyaadipaapashamanii haridashvaadi sevitaa .hastikumbhottuN^ka kuchaa hastikR^itti priyaaMganaa .. 22.. haridraakuMkumaa digdhaa haryashvaadyamaraarchitaa .harikeshasakhii haadividyaa hallaamadaalasaa .. 23..sakaararuupaa sarvaGYaa sarveshii sarvamaN^galaa .sarvakartrii sarvabhartrii sarvahantrii sanaatanaa .. 24..sarvaanavadyaa sarvaaN^ga sundarii sarvasaakshiNii .sarvaatmikaa sarvasaukhya daatrii sarvavimohinii .. 25..sarvaadhaaraa sarvagataa sarvaavaguNavarjitaa .sarvaaruNaa sarvamaataa sarvabhuushhaNa bhuushhitaa .. 26..kakaaraarthaa kaalahantrii kaameshii kaamitaarthadaa .kaamasMjiivinii kalyaa kaThinastana maNDalaa .. 27..karabhoruH kalaanaatha mukhii kachajitaambhudaa .kaTaakshasyandi karuNaa kapaali praaNa naayikaa .. 28..kaaruNya vigrahaa kaantaa kaantidhuuta japaavaliH .kalaalaapaa kaMbukaNThii karanirjita pallavaa .. 29..kalpavallii samabhujaa kastuurii tilakaaJNchitaa .hakaaraarthaa haMsagatirhaaTakaabharaNojjvalaa .. 30..haarahaari kuchaabhogaa haakinii halyavarjitaa .haritpati samaaraadhyaa haThaatkaara hataasuraa .. 31..harshhapradaa havirbhoktrii haarda santamasaapahaa .halliisalaasya santushhTaa haMsamantraartha ruupiNii .. 32..haanopaadaana nirmuktaa harshhiNii harisodarii .haahaahuuhuu mukha stutyaa haani vR^iddhi vivarjitaa .. 33..hayyaN^gaviina hR^idayaa harikopaaruNaaMshukaa .lakaaraakhyaa lataapuujyaa layasthityudbhaveshvarii .. 34..laasya darshana santushhTaa laabhaalaabha vivarjitaa .laN^ghyetaraaGYaa laavaNya shaalinii laghu siddhidaa .. 35..laakshaarasa savarNaabhaa lakshmaNaagraja puujitaa .labhyataraa labdha bhakti sulabhaa laaN^galaayudhaa .. 36.. lagnachaamara hasta shriishaaradaa pariviijitaa .lajjaapada samaaraadhyaa laMpaTaa lakuleshvarii .. 37..labdhamaanaa labdharasaa labdha saMpatsamunnatiH .hriiMkaariNii cha hriiMkari hriiMmadhyaa hriiMshikhaamaNiH .. 38..hriiMkaarakuNDaagni shikhaa hriiMkaara shashichandrikaa .hriiMkaara bhaaskararuchirhriiMkaaraaMbhoda chaJNchalaa .. 39..hriiMkaara kandaaN^kurikaa hriiMkaaraika paraayaNaam.h .hriiMkaara diirghikaahaMsii hriiMkaarodyaana kekinii .. 40..hriiMkaaraaraNya hariNii hriiMkaaraavaala vallarii .hriiMkaara paJNjarashukii hriiMkaaraaN^gaNa diipikaa .. 41..hriiMkaara kandaraa siMhii hriiMkaaraambhoja bhR^iN^gikaa .hriiMkaara sumano maadhvii hriiMkaara tarumaMjarii .. 42..sakaaraakhyaa samarasaa sakalaagama saMstutaa .sarvavedaanta taatparyabhuumiH sadasadaashrayaa .. 43..sakalaa saJNchidaanandaa saadhyaa sadgatidaayinii .sanakaadimunidhyeyaa sadaashiva kuTumbinii .. 44..sakaalaadhishhThaana ruupaa satyaruupaa samaakR^itiH .sarvaprapaJNcha nirmaatrii samanaadhika varjitaa .. 45..sarvottuN^gaa saMgahiinaa saguNaa sakaleshvarii .kakaariNii kaavyalolaa kaameshvara manoharaa .. 46..kaameshvarapraNaanaaDii kaameshotsaN^ga vaasinii .kaameshvaraaliMgitaaMgii kameshvara sukhapradaa .. 47..kaameshvara praNayinii kaameshvara vilaasinii .kaameshvara tapaH siddhiH kaameshvara manaH priyaa .. 48..kaameshvara praaNanaathaa kaameshvara vimohinii .kaameshvara brahmavidyaa kaameshvara gR^iheshvarii .. 49..kaameshvaraahlaadakarii kaameshvara maheshvarii .kaameshvarii kaamakoTi nilayaa kaaN^kshitaarthadaa .. 50..lakaariNii labdharuupaa labdhadhiirlabdha vaaJNchitaa .labdhapaapa manoduuraa labdhaahaMkaara durgamaa .. 51.. labdhashaktirlabdha dehaa labdhaishvarya samunnatiH .labdha vR^iddhirlabdha liilaa labdhayauvana shaalinii .. 52..labdhaatishaya sarvaaN^ga saundaryaa labdha vibhramaa .labdharaagaa labdhapatirlabdha naanaagamasthitiH .. 53..labdha bhogaa labdha sukhaa labdha harshhaabhi puujitaa .hriiMkaara muurtirhriiNkaara saudhashR^iMga kapotikaa .. 54..hriiMkaara dugdhaabdhi sudhaa hriiMkaara kamalendiraa .hriiMkaaramaNi diipaarchirhriiMkaara tarushaarikaa .. 55.. hriiMkaara peTaka maNirhriiMkaaradarsha bimbitaa .hriiMkaara koshaasilataa hriiMkaaraasthaana nartakii .. 56..hriiMkaara shuktikaa muktaamaNirhriiMkaara bodhitaa .hriiMkaaramaya sauvarNastambha vidruma putrikaa .. 57..hriiMkaara vedopanishhad.h hriiMkaaraadhvara dakshiNaa .hriiMkaara nandanaaraama navakalpaka vallarii .. 58..hriiMkaara himavadgaN^gaa hriiMkaaraarNava kaustubhaa .hriiMkaara mantra sarvasvaa hriiMkaarapara saukhyadaa .. 59.. (A rare photo of Rajarajeshwari devi of Nanganallur--it is forbidden to take photos of the deity in the temple. I got this photo courtesy iti shrii brahmaaNDapuraaNe uttaraakhaNDeshrii hayagriivaagastyasa.nvaadeshriilalitaatrishatii stotra kathanaM saMpuurNam.h .. The above is an I trans document. There is a PDF file for better viewing in our group's file. Some people complain to me over emails that Iam being secretive and that Iam directing all to my guru and that I do not reveal much about myself . Please let me clarify that I believe that secrecy should be manitained for a thing to go deep into one's consciousness.Please refer my posting on secrecy in srividya. For example, just tell a child that I have hidden something (say even a newspaper) in that child's closet and say it is a "BIIIIIIGGGGGG SEEEEEECCCCCRREEEEEEETTTT" And nothing else except that the child should not reveal it to anyone. You will notice a sudden change in the child's behaviour. It is always excited and silent and goes inward. If a piece of paper(newspaper in this case) can produce such a effect then imagine what Pancadasi and other mantras can produce. Regarding my identity. I prefer to remain anonymous. I already had lot of problems with people hacking even my IP addreses! Also if i reveal my name,identity etc. It will give me ego for sure. Iam not perfect. When even sage vishwamitra who is a brahmarishi could not control his ego and lust can a poor subodha of kaliyuga do that? I direct many to my guru because 1. I do not want to act as a Guru 2. I only know my Guru well so I can only direct anyone to him.. Iam not propagandizing or proseletysing. Please excuse me if you feel so. I always say "either my guru or any other competent srividya adept" never "only my guru". I leave the choise to you. Hope I have made my stand clear here. Iam noone just forget me and concentrate on the matter and content in the postings. Iam also young and immature and you would be better adviced to take the direction and guidance of elders regarding srividya worship. This group is just a sharing and discussion platform nothing else! If you find any article I posted interesting please just give me my "kooli"(wages) in the form of blessings from your heart! I do not seek anything else. Sarvam Shivam, Sarvam shaaktham, Sarvam gurupadam, I lay my head here, Subodha Purity, Powers, Parabrahmam... Click to join Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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