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History of Tantra

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History of Tantra

The Hindus believed that the creation of the universewas an erotic act of love between the god Shiva andhis consort Shakti. Shiva was worshiped as theembodiment of pure consciousness in its most ecstaticstate, and Shakti as the embodiment of pure energy.They also believed that the joyful dance between Shivaand Shakti is reflected in all living beings andmanifests itself as pleasure, beauty, and happiness.This is the nature of the divine, the root of all thatexists. Sexual ecstasy was seen as a taste of thisdivine nature in human form.The founders of Tantra originally came from all walksof life: royalty, aristocracy, tribal people andpeople practicing all kinds of trades and crafts. Themovement was mainly formed outside monasteries becausethese lay people wanted to practice yoga and spiritualdisciplines outside the walls of monastic life wherethey would be required to be celibate

and separatedfrom members of the opposite sex and from theirintimate and family relationships. The people whopracticed Tantra were called tantrikas. Ultimatelythey migrated across Asia and their practices andbeliefs were incorporated into Taoist and Buddhisttraditions. Early Tantric mystics felt that if a force as powerfulas sexuality was banned or repressed in outward_expression, then it was bound to surface as part ofthe dark side of our character, emerging in such a wayas to cause suffering for ourselves or others. Theyfelt that a celibate lifestyle did not, in fact,represent a mastery of one’s sexuality, but rather arepression and even a flight in fear from it.Tantrikas scandalized mainstream society and wereoften condemned and persecuted because they wereteaching people to embrace all of life with nocontradiction between the sacred and the sexual.Because of the persecution, Tantric masters began

toguard the teachings and only transmit them orally tochosen disciples and only after long periods ofpreparation and purification. The first Tantricwritings appeared in the 3rd century but were writtenin symbols that only initiates could understand. Manyof those surviving texts still have not been fullydeciphered today.The 11th and 12th centuries were considered the GoldenAge of Tantra when it was practiced widely and openlyin India. But the Moslem invasion in the 13th centurybrought slaughter to the tantrikas and most of themanuscript were destroyed. The Tantric movement wasforced underground where it has continued ever since.It has been predicted by the great prophets that thetrue spirit of Tantra would reappear again to unifythe male and female energies. Rediscovering our owninner feminine power (both men and women) might wellbe the best hope we have to save our planet andourselves.I am a

57 years male from Punjab doing Tantric sex.This is sex withoutejaculation. I do sexual intercourse without myejaculation and do takecare that my female partner must get her orgasm.Iwithdraw from theintercourse before my ejaculation.This is sex energyconservation andtransformation. This is sex meditation.My completeprofile and photo is available onwww.netrelate.com/rajkumar.Wanted to know sexmeditation , u r welcome

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the dance between shiva and shakthi is deciphered as


the image of the chakkaram is attached



--- Babitha Vasanth <babitha70 wrote:


> History of Tantra


> The Hindus believed that the creation of the

> universe

> was an erotic act of love between the god Shiva and

> his consort Shakti. Shiva was worshiped as the

> embodiment of pure consciousness in its most

> ecstatic

> state, and Shakti as the embodiment of pure energy.

> They also believed that the joyful dance between

> Shiva

> and Shakti is reflected in all living beings and

> manifests itself as pleasure, beauty, and happiness.

> This is the nature of the divine, the root of all

> that

> exists. Sexual ecstasy was seen as a taste of this

> divine nature in human form.


> The founders of Tantra originally came from all

> walks

> of life: royalty, aristocracy, tribal people and

> people practicing all kinds of trades and crafts.

> The

> movement was mainly formed outside monasteries

> because

> these lay people wanted to practice yoga and

> spiritual

> disciplines outside the walls of monastic life where

> they would be required to be celibate and separated

> from members of the opposite sex and from their

> intimate and family relationships. The people who

> practiced Tantra were called tantrikas. Ultimately

> they migrated across Asia and their practices and

> beliefs were incorporated into Taoist and Buddhist

> traditions.


> Early Tantric mystics felt that if a force as

> powerful

> as sexuality was banned or repressed in outward

> _expression, then it was bound to surface as part of

> the dark side of our character, emerging in such a

> way

> as to cause suffering for ourselves or others. They

> felt that a celibate lifestyle did not, in fact,

> represent a mastery of one’s sexuality, but rather a

> repression and even a flight in fear from it.

> Tantrikas scandalized mainstream society and were

> often condemned and persecuted because they were

> teaching people to embrace all of life with no

> contradiction between the sacred and the sexual.

> Because of the persecution, Tantric masters began to

> guard the teachings and only transmit them orally to

> chosen disciples and only after long periods of

> preparation and purification. The first Tantric

> writings appeared in the 3rd century but were

> written

> in symbols that only initiates could understand.

> Many

> of those surviving texts still have not been fully

> deciphered today.


> The 11th and 12th centuries were considered the

> Golden

> Age of Tantra when it was practiced widely and

> openly

> in India. But the Moslem invasion in the 13th

> century

> brought slaughter to the tantrikas and most of the

> manuscript were destroyed. The Tantric movement was

> forced underground where it has continued ever

> since.

> It has been predicted by the great prophets that the

> true spirit of Tantra would reappear again to unify

> the male and female energies. Rediscovering our own

> inner feminine power (both men and women) might well

> be the best hope we have to save our planet and

> ourselves.



> I am a 57 years male from Punjab doing Tantric sex.

> This is sex without

> ejaculation. I do sexual intercourse without my

> ejaculation and do take

> care that my female partner must get her orgasm.I

> withdraw from the

> intercourse before my ejaculation.This is sex energy

> conservation and

> transformation. This is sex meditation.My complete

> profile and photo is available on

> www.netrelate.com/rajkumar.Wanted to know sex

> meditation , u r welcome






> Sell on Auctions - No fees. Bid on great








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