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Nakuleshwari^^^^^^Mongoose Rajarajeshwaree!

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Dear Rajarajeshwaree-janas,

(This artiste,Malavika Avinash is involved in the serial Rajarjeshwaree and she says " I do not believe in this rubbish but when i portray the character in the serial I do it convincingly that I believe and hence people believe the "rubbish"..."Rajarajeshwaree Devi is pleased with your performance Madam not your attitude!"--shreeram Balijepalli...May Godess Rajarjeshwaree Devi bless her too when She has given in the first place to portray the character due to some poorva janma vasana)


Some good news first: Telugu channel Gemini TV has started the Telugu version of RAJARJESHWAREE at sunday 9:30 pm slot....very sad...when many prepare to sleep..who will watch my divine mother at that hour....anyways for those who are interested they can watch this serial. It is very interesting. I have watched few eposiodes of the Tamil version and Iam lucky I know many languages so I can watch from the first the Telugu version which I missed when I was in Canada.




My fingers were itching to type something for my dear Amba Rajarajeshwaree devi. You know something? Once your mind gets attuned to the name it does not get fatigued easily instead the reverse happens. Though the name "R-A-J-A-R-A-J-E-S-H-W-A-R-I" is long and some prefer the name Lalitha as it is short and simple. I prefer this name as the diety herself has expressed that she likes this name the best.


It seems like ages since I typed the name Rajarajeshwari...so let me type it a few more times....Rajarajeshwaree Rajarajeshwaree Rajarajeshwaree Rajarajeshwaree!!




Ok, now to the posting....Mongoose-Rajarajeshwaree!


You might all be wondering what Iam upto this time.If I give boring postings with the usual srichakra stuff which ordinary lay people cannot comprehend then am I doing service to my Amba and my Guru? I just prefer to leave all my srividya knowledge and worship at the feet of my Gurunatha and do what I like doing best and which is close to my heart,sharing some lesser known aspects of Rajarajeshwaree Devi.


I have the permission of my Gurunatha to share these beautiful stories than Srividya upasana as such.He said "you can also tell something of srividya upasana" But I refrain from it as many members in our group who are elders whom I invited on my own accord to guide me will be affronted by my acts if I indulge in a vast concept like srividya when I should be learning silently from them.


--------- Nakuleshwaree ...MongooseRajarajeshwaree!







Garuda and the peacock are regarded as the worst enemies of snakes. Mahavishnu has Garuda for his vehicle,while Subrahmanya has the peacock. The irony of that is that Mahavishnu reclines on the serpent and ,as Subrahmanya,he is called Nagaraja;indeed in a number of places there are temples to him where he is worshipped in the form of a serpent.


How would you explain such contradictions? The same snake symbolises two different things or concepts. "Ekaan anekaan...iraivan adi vaazgha!"(Thiruvaasagam)




When it is in a man's muladhara and asleep in the form of Kundalini,it represents his sexual activity. It is then considered a bad snake,a posionous snake,since the man's little vitality(when I use the word "man" it means also a "woman"...in woman instead of semen it is the vaginal fluid...no difference) is spent in the form of sexual energy. It is this posion that Garuda and the peacock destroy. After the posionous sexual activity ceases the Kundalini snake ascends to the sahasrara and pours out ambrosia. There it becomes a "good snake",not a cobra,but a bening snake.When it is sleeping in the nuladhara chakra of a man it squanders his praanik energy as semen;but when it is in sahsrara,i makes it ambrosia and dissementaes nectar inside.




Some aghoris say all are skeletons till one raises one raises one's kundalini. Shakthi illa shivam shavam(shakthi leni shivam shavam)...shiva wihout shakthi is a corpse..here the shiva is you and the shakthi is the kundalini.




That semen is produced by Kama is well known. It is said that it becomes ambrosia through the practice of urdhvareta yoga.You cannot deny this without practising yoga(and finding out the truth yourself).Urdva means "upward" ,"Retas" means semen or the ojas shakthi which goes up. This also gives rise to levitatory powers in a human.


The role of semen in procreation is a fact that is well known. There are men whom we yogesvaras and yogasiddhas(lords of yoga,accomplished adepts in yoga) but we have not known them to be immortal through the flow of amrita in them. We hear them living up to the age of 300 or 400 ,but ,then they too die. So how can we believe this phenomenon of the flow of amrita?



(Devas before Shiva and Parvathy)

There is a difference between this ambrosia and the celestaial ambrosia that keeps the body imperishable for very long. All that the celestial ambrosia does is to keep the body alive for long. It has nothing to do with the advancement of the Self. Devamrta(the celestial ambrosia),the product of the churning of the ocean of milk,is like a medicine,a medicine of a high order.It protects the body for long,that is all it can do. It has no power to protect what is within body,''sareeraka'' or the ''atman''. The celestials who have consumed ambrosia,have they become jnaanis? I do not know why people are crazy on opening their kundalinis and getting this nectar!




As for mortals ,after years of sensual enjoyment ,they will exclaim,"enough of this,enough!" They will eventually develop detachment.But the celestials do not lose their health nor their age,so they have no way of escaping sencual enjoyment and developing ''vairaagya",passionlessness.In a way we mortals are lucky. These are not my clever play with words. This is the truth.




True yogins will not be interested in yoga if all that the kundalini does is to create ambrosia that makes the body imperishable for long merely for petty pleasures.They practice yoga in their quest for eternal bliss.


Ths shaktha yogin will not dismiss the body and maya but will embrace it and see the sport of Rajarajeshwaree devi. But however longlived he maybe, three hundred years,three thousand years or three millions years like some shakthas,he may at one stage seek a non-dualistic desire to become one wih Amba Rajarjeshwaree Devi Herself. Then he too will shed his body.




I typed the words good snake and bad snake. The first is the snake of ambrosia,the second that of posion. Subramanya's peacock and Mahavishnu's Garuda destroy posionous snakes. We call Subrahmanya Nagaraja when he himself is in the aspect of the ambrosia snake. It is the same snake that Mahvishnu has as his couch of adisesa.





Patanjali who gave us the Yogasutras is indeed an incarnation of Sesa. When I wen to Chidambaram Natarajar temple with my sister who now lives in Newyork we were shown by one guide one interesting sculpture on the walls and the door walls of the temple showing Patanjali having the legs of the snake and the westerners were as usual taking snaps of it without realising the significance and thinking it to be some myth but...a beautiful piece of sculpture!


He is a great kundalini yogi himself the aspect and some secret teachings of which have not come to fore and people very funnily think he created Hathayoga (with heavy propoganda by some western Hatha yoga teachers!)




Like the peacock and Garuda the snake has another born enemy, the mongoose,which is called "Nakula" in sanskrit.




There is an aspect of Amba Rajarjeshwaree Devi called Nakuleshwaree. Rajrajeshwaree Amba,the queen empress,has a minister known as "Mantrini" which name is also applied to Amba.

(Raja Matangi)



She is also called "Matangi" which name is also applied to Amba.She is also called "Matangi".Although only a minister,the queen-empress has endowed her with all power and portfolio.

"My portfolio will be that of blessing my devotees.You be the home minister and rule all my three worlds." Thus he delegates her authority now and then to Mantrini.That is the reason why she is called "Mantrini nyasta raajyadhuhu" in the Lalitha Sahasranama,the name meaning,"one who entrusts the rule of her empire to Mantrini" This Matangi is called "Raja Matangi".She is the authority to rule.


It is amusing that we call Rajarajeshwaree devi as Nakuleshwaree,the "mongoose godess"




The reason for this: the Kundalini snake in the muladhara performs a function that goes against the Atmic advancement of a man while Nakuleshwaree,as the foe of the snake,blesses us the inward riches.






Muladhara is also known as "Kula" in sanskrit. In the saundarya Lahiri itself we find words,"Kulakundee svapisee..": She keeps the sleeping in the muladhara without awareness of the world of the self. The one who creates the opposite state,the atman to unfold itself,is Nakuli. The opposite of "Kula" is "Nakula".




Among the three enemies of snakes,Garuda,the peacock and the mongoose,there is something special about the first.Garuda not only kills posionous snakes,he is the one who brought amrita.The mother of snakes is his step mother. She ensalved his mother and when he requested her to free her she laid down a condition. She saidI will free your mother if you bring ambrosia from the celestial world to feed my children" Garuda went in search of ambrosia and fought with Indra succesfully and returned to earth with the pot of Ambrosia.


But in the end the snakes could not partake the ambrosia...such is the story. One can then think what it implies???


Earth means muladhara


Garuda the vahana of Narayana


Narayana means Nara+Ayana(one who leads a man to Himself)


Celestial world= the sahasrara


And why couldnt the snakes not have the ambrosia...that I leave it to your spiritual brains to figure out!


Now, Garuda eats snakes,doesnt he? I wanted to speak about his connection with amrita. In Srivilliputtur,where Andal descended to earth(since I was a vaishnavite before becoming a shaktha I know many vaishnava(vainava thiruthalangal) sthalas and one among them is Srivilliputtur),Garuda is offered a delicacy called "Amrita Kalasam" and it resembles a "suyyan"(sukhiyan) The delicacy is so shaped that the outer part must be regarded as the kalasa and the stuffing inside (the purnam) as amrita. And one very loving Iyengar lady used to offer me the "amrita" loving with her hands to me saying,"Kannanukkuke amritamaa?!!"...I remember that Ma here affectionately. Many Iyengars are very devoted to perumal and also Garudatthu Alwar.


The modaka too represents the same principle.It is mentioned variously that Vigneshwara has a pot of Amrta,a pot of jewels,a pomegranite,a modaka.The kalasa or pot has gems inside it and likewise the pomegranite looks gemset with the seeds in it. The outer covering of the modaka and it's stuffing o "purnam" correspond to the kalasa or the pot and the ambrosia inside it. Garudathaalwar( Alwaar means "divine poet" in sanga tamil and it means the vaishnavas hold Garuda too as a saint) Garuda postioning is particularly important in Srivilliputtur. If in all other temples(Vaishnava) Garuda is in front of Perumal(vishnu);in srivilliputur he is by his side in the sanctum sanctorum itself. Perumal is flanked by Garuda and Andal. There is a story behind this. In srirangam,sri ranganatha made andal one with him. Then Periyazhwar(her foster father) lamented :"after giving me such a noble foster child you have snatched

her away from me. Is it right on your part to torment me like this?"





(Srivilliputtur Andal with Ranga Mannar)


Thereupon Perumal said to him"Do not grieve. I will come to Srivilliputhur and after marrying Andal in the proper manner reside there permanently." It was then that,in the twinkling of an eye,Garuda brought them to srivilliputhur. It was in appreciation of this act of Garuda that Perumal has him also by his side as an equal of Andal. It is believed that Periyaazhwar himself is an aspect of Garuda.


As we have seen,Garuda is associated with amrita or amborisa and he frees people from posion.

It is said:




He who meditates on Amba Rajarjeshwaree Devi as one made of the chandrakaatha stone("moonlight stone") emitting ambrosial rays will like Garuda,control the posion of snakes.This is 100% true.


"Sa Sarpaanaam darpam samayati shakuntaadhipa iva"

Sakuntaadhopaha=king of birds,that is Garuda


(The child born to Menaka and abondoned by her was cared for by birds: that is why she was called shakuntala) Pakshiraaja is a common name found in iyengars of tamilnadu and the name means Garuda. They say Iyengars do not call themseleves "Periya thiruvadi" or "Garuda" but "pakshiraja". But the name "Garudaachaar" is common among Maadhvas of Karnataka.I was coming from Vizag just a few days ago and while I was returning I just struck a conversation with my co-passenger who was a madhva brahmin. I was just thinking about this aspect of Nakuleshwaree and Garuda and just asked him in kannada"Nimma hesaru enu?" He replied back" Garudaachaar"!!! ..No kidding! Things dont happen "co-incidentally" . It shows Divinity watches every single thought in a human being.




By reciting this name Nakuleshwaree and the full verse you will get two fold relief,from posion caused by snake bites or any insect or animal bite and from viral fever. After all fever is caused by viruses entering the body.




Another point ,about fever in general. As mentioned here,if a man keeps meditating on AMBA RAJARAJESHWAREE DEVI as one with rays that rain nectar,he himself will come to have an "amrita naadi",an ambrosial nerve,or we may take it that the amborsia in his sahasraraa will flow in the nerves. Such a man,one with who has his eyes with nectarine nerves,has to do no more than glance at one suffering from fever, and the fever will vanish in a trice."



The quote here is: "Jvaraaplustaan drstyaa sukhyaathi sudhaadhaarasirayaa"!




Also in the phala shruthi it is said Nakuleshwaree herself goes and attacks...here it means the "bad snake" posionous snake who is the enemy of the upasaka.


Om Nakuleshwaryai Namaha!


Kausthubhothkaarini mahyam mata Rajarajeshwaree Devi!


Yours yogically,


Shreeram Balijepalli











Purity, Powers, Parabrahmam...





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