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Anahata Nada

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Dear Rajarajeshwari Devotees and beyond,


There is unheard sound only the soul hears, thought of give this to the forum.





An Essay

Anahata Nada -Uncreated


By Mr. Roger Gould-King

AUM (The

most sacred symbol in Hinduism)






Mr. Roger Gould-King

Total silence is perfection. Silence is necessary for sound to

exist, it is the aural canvas for melody's brush in our three dimensional world. The

sounds we know are produced by at least two elements – the waves on a shore, wind in

the trees, the blades of a bagpipe reed vibrating together, two lips, drum and drumstick,

fingering a guitar string and so on.

One of the koans of Zen asks, " What is the sound of one hand clapping? " . This

sound is known in the Sanskrit tradition as " Anahata Nada, " the " Unmade

Sound " . This means a sound not made in the way we know of – it is the

" sound " of the universe, the primal sound of energy itself.

Ancient tradition says that the audible sound which most resembles this unmade sound is

the sound of " AUM " (OM). ( Brahma Randhra: Brahma-aperture; opening in the crown

of the head; " the tiniest of apertures, in which is the silent, primordial sound,

which gives you the impression that you are, but you really are not " (Nisargadatta)).

According to the Vedas, AUM is the most sacred of all words, out of which emanated the

universe. The symbol of both the personal God and the Brahman or Absolute. AUM is regarded

by Hindus as the greatest mantra being of incalculable spiritual potency.

Aum is not, in itself, the un-struck sound, but leads one to it. The mantra is composed

of four elements. Three are vocal sounds: A, U, and M, while the fourth element is the

silence which begins and ends the audible sound, the silence which supports it. The

objective of intoning AUM is not only the mantra itself, but the experience of perceiving

the unmade sound that supports it. This is the same as seeking the space which

" supports " the universe and its galaxies : the " emptiness " or

nothingness of space is necessary for the existence of everything seen and unseen.

Everything seen and unseen, heard and unheard, smelt and un-smelt, felt and unfelt,

tasted and un-tasted, are manifestations of pure energy. This energy is the

" container " for all things, and it is the seemingly elusive Source people have

given numerous names to – God, Self, Brahman , Godhead. The Absolute, the Supreme

Reality, the Ultimate Reality, Truth or the Self of the Vedanta Philosophy are also used

interchangeably for Brahman, and so on. Our interface with the material world is through

our senses and the interpretation of these sensations with our minds – our thoughts.

At a basic level, we tend to see things in their material form, not as energy manifested

in many different ways. We categorise created forms with labels, naming this form a rock,

that a rose, the other water, another a human being, and yet others as

" animals " . What we seek is LOVE, but in applying labels to created forms, we end

up with:

A weed is a flower that has never been loved

There are about 50 definitions of the word " love " in an English dictionary,

but not one equates love to " God " . In defining love in these many different

ways, we define our perception of everything, but if we become perfect Love ourselves, all

apparent differences disappear and we see things as they really are. There is no such

thing as " ugly " or " beautiful " , for these are only descriptions we

apply to describe our own perceptions of things we haven't yet seen as they see

themselves in their own created form; we seek to be ekanta vasa [ekaant vaas]: free from

mental concepts; " dwelling in mental solitude " .

While classification appears to be useful as a means of physical identification in a

three-dimensional world created in the mind, it is the major barrier to identifying

oneself with all created things that all came from the same Source, and this includes us.

From this Source we are born to don the garment of our bodies in order to experience this

world, and in the death of the body we " return " to the Source which we in fact,

never left : we are always part of this energy and it is only the manifestation of our

present life form coupled to the interference of our minds, which leads to the illusion

that each one of us is a " separate " person.

This essay is not about suggesting some " path " for someone to follow, because

a path implies distance, a distance separating oneself from the destination : Self, God,

Brahman. To go on some religious path or other often turns out to be like someone on one

of those exercise machine treadmills- one can walk forever and never get to the desired

destination because one never left it in the first place.


Chakras and the Natural Number series


Natural Number Series defined


Many years ago I was enthralled by the sight of a certain genus of flowering plant in a

remote mountainous area, being pollinated by bees called by the plants by their emission

of a distinct humming sound. After recording the television documentary, I checked the

frequency of the fundamental frequency generated by the plants and found it to be 432

Hertz, or cycles per second. This prompted me to place small battery powered sound

generators in the flower beds on my farm where I kept bee hives, and to discovering a

whole new world of plant and bee intelligence.

All life used to live in synergy, and still strives to, despite the decimation of the

environment by humankind. This interdependence establishes harmony on the physical and

spiritual planes, each life form being dependent on the other. The eradication of a

species creates an irreplaceable void which nature tries to balance as best it can, but

usually, this leads often to further extinction of other species because a fundamental

link in the material life form and spiritual chain has been destroyed.

The Natural Number series is formed by adding a succeeding number to the previous root

number, and is as follows :

0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144,233,377 … and so on. In other words, 5+8=13,

8+13=21, 21+13=34 etc. If one divides one number by another, one gets a ratio, 89/144=

0.618, or, 144/89 = 1.618, and, 144/233=0.618.

This ratio, known variously as the golden section, golden mean or divine proportion,

can be found everywhere in nature. It is represented by a rectangle in which the width

compared to the length, is in the same proportion as the length compared to the sum of the

width and length; i.e. " the smaller is to the larger, as the larger is to the

whole " . This sequence will be found in genetics and geometry, snail shells and in the

growth formations of plants and other life forms, including the proportions of the human



2 Chakras of the Head


If one assigns the value of one to the distance between the chin and the crown of the

human head, then 0.618 of this distance will be found to correspond exactly to the various

locations of the head chakras.

2.1 Location of Head Chakras

In his exhaustive definitive work on the chakras according to the traditional Indian

understanding, Layayoga - an Advanced Method of Concentration, Shyam Sundar Goswami,

citing many references, describes thirteen chakras altogether; the seven standard chakras

and six minor ones. The following lists the chakras according to the 13-chakra model.

The location of these chakras is shown in the drawing.





3. The thirteen chakras













above head








above head










mind origin






























roof of mouth

12 or 64























below heart








sternum base








below navel








base of spine









The same method for determining the location of the head

chakras, is used to locate those for the rest of the torso.

This is illustrated in the diagram.





The physical location of each chakra is important in terms of

its response to vibrations, i.e. tones, colours and so on.




4 Determination of the pitches for each chakra note


The standard Western musical scale is based on an equally tempered (also called the

12-tone chromatic) scale. In this scale, an octave consists of 12 equally spaced

frequencies, each note being 2^1/12 (twelfth root of 2) from the previous note, as shown

in the following table for the A440 musical scale. Therefore, the twelfth note is double

the frequency of the first note.




Musical Note





























440 x 2^1/12









440 x 2^2/12









440 x 2^3/12









440 x 2^4/12









440 x 2^5/12









440 x 2^6/12









440 x 2^7/12









440 x 2^8/12









440 x 2^9/12









440 x 2^10/12









440 x 2^11/12









440 x 2^12/12









The natural scale is the scale used by me for the chakras, and not the Western diatonic

scale per se. A long time ago the Highland bagpipe and other traditional instruments had a

fundamental " A " of 432Hz, but this was increased to 440Hz with advent of the

" standard " of 440, followed later by further increases in pitch to get pipe

bands to perform with brass bands and orchestras. This Westernisation of folk instruments

destroyed their inherent relationships with natural phenomena, and consequent loss of

spiritual synergy with nature.

The natural scale proposed is calculated on the harmonization of any note with the

upper harmonics of the fundamental A=432. These " natural " frequencies will in

turn harmonize with the relevant chakra centres in the body – as heard by the ears,

and interpreted by the brain as sound.




To hear what these notes actually sound like, the easiest thing to make is a set of

pitch pipes as illustrated. Any thin-walled tubing will do, such as bamboo or reed, or

even metal curtain rod. Closing one end of such a pipe and blowing across the open end

will produce a note of a pitch determined by the length of the pipe. The lengths of these

pipes is given in the preceding table, calculated for sea level at standard temperature.

To hear the sounds using your PC, use QBasic's SOUND function to write a simple

program to play the tones via your PC speaker – e.g. SOUND 432,18.2 will sound A for

1 second.


5 Colours


Like sound, colours vibrate at specific frequencies, and therefore have their

corresponding sound equivalents. Blue for example, vibrates at about 749.999 billion Hertz

or cycles per second, and corresponds to the throat chakra and sound frequency of G. Red

vibrates at half that of blue, and corresponds to Muladhara and C. Therefore sound and/or

colours can be used in conjunction with specific chakras.


6 Smell, Taste and Sensation

These three functions of the body all respond to vibrations. In meditation it is

important to try to harmonise these three as well. Sitting in a very hot and humid room,

surrounded by foul smells and having a bitter taste in the mouth, are not conducive to



7 Brain functions

The electroencephalograph (AKA. EEG) is a machine that monitors brainwave activity.

Laboratories have conducted many studies and experiments using these tools to understand

the four main brainwave patterns: BETA, ALPHA, THETA and DELTA.

Each frequency has a characteristic blueprint, and produces a distinctive state of

consciousness. BETA waves (14 cycles per second and above) dominate the normal waking

state of consciousness when attention is directed towards the outside world. ALPHA waves

(8-13 cycles-per second) are present during dreaming and light meditation when the eyes

are closed. THETA waves (4-7 cycles per second) occur in sleep and are dominant in the

higher state of mediation.

In deep meditation and deep sleep, DELTA waves (0.5 to 3 cycles per second) are

experienced. Each of these brainwave frequencies serves an important function. The optimum

level for deep no-thought is in the realm of THETA. When in THETA, the senses are

withdrawn from the external world and focused on the inner one. DELTA waves enable a total

disassociation from three-dimensional existence and provide the most profound feelings of

peace – and it is in this state that all life is " connected " directly to

Self – " God " .

In direct correlation, we see similar effects brought on by the constant and rhythmic

drone of Tibetan Buddhist chants, which transport the monks and even other listeners into

realms of meditation. These chants are at 432Hz in frequency, above or below this

fundamental by one octave – 432 = 4.5 x 8 x 3 x 2 x 2.

Like sound waves, the brain has its own set of vibrations it uses to communicate with

itself and the rest of the body. EEG equipment distinguishes these waves by measuring the

speed with which neurons fire in-cycles per second.

Beta waves range between 13-40 HZ. The beta state is associated with peak

concentration, heightened alertness and visual acuity. Nobel Prize Winner, Sir Francis

Crick and other scientists believe that the 40HZ beta frequency may be key to the act of


Alpha waves range between 7-12 HZ. This is a place of deep relaxation, but not quite

meditation. In Alpha, we begin to access the wealth of creativity that lies just below our

conscious awareness - it is the gateway, the entry point that leads into deeper states of


Theta waves range between 4-7 HZ. Theta is one of the more elusive and extraordinary

realms one can explore. It is also known as the twilight state which we normally only

experience briefly as we rise from delta upon waking, or drifting off to sleep. In theta

we are in a waking dream, vivid imagery flashes before the mind's eye and we are receptive

to information beyond our normal conscious awareness.

Delta waves range between 0-4 HZ. Delta is

associated with deep sleep.


8 Practical applications



>The foregoing sections detail briefly the physical aspects of intoning AUM as a

mantra to experience God, Self, Brahman , Godhead. The Absolute, the Supreme Reality, the

Ultimate Reality, Truth.

It is at the moment when the end of the mmm is reached and terminated, that the

" Silence " which is God, Self, Brahman , Godhead. The Absolute, the Supreme

Reality, the Ultimate Reality, Truth, is experienced. Once this experience is attained,

what one seeks has been identified as it were, and the destination of one's path has

been reached.

Please note that the intonation of any mantra can be done mentally, that is, it is not

necessary to do so audibly.

From this point on, the objective is to attain a constant state of one-ness with Self,

perfect bliss. It is then that one knows (as opposed to beliefs) that all life and every

creature has a soul, that all things are sacred.

I offer these thoughts to you in humility and pray that you will find them of interest,

and perhaps of use to you. I humbly offer this essay in the spirit of kshama-prarthana and

ask your forgiveness for the shortcomings and mistakes it may contain.


Roger Gould-King


South Africa

January 2002

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Guest guest

Dear Anand ji,


This is a nice posting. Roger Gould-King has come near one

monumental finding.If he found that out,he might become a Brahma-



Keep posting more such articles. It was a pleasure approving your



Yours yogically,




Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru , Tejaswi Srivvetsa

<tejaswi2@g...> wrote:

> Dear Rajarajeshwari Devotees and beyond,


> There is unheard sound only the soul hears, thought of give this

to the

> forum.


> Anand

> ========================================================


> An Essay


> Anahata Nada -Uncreated Sound

> By Mr. Roger Gould-King

> AUM (The most sacred symbol in Hinduism)


> [image: wpe2.jpg (61666 bytes)]



> Mr. Roger Gould-King

> Total silence is perfection. Silence is necessary for sound to

exist, it is

> the aural canvas for melody's brush in our three dimensional

world. The

> sounds we know are produced by at least two elements – the waves

on a shore,

> wind in the trees, the blades of a bagpipe reed vibrating

together, two

> lips, drum and drumstick, fingering a guitar string and so on.


> One of the koans of Zen asks, " What is the sound of one hand

clapping? " .

> This sound is known in the Sanskrit tradition as " Anahata Nada, "

the " Unmade

> Sound " . This means a sound not made in the way we know of – it is


> " sound " of the universe, the primal sound of energy itself.


> Ancient tradition says that the audible sound which most resembles


> unmade sound is the sound of " AUM " (OM). ( Brahma Randhra: Brahma-


> opening in the crown of the head; " the tiniest of apertures, in

which is the

> silent, primordial sound, which gives you the impression that you

are, but

> you really are not " (Nisargadatta)). According to the Vedas, AUM

is the most

> sacred of all words, out of which emanated the universe. The

symbol of both

> the personal God and the Brahman or Absolute. AUM is regarded by

Hindus as

> the greatest mantra being of incalculable spiritual potency.


> Aum is not, in itself, the un-struck sound, but leads one to it.

The mantra

> is composed of four elements. Three are vocal sounds: A, U, and M,

while the

> fourth element is the silence which begins and ends the audible

sound, the

> silence which supports it. The objective of intoning AUM is not

only the

> mantra itself, but the experience of perceiving the unmade sound


> supports it. This is the same as seeking the space

which " supports " the

> universe and its galaxies : the " emptiness " or nothingness of

space is

> necessary for the existence of everything seen and unseen.


> Everything seen and unseen, heard and unheard, smelt and un-smelt,

felt and

> unfelt, tasted and un-tasted, are manifestations of pure energy.

This energy

> is the " container " for all things, and it is the seemingly elusive


> people have given numerous names to – God, Self, Brahman ,

Godhead. The

> Absolute, the Supreme Reality, the Ultimate Reality, Truth or the

Self of

> the Vedanta Philosophy are also used interchangeably for Brahman,

and so on.

> Our interface with the material world is through our senses and


> interpretation of these sensations with our minds – our thoughts.

At a basic

> level, we tend to see things in their material form, not as energy

> manifested in many different ways. We categorise created forms

with labels,

> naming this form a rock, that a rose, the other water, another a


> being, and yet others as " animals " . What we seek is LOVE, but in


> labels to created forms, we end up with:


> A weed is a flower that has never been loved


> There are about 50 definitions of the word " love " in an English


> but not one equates love to " God " . In defining love in these many


> ways, we define our perception of everything, but if we become

perfect Love

> ourselves, all apparent differences disappear and we see things as


> really are. There is no such thing as " ugly " or " beautiful " , for

these are

> only descriptions we apply to describe our own perceptions of

things we

> haven't yet seen as they see themselves in their own created form;

we seek

> to be ekanta vasa [ekaant vaas]: free from mental

concepts; " dwelling in

> mental solitude " .


> While classification appears to be useful as a means of physical

> identification in a three-dimensional world created in the mind,

it is the

> major barrier to identifying oneself with all created things that

all came

> from the same Source, and this includes us. From this Source we

are born to

> don the garment of our bodies in order to experience this world,

and in the

> death of the body we " return " to the Source which we in fact,

never left :

> we are always part of this energy and it is only the manifestation

of our

> present life form coupled to the interference of our minds, which

leads to

> the illusion that each one of us is a " separate " person.


> This essay is not about suggesting some " path " for someone to


> because a path implies distance, a distance separating oneself

from the

> destination : Self, God, Brahman. To go on some religious path or


> often turns out to be like someone on one of those exercise


> treadmills- one can walk forever and never get to the desired


> because one never left it in the first place.


> Chakras and the Natural Number series


> Natural Number Series defined


> Many years ago I was enthralled by the sight of a certain genus of


> plant in a remote mountainous area, being pollinated by bees

called by the

> plants by their emission of a distinct humming sound. After

recording the

> television documentary, I checked the frequency of the fundamental


> generated by the plants and found it to be 432 Hertz, or cycles

per second.

> This prompted me to place small battery powered sound generators

in the

> flower beds on my farm where I kept bee hives, and to discovering

a whole

> new world of plant and bee intelligence.


> All life used to live in synergy, and still strives to, despite


> decimation of the environment by humankind. This interdependence


> harmony on the physical and spiritual planes, each life form being


> on the other. The eradication of a species creates an

irreplaceable void

> which nature tries to balance as best it can, but usually, this

leads often

> to further extinction of other species because a fundamental link

in the

> material life form and spiritual chain has been destroyed.


> The Natural Number series is formed by adding a succeeding number

to the

> previous root number, and is as follows :


> 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144,233,377 … and so on. In other


> 5+8=13, 8+13=21, 21+13=34 etc. If one divides one number by

another, one

> gets a ratio, 89/144= 0.618, or, 144/89 = 1.618, and,



> This ratio, known variously as the golden section, golden mean or


> proportion, can be found everywhere in nature. It is represented

by a

> rectangle in which the width compared to the length, is in the


> proportion as the length compared to the sum of the width and

length; i.e.

> " the smaller is to the larger, as the larger is to the whole " .

This sequence

> will be found in genetics and geometry, snail shells and in the


> formations of plants and other life forms, including the

proportions of the

> human body.


> 2 Chakras of the Head


> If one assigns the value of one to the distance between the chin

and the

> crown of the human head, then 0.618 of this distance will be found


> correspond exactly to the various locations of the head chakras.


> 2.1 Location of Head Chakras


> In his exhaustive definitive work on the chakras according to the

> traditional Indian understanding, Layayoga - an Advanced Method of

> Concentration, Shyam Sundar Goswami, citing many references,


> thirteen chakras altogether; the seven standard chakras and six

minor ones.

> The following lists the chakras according to the 13-chakra model.


> The location of these chakras is shown in the drawing.


> [image: wpe7.jpg (13625 bytes)]


> 3. The thirteen chakras

> *Chakra * *Location * *Petals * *Association * *Colour * *Tone

* Sahasrara

> above head 1000 transcendent gold 486 Guru above head 12

transcendent silver

> Nirvana crown 100 mind origin white Indu forehead 16 buddhi

> Manas forehead

> 6 chitta Ajna brow 2 manas violet 432 Talu/Lalana roof of

mouth 12 or 64

> Vishuddha throat 16 space blue 405 Anahata heart 12 air green

370 Hrit

> below heart 8 Manipura sternum base 10 fire yellow 324

Svadhistana below

> navel 6 water orange 288 Muladhara base of spine 4 earth red 270


> * *


> The same method for determining the location of the head

> chakras, is used to locate those for the rest of the torso.

> This is illustrated in the diagram.


> [image: wpe1.jpg (23275 bytes)]


> The physical location of each chakra is important in terms of

> its response to vibrations, i.e. tones, colours and so on.


> 4 Determination of the pitches for each chakra note


> The standard Western musical scale is based on an equally tempered


> called the 12-tone chromatic) scale. In this scale, an octave

consists of 12

> equally spaced frequencies, each note being 2^1/12 (twelfth root

of 2) from

> the previous note, as shown in the following table for the A440


> scale. Therefore, the twelfth note is double the frequency of the


> note.

> *Musical Note * *Frequency * *N * *Natural * *tube

> length * *Equivalent

> diatonic * Equation Hz Hz A 440 440.00 432.00 432 397mm do

A# 440 x

> 2^1/12 466.16 B 440 x 2^2/12 493.88 484.90 486 353mm re C

440 x 2^3/12

> 523.25 513.75 C# 440 x 2^4/12 554.37 544.29 540 318mm mi D

440 x 2^5/12

> 587.33 576.65 576 298mm fa D# 440 x 2^6/12 622.25 E 440 x


> 659.26 647.27 648 265mm sol F 440 x 2^8/12 698.46 F# 440 x


> 739.99 726.53 740 232mm la G 440 x 2^10/12 783.99 G# 440 x


> 830.61 815.51 810 212mm ti A2 440 x 2^12/12 880.00 864.00 do


> * *


> The natural scale is the scale used by me for the chakras, and not


> Western diatonic scale per se. A long time ago the Highland

bagpipe and

> other traditional instruments had a fundamental " A " of 432Hz, but

this was

> increased to 440Hz with advent of the " standard " of 440, followed

later by

> further increases in pitch to get pipe bands to perform with brass

bands and

> orchestras. This Westernisation of folk instruments destroyed

their inherent

> relationships with natural phenomena, and consequent loss of


> synergy with nature.


> The natural scale proposed is calculated on the harmonization of

any note

> with the upper harmonics of the fundamental A=432. These " natural "

> frequencies will in turn harmonize with the relevant chakra

centres in the

> body – as heard by the ears, and interpreted by the brain as sound.


> [image: wpeD.jpg (6650 bytes)]


> To hear what these notes actually sound like, the easiest thing

to make is

> a set of pitch pipes as illustrated. Any thin-walled tubing will

do, such as

> bamboo or reed, or even metal curtain rod. Closing one end of such

a pipe

> and blowing across the open end will produce a note of a pitch

determined by

> the length of the pipe. The lengths of these pipes is given in the


> table, calculated for sea level at standard temperature.


> To hear the sounds using your PC, use QBasic's SOUND function to

write a

> simple program to play the tones via your PC speaker – e.g. SOUND

> 432,18.2will sound A for 1 second.


> *5 Colours *


> Like sound, colours vibrate at specific frequencies, and therefore


> their corresponding sound equivalents. Blue for example, vibrates

at about

> 749.999 billion Hertz or cycles per second, and corresponds to the


> chakra and sound frequency of G. Red vibrates at half that of

blue, and

> corresponds to Muladhara and C. Therefore sound and/or colours can

be used

> in conjunction with specific chakras.

> * *


> *6 Smell, Taste and Sensation *


> These three functions of the body all respond to vibrations. In


> it is important to try to harmonise these three as well. Sitting

in a very

> hot and humid room, surrounded by foul smells and having a bitter

taste in

> the mouth, are not conducive to meditation.

> * *


> *7 Brain functions *


> The electroencephalograph (AKA. EEG) is a machine that monitors


> activity. Laboratories have conducted many studies and experiments


> these tools to understand the four main brainwave patterns: BETA,




> Each frequency has a characteristic blueprint, and produces a


> state of consciousness. BETA waves (14 cycles per second and

above) dominate

> the normal waking state of consciousness when attention is

directed towards

> the outside world. ALPHA waves (8-13 cycles-per second) are

present during

> dreaming and light meditation when the eyes are closed. THETA

waves (4-7

> cycles per second) occur in sleep and are dominant in the higher

state of

> mediation.


> In deep meditation and deep sleep, DELTA waves (0.5 to 3 cycles

per second)

> are experienced. Each of these brainwave frequencies serves an


> function. The optimum level for deep no-thought is in the realm of


> When in THETA, the senses are withdrawn from the external world

and focused

> on the inner one. DELTA waves enable a total disassociation from

> three-dimensional existence and provide the most profound feelings

of peace

> – and it is in this state that all life is " connected " directly to


> – " God " .


> In direct correlation, we see similar effects brought on by the

constant and

> rhythmic drone of Tibetan Buddhist chants, which transport the

monks and

> even other listeners into realms of meditation. These chants are

at 432Hz in

> frequency, above or below this fundamental by one octave – 432 =

4.5 x 8 x 3

> x 2 x 2.


> Like sound waves, the brain has its own set of vibrations it uses


> communicate with itself and the rest of the body. EEG equipment

> distinguishes these waves by measuring the speed with which

neurons fire

> in-cycles per second.


> Beta waves range between 13-40 HZ. The beta state is associated

with peak

> concentration, heightened alertness and visual acuity. Nobel Prize


> Sir Francis Crick and other scientists believe that the 40HZ beta


> may be key to the act of cognition.


> Alpha waves range between 7-12 HZ. This is a place of deep

relaxation, but

> not quite meditation. In Alpha, we begin to access the wealth of


> that lies just below our conscious awareness - it is the gateway,

the entry

> point that leads into deeper states of consciousness.


> Theta waves range between 4-7 HZ. Theta is one of the more elusive


> extraordinary realms one can explore. It is also known as the

twilight state

> which we normally only experience briefly as we rise from delta

upon waking,

> or drifting off to sleep. In theta we are in a waking dream, vivid


> flashes before the mind's eye and we are receptive to information

beyond our

> normal conscious awareness.


> Delta waves range between 0-4 HZ. Delta is

> associated with deep sleep.



> *8 Practical applications *


> [image: wpe10.jpg (3759 bytes)]


> >The foregoing sections detail briefly the physical aspects of

intoning AUM

> as a mantra to experience God, Self, Brahman , Godhead. The

Absolute, the

> Supreme Reality, the Ultimate Reality, Truth.


> It is at the moment when the end of the mmm is reached and

terminated, that

> the " Silence " which is God, Self, Brahman , Godhead. The Absolute,


> Supreme Reality, the Ultimate Reality, Truth, is experienced. Once


> experience is attained, what one seeks has been identified as it

were, and

> the destination of one's path has been reached.


> Please note that the intonation of any mantra can be done

mentally, that is,

> it is not necessary to do so audibly.


> From this point on, the objective is to attain a constant state of


> with Self, perfect bliss. It is then that one knows (as opposed to


> that all life and every creature has a soul, that all things are



> I offer these thoughts to you in humility and pray that you will

find them

> of interest, and perhaps of use to you. I humbly offer this essay

in the

> spirit of kshama-prarthana and ask your forgiveness for the

shortcomings and

> mistakes it may contain.


> Roger Gould-King

> Johannesburg

> South Africa

> January 2002

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Dear Anand ji,


You will be interested to know that Srividya has Fibonacci sereies

in it's avarana petals. I was discussing this with one Canadian

professor(a Palghat Iyer in one Canadian university) and

accidentally I found with his help certain other astounding

things,which are to be kept secretive. I did not show the results to

him also as it will be dissected by him by cold logic. So I took it

to my Gurunatha and he just smiled at that. And mind you he is just

a Bcom graduate!


The second thing about the golden ratio is common knowledge please

peruse my old posting on it in Ahetuki_kripa group.


Anahata Nata means the unheard sound. And it is here shiva resides.

Why can you guess?


When do you reach SAHAM as opposed to SOHAM?






Which is the union point in the Nada?


Think on these lines and also spanda and maatrikaa aksharaa...Rather

meditate on it and you will know a few things.I remain mum here

before elders of this group who have practiced certain things.There

is one member in our group I know who has sat on a mahameru and did

a particular kriya. It is highly secretive and it shows ways to the

theory of sounds. Iam yet to gain initiation into it. So cant say

much on things I dont know.

The greater part of srividya tantra is achieved only by sadhana and

not by rituals or knowledge or books or thinking alone. Tantra

sastra is said to be a sadhana sastra and that is why I have opted

for it as my path as Kali yuga fetches a faster result for small

sadhanas.Also this is an age of sadhanas. I feel so.Those who speak

of sadhanas and srividya or devi worship

as 'gibberish','mummery'or 'superstition' betray both their sheer

incapacity to do sadhanas and downright ignorance.


But the plague with srividya upasakas is that they tend to

intellectualize too much after reading books by Woodroffe or other

western authors. In other words they align themselves to the western

line of thought. You can align your mind like that but not truth

according to me. Aligning your mind to truth will produce the

necessary 'spanda' in you for verily that very truth you seek is

the 'spanda karika'!(I know sankhyavaadins may not agree with my

strange view of spandakarika...but i care aught!)


Let me tell you this much Anandji, Alaukikeeka jnaana does not come

merely by rituals or books but by surrender to one's guru and

sadhana. This coupled with reading a few good texts will take you to

places unheard of.This is my humble view. I beg ignorance and

immaturity if Iam wrong here.But Iam adamant with guru tatwa than

with vidya tatwa!


Finally these three things of sruthi maybe perused by you as a gift

from me!



1.Srotavyah-----Listening(Listening to the Guru inside(and ofcourse

outside too) you or rather as Roger puts it above your head where

your true guru lies in a chakra,this too is common knowledge for

srividya upasakas of good caliber....listening here also means

listening to the anahata.....which is possible by the circuit breaker

(electrical engineers please excuse this finance person here I speak

of circuit breaker in a metaphysical way where the internal matrix

or circuit is broken by guru)


2.Mantavayah-----Reasoning(Now reasoning is needed and is imperative

because one has to reason despite having blind faith in guru for you

to pass on the knowledge to your disciple. One good guru is world in

itself and equally true is one good disciple too...that is why i

always say to my friends....eka guru,eka shakthi and do not stop

there i also say ...eka shishya....though the last is not agreed to

by some because their gurus have multiple disciples!...Reasoning is

necessary for the Guru leela..this is the true saraamsaa of a guru

maya which is the greatest..greater than vishnu maya and even

greater than shiva maya and this maya can never be pierced that is

the reaosn why the chakra is above your head!(i just let out a

secret here!)...If guru maya is done a 'bheda' then he/she is not

your guru..you have to keep searching for your eka guru and also

simultaneously for your eka shishya too!Reasoning creates then a

circular process which splits the mind and gives a real spiritual



3.Nididhyaasitavyah--Pondering...this is the medicine,the balm to

that headache called reasoning. Reasoning and pondering initially

seem one and the same...but pondering is the meditative state you

enter when your ''guru'' takes ompassion on you and takes you to

himself/herself and then you attain the undifferentiated state.


The above views are purely mine and you will find in no book all

these written by me so if there are any defects it is purely mine

and if there are any credits it goes to my guru Rajagopala swami of



Aham Devi Nachaanyosmi...Nay! ...I will put it like this...Aham

mamaguru Nachaanyosmi....


Gurvoham!( na thu garvoham!)


Hope you understand sanskrit which i have used above!


Yours yogically,


Shreeram Balijepalli


ps: Bible says that conversations among good and wise people

produces many sparks...Amen to that thought!

Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru , Tejaswi Srivvetsa

<tejaswi2@g...> wrote:

> Dear Rajarajeshwari Devotees and beyond,


> There is unheard sound only the soul hears, thought of give this

to the

> forum.


> Anand

> ========================================================


> An Essay


> Anahata Nada -Uncreated Sound

> By Mr. Roger Gould-King

> AUM (The most sacred symbol in Hinduism)


> [image: wpe2.jpg (61666 bytes)]



> Mr. Roger Gould-King

> Total silence is perfection. Silence is necessary for sound to

exist, it is

> the aural canvas for melody's brush in our three dimensional

world. The

> sounds we know are produced by at least two elements – the waves

on a shore,

> wind in the trees, the blades of a bagpipe reed vibrating

together, two

> lips, drum and drumstick, fingering a guitar string and so on.


> One of the koans of Zen asks, " What is the sound of one hand

clapping? " .

> This sound is known in the Sanskrit tradition as " Anahata Nada, "

the " Unmade

> Sound " . This means a sound not made in the way we know of – it is


> " sound " of the universe, the primal sound of energy itself.


> Ancient tradition says that the audible sound which most resembles


> unmade sound is the sound of " AUM " (OM). ( Brahma Randhra: Brahma-


> opening in the crown of the head; " the tiniest of apertures, in

which is the

> silent, primordial sound, which gives you the impression that you

are, but

> you really are not " (Nisargadatta)). According to the Vedas, AUM

is the most

> sacred of all words, out of which emanated the universe. The

symbol of both

> the personal God and the Brahman or Absolute. AUM is regarded by

Hindus as

> the greatest mantra being of incalculable spiritual potency.


> Aum is not, in itself, the un-struck sound, but leads one to it.

The mantra

> is composed of four elements. Three are vocal sounds: A, U, and M,

while the

> fourth element is the silence which begins and ends the audible

sound, the

> silence which supports it. The objective of intoning AUM is not

only the

> mantra itself, but the experience of perceiving the unmade sound


> supports it. This is the same as seeking the space

which " supports " the

> universe and its galaxies : the " emptiness " or nothingness of

space is

> necessary for the existence of everything seen and unseen.


> Everything seen and unseen, heard and unheard, smelt and un-smelt,

felt and

> unfelt, tasted and un-tasted, are manifestations of pure energy.

This energy

> is the " container " for all things, and it is the seemingly elusive


> people have given numerous names to – God, Self, Brahman ,

Godhead. The

> Absolute, the Supreme Reality, the Ultimate Reality, Truth or the

Self of

> the Vedanta Philosophy are also used interchangeably for Brahman,

and so on.

> Our interface with the material world is through our senses and


> interpretation of these sensations with our minds – our thoughts.

At a basic

> level, we tend to see things in their material form, not as energy

> manifested in many different ways. We categorise created forms

with labels,

> naming this form a rock, that a rose, the other water, another a


> being, and yet others as " animals " . What we seek is LOVE, but in


> labels to created forms, we end up with:


> A weed is a flower that has never been loved


> There are about 50 definitions of the word " love " in an English


> but not one equates love to " God " . In defining love in these many


> ways, we define our perception of everything, but if we become

perfect Love

> ourselves, all apparent differences disappear and we see things as


> really are. There is no such thing as " ugly " or " beautiful " , for

these are

> only descriptions we apply to describe our own perceptions of

things we

> haven't yet seen as they see themselves in their own created form;

we seek

> to be ekanta vasa [ekaant vaas]: free from mental

concepts; " dwelling in

> mental solitude " .


> While classification appears to be useful as a means of physical

> identification in a three-dimensional world created in the mind,

it is the

> major barrier to identifying oneself with all created things that

all came

> from the same Source, and this includes us. From this Source we

are born to

> don the garment of our bodies in order to experience this world,

and in the

> death of the body we " return " to the Source which we in fact,

never left :

> we are always part of this energy and it is only the manifestation

of our

> present life form coupled to the interference of our minds, which

leads to

> the illusion that each one of us is a " separate " person.


> This essay is not about suggesting some " path " for someone to


> because a path implies distance, a distance separating oneself

from the

> destination : Self, God, Brahman. To go on some religious path or


> often turns out to be like someone on one of those exercise


> treadmills- one can walk forever and never get to the desired


> because one never left it in the first place.


> Chakras and the Natural Number series


> Natural Number Series defined


> Many years ago I was enthralled by the sight of a certain genus of


> plant in a remote mountainous area, being pollinated by bees

called by the

> plants by their emission of a distinct humming sound. After

recording the

> television documentary, I checked the frequency of the fundamental


> generated by the plants and found it to be 432 Hertz, or cycles

per second.

> This prompted me to place small battery powered sound generators

in the

> flower beds on my farm where I kept bee hives, and to discovering

a whole

> new world of plant and bee intelligence.


> All life used to live in synergy, and still strives to, despite


> decimation of the environment by humankind. This interdependence


> harmony on the physical and spiritual planes, each life form being


> on the other. The eradication of a species creates an

irreplaceable void

> which nature tries to balance as best it can, but usually, this

leads often

> to further extinction of other species because a fundamental link

in the

> material life form and spiritual chain has been destroyed.


> The Natural Number series is formed by adding a succeeding number

to the

> previous root number, and is as follows :


> 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144,233,377 … and so on. In other


> 5+8=13, 8+13=21, 21+13=34 etc. If one divides one number by

another, one

> gets a ratio, 89/144= 0.618, or, 144/89 = 1.618, and,



> This ratio, known variously as the golden section, golden mean or


> proportion, can be found everywhere in nature. It is represented

by a

> rectangle in which the width compared to the length, is in the


> proportion as the length compared to the sum of the width and

length; i.e.

> " the smaller is to the larger, as the larger is to the whole " .

This sequence

> will be found in genetics and geometry, snail shells and in the


> formations of plants and other life forms, including the

proportions of the

> human body.


> 2 Chakras of the Head


> If one assigns the value of one to the distance between the chin

and the

> crown of the human head, then 0.618 of this distance will be found


> correspond exactly to the various locations of the head chakras.


> 2.1 Location of Head Chakras


> In his exhaustive definitive work on the chakras according to the

> traditional Indian understanding, Layayoga - an Advanced Method of

> Concentration, Shyam Sundar Goswami, citing many references,


> thirteen chakras altogether; the seven standard chakras and six

minor ones.

> The following lists the chakras according to the 13-chakra model.


> The location of these chakras is shown in the drawing.


> [image: wpe7.jpg (13625 bytes)]


> 3. The thirteen chakras

> *Chakra * *Location * *Petals * *Association * *Colour * *Tone

* Sahasrara

> above head 1000 transcendent gold 486 Guru above head 12

transcendent silver

> Nirvana crown 100 mind origin white Indu forehead 16 buddhi

> Manas forehead

> 6 chitta Ajna brow 2 manas violet 432 Talu/Lalana roof of

mouth 12 or 64

> Vishuddha throat 16 space blue 405 Anahata heart 12 air green

370 Hrit

> below heart 8 Manipura sternum base 10 fire yellow 324

Svadhistana below

> navel 6 water orange 288 Muladhara base of spine 4 earth red 270


> * *


> The same method for determining the location of the head

> chakras, is used to locate those for the rest of the torso.

> This is illustrated in the diagram.


> [image: wpe1.jpg (23275 bytes)]


> The physical location of each chakra is important in terms of

> its response to vibrations, i.e. tones, colours and so on.


> 4 Determination of the pitches for each chakra note


> The standard Western musical scale is based on an equally tempered


> called the 12-tone chromatic) scale. In this scale, an octave

consists of 12

> equally spaced frequencies, each note being 2^1/12 (twelfth root

of 2) from

> the previous note, as shown in the following table for the A440


> scale. Therefore, the twelfth note is double the frequency of the


> note.

> *Musical Note * *Frequency * *N * *Natural * *tube

> length * *Equivalent

> diatonic * Equation Hz Hz A 440 440.00 432.00 432 397mm do

A# 440 x

> 2^1/12 466.16 B 440 x 2^2/12 493.88 484.90 486 353mm re C

440 x 2^3/12

> 523.25 513.75 C# 440 x 2^4/12 554.37 544.29 540 318mm mi D

440 x 2^5/12

> 587.33 576.65 576 298mm fa D# 440 x 2^6/12 622.25 E 440 x


> 659.26 647.27 648 265mm sol F 440 x 2^8/12 698.46 F# 440 x


> 739.99 726.53 740 232mm la G 440 x 2^10/12 783.99 G# 440 x


> 830.61 815.51 810 212mm ti A2 440 x 2^12/12 880.00 864.00 do


> * *


> The natural scale is the scale used by me for the chakras, and not


> Western diatonic scale per se. A long time ago the Highland

bagpipe and

> other traditional instruments had a fundamental " A " of 432Hz, but

this was

> increased to 440Hz with advent of the " standard " of 440, followed

later by

> further increases in pitch to get pipe bands to perform with brass

bands and

> orchestras. This Westernisation of folk instruments destroyed

their inherent

> relationships with natural phenomena, and consequent loss of


> synergy with nature.


> The natural scale proposed is calculated on the harmonization of

any note

> with the upper harmonics of the fundamental A=432. These " natural "

> frequencies will in turn harmonize with the relevant chakra

centres in the

> body – as heard by the ears, and interpreted by the brain as sound.


> [image: wpeD.jpg (6650 bytes)]


> To hear what these notes actually sound like, the easiest thing

to make is

> a set of pitch pipes as illustrated. Any thin-walled tubing will

do, such as

> bamboo or reed, or even metal curtain rod. Closing one end of such

a pipe

> and blowing across the open end will produce a note of a pitch

determined by

> the length of the pipe. The lengths of these pipes is given in the


> table, calculated for sea level at standard temperature.


> To hear the sounds using your PC, use QBasic's SOUND function to

write a

> simple program to play the tones via your PC speaker – e.g. SOUND

> 432,18.2will sound A for 1 second.


> *5 Colours *


> Like sound, colours vibrate at specific frequencies, and therefore


> their corresponding sound equivalents. Blue for example, vibrates

at about

> 749.999 billion Hertz or cycles per second, and corresponds to the


> chakra and sound frequency of G. Red vibrates at half that of

blue, and

> corresponds to Muladhara and C. Therefore sound and/or colours can

be used

> in conjunction with specific chakras.

> * *


> *6 Smell, Taste and Sensation *


> These three functions of the body all respond to vibrations. In


> it is important to try to harmonise these three as well. Sitting

in a very

> hot and humid room, surrounded by foul smells and having a bitter

taste in

> the mouth, are not conducive to meditation.

> * *


> *7 Brain functions *


> The electroencephalograph (AKA. EEG) is a machine that monitors


> activity. Laboratories have conducted many studies and experiments


> these tools to understand the four main brainwave patterns: BETA,




> Each frequency has a characteristic blueprint, and produces a


> state of consciousness. BETA waves (14 cycles per second and

above) dominate

> the normal waking state of consciousness when attention is

directed towards

> the outside world. ALPHA waves (8-13 cycles-per second) are

present during

> dreaming and light meditation when the eyes are closed. THETA

waves (4-7

> cycles per second) occur in sleep and are dominant in the higher

state of

> mediation.


> In deep meditation and deep sleep, DELTA waves (0.5 to 3 cycles

per second)

> are experienced. Each of these brainwave frequencies serves an


> function. The optimum level for deep no-thought is in the realm of


> When in THETA, the senses are withdrawn from the external world

and focused

> on the inner one. DELTA waves enable a total disassociation from

> three-dimensional existence and provide the most profound feelings

of peace

> – and it is in this state that all life is " connected " directly to


> – " God " .


> In direct correlation, we see similar effects brought on by the

constant and

> rhythmic drone of Tibetan Buddhist chants, which transport the

monks and

> even other listeners into realms of meditation. These chants are

at 432Hz in

> frequency, above or below this fundamental by one octave – 432 =

4.5 x 8 x 3

> x 2 x 2.


> Like sound waves, the brain has its own set of vibrations it uses


> communicate with itself and the rest of the body. EEG equipment

> distinguishes these waves by measuring the speed with which

neurons fire

> in-cycles per second.


> Beta waves range between 13-40 HZ. The beta state is associated

with peak

> concentration, heightened alertness and visual acuity. Nobel Prize


> Sir Francis Crick and other scientists believe that the 40HZ beta


> may be key to the act of cognition.


> Alpha waves range between 7-12 HZ. This is a place of deep

relaxation, but

> not quite meditation. In Alpha, we begin to access the wealth of


> that lies just below our conscious awareness - it is the gateway,

the entry

> point that leads into deeper states of consciousness.


> Theta waves range between 4-7 HZ. Theta is one of the more elusive


> extraordinary realms one can explore. It is also known as the

twilight state

> which we normally only experience briefly as we rise from delta

upon waking,

> or drifting off to sleep. In theta we are in a waking dream, vivid


> flashes before the mind's eye and we are receptive to information

beyond our

> normal conscious awareness.


> Delta waves range between 0-4 HZ. Delta is

> associated with deep sleep.



> *8 Practical applications *


> [image: wpe10.jpg (3759 bytes)]


> >The foregoing sections detail briefly the physical aspects of

intoning AUM

> as a mantra to experience God, Self, Brahman , Godhead. The

Absolute, the

> Supreme Reality, the Ultimate Reality, Truth.


> It is at the moment when the end of the mmm is reached and

terminated, that

> the " Silence " which is God, Self, Brahman , Godhead. The Absolute,


> Supreme Reality, the Ultimate Reality, Truth, is experienced. Once


> experience is attained, what one seeks has been identified as it

were, and

> the destination of one's path has been reached.


> Please note that the intonation of any mantra can be done

mentally, that is,

> it is not necessary to do so audibly.


> From this point on, the objective is to attain a constant state of


> with Self, perfect bliss. It is then that one knows (as opposed to


> that all life and every creature has a soul, that all things are



> I offer these thoughts to you in humility and pray that you will

find them

> of interest, and perhaps of use to you. I humbly offer this essay

in the

> spirit of kshama-prarthana and ask your forgiveness for the

shortcomings and

> mistakes it may contain.


> Roger Gould-King

> Johannesburg

> South Africa

> January 2002

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I just h join this group today..


You mat also like to read a free Ebook by Pandit Sri Ram sharma

Acharya titled " Eternity of Sound and Science of Mantra. This book is

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Please let me know if you like the book. you may also like the book

titled: Music -- the nector of life..







Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru , Tejaswi Srivvetsa

<tejaswi2@g...> wrote:

> Dear Rajarajeshwari Devotees and beyond,


> There is unheard sound only the soul hears, thought of give this to


> forum.


> Anand

> ========================================================


> An Essay


> Anahata Nada -Uncreated Sound

> By Mr. Roger Gould-King

> AUM (The most sacred symbol in Hinduism)


> [image: wpe2.jpg (61666 bytes)]



> Mr. Roger Gould-King

> Total silence is perfection. Silence is necessary for sound to

exist, it is

> the aural canvas for melody's brush in our three dimensional world.


> sounds we know are produced by at least two elements – the waves on

a shore,

> wind in the trees, the blades of a bagpipe reed vibrating together,


> lips, drum and drumstick, fingering a guitar string and so on.


> One of the koans of Zen asks, " What is the sound of one hand

clapping? " .

> This sound is known in the Sanskrit tradition as " Anahata Nada, "

the " Unmade

> Sound " . This means a sound not made in the way we know of – it is


> " sound " of the universe, the primal sound of energy itself.


> Ancient tradition says that the audible sound which most resembles


> unmade sound is the sound of " AUM " (OM). ( Brahma Randhra: Brahma-


> opening in the crown of the head; " the tiniest of apertures, in

which is the

> silent, primordial sound, which gives you the impression that you

are, but

> you really are not " (Nisargadatta)). According to the Vedas, AUM is

the most

> sacred of all words, out of which emanated the universe. The symbol

of both

> the personal God and the Brahman or Absolute. AUM is regarded by

Hindus as

> the greatest mantra being of incalculable spiritual potency.


> Aum is not, in itself, the un-struck sound, but leads one to it.

The mantra

> is composed of four elements. Three are vocal sounds: A, U, and M,

while the

> fourth element is the silence which begins and ends the audible

sound, the

> silence which supports it. The objective of intoning AUM is not

only the

> mantra itself, but the experience of perceiving the unmade sound


> supports it. This is the same as seeking the space which " supports "


> universe and its galaxies : the " emptiness " or nothingness of space


> necessary for the existence of everything seen and unseen.


> Everything seen and unseen, heard and unheard, smelt and un-smelt,

felt and

> unfelt, tasted and un-tasted, are manifestations of pure energy.

This energy

> is the " container " for all things, and it is the seemingly elusive


> people have given numerous names to – God, Self, Brahman , Godhead.


> Absolute, the Supreme Reality, the Ultimate Reality, Truth or the

Self of

> the Vedanta Philosophy are also used interchangeably for Brahman,

and so on.

> Our interface with the material world is through our senses and the

> interpretation of these sensations with our minds – our thoughts.

At a basic

> level, we tend to see things in their material form, not as energy

> manifested in many different ways. We categorise created forms with


> naming this form a rock, that a rose, the other water, another a


> being, and yet others as " animals " . What we seek is LOVE, but in


> labels to created forms, we end up with:


> A weed is a flower that has never been loved


> There are about 50 definitions of the word " love " in an English


> but not one equates love to " God " . In defining love in these many


> ways, we define our perception of everything, but if we become

perfect Love

> ourselves, all apparent differences disappear and we see things as


> really are. There is no such thing as " ugly " or " beautiful " , for

these are

> only descriptions we apply to describe our own perceptions of

things we

> haven't yet seen as they see themselves in their own created form;

we seek

> to be ekanta vasa [ekaant vaas]: free from mental

concepts; " dwelling in

> mental solitude " .


> While classification appears to be useful as a means of physical

> identification in a three-dimensional world created in the mind, it

is the

> major barrier to identifying oneself with all created things that

all came

> from the same Source, and this includes us. From this Source we are

born to

> don the garment of our bodies in order to experience this world,

and in the

> death of the body we " return " to the Source which we in fact, never

left :

> we are always part of this energy and it is only the manifestation

of our

> present life form coupled to the interference of our minds, which

leads to

> the illusion that each one of us is a " separate " person.


> This essay is not about suggesting some " path " for someone to


> because a path implies distance, a distance separating oneself from


> destination : Self, God, Brahman. To go on some religious path or


> often turns out to be like someone on one of those exercise machine

> treadmills- one can walk forever and never get to the desired


> because one never left it in the first place.


> Chakras and the Natural Number series


> Natural Number Series defined


> Many years ago I was enthralled by the sight of a certain genus of


> plant in a remote mountainous area, being pollinated by bees called

by the

> plants by their emission of a distinct humming sound. After

recording the

> television documentary, I checked the frequency of the fundamental


> generated by the plants and found it to be 432 Hertz, or cycles per


> This prompted me to place small battery powered sound generators in


> flower beds on my farm where I kept bee hives, and to discovering a


> new world of plant and bee intelligence.


> All life used to live in synergy, and still strives to, despite the

> decimation of the environment by humankind. This interdependence


> harmony on the physical and spiritual planes, each life form being


> on the other. The eradication of a species creates an irreplaceable


> which nature tries to balance as best it can, but usually, this

leads often

> to further extinction of other species because a fundamental link

in the

> material life form and spiritual chain has been destroyed.


> The Natural Number series is formed by adding a succeeding number

to the

> previous root number, and is as follows :


> 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144,233,377 … and so on. In other


> 5+8=13, 8+13=21, 21+13=34 etc. If one divides one number by

another, one

> gets a ratio, 89/144= 0.618, or, 144/89 = 1.618, and, 144/233=0.618.


> This ratio, known variously as the golden section, golden mean or


> proportion, can be found everywhere in nature. It is represented by


> rectangle in which the width compared to the length, is in the same

> proportion as the length compared to the sum of the width and

length; i.e.

> " the smaller is to the larger, as the larger is to the whole " . This


> will be found in genetics and geometry, snail shells and in the


> formations of plants and other life forms, including the

proportions of the

> human body.


> 2 Chakras of the Head


> If one assigns the value of one to the distance between the chin

and the

> crown of the human head, then 0.618 of this distance will be found


> correspond exactly to the various locations of the head chakras.


> 2.1 Location of Head Chakras


> In his exhaustive definitive work on the chakras according to the

> traditional Indian understanding, Layayoga - an Advanced Method of

> Concentration, Shyam Sundar Goswami, citing many references,


> thirteen chakras altogether; the seven standard chakras and six

minor ones.

> The following lists the chakras according to the 13-chakra model.


> The location of these chakras is shown in the drawing.


> [image: wpe7.jpg (13625 bytes)]


> 3. The thirteen chakras

> *Chakra * *Location * *Petals * *Association * *Colour * *Tone *


> above head 1000 transcendent gold 486 Guru above head 12

transcendent silver

> Nirvana crown 100 mind origin white Indu forehead 16 buddhi

> Manas forehead

> 6 chitta Ajna brow 2 manas violet 432 Talu/Lalana roof of mouth

12 or 64

> Vishuddha throat 16 space blue 405 Anahata heart 12 air green

370 Hrit

> below heart 8 Manipura sternum base 10 fire yellow 324

Svadhistana below

> navel 6 water orange 288 Muladhara base of spine 4 earth red 270


> * *


> The same method for determining the location of the head

> chakras, is used to locate those for the rest of the torso.

> This is illustrated in the diagram.


> [image: wpe1.jpg (23275 bytes)]


> The physical location of each chakra is important in terms of

> its response to vibrations, i.e. tones, colours and so on.


> 4 Determination of the pitches for each chakra note


> The standard Western musical scale is based on an equally tempered


> called the 12-tone chromatic) scale. In this scale, an octave

consists of 12

> equally spaced frequencies, each note being 2^1/12 (twelfth root of

2) from

> the previous note, as shown in the following table for the A440


> scale. Therefore, the twelfth note is double the frequency of the


> note.

> *Musical Note * *Frequency * *N * *Natural * *tube

> length * *Equivalent

> diatonic * Equation Hz Hz A 440 440.00 432.00 432 397mm do A#

440 x

> 2^1/12 466.16 B 440 x 2^2/12 493.88 484.90 486 353mm re C 440

x 2^3/12

> 523.25 513.75 C# 440 x 2^4/12 554.37 544.29 540 318mm mi D 440

x 2^5/12

> 587.33 576.65 576 298mm fa D# 440 x 2^6/12 622.25 E 440 x


> 659.26 647.27 648 265mm sol F 440 x 2^8/12 698.46 F# 440 x


> 739.99 726.53 740 232mm la G 440 x 2^10/12 783.99 G# 440 x


> 830.61 815.51 810 212mm ti A2 440 x 2^12/12 880.00 864.00 do


> * *


> The natural scale is the scale used by me for the chakras, and not


> Western diatonic scale per se. A long time ago the Highland bagpipe


> other traditional instruments had a fundamental " A " of 432Hz, but

this was

> increased to 440Hz with advent of the " standard " of 440, followed

later by

> further increases in pitch to get pipe bands to perform with brass

bands and

> orchestras. This Westernisation of folk instruments destroyed their


> relationships with natural phenomena, and consequent loss of


> synergy with nature.


> The natural scale proposed is calculated on the harmonization of

any note

> with the upper harmonics of the fundamental A=432. These " natural "

> frequencies will in turn harmonize with the relevant chakra centres

in the

> body – as heard by the ears, and interpreted by the brain as sound.


> [image: wpeD.jpg (6650 bytes)]


> To hear what these notes actually sound like, the easiest thing to

make is

> a set of pitch pipes as illustrated. Any thin-walled tubing will

do, such as

> bamboo or reed, or even metal curtain rod. Closing one end of such

a pipe

> and blowing across the open end will produce a note of a pitch

determined by

> the length of the pipe. The lengths of these pipes is given in the


> table, calculated for sea level at standard temperature.


> To hear the sounds using your PC, use QBasic's SOUND function to

write a

> simple program to play the tones via your PC speaker – e.g. SOUND

> 432,18.2will sound A for 1 second.


> *5 Colours *


> Like sound, colours vibrate at specific frequencies, and therefore


> their corresponding sound equivalents. Blue for example, vibrates

at about

> 749.999 billion Hertz or cycles per second, and corresponds to the


> chakra and sound frequency of G. Red vibrates at half that of blue,


> corresponds to Muladhara and C. Therefore sound and/or colours can

be used

> in conjunction with specific chakras.

> * *


> *6 Smell, Taste and Sensation *


> These three functions of the body all respond to vibrations. In


> it is important to try to harmonise these three as well. Sitting in

a very

> hot and humid room, surrounded by foul smells and having a bitter

taste in

> the mouth, are not conducive to meditation.

> * *


> *7 Brain functions *


> The electroencephalograph (AKA. EEG) is a machine that monitors


> activity. Laboratories have conducted many studies and experiments


> these tools to understand the four main brainwave patterns: BETA,




> Each frequency has a characteristic blueprint, and produces a


> state of consciousness. BETA waves (14 cycles per second and above)


> the normal waking state of consciousness when attention is directed


> the outside world. ALPHA waves (8-13 cycles-per second) are present


> dreaming and light meditation when the eyes are closed. THETA waves


> cycles per second) occur in sleep and are dominant in the higher

state of

> mediation.


> In deep meditation and deep sleep, DELTA waves (0.5 to 3 cycles per


> are experienced. Each of these brainwave frequencies serves an


> function. The optimum level for deep no-thought is in the realm of


> When in THETA, the senses are withdrawn from the external world and


> on the inner one. DELTA waves enable a total disassociation from

> three-dimensional existence and provide the most profound feelings

of peace

> – and it is in this state that all life is " connected " directly to


> – " God " .


> In direct correlation, we see similar effects brought on by the

constant and

> rhythmic drone of Tibetan Buddhist chants, which transport the

monks and

> even other listeners into realms of meditation. These chants are at

432Hz in

> frequency, above or below this fundamental by one octave – 432 =

4.5 x 8 x 3

> x 2 x 2.


> Like sound waves, the brain has its own set of vibrations it uses


> communicate with itself and the rest of the body. EEG equipment

> distinguishes these waves by measuring the speed with which neurons


> in-cycles per second.


> Beta waves range between 13-40 HZ. The beta state is associated

with peak

> concentration, heightened alertness and visual acuity. Nobel Prize


> Sir Francis Crick and other scientists believe that the 40HZ beta


> may be key to the act of cognition.


> Alpha waves range between 7-12 HZ. This is a place of deep

relaxation, but

> not quite meditation. In Alpha, we begin to access the wealth of


> that lies just below our conscious awareness - it is the gateway,

the entry

> point that leads into deeper states of consciousness.


> Theta waves range between 4-7 HZ. Theta is one of the more elusive


> extraordinary realms one can explore. It is also known as the

twilight state

> which we normally only experience briefly as we rise from delta

upon waking,

> or drifting off to sleep. In theta we are in a waking dream, vivid


> flashes before the mind's eye and we are receptive to information

beyond our

> normal conscious awareness.


> Delta waves range between 0-4 HZ. Delta is

> associated with deep sleep.



> *8 Practical applications *


> [image: wpe10.jpg (3759 bytes)]


> >The foregoing sections detail briefly the physical aspects of

intoning AUM

> as a mantra to experience God, Self, Brahman , Godhead. The

Absolute, the

> Supreme Reality, the Ultimate Reality, Truth.


> It is at the moment when the end of the mmm is reached and

terminated, that

> the " Silence " which is God, Self, Brahman , Godhead. The Absolute,


> Supreme Reality, the Ultimate Reality, Truth, is experienced. Once


> experience is attained, what one seeks has been identified as it

were, and

> the destination of one's path has been reached.


> Please note that the intonation of any mantra can be done mentally,

that is,

> it is not necessary to do so audibly.


> From this point on, the objective is to attain a constant state of


> with Self, perfect bliss. It is then that one knows (as opposed to


> that all life and every creature has a soul, that all things are



> I offer these thoughts to you in humility and pray that you will

find them

> of interest, and perhaps of use to you. I humbly offer this essay

in the

> spirit of kshama-prarthana and ask your forgiveness for the

shortcomings and

> mistakes it may contain.


> Roger Gould-King

> Johannesburg

> South Africa

> January 2002

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